Recent Posts
- Day 14: Louisiana Senator Approvingly Compares Trump to Stalin
- Day 13: Elon Musk Flexes His Muscles
- Day 12: While Elon Musk Takes Over, We Podcast With Driftglass and Blue Gal
- Day 11: Harm of Fascist Regime’s Foreign Aid Freeze Comes Into View
- Day 10: The Fascist Regime Blames a Plane Crash on Nonwhite People
Finally, some elbow room!
Where is everybody? Izzy I get to drink free until someone show up.
No problem!
My guess is they haven’t finished up with the milkshakes.
Who needs milkshakes when you have a full bar. Sheesh!
Hey, they’re missing out. You shouldn’t be questioning it while everything’s on the house.
I’m not questioning, I’m drinking.
So what is a rain gutter emergency?
It’s where you go to clean it and the whole thing starts falling off.
Makes sense. We don’t have any.
Ours are constantly clogged with pine needles. I was only supposed to be out for a minute to help with the latter and hand some stuff up.
I mean “ladder.” I’m beat. My brain’s not working again (or still).
I’m glad we don’t have any. It sounds like just another thing to make life complicated.
Listening to Peter Tosh… Damn! Right after Stevie Wonder and Blues Brothers sndtrck.
Hi DJ! Glad to hear you’re having fun.
Heeeeey DJ.
Looks like the free ride is over, FM.
Damn! George still get to drink free doesn’t he? It’s not above me to nudge him aside from his bowl.
Then again maybe people on the east coast have disappeared to watch Lost or Veronica Mars and will only appears during commercials.
I’m watching lost right now. I finally got my little nephew calmed down and George to stop yapping, so after I cooked dinner, I decided to visit. Talk multi-tasking!
No spoilers please! I’ll be watching later.
You mean you don’t want me to tell you about…….
Commercial break. You’re sure you don’t want any preview?
Positive! I already thought the commercials showed too much.
Nephew is back and wants to play. Be back in a while.
Being sassed by you reminds me — I wonder where maryb is tonight?
I know — she’s a miss!
Late night
Hi Mary. What cha doing?
yawning, and deciding if I want to eat more m&m’s tonight or maybe something healthy … nah
Pamper youself and go fo the M&M’s.
if you say so, I always listen to you
Ooooooh that’s such a story.
Skittles. You need your fruit group.
thanks mom!
Just looking out for your health, sweetie.
Don’t forget Reese’s pieces = protein.
Good call! Although I usually go for the PayDay’s.
good thought, you are ALL so helpful
Mary we’re here for you. Now what other piece of chocolate candy would you like to know the nutritional value of?
You’ve been working all this time? You poor, poor thing.
yes, poor me
how are you?
I’m still post-vacation mope mode but other than that I’m just fine.
Do you work late every Wednesday?
I was working tonight but even when I’m not, I have something every wednesday night. Something different each wednesday, but still something that means I’m home late.
Sometimes it’s fun stuff, but not tonight.
I think the wednesday of the week after vacation is the hardest. poor you!
Ass, Gas or Grass – Family Man – no one rides for free 🙂
I tried.
My sweetie came home and is taking me out for dinner….I’ll leave the pootie cats to drink for me tonight….
Have fun and be good!
Have fun SallyCat.
As you know my cat drinks only out of glasses. We found her a cup from PF Changs with a lucky kitty on it for her. But she’ll still steal a sip from a wineglass.
Pour me a double absolute tonic!!!! LOL Another carzy day in the world for me but I guess I love being busy. I hope everyone is doing well.
Coming right up! Good to see you.
Lost is over. I know what happens, nyah, nyah (I love being mature).
I do too. Can you believe it when they………..
I knew it too. I kept saying to my family “that guy is too….”
Poor Izzy. Cover you eyes. 🙂
Little did I know, while I’m off innocently eating dinner…
Finally something happened. I was really getting pissed off at how slow it was going and how it seemed like they were writing one episode at a time with no real idea where it’s heading.
Thank you!!!!
Hey refinish. Been out politicking?
LOL No running errands again.
Hi Refinish. What’s going on?
Just recorded my second podcast. The Repugnant Party’s continued campaign of hatred
I probably should do a script first but love just talking off the top of my head. LOL
I listened to your other one and thought it was pretty good. I’ll bookmark this one for later.
::weeps quietly:: dial-up ::weeps some more::
LOL I am so glad I do not have dail up
But the slow download/play did have interesting effect on your voice — you sounded like you were yodeling underwater.
ROTFLMAO!!! I know I have an accent but yodeling was not what I was after. LOL
Kitty has learned how to holler at the tv, like me. 🙂
Translation: “Hey CNN you’re a bunch of lying putzes, you piece of turds. You wouldn’t know investigative journalism if it crawled up your ass!”
I know that kitty is probably a sweetie, but he just scared eight of my lives out of me.
Kitty is indeed a lovey. I was trying to catch her giving her face a wash. But she saw me and yawned and it did look Stephen Kingish. 🙂
Janet you sure you didn’t touch up the picture. Kitty’s mouth looks like it’s straight out of a horror story.
NO touch ups. I noticed thought that Wesley changed the settings on my camera. ACK. So Kitty looks “moved”.
But her mouth is that big…. when she yawns 🙂 Plus I thought it fit the “evil kitty person” she has here. She’s truly a sweetie pootie.
All pooties are sweet, right Family Man?
Certainly are.
He says without a hint of self-consciousness. That spelling doesn’t look right, proving that I can’t play internet backgammon and blog at the same time.
Kitty has made a little dude here very happy. She’s been sleeping with him for the past few nights. Which is a BIG DEAL with the kids. 🙂
Okay Kitty may be a stoner, but she isn’t at all mean, evil… just that I find some of her photos too funny to delete 🙂 Her face sometimes captures a look… and it is hard getting a BLACK cats to photograph well. It’s.. hurd wurk.
I have a white cat, and white carpeting, and when she’s laying in a spot of sunlight it’s like taking a picture of Casper the friendly ghost. All you can see is her tail and half her face.
I know. With Cat sometimes I can’t even tell where her eyes are when I take a picture.
LOL My dogs growl when shrub is on tv LOL
Hey there Sunshine!!! Great shirt you made the other day!!!
My kids get this nervous look like, “Is Mom going to explode?” when Bushole comes on the tv.
How goes it tonight.
Hey, DJ, I finally got a reply off to you from my diary. Sorry for the delay. I took one of those FM naps to make up for last night’s sleep lost to diary making, and then a chase around town.
that one was sort of generic, I hope to get a more specific email off to you later this evening. I’ve remembered some things relative to flying creatures, so I’ll include that too.
Thank you!!!
But have you taught them the, “Nixon” command, as in teh movie, Where the Buffalo Roam?
I thought for sure that Family Man and Andi would be off to bed by now. I just got back from a hockey game. Whoot!!! We won! 🙂
Hi Olivia. Are you saying we’re geezers?
I’m the geezer. You’re geezer, jr.
Well we’re both in our geezerhood.
j/k… 🙂 No, I am not inferring that. But, Family Man, the two of you are pretty much legends of early retiring. {{{Family Man and Andi}}}
Whooot!!!! Another 2pts!
Gotta get din din on the table. We eat late cuz’ Dad gets home late.
Happy dinner! 🙂
I was just getting ready to post my “Good Night”. So I’ll do it now.
Good night all!
Night Andi
Nighters Andi!!! Wish I could tuckle and huggle you in 🙂
Your photos are mesmerizing!
Night DJ. I couldn’t go to be without saying that I’m sure the experience of being tucked in by you would be one I’d cherish forever.
Sweet dreams!
I should have known better — it is almost 11pm. 🙂
Almost 11 pm? It’s almost 10 pm here.
That makes it even worse!!!
It is pitiful isn’t it. I can remember when I used to stay up til 11 pm. God those were the days. 😉
Here’s my kitty to keep yours company.
Wow!!! Pretty Cat!
Thank you. Of course, his eyes usually don’t glow. And he’s got a wee bit of a weight problem.
Weight problem? What weight problem?
lmao! He looks happy, though.
I swear, the week after she got spayed, she blew up like a helium balloon. Doesn’t bode well for me with menopause approaching.
I’ve had Cat on steroids lately.
At least she can take care of those King Cobras in the back 40.
No that’s Tom’s job. He’s big enough now that I’m going to start sending him out to tackle some Cape Buffalo.
I put up a new lounge. I overdid today, so I might not be around much longer.