The following is a report from ABC News tonight, 4-02-06
Father’s War Became Daughter’s Nightmare
Vietnam Vet Shared Too Many Horrors With Daughter

Danielle Trussoni says her father’s post-traumatic stress disorder affected her. (

The following quote is further in the story
“At the time she only knew that his scars had become her own.”

The title comes from a comment on what Danielle experianced excepting her fathers confidence of releasing his own demons on her and her exceptance, help and love.

April 2, 2006 — Danielle Trussoni hopes her children will remember fun and happy times. It would be a stark contrast from the memories she has — of a war she never fought but that irrevocably shaped her life.

Father’s War Became Daughter’s War

Dan Trussoni eventually came back to the United States but brought the war’s horror home with him. In 1973, he started a family, but his nightmares eventually drove his wife away. Danielle, Daddy’s little girl and namesake, chose to stay with her father while her brother and sister went to live with their mother.
At the age of 12, she became her father’s confidante.

The years Danielle Trussoni should have spent socializing with friends, shopping and going to parties, she spent in dark bars, listening to war stories and taking her father home when he’d had too much to drink.

Visiting Vietnam

Seven years ago, Danielle Trussoni decided to confront her father’s demons, now hers too. She traveled to Vietnam, even climbing into one of the tunnels where her father had faced constant terror 30 years earlier, hoping that in some way this would release her from reliving her father’s past.

What finally did free Danielle was the decision to write about her father. She interviewed him on tape and documented the conversations about the Vietnam War in a new book called, “Falling Through the Earth.”

Her father died of throat cancer at age 61 and was buried last month, the weekend her book was published.
“He and I made peace about it,” Trussoni said. “I think there is no way that I will ever totally make peace with it. This is something that is with me for the rest of my life.”

Video From News Report:Dad’s War Wounds Haunt Daughter

Continuing Video Beyond Report: Coping with Dad’s Past

There are other links, on PTSD, and the Broadcast at ABC, which you will see once visiting and reading the rest of the story of Danielle, in the links above.

I put this together in rather a hurry as I wanted to get it out there and I’m abit tired!

As I’ve stated, in remarks on these sites, This Country Had Better Be Prepared and Give Back To The Now Returning Vets and Their Families This Time, It Didn’t Want To Before!!

This Country also better be Prepared for what may come from the Children Now Actually Living those Tragic Experiances, in Iraq and Afganistan!!
For we waged War, and are Fighting, against many who were the Kids of the 1st Gulf War, the bombings, the highway of death, the loss of family members and others…………..!
And in Todays World will they Lash Out as have some Leading Up To This, think about it!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Never again shall one generation of veterans abandon another.”