Awake America
America Awake
The serpent’s in your garden
And Hannibal at your gateGlory, greed, and gluttony
The war of sins play on
Master, martyr, emperor
So sate you on your young© Jill Stone
My good friend Jill shared this poem she’d written with me. With her permission, I wanted to share it with you.
Here’s hoping that more Americans wake up this week to the great danger we face, the great danger we’ve become.
Crossposted from Liberal Street Fighter.
A couple lines from “The Power of Lard” (1989, J. Biafra)
We all must become alarm clocks
of poetry. That is why totalitarian governments begin with arresting the poets, writers, artists…
This poem makes me wonder what Denise Levertov would write in these times.
Will appeal to more people than AG’s–Wake the fuck up!