Progress Pond

This Week In Canadian Politics (March 31, 2006)

For this Week in Canadian Politics, we have a the Media versus Harper Government heating up, a Liberal Leadership update, loyalty battles in Alberta, and some moron by the name of Scott McClellan.

This Week in Canadian Politics is a summary of postings at Maple Leaf Politics.
Media versus Tory Government: Are the Gloves Coming off?

When Steven Harper was elected back in January there were many in the media that wanted to give him and his government the benefit of the doubt that they would have access to the new government like they have had in the past. In the first few weeks, there were some complaints from a couple reporters that they were not getting the same cooperation. Now it seems that there is the beginning of some genuine hostility from the Harper government against the press and it is getting more ugly than the controversial seal hunt.

On Monday, the press was barred by Parliament Hill security from attending two photo ops, one of which was children that were battling cancer presenting flowers to the Prime Minister. This may have been seen as a one-time thing, but Steven Harper and his Conservatives have decided to keep all Cabinet meetings secret and preventing the media from even standing outside of the meeting camber to ask questions after the fact.

Other proposed changes –

    -Withholding basic announcements of visits by heads of state and premiers.

    -Issuing in-house photos of closed meetings between public officials, such as visiting premiers and heads of state, rather than allowing news photographers access.

    -Refusing to use the national press theatre, where simultaneous translation is provided, in favour of a more prime ministerial podium in the House of Commons foyer.

    -Making lists of media wishing to ask questions during availabilities, then picking and choosing which reporters get to ask those questions.

    -Allowing only technical staff, but not the customary two “pool” reporters who relay events to the wider press gallery membership, into photo-ops.

How did the Harper Director of Communications address the press’ concerns?

“I don’t think the average Canadian cares as long as they know their government is being well run.”

What hubrus!! In other words, the average Canadian is an idiot and the press can go fuck itself.

The two Canadian press unions quickly condemned the government for these limitations.

“Any effort to control the media or restrict the flow of information to the public worries us because it chips away at a free and democratic society,” said Arnold Amber, director of TNG Canada.

Sadly, many in the Harper government want a lot more restrictions on the press – like jail time. Tory MP Colin Mayes of Okanagan-Shuswap suggested that “bad” reporters be jailed. What constitutes a “bad” journalist? In the eyes of Mayes, any one that “fabricate stories, or twist information and even falsely accuse citizens“, or maybe that is anyone that is critical of the Harper government.

Mayes wrote in his weekly column that “boy, would the public get accurate and true information if a few reporters were hauled away to jail!” He then quickly stated that would not happen”because the media would cry `censorship’ and `authoritarian state’ … but the truth is we need ethical leadership from the media too.”

It is odd that the Canadian government is demanding the release of a Canadian journalist arrested in Belrus, maybe because dickhead Mayes wants to through him in jail here.

Mayes comments are now quickly circulating around the Canadian blogsphere and the MP now has refused comment. Probably because he knows he is the one that has lit the match that is going to make this whole thing blow up.

Liberal Leadership

I was hoping to be able to report on more people throwing their hat into the Leadership race, but all we have is a bunch of people toying with the idea.

The candidate that seems to be making the most news is Michael Ignatieff, who is making the college and university circuit. The university professor and author is considered a favorite among many already. He is a brillant intellect, who can deal with numerous topics. He has been describing by some as a Canadian Clinton. I don’t know if I would go that far, but I could see the case for the argument.

Canadian super blogger Red Tory has been working all week on Mr. Ignatieff and has some superb work on his site. If you want to know more, please check him out.

Maybe next week, we will have some people actually join the race.

You Will Bow To King Ralph

First cabinet member Lyle Oberg was kicked out of the Ralph Klein government because he would not ask the southern Alberta ridings to support Mr. Klein in an upcoming leadership review. Alberta Health Minister Iris Evans said she was squarely behind Premier Ralph Klein and his leadership. Chicken!

Now there are legitimate concerns among the Tories that things could get really nasty within the party or its direction. Today’s party vote on Mr. Klein’s leadership could go any direction now. Oberg could continue to do damage to Klein in the vote, because he did state he knew where the “skeletons were”.

Maybe we may see some fireworks this afternoon if Klein loses or doesn’t get the 99% he demands.

Note to President Bush: “Hire a Press Secretary with a Brain”

Let me state for the record that a lot of Canadians think Scott McClellan is an idiot. Not because he is a puppet for the Bush Administration, but because some one who is suppose to be the voice of the administration better get the name of the leader of another country correct, especially one that is RIGHT NEXT DOOR!!!

During Tuesday, Scott was asked about the upcoming US-Canada-Mexico summit in Cancun. Notice who the Prime Minister is.

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, this will be — you’re talking about Canada? I mean, the President had a — first of all, had a good discussion with Prime Minister Martin {sic} yesterday. That was a call that Prime Minister Martin initiated, really to thank the President on behalf of the people of Canada for the efforts of our coalition forces, our American forces, part of the coalition, to rescue the hostages last week, including one Canadian.

Then it seemed that Scott realized his mistake and then proved he was a bigger idiot.

In terms of Canada, this will be the President’s first meeting with Prime Minister Harper since he took office — he had met with him briefly previously when he was the opposition leader. And each of these relationships — the relationship with Mexico, the relationship with Canada — is a unique relationship. We’ve had good relations with both countries. And the President looks forward to visiting with Prime Minister Martin [sic] and strengthening our relations. So he very much looks forward to this trip.

Let me say it again, what a fuckin’ idiot. If the Canadian Press Secretary kept saying President Clinton and not President Bush, the right wing nutjobs in the States would have been going nuts demanding an invasion.

Well that is all for this Week in Canadian Politics, next week we have Parliament returning to session and the Throne Speech which could put the Tories and the opposition parties in to  a head on crash. Ohh joy!! Talk to everyone next week.

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