5:10 IS a wee bit early…my canine crew waited until 5:30, but it’s so light out by then that they won’t wait anymore. At least it looks like a nice sunny day today. I hope it’s warm for change.
Still counting…but it’s raindrops right now. Big storm coming in for the next two days. I am so hoping the weather clears before the Tribe members arrive on Friday. Hope you all have a wonderful day. I am going to try and get a little more sleep. See you all later!
None. My sister-in-law does all that. I just weed the beds. I can’t make anything grow and she loves to plant things. Now if I could only make my non-green thumb work on grass I would be happy.
Oh you’re so lucky. Yes some on us have weighty matter on our shoulders. I know if I didn’t do the lawn, trains and planes wouldn’t run on time and the world as we know it would end. See what I do for all of you.
And now I’m ready to scream at my son’s teacher…they have a writing assignment on talking someone out of drinking and driving. Which hits too close to home for children with an alcoholic parent. Why the hell do they do this crap? Why can’t they have some selection of topics to write about? My son has been crying on and off for the last 15 hours over this.
I am ready to spit nails now.
(Sorry, I am just furious over the insensitivity of the school.)
It’s hard enough dealing with the impact of my ex-husband from a distance…it is absolutely outrageous that my son has to have that crap shoved in his face at school with no other options, and then be chastised by his teacher for not writing the paper.
Talk about handling your adolescent peers in a group setting. The rest of it though……if it’s an adult I ask for keys once and I might josh around and goof around a bit but I’m not dedicating my life to convincing someone to do something that if it takes that much out of me to do they will only do the opposite of the next time. After that I call the police as they leave. Talking someone out of drinking and driving??????…..it’s like teaching our kids how to be codependent!
This is too weird…..the teacher must have issues or something. Maybe a family member hurt by drunk driving? The police are still the best at handling such things and not a fifth grade child. So sorry Cabin family!
They ought to know that certain subjects are going to be painful for certain kids and at the first sign of discomfort invite them to write about another subject. You shouldn’t have had to ask twice.
This is part of the DARE thing…which was unpleasant for my older son as well.
To be fair, the school is unaware of why this would be a problem for CBtY, but they should be more sensitive to why someone would refuse to do the paper.
with a fresh dryer sheet fitted around one end of it with a ponytail holder. I thought they had some new damn drug out there that I wasn’t aware of. Grilled my daughter and guess what……you blow cigarette smoke through the dryer sheet so hopefully your parents don’t smell the smoke. Teenagers make me tired……I feel tired just spelling the word right now.
I’d be a little skeptical that it was tobacco smoke they were trying to conceal. That’s an old pot smokers trick.
But actually it works better to blow into a rolled up towel. If you find one of those with lip-shaped stains, that’s from the bonghits getting blown into a towel. Learned that one at boarding school.
Between this and the dead condom wrapper I’m just peachy! Should have seen the look on his face when I started talking about STD’s and my personal goal that my daughter be able to get the HPV vaccine before she would ever become exposed to the virus. He told me not to worry about anything because he had been to the clinic two months ago and he didn’t have anything. I asked him why he was at the clinic, was he worried about something? He said no, so I said, “Well, just exactly how many girls did you sleep with before you slept with my daughter?” It was precious, he just wasn’t prepared at all for that, I think my daughter passed out briefly in her bedroom overhearing that one too…that would explain the loud bump I heard. His reply was, “Just two maam.” While everybody’s fucking around here let’s not let me be one of them at the moment.
That’s awesome Tracy! Now that kid knows you mean business, and hey, the condom wrapper shows that they’re being smart about it and since you can’t stop her from having sex at least that’s a good sign!
I thought about not saying anything, but I thought you should know so you can weigh any other evidence you have.
Personally, I’d rather my child smoke pot than get hooked on cigarettes. I am not making a moral judgment. I just think it is fishy that she is using an old pot-smoker’s trick to conceal cigarette smoke.
But it could just be a regional difference or something.
My kids learned all the different methods of using recreational drugs. Sometimes I think that knowledge takes the healthy fear out of it that I had and that kept me from trying anything besides pot.
To stress, they don’t actually USE the drugs, they just know how to if they wanted to. 🙂
that it would be good to sound out with parents before presenting it to the class. Alcoholism is not so rare a disease, the chances are good that in any class there will be at least one child whose life has been impacted by a parent or other family member with alcoholism, and depending on various factors, beginning with the child’s personality and the extent and nature of the impact, it will not be an appropriate topic to assign for a composition.
A better idea would be a class discussion on the general dangers of drinking and driving, designated drivers, etc, with participation very voluntary, so kids who want to talk about it can, and those who don’t can listen to them.
I ate at a German Restaurant for lunch yesterday and after that, that was about all I needed for the day. It was soooo good to have yummy food for awhile and we have togo boxes in the frig. My daughter got a really nice haircut at Regis (a hard thing to find where we live). The Godfather is seriously considering joining us at Full Moon. My Godfather is gay and works for a hospice program in NY and somehow manages to not get angry at times. He finds my expression of my anger fascinating I think…and this political stuff that I’m into.
Scalloped Veal with a lemon sauce and a few capers…they had an amazing mushroom spinach soup that was crazy good, and a bakery but I think the kids scarfed up all the cookies already.
I’m jealous. When I lived in Germany there was a bakery across the street from me and 4 Gausthauses within walking distance. I would gladly put on 30 more pounds to be able to have those close by again.
Yes. It’s supposed to a nice day today. My brother and niece are coming over before they leave for home today. So between the snakes, lawnmower amputations, and strange diseases it appears it will be a good day.
According to Riverbend the following sentence has been playing on Iraqi television.
وزارة الدفاع تدعو المواطنين الى عدم الانصياع لاوامر دوريات الجيش والشرطة الليلية اذا لم تكن برفقة قوات التحالف العاملة في تلك المنطقة
It means:
“The Ministry of Defense requests that civilians do not comply with the orders of the army or police on nightly patrols unless they are accompanied by coalition forces working in that area.”
Can’t a person sleep in a little without missing the early coffee and chat? I supposed everyone is ready for a nap or (gasp!) work and I’ll be here alone now.
Nope, I had heart palpatations last night from thinking of you and Mary in a mud pit. You and Mary should know better than to do that to a man who has had bypass surgery.
I think that’s why I slept in. I woke up about 4:00 AM and couldn’t get back to sleep. I’m sure it was guilt that kept me awake. Finally got back to sleep as Mr. Nature was getting ready for work at 6:30.
I overslept. The power went out sometime during the middle of the night. I will be going into work late. LOL. Since I am already late I will atke an hour or so to drink coffee and be human before I get ready and leave.
I treat it as going to work but without the drive. I do feel a bit more flexible about online schmooze time because I don’t have the interruptions you get at work and I start earlier and often work during the evening.
Personally, I’m pounding my forhead very gently against a doorframe and swearing. But hey, that’s just me. Insomnia is my body’s answer to stress, which means I’ve been up for way longer than I’d like.
I won’t call it a good one. I need to whine for a minute. Feel free to skip to the last paragraph.
My laptop fried itself, so I’m taking a short enforced break from writing while I wait for the replacement – using the spare computer in Laura’s office to diddle around on this morning. I’ll probably walk home and tackle all those nasty house jobs I’ve been putting off while I tried to get the new book done. Woo Hoo.
It’s been one of those weeks in one of those months in one of those years (we operate on the academic year in the Mc household, rather than the calender year) and I’m really looking forward to the end of the semester. Laura’s biological mother had a minor heart attack Thursday – she’s fine, but… I’m getting sucked ever deeper into my mother’s divorce problems – fun with mental illness – big step on that last saturday. I’m having significant problems in arranging an annual event for my writers group at a con that will remain nameless – which isn’t the end of the world, but it is a big headache. My computer melted down in the middle of the email storm for that. Oh, and I get to take two cats to the vet for dental work tomorrow.
End of whine. I sincerely hope most y’all are having a better day, though the evidence from CabinGirl’s kid’s teacher and MilitaryTracy’s non-school kid stress suggests that my problems are not unique at the moment ((CG)) & ((MT)).
It’s not too bad as vet bills go, I’m not sure about the exact numbers this time. More than 150.00, less than 400.00. No fun, but the stress of stuffing my two favorites into a box and carrying them off for anesthesia is pretty high, especially with the way our luck’s been running of late.
ROTFLMAO!!!! if it is suppose to be one of thos edays the trouble will find you at home also. I have learned in the last few months to take thimgs in stride, work on things I can change or handle and say to hell with the rest.
I guess I’ll be quiet too since Jim’s got 10 more minutes till he has to get up.
Hi…we’re watching a live broadcast of the solar eclipse at exploratorium.edu, if anyone’s interested.
Morning CG. That sounds neat though I have my doubts if it will be very live over dial-up but I’m giving it a try.
Um, I think it’s over now, but you can replay it. Although it probably won’t work over dial-up.
I got the very end of it but it didn’t work very well on dial-up.
that’s cool. all those people in the ampitheatre in Turkey watching a total solar eclipse. It really got dark.
It was pretty cool. We saw the link on the news this morning, and I think a lot of science centers were carrying live feeds on big screens.
Trivia for the day: It’ll be 2024 before we get one that’s visible in North America.
2024 is a long way off. I’ll be 55 years old.
Boo needed to take a leak at 5:10 this morning, and there was no putting him off. Now I am awake and I would much prefer to be asleep.
5:10 IS a wee bit early…my canine crew waited until 5:30, but it’s so light out by then that they won’t wait anymore. At least it looks like a nice sunny day today. I hope it’s warm for change.
Either George has gotten so old or lazy he waits until about 7:00 am.
Alohaleezy is counting goats, or were they jumping sheep?
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Still counting…but it’s raindrops right now. Big storm coming in for the next two days. I am so hoping the weather clears before the Tribe members arrive on Friday. Hope you all have a wonderful day. I am going to try and get a little more sleep. See you all later!
Good Morning Everyone.
Good morning FM! What’s the plan for today? Yard work? Snake bites and mower amputations? Necrotizing fascitis? 🙂
The last sounds more appealing, but it’s more lawn work. Flower beds and weed eating.
What kind of flowers are you going to plant?
None. My sister-in-law does all that. I just weed the beds. I can’t make anything grow and she loves to plant things. Now if I could only make my non-green thumb work on grass I would be happy.
How are you this am Andi?
I’m doing fine but then I don’t have to worry about my lawn so I don’t have the weight of the world on my shoulders.
Oh you’re so lucky. Yes some on us have weighty matter on our shoulders. I know if I didn’t do the lawn, trains and planes wouldn’t run on time and the world as we know it would end. See what I do for all of you.
Necrotizing fascitis
My new nickname for the Bush administration.
A most fitting name, but I veer more toward the profane.
Hmmm, necrotizing fascists is good.
Does have a certain ring to it.
I’m sorry, I forgot to ask how you are today CG. Did you enjoy the eclipse?
Why, I did enjoy the eclipse, thank you.
And now I’m ready to scream at my son’s teacher…they have a writing assignment on talking someone out of drinking and driving. Which hits too close to home for children with an alcoholic parent. Why the hell do they do this crap? Why can’t they have some selection of topics to write about? My son has been crying on and off for the last 15 hours over this.
I am ready to spit nails now.
(Sorry, I am just furious over the insensitivity of the school.)
I don’t blame you. I had the same situation and I don’t think I could or would have written about it in school.
It’s hard enough dealing with the impact of my ex-husband from a distance…it is absolutely outrageous that my son has to have that crap shoved in his face at school with no other options, and then be chastised by his teacher for not writing the paper.
Can you contact the teacher and let her or him know the situation? Any decent teacher would understand and be prepared for this.
He already has an email from me, and he should be calling me shortly.
I am going to complain to the prinicipal in the hope that this sort of thing doesn’t happen to any other kids in the future.
Good for you!
Talk about handling your adolescent peers in a group setting. The rest of it though……if it’s an adult I ask for keys once and I might josh around and goof around a bit but I’m not dedicating my life to convincing someone to do something that if it takes that much out of me to do they will only do the opposite of the next time. After that I call the police as they leave. Talking someone out of drinking and driving??????…..it’s like teaching our kids how to be codependent!
This is my 5th grader…not even close to an adolescent.
The principal is going to hear about this too.
This is too weird…..the teacher must have issues or something. Maybe a family member hurt by drunk driving? The police are still the best at handling such things and not a fifth grade child. So sorry Cabin family!
Well, just got off the phone with the teacher…CBtY will be writing his paper about something else.
in the whole world!
Fifth grade is that whole DARE thing, right?
They ought to know that certain subjects are going to be painful for certain kids and at the first sign of discomfort invite them to write about another subject. You shouldn’t have had to ask twice.
This is part of the DARE thing…which was unpleasant for my older son as well.
To be fair, the school is unaware of why this would be a problem for CBtY, but they should be more sensitive to why someone would refuse to do the paper.
Mainly what DARE teaches them is cool drug slang and how to hide the obvious signs of underage drinking from your parents. 🙂
with a fresh dryer sheet fitted around one end of it with a ponytail holder. I thought they had some new damn drug out there that I wasn’t aware of. Grilled my daughter and guess what……you blow cigarette smoke through the dryer sheet so hopefully your parents don’t smell the smoke. Teenagers make me tired……I feel tired just spelling the word right now.
That’s clever, but if Bounce could filter out the 1,500 carcinogens in cigarette smoke they’d make filters out of it!
You’ll live through the teenage years, MT, and your daughter will come out the other side as someone you actually like and want to spend time with.
Just remember to breathe. 🙂
I’d be a little skeptical that it was tobacco smoke they were trying to conceal. That’s an old pot smokers trick.
But actually it works better to blow into a rolled up towel. If you find one of those with lip-shaped stains, that’s from the bonghits getting blown into a towel. Learned that one at boarding school.
Glad to hear your parents got their money’s worth from that school. 🙂
hey, tricks like that kept me from getting thrown out, so it really did help them get their money’s worth.
Between this and the dead condom wrapper I’m just peachy! Should have seen the look on his face when I started talking about STD’s and my personal goal that my daughter be able to get the HPV vaccine before she would ever become exposed to the virus. He told me not to worry about anything because he had been to the clinic two months ago and he didn’t have anything. I asked him why he was at the clinic, was he worried about something? He said no, so I said, “Well, just exactly how many girls did you sleep with before you slept with my daughter?” It was precious, he just wasn’t prepared at all for that, I think my daughter passed out briefly in her bedroom overhearing that one too…that would explain the loud bump I heard. His reply was, “Just two maam.” While everybody’s fucking around here let’s not let me be one of them at the moment.
That’s awesome Tracy! Now that kid knows you mean business, and hey, the condom wrapper shows that they’re being smart about it and since you can’t stop her from having sex at least that’s a good sign!
Oh good, I feel better about my first response being “well,at least they’re using condoms”…
I thought about not saying anything, but I thought you should know so you can weigh any other evidence you have.
Personally, I’d rather my child smoke pot than get hooked on cigarettes. I am not making a moral judgment. I just think it is fishy that she is using an old pot-smoker’s trick to conceal cigarette smoke.
But it could just be a regional difference or something.
Good for you!
That doesn’t seem to be what my kids got out of it…maybe they are missing something?
your genes are!
My kids learned all the different methods of using recreational drugs. Sometimes I think that knowledge takes the healthy fear out of it that I had and that kept me from trying anything besides pot.
To stress, they don’t actually USE the drugs, they just know how to if they wanted to. 🙂
that it would be good to sound out with parents before presenting it to the class. Alcoholism is not so rare a disease, the chances are good that in any class there will be at least one child whose life has been impacted by a parent or other family member with alcoholism, and depending on various factors, beginning with the child’s personality and the extent and nature of the impact, it will not be an appropriate topic to assign for a composition.
A better idea would be a class discussion on the general dangers of drinking and driving, designated drivers, etc, with participation very voluntary, so kids who want to talk about it can, and those who don’t can listen to them.
Great going CG.
Good morning all. Looks to be another beautiful day in the Hudson Valley. I hope that it is nice where you are.
Morning boran2. How are you this am?
I’m okay, thanks. How are you? I’m just glad that I’m not facing amputation and snake attacks, and strange diseases. 😉
Yes it’s amazing what I have to do so the neighbors won’t complain. I’m fine, just going throug my mantra of The Lawn Is Joy, The Lawn Is Joy……
Gotta run to work shortly, FM. See ya in a bit.
See ya. Have a good day at work. Is that possible? 😉
I ate at a German Restaurant for lunch yesterday and after that, that was about all I needed for the day. It was soooo good to have yummy food for awhile and we have togo boxes in the frig. My daughter got a really nice haircut at Regis (a hard thing to find where we live). The Godfather is seriously considering joining us at Full Moon. My Godfather is gay and works for a hospice program in NY and somehow manages to not get angry at times. He finds my expression of my anger fascinating I think…and this political stuff that I’m into.
Morning Tracy. I love German food, what did you have?
Scalloped Veal with a lemon sauce and a few capers…they had an amazing mushroom spinach soup that was crazy good, and a bakery but I think the kids scarfed up all the cookies already.
I’m jealous. When I lived in Germany there was a bakery across the street from me and 4 Gausthauses within walking distance. I would gladly put on 30 more pounds to be able to have those close by again.
White mallow, taken 10.02.2005 (view large)
Good morning Olivia. Prepared to have and un-wonky day?
How ’bout you?
Yes. It’s supposed to a nice day today. My brother and niece are coming over before they leave for home today. So between the snakes, lawnmower amputations, and strange diseases it appears it will be a good day.
I’m off to start my unwonky day. 🙂 See ya later!
See ya.
According to Riverbend the following sentence has been playing on Iraqi television.
It means:
Is that pathetic, or what?
Past pathetic.
Can’t a person sleep in a little without missing the early coffee and chat? I supposed everyone is ready for a nap or (gasp!) work and I’ll be here alone now.
Sleep, did someone mention sleep?
You’ve been a chatty little beaver this morning. Must have had a good night’s sleep.
Nope, I had heart palpatations last night from thinking of you and Mary in a mud pit. You and Mary should know better than to do that to a man who has had bypass surgery.
That’s what I told her but you’d already gone to bed by then.
Ya I read last nights cafe. You two were really going. 🙂
Yep, I knew it. ::sniff::
How are you this am SN? Over the chocolate/hormone freenzy from last night?
I think that’s why I slept in. I woke up about 4:00 AM and couldn’t get back to sleep. I’m sure it was guilt that kept me awake. Finally got back to sleep as Mr. Nature was getting ready for work at 6:30.
Well take it easy and don’t worry bout it.
Sniff, sniff. Did someone ask for Sniff? Sorry, he’s so egotistical, I couldn’t stop him.
I overslept. The power went out sometime during the middle of the night. I will be going into work late. LOL. Since I am already late I will atke an hour or so to drink coffee and be human before I get ready and leave.
Good idea. I always thought if I’m five minutes late or five hours late it would still be the same thing, so why worry about it.
For some reason that old song, Don’t Worry, Be Happy keeps popping into my head today.
That is a great philosophy. It makes me wish I worked in an office instead of at home so I could steal it.
I always wondered if I had worked at home, how I could rationalize being late, or in my case lazy. I think working at home is harder.
I treat it as going to work but without the drive. I do feel a bit more flexible about online schmooze time because I don’t have the interruptions you get at work and I start earlier and often work during the evening.
If I worked from home I would get a lot more done. It takes a lot of time to go out side for the smoke breaks. LOL
are all you guys doing up at this ungodly hour?
And don’t ask how long I’ve been up.
New Diary, Effective Counter Attack-Part II; Pillars of Support and the role of Obedience
very tired, need love…
Can’t read it now but I’ve hotlisted and rec’ed it.
I’ll leave the love to your wife but you definitely have my very big like and great admiration.
Hey, thanks!
I realize it’s a tad heavy for the first bite of the day.
I’ll probably stay up long enough to drop it in the next FBC, and then have a little nap.
oh, boy!!!
I skimmed right along and missed that second sentence… “very big like and great admiration”… well, it’s not every day I hear something like that…
I think my day is complete already… no matter what else happens.
I’m glad I could do that but you absolutely deserve every word.
Personally, I’m pounding my forhead very gently against a doorframe and swearing. But hey, that’s just me. Insomnia is my body’s answer to stress, which means I’ve been up for way longer than I’d like.
the love is always there!!!!
It’s past 8:00 am here and the lawn is calling.
Everyone have a good day in the pond.
I won’t call it a good one. I need to whine for a minute. Feel free to skip to the last paragraph.
My laptop fried itself, so I’m taking a short enforced break from writing while I wait for the replacement – using the spare computer in Laura’s office to diddle around on this morning. I’ll probably walk home and tackle all those nasty house jobs I’ve been putting off while I tried to get the new book done. Woo Hoo.
It’s been one of those weeks in one of those months in one of those years (we operate on the academic year in the Mc household, rather than the calender year) and I’m really looking forward to the end of the semester. Laura’s biological mother had a minor heart attack Thursday – she’s fine, but… I’m getting sucked ever deeper into my mother’s divorce problems – fun with mental illness – big step on that last saturday. I’m having significant problems in arranging an annual event for my writers group at a con that will remain nameless – which isn’t the end of the world, but it is a big headache. My computer melted down in the middle of the email storm for that. Oh, and I get to take two cats to the vet for dental work tomorrow.
End of whine. I sincerely hope most y’all are having a better day, though the evidence from CabinGirl’s kid’s teacher and MilitaryTracy’s non-school kid stress suggests that my problems are not unique at the moment ((CG)) & ((MT)).
I feel for you. Parents divorcing is bad enough but add mental illness and that’s really hard.
And, holy cow, how much does dental work on a cat cost?!
It’s not too bad as vet bills go, I’m not sure about the exact numbers this time. More than 150.00, less than 400.00. No fun, but the stress of stuffing my two favorites into a box and carrying them off for anesthesia is pretty high, especially with the way our luck’s been running of late.
Big cyber hugs to you all!!!!!
I for one can use them this morning.
looks like it might be one of those days when the stars are aligned a little screwy… ya suppose I can avoid trouble if I stay home today?
I’m still at home, and it didn’t work for me…maybe you’ll have better luck? 🙂
I was mostly at home too. Sorry. Maybe if you hide under the bed?
ROTFLMAO!!!! if it is suppose to be one of thos edays the trouble will find you at home also. I have learned in the last few months to take thimgs in stride, work on things I can change or handle and say to hell with the rest.
Please unrecommend and come on over!