Clocks and Watches Moved Up One Hour?
(pls ignore if in HI and Non-Navajo Reservation AZ)
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Does anybody care what time it is?
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be in the same time zone as you
Come on in to the new cafe. Some idiot busted the margins in the last one.
wonder what happens when you e-mail Froggybottom at his e-mail address.
Don’t know. A direct line to the pond?
Are you going to stay in your froggy costume?
No, but it is difficult to get the whole costume off.
I like the feet, I’ll keep them on.
That’s because the zipper is in the back. I told them it needs to be in the front for the less flexible froggybottoms.
This is what you looked like:
I’d ditch the big hat if I were you.
I look much better in profile.
Wish I could have gotten a picture of the feet … flippers?
No, don’t ditch the hat! It balances out the beer belly; much like giant shoulder pads made our waists look tiny by comparison in the 80’s!
Actually I’m very proud of my beer belly. It took many years of hard work to get it.
Why why are we all such slaves to fashion? Those 80s shoulder pads were grotesque!
Weren’t they funny? I still see them every Sunday when church lets out and church people flood the restaurants and malls. It’s like a time warp.
Sheesh. Of all the decades to get stuck in! Sad.
You live Northwest or Southwest?
Hi Tracy. I live in the mid-west. Between Tuscaloosa and Meridian, MS.
available on one of these road trips that we often find ourselves on getting health stuff tended to with our son. It is so cool knowing that BAMA kin are out there. Do you have political friends in the area too?
I’d be more than happy for ya’ll to come by.
Nope no political friends around here. Anytime I give my view on things around here, people sort of clam up.
My husband has more political connections at work with other like minded soldiers than I do in the community. You guys are mostly my connection supporting my heartfelt mindful beliefs.
Well I’m a political newbie. One of the reasons I kept coming to the pond is I wanted to learn. To my surprise I’m learning and meeting great people.
Opps! And we were just kidding!
who don’t agree with you is hard. This diary has some practical tips for dialogue. It’s very good, but it was put up late last night and is going to scroll off the radar soon if people don’t read and recommend.
I find myself doing what I can to engage in a real conversation lately with “The Right”. I even went back to Jeff Goldsteins this morning and asking questions. Lots of posts late last night to my posting there…..and of course a few slams, I don’t take the slams hard though these days and that’s kind of weird. I want to know what their definitions of their talking points are. I am working on not throwing mud. It is hard though when I’m accused of not caring about Islamism…..I do care. I care enough to defend someone’s right to practice the faith and care enough to imprison their fundies that lose their minds just like our Christian fundies that lose their minds and kill people need to go to jail. And the fundie that promotes assassinating people gets challenged and face planted for hate mongering.
I give you a lot of credit for going there in the first place.
But thinking about your experience last night, it IS hard to talk when you don’t even understand the code words they are using. It’s probably the same for them. We get so used to talking about certain things that we start to use shorthand and outsiders have no idea what we mean. I find that happening to myself when I read Atrios if I haven’t been there in a while. He comes up with a nickname for someone and thereafter ONLY uses the nickname — sometimes it takes a while for me to figure out who the hell he’s talking about.
He must really stick in their craw. I have a hard time understanding Atrios most of the time. I think he may be better when experienced in person, hopefully I’ll find out when we do the East Coast meet up. They still think I’m a He over there this morning. One of them told me that I needed fresh material, but I wasn’t using material…just my own personal truth. So I said I was just speaking my personal truth and that I can’t find a “freshness date” on that.
and should really tick them off!
The question is, when (if ever) will you reveal that you are a woman?
Tracy I was talking about a dream I had of the blogs the other night and in it you were there.
Have no idea of what you look like, but you were there taking a stand and demanding other people take a stand.
You were in the dream a wonder, and you are in real life a wonder.
I swear though that guys used to have different dreams about me…… fresh eggs.
Don’t let you head get to swelled. It was you and everybody here.
I’m still trying to figure out farm fresh eggs. 🙂
A filthy people just doing each other man on dog orgy! Well that just figures you nasty liberal……Sorry, I started channeling Jeff Goldstein there for a minute. Perhaps I should take a break from conversing with “The Right Wing Blog”.
NOW I’m starting to worry about you. Liberal orgies are life affirming. Right wing orgies are …. well, Justice Scalia can tell you all about them.
Here’s a good wake-up call.
Another very warm day here with only a teeny chance for rain. We just had the driest March in 80 years and are in a severe drought now.
Beautiful pictre SN.
I’ve never thought of your area as a severe drought area.
All of the lakes are drying up and there’s already water restrictions. Of course they don’t seem to extend to commercial properties which have automatic sprinklers on every day.
Nice shot! Intimate!
That’s right folks… at Chez Tracy we like our teenagers with throbbing nuggets attached to weed whackers at the crack of dawn. Nothing like the smell of freshly whacked weeds in the morning!
She’ll thank you once the hangover is gone.
Yea sure. 😉
Tradition is tradition and not to be messed with.
I did the same thing when my daughter ‘fell asleep’ while out with her boyfriend and didn’t come home until 3 AM. She was up at 7:00 AM, stuffing envelopes at the church where I worked.
weed whacking after a night of Jack Daniels. 🙂
I’ll probably have to check out the weeds growing in the back yard from time to time too. Wouldn’t put it past her to come up with some kind of way to make her weed whacking stints really pay off!
Morning, guys! Here is Fisherman’s Wharf taken yesterday while biking back from the car rental place. Now I want to go buy a bike. It was such fun, though the hills were a bit of a struggle. But then, I probably wouldn’t use it much in LA.
Morning MM. How’re ya feeling today?
Morning back to you, FM. Feeling great except I miss my cat and have to return to my icky workplace tomorrow. But only two more weeks. How bad can it be?
How are things in your neck of the woods?
Going good MM. Just think how happy Shadow will be when you get home. Just think how happy you’ll be.
That should be enought to get you through these last two weeks.
Just what I think! I just get a little nervous, though, since the bully-boss is such a sadist, that he may have more torture planned for me. I feel so strong when I’m home with the hubby, son (and cat!~), but when I get back here, I start to feel fragile again.
They are a phone call away and you’ve got an abundance of hugs coming from us.
I wish I could take you all in to the office with me! Imagine, what a sensation we would make….
LOL MM it would be a riot with banging head together.
That’s a neat shot! I like riding a bike but I find the older I get the bigger seat I need! I tried to ride my son’s bike with the tiny little unpadded seat and it was torturous.
Yup, there is that sore butt thing that happens. My husband is a fanatical biker and he has biking pants with pads in the rear. Effective, I guess, but there is no way to fold them up. They look ridiculous on a hanger, too.
The last thing I need is pants with pads on the ass! Actually, for me they’d have to be located differently, iffn you know what I mean.
{{I know exactly what you mean!}}
Wow — you guys are talkative this morning! 🙂
I’m still trying to get over all the wonderful photos from IVG (did you see that moth? beautiful!) and SN (I love your photos!) But, then there was Family Man’s nasty dog picture… <shudder> Oh and the artwork — Melanchthon’s post of ‘The Troll’ was quite fitting while reading about MTracy’s experience!
And then getting caught up reading about the SoCal’s party last night!
I only put up the flower pic to get my mind off FM’s “dog” picture. Ick.
Morning, Olivia!
It was a much more pleasant image! 🙂
I really liked The Troll — it would be good for a late night cafe too (if I can remember to attribute it to the right artist this time).
…after reading Tracy’s posts!
That picture did wake everybody up!
Morning Olivia.
You should have a look at the wonderful diaries dmun provides us every week-end on European Tribune:
dmun’s Week-end Clock Blogging
They’re really superb!
thanks for that link! That first picture of clock innards looked like some kind of torture device.
NDD would have liked it for one of his “what is this” picures.
And I’ve learned a new word: horology (ww: “The art of designing and making clocks”)
Everybody complained about my dog picture.
So here’s today’s pond picture.
Daughter just came in reporting big snake with little snakes. YUCKY
Hah. I’m not the only one that has snakes.
Tell her that seeing snakes is often a sign of a drinking problem …
So even though I don’t drink, when I’m out in the lawn and see snakes, it’s because I have a drinking problem.
The mind is such a wonderful machine. Next time I see a snake, I’ll just walk up and kick it and say, poof you’re not real.
Think it’ll work?
the comment was meant for Tracy’s underage Jack Daniel’s drinking daughter not for you (I think).
Great pond! Love the reflections in the water. Get the feeling that there are lots of froggies lurking under the surface, too!
Thanks MM. I’m trying to get out there when the water is really calm and get a very clear reflection shot.
I love when water reflects the beauty of nature. It’s like meditation.
I couldn’t have said it better.
Much better Family Man. And if you feel the need to post dog pix, you could always give us another of George! 🙂
Didn’t you know. That was George I posted.
He was having a bad hair/skin/teeth/everything day?! 😉
Allergies. 😛
Step away from the camera. Everyone is fair game this morning.
Bitey after his bath
Does kind of look pissed off.
::squeals and dives under the bed::
Good morning. Got time to scootch out from under the bed and visit awhile?
Like Maryb, I’m having enormous trouble getting motivated today. So yes, I am here to goof off until the guilt to goof ratio becomes overwhelming.
I see you survived the time change without falling into any of the transdimensional gates that open up precisely at the change nanosecond — pretty good for a geezer who’s not gone time traveling since the 70s. ;p
I believe there actually was a break in the space-time continuum but that kind of thing passes by unnoticed here in the country.
It does not pass unnoticed here at the blog. The settings page lacks an Arizona option so I’ve had to change my time settings 3 times to get it right.
I’ve always had trouble negotiating the time change nonsense, or even trying to remember what time it is in other zones. My brain just does not function that way. That and certain spatial kinds of thinking, like map-making inside my head, are always really challenging for me.
I am great at oriented myself in a physical setting and remembering that orientation but for some reason I have a terrible time with left and right.
How’s roomie?
If you hold up both of your hands with the last three fingers curled in such that your index fingers are extended up and your thumbs are extended out, it’s your left hand that makes an L.
She’s a mess. It’s bad. Spreading rapidly now. It’s all going to hell very fast. I really wish I could be there already, I feel helpless here, like I’m doing busy work and copying pages out of the dictionary instead of the “real work”. (I know that my handling the move and lining up the work needed on the condo is worth its weight in gold right now, it’s just that what I’m really good at is counseling and support work.)
Thanks for the advice but it won’t solve the problem which is that I will say ‘right’ when I know very well that I mean left. Jim regularly asks me things like “Is that a real right?”.
I’m sorry. I was hoping, of course, to hear better news. Even if you can’t physically be with her, though, I’m sure that you are emotionally with her every step of the way and that just talking to you is a great help.
It’s good to know about this directional impairment since at some point in the near future you will be telling me how to get your house, and I can make sure if I get lost I backtrack and take “the other right”.
She just had her first round of chemo on Thurs and is reacting very badly to it. Roomie’s starting to suspect that she might decide to opt out of the chemo due to the side effects and just live out whatever time she has. We will support her in that choice, too, of course. Whatever she wants, it’s her life and her death, and it should be as much on her terms as possible.
There’s just never an easy way through stuff like this, is there? It’s like life’s little graduate thesis program, and no matter what you choose, it’s going to be a damn lot of hard work.
I have a map that is guaranteed to be without any directional obfuscations.
Yeah, there’s no doubt in my mind that there’s nothing harder on the living than trying to deal with the process of someone you love dying. Quick deaths might be more shocking but they are, I believe, actually easier on our psyches.
Second wave of family is up and I’ve got to cook somemore breakfast.
I’ll check back in awhile.
There’s no way I can give out fours to everybody, let alone catch up with all the conversations.
In the immortal words of NDD (or at least some relative): you betcha.
How was your walk? It’s rainy here (showers) so not a great day, but not a bad day. I was going to go spend the day doing something outdoors, but I’m having trouble getting motivated.
The walk started overcast, then your morning thunderstorms arrived just in time to soak the dogs, and now it’s overcast again.
Other highlights: Giddy caught and killed a mole. But since we declined to cook and cut up for her, she wasn’t interested in eating it.
How far are you from the Jewel Box? That’s an excellent way to do something outdoors without being outdoors and then if she get motivated you’ve got all of Forest Park.
very selfish not to prepare that mole to Giddy’s specifications.
Aren’t YOU an expert on Forest Park? I’m not far from the Jewel Box but a walk through the Jewel Box takes about 10 minutes (if you stop and look at every plant). There’s always the zoo, which has lots of places to pop indoors — but I’ve walked at the zoo 4 times in the last 3 weeks and the polar bear, who so entertained me the first visit, is starting to bore me.
I was planning on going out to the Shaw Arboretum, which is a nature area maintained by the Missouri Botanical Garden — but not unless it clears up.
I have actually spent better than an hour in the Jewel Box. I just like being there. I’m not that found of zoos but the St. Louis Zoo was the site of my all time favorite zoo moments which took place in 1970. We were at bears who were in a procreating state of mind when a kid who was about 11 years old turns around and yells at the top of his lungs “Hey Mom, hurry up. The bears are fucking!”
I’m guessing that your visit to the Jewel Box was more than 5 years ago?
They did a “rehab” so they could use it for weddings, etc. It lost most of its charm IMO. It’s just a big empty glass space with some plants.
Here’s my probable alternative for the day — lots of paths, but never too far from the main “house”.
Hey are ya’ll talking about the Botanical Garden when you say Jewel Box?
When I lived there years ago, I remember the glassed Botanical Garden, but I remember it like a geodesic dome.
That’s the climatron — it’s really cool. It’s at the Missouri Botanical Garden.
Here it is
Thanks Mary. I googled the Biotanical Gardens, but nothing looked as I remember.
Then again, that was 30 years ago.
Yes it was a lot more than five years ago. Last time I went was the early 90’s.
Your choice looks very interesting. And a good one for an overcast day (I’m assuming we’re having similar weather).
Have you ever done any of the Katy Trail?
That’s mostly for biking, although you can walk too. It’s the old railroad right of way and goes almost all the way across the state. In and of itself it’s not that interesting — railroads were built on raised grades away from the encroaching woods or civilization. So there’s not much to see on the path if you’re walking (or biking, but you get to the next town faster).
But there are a lot of little towns along the way and it goes right through Missouri wine country. From May to October the wineries have special facilities for the bikers. And there are B&B’s along the way that cater to people on biking trips. Or you can just do a day trip. There’s a nice stretch from I-64 to August, which is the beginning of the wine trail and takes you past all the Daniel Boone historic stuff.
and to answer your question,no. I’m not really into biking — my last bike got stolen 10 years ago and I never replaced it.
My question wasn’t about biking, but Missouri and wine country.
Doesn’t seem to mesh for some reason.
Andi’s question — had I ever done the Katy Trail. No, I don’t bike. And I’ve never bothered walking it — although I actually have walked on it for about 1/2 a mile but I don’t count that.
I had always wondered if it was worth a look. Thanks for the info. I think it’s probably not going to be on the list.
who’s opening the next cafe? I can do it if no one else is
I (who spent ALL DAY YESTERDAY opening new cafes) have opened the new cafe. Feel guilty Family Man, feel very guilty.