Written by Chris Floyd
Thursday, 30 March 2006
Once again we must take up the cudgels for President George W. Bush, who is being increasingly maligned for his alleged lack of strategic vision in Iraq. This chorus of petty carping from partisan dead-enders has been exacerbated of late by all the hand-wringing media reports about “civil war” breaking out among the ungrateful beneficiaries of the president’s selfless crusade for peace and enlightenment in the Middle East.
These charges are, as always, pure bunkum. As we have often noted here before, Bush is pursuing a remarkably effective “win-win” strategy in Iraq, a highly flexible vision that is even now ripening to fruition. The savage militias, ethnic cleansing, mass murder, sectarian hatred and gruesome tortures that are turning Iraq into a howling moonscape of fear and chaos are but precision tools in the artful hands of the Leader, as he patiently crafts the ultimate victory.
The war aims of the Babylonian Conquest have always been obvious to anyone who concentrates on the operational reality of the action and ignores the ludicrous cornball about democracy and security that Bush dishes out to gull the rubes back home into giving up their blood and treasure on behalf of his tiny, tyrannical elite. The reality clearly shows that Bush had three primary objectives in launching the invasion. First and foremost was the transfer of large portions of the national wealth of Iraq – and the United States – into the coffers of his political cronies, corporate backers and family members. (Also here.) Second was the frantic acceleration of the long-running, bipartisan militarization of America, which is now almost wholly dependent on war and rumors of war to keep its heavily-mortgaged economy afloat. Third was planting a permanent military presence in Iraq to “project dominance” over the strategic oil lands and serve as staging areas for further operations in regime change and political extortion as needed. (“Nice little country you got there, Abdul; too bad if something, like, happened to it – you savvy? Now howzabout signing that free trade agreement already?”)
None of these aims have been harmed in the slightest by Iraq’s death spiral into civil war. The Bush Faction’s war profiteering and fraud – on a scale surpassing anything ever seen in world history – has fueled a ruthless political machine that despite its growing unpopularity with the American people now controls all three branches of government and has overthrown the Constitution, openly declaring that its leader is beyond the reach of “judicial review, congressional oversight or international law,” as the Washington Post reported – rather belatedly – this week. Swollen by the swag of aggressive war, the elite interests represented by the Bush Regime – oil, military-related industries and predatory venture capitalists like the Carlyle Group – have had their already inordinate sway over American society and policy increased by several magnitudes. They will remain ascendant for decades to come, no matter what happens in Iraq, or in any U.S. election.
Indeed, the murderous chaos that will inevitably spill across the region, and the world, from the collapse of Iraq will only mean more boffo box office for the fearmongers and warmongers of the Bush Faction – and even greater feasting for their oil barons, already gorged on record-breaking profits after just three years of bloodshed. The whack-a-mole “Long War” gleefully envisioned by the Pentagon will thus be extended indefinitely, bringing more militarization, more draconian “war powers,” and further destruction of those pesky civil rights and constitutional liberties that hinder the elites in their exercise of raw power.
Civil war also enhances the prospect of permanent U.S. bases. The Sunni minority, once the most vociferous opponents of American occupation, now look – vainly – to U.S. forces as their last-ditch protection against the deadly militias of the Shiite majority. The Shiite-led government relies on U.S. military might to prop up the rickety state system imposed by American guns. The Kurds – busy ethnically cleansing their own enclave, as the WP reports, and imprisoning people for criticizing the corruption of Kurdish leaders, as the LAT reports – are happy for the Americans to plant vast, minatory fortresses down south to keep the troublesome Arabs in line. And so the permanent bases are being sunk deep into Iraqi soil; the Pentagon has already “authorized or proposed almost $1 billion” for bases in 2005-06, The Associated Press reports.
And if Iraq cracks apart completely – the “three-state solution” proposed by Leslie Gelb, doyen of that bastion of bipartisan Establishment wisdom, the Council on Foreign Relations – why, so much the better. It will be much easier to wangle basing agreements, oil deals, insider investments and those all-important arms contracts out of weakened mini-states struggling for survival than from a strong, unified nation looking out for its own interests.
As the gates of hell blow open in Iraq, the marvelous adaptability of Bush’s strategy becomes apparent. When the promised “cakewalk” did not materialize, Bush shifted to the near-genocidal fury of the Fallujah assault and the systematic tortures of Abu Ghraib. When these tactics failed to quell the resistance, Bush gave the Pentagon the greenlight to arm, infiltrate and manipulate militias and terrorist groups, even to the point of goading them into action, the New Yorker reports. [See also “Fear Up Harsh.”] If you can’t have cake, then chaos might serve your turn just as well.
Civil war looks like a profitable gambit for now – except for all the pointless suffering, of course. But Bush has never cared about that. A true visionary, he keeps his eyes on the prize, on the only kind of “victory” he has ever sought in Iraq: loot and domination for his ruthless clique. Whatever happens next, they’ve already won.
A version of this column appears in the March 31 edition of The Moscow Times .
the original goals, it does seem like they have struck upon a strategy of terrifying the Sunnis with the prospect of a Shi’a civil war to end the anti-U.S. insurgency.
If we couldn’t beat them, we figure the Shi’a can beat them. It sure looks that way from here.
And it was always a win-win for BushCo., provided the invasion didn’t cost them the 2004 election.