Josh Marshall breaks it down for us:
As DeLay’s lawyer Richard Cullen told a conference call
of reporters today, “Tom DeLay was [not] aware of the wrongs that Mr.
Rudy was committing. As long as people are telling the truth, Mr. DeLay
has no fear about this investigation.”So run down the list.
Key DeLay-wired lobbyist Jack Abramoff — convicted felon.
Michael Scanlon, former DeLay aide and spokesman — convicted felon.
Tony Rudy, former DeLay deputy chief of staff — convicted felon.
Ed Buckham, former DeLay Chief of Staff and pastor — implicated in Rudy’s plea, up front costs for lobby shop funded by Abramoff clients, helped funnel Russian oil-KGB money to DeLay, Inc.
Spokesman, Deputy Chief of Staff, Chief of Staff. A few aides here
and a few aides there, and pretty soon you’ve got a whole org chart.When you put it all in perspective and stop seeing through the
distorted prism of the liberal media, you start to understand DeLay was
a veritable Gandhi-with-the-virgins or the one good man in Sodom when it came to ethics.
Now, I was raised a Christian and I did absorb a lot of the ‘message’. One thing that really struck home with me was the fact that Jesus was a critic of hyposcisy. For example:
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
So, I wonder what Jesus would make of this?
Embattled U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay was warmly welcomed by conservative Christians at a conference in Washington.
While he didn’t talk about his upcoming trial on money-laundering charges, the former House majority leader did say that the enemies of virtue are on the march.
America today is “a society that abides abortion on demand, has killed millions of innocent children, degrades the institution of marriage, and often treats Christianity like some second-rate superstition,” DeLay said.
The Rev. Rick Scarborough, who organized the conference, said he believes that God appointed Tom DeLay “to represent righteousness in government.” He told the congressman to remember that “God always does his best work right after a crucifixion.”
I have to agree with Frederick from Hannah & Her Sisters.
If Jesus came back and saw what’s going on in His name, He’d never stop throwing up.
Well, I wouldn’t presume to speak for Jesus, but he sure makes ME want to throw up.
The thing is, these kind of stories are really just preaching to the choir aren’t they? I mean, WE all know that Tom Delay’s a hypocrite. WE all know that the fundamentalists are (or many of them are) hypocritical. WE all know that the Tom DeLays and the Christian fundamentalists are in bed together not for any spiritual or other religious reason but for power.
OK. We all know that. Now what? Where’s the action plan?
Well, I still think way too many people are taken in by this idea that the GOP is the party of God.
more like the party of the Anti-Christ. When all is said and done, Bush and his legion could easily end up as being the ones who rolled the ball that ends up starting WWIII.
The people taken in by the idea that the GOP is the party of god are not reading BT … or dKos, or Atrios, or Josh Marshall or any of the many, many left leaning blogs that regularly do stories about how the evil fundamentalists are taking over this country.
The people reading left leaning blogs already know this. Their reaction seems to fall into a two general categories: (i) no comment — in other words, “tell me something I don’t already know”, and (ii) damn right BooMan (or whoever) these people ARE evil and are taking over our country.
Preach to the choir if you want to. But I think it would be helpful if all the lefty bloggers who do these stories would reiterate the solution at the same time that giving us yet another example of the problem.
It’s hard enough to come up with new material 3 or 4 times a day. But I think Blueneck gave the response that validates this kind of posting.
It’s not for everyone. But it is valuable for some people.
I understand you have to come up with a lot of material. I’m actually not criticizing this post except to say that I thought it was missing a paragraph at the end.
Promoting common cause is a good thing. Promoting the direction of the cause is better.
Just food for thought.
Sometimes the choir needs to be preached to.
It always helps me to see and hear that others think like I do. Before I found this blog and others, I felt like a lone voice in the wilderness. Now that I know that I am part of a chorus of voices, I feel empowered to speak out. Now I speak more freely and openly than ever before to everyone that I meet, Self-Righteous Republicans especially.
And it is good to know that arguments worth making can be made with scripture. Sometimes it is the only tool with which to break the bubble of the fascist-christian lemmings.
Not every diary needs an action item. Sometimes the mere expression of free speech and the sharing of ideas is sufficient and serves to empower future action. Also, speaking freely IS action, and preparing ourselves with knowledge before speaking to those who oppose us is a very important task indeed, imho. I particularly appreciated the list of key cronies. It will be useful for future reference. This is one big reason why I read blogs.
Delay is a crook and I hope he goes to jail for a long time!!!!
Republican Soap on a Rope