Cheating on Happy Hour
Good humor always on tap!
Leave work early, it’s happy hour somewhere!
Be sure to change subject lines or Olivia will fuhreeek out!
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Do you know where your beer nuts are?
Haven’t had those in ages, and I love em! I guess mine are probably still on the shelf in the store!
Question is — where’s photobucket think your picture is?
Is the picture not showing up?
WHat does that mean?
By correcting the picture you did a Charles Boyer to our Ingrid Bergman.
I was going to be nice and not mention it.
Well at least until about comment 64.
Me too… thought I would mention preview, but didn’t want to sound preachy… Like who am I to make comments about pictures not posting??? LOL. Ain’t gonna go there.
Funny thing is it was there when I previewed it. I guess I had deleted it from PB. Is it back now?
I thought it was going to be a picture of nuts. Beer nuts that is.
I thought I’d surprise you all and see who would be the first one to tell me I wasn’t wearing any clothes. I didn’t think it would be Andi. But she did say she’s tactless.
If Andi is tactless, does that mean we should sometimes label the lounge a “tact free” zone?
Tact Free Zone is posted over the front door.
FBC is usually safe because I try to operate with my mother eternal plea — ‘please behave yourself so people won’t think I didn’t raise you right.’
Please, though, post NO pictures of Wingnuts! They drive me crazy!!!
Hey there SN! Just checking in quickly cuz I’m busy at work. How’s everyone doing today? Thunderstorms of yesterday have been replaced by a stiff NW and very cold wind today… plus ca change…
Hope to see you folks a bit later on…
Stop back in when you can!
I’m leaving work now to enjoy the new extended daylight hours. See you all later. 🙂
Enjoy boran.
I’m just over here jugging work, waiting for the first pitch of the Mariners season and checking to make sure I can record Damnit Janet’s appearance on Portland Indylib radio tonight.
How is everybody today? Better than not quite happy, I hope.
Greetings back atcha baby!
It’s our star of the day! Did I mention that the test looks like it went fine? I still need to give it the auditory test but it at least looks like an MP3 to the computer.
I wish the Mariners were doing as well. Bottom of the 1st inning and they’re already down 2-0. Bleepin’ Vladimir Guerrero.
How’s it going today Omir?
Reasonably well, except that the Mariners broadcast has disappeared and I can’t get it back. They appear to still be down 2-0. Bleah.
How is life inn your end of the Pond?
when the world is blah browns and grays? Whatever you can find that isn’t.
Brown County 03/31/2006
Sometimes you just have to look a little closer to find the color that’s already there.
Beautiful picture.
Needed a little cooperation from the water in the creek too. It needs to be clear and running at just the right level. We have some pretty colored stone in this area — people like to use them to build fireplaces.
Great picture Andi. I can never think to take pictures like that. I would have just probably walked by and not noticed. You have the eye.
And the little bubbles of water. And the idea of Andi bending over the stream taking this pick (hoping that one of the furry kids doesn’t knock her in?) 🙂
as they are either 100 feet ahead (Sniff and Giddy) impatiently waiting me to catch up or 200 feet behind (Hopeful) wondering why the hell we all have to most so fast.
That was fast… hehe. Looking forward to one of those after I get home from work, that is, after going to sign my tax return, grocery shopping, taking the dogs out and feeding them… hmm, Popeye’s sounds good for dinner tonight. Don’t feel like cooking!
In keeping with orders from SN…here’s another pic…this was live blogging central. Alohaleezy’s computer was kept hopping anytime any of us showed up! It was funny as we all had to keep logging out / back in as us!
Off to another meeting…and my diary: Immigration I: Non-English Speakers in Schools
We just painted the boy’s room that color. It’s very warm and rich.
I’ve got to start taking more marco shots.
Very nice, FM. Let me dig out one of the others I took today.
Great shot — your macro skills are coming along nicely. Olivia is doing very well at spreading macro-itis through the FBC.
Wow, I’m surprised some of you haven’t been macro addicts since the start. That was the one feature I absolutely insisted on when I got my Fuji, as I had seen a friend do amazing things with macro. I’ve gotten some great stuff too, but you have to be careful about how close you get to the subject or you get major blurs and such.
If I didn’t have macro, I could never have taken those moth pics I posted the other night and yesterday. I need to locate some ones I have of bumblebees on purple coneflowers… they are (if I may say so myself) very awesome pics.
Unexpected late afternoon slacking on my part heheh.
All your pictures I’ve see have been awesome.
I really like the bright red of the outside and the white and yellow of the inside!
“Macro” at the bottom :{)
Newly opened dogwood blossom
That’s really nice SN.
Olivia you’d better watch out.
Olivia has the unbeatable combination of photographic skills and a green thumb.
I don’t know SN. If I didn’t know better I’d say that was an original Olivia.
Kewl. Very.
What Andi said … 🙂
We have some very talented photographers here in the Pond. I should post some of my butterfly pictures.
What have you been waiting for?
Somebody to repeal inertia, mostly.
That, and they’re stored on my network at home, which is in serious need of reimplementation. Time and money, man, time and money.
If things continue to go well at work I might see if I can find some. But then people will wonder why I haven’t updated the Robo-Rater page yet.
I love that turn of phrase, Omir! If you figure out how to do that, let me know, because there’s people in our house who could really use such a thing!
I’ll be looking forward to them whenever you post them.
Robo-Rater, did someone say ROBO-RATER? 😉
This is super cool! The lines on the inside of the petals, the gentleness of the green: it looks so delicate on the inside.
Check out my big brown eyes.
This is my “What’s your point?” look when confronted by a wingnut who starts yapping at me. I totally tune out and give them “Fuck Yu Emu” eyes. This is how I “don’t engage” when out and about alone and find myself face to face with Rush Limbaugh wannabe and their spouse Tonja Hard Up Harding.
He’s darling.
yeah well he needs a little CodePink hair barrette 🙂
I wonder if we could pass him off to Mary as a chicken?
That ain’t no chicken. Even I know that.
How many naps have you had today?
Not enough, but I’m here. Hah.
I think its the naps that are making you sleepy at night. Look how well you did without a nap yesterday. So, you’re in charge of the after 11:00 lounge tonight right?
Yea right. I’ll be lucky to make until 7:00 pm tonight.
Me too!
Hopefully your kids get their looks from Dad’s side of the family . . .
Animal pictures like this crack me up.
Well I do have bright blue eyes so … ppsst it’s not really me 🙂 Just my inner Emu.
I found that emu face and grabbed it for my daughter who also likes crazy animal faces. And as I thought she used it for her hockey pick already.
And thank you for covering the radio show!!!
Hey!! Friday the Mariners were in Portland. Freakin’ max line was full.
No doubt. I had to read the newspaper story to figure out “Portland who?”
Do you remember a guy named Rod Hull and his puppet Emu? It was one of those big puppets that looks like you’ve got your arm tucked around it, but in actuality the puppeteer’s hand is the emu’s neck and mouth. He was always doing odd things like . . . well one day Emu took up art, and after drawing some awful thing on the canvas, Rod pronounced it to be wonderful and asked Emu to paint his face.
Yep, that’s exactly what happened . . .
Must’ve missed that but I will confess to laughing my behind off while an Emu chased my son who was only about 4 . There was a fence between them but I don’t think neither the emu nor Wesley realized it.
One of those times when you’re not really a “MOM” but a stranger laughing it up at someone elses expense. 🙂
I just posted a shameless advertisement for Booman Tribune over at Daily Kos.
If you are so inclined please go over there and let the orange community know why you like it hear at BT and why they should consider becoming members here.
I can only post diaries like this once every blue moon, so let’s make the most of it.
I gave you all the love that I could without being accused of prostitution.
Show em your boxer shorts! That’ll get them here in droves.
Hello. The advertisement may have been shameless, but it worked. You got me to wander over.
I’ve been reading Daily Kos since around the time of Katrina, but just recently signed up there.
Wow, you have spellcheck. Fantastic.
This is your lucky day! Beers are on the house for newcomers! Welcome.
blogging and beer — perfect. Makes spellcheck all the more useful.
After enough beers who cares about spellcheck.
You’ll find in the cafe everybody is loose, friendly and ever helpful.
We’ve got excellent front pagers and diaries, but when you want to relax, you got the cafe.
Welcome again and jump in the pond.
Spellcheck is nice. But it’s “Recent Comments” that are the real draw here.
Really? Not the lewd, crude, and rude behavior?
Heh, it’s really the News Bucket.
Recent Comments AND the Newsbucket. They work in tandem.
Boy, that Newsbucket was a GREAT idea. (whew).
I always thought it was the rapier wit of FM.
Speel chek?? We gots tht? DDamn I did not knows tht!
Welcome James 438.
Don’t just have one beer. Have as many as you want.
The best thing about BT is that you don’t ever have to change the subject line! Oh, and we’ve got great photogs here. Plus being a slacker is a positive asset. 🙂
Being a slacker has always been an asset. 😛
Finally off of an interminable conference call which screwed up my listening to baseball and de-lurking here or at Orange. But I just left you love (well, as much love as I’m capable of).
Now what’s this I hear about a cafe and lounge?
Hi Mary. How’re you today. Well rested I hope.
Compelled me to sign up. Now I can comment on three blogs! (Dkos, MLW, and here).
I mostly lurk but once in awhile I might opine from my little hermitage in the Santa Cruz Mountains, California.
Welcome, Far left coast! I hope you’ll delurk once in a while and join us here in the pond!
Hi Far left coast. Glad to see you here.
You come on into the pond and opine as much as you want.
Will look forward to your opine-ings!
OPinings – Naw, we want to check out his might redwood. 🙂
Welcome to the pond, Far Left
Hey there, o scrumptious pond-mates! Greetings from the Land of Winter’s Last Stand. Hope everyone’s enjoying a good day.
Thought y’all might appreciate the following (from the latest issue of the regional Phoenicia Times):
Of course, that’s not our George — as I’m almost certain he’s got no interest in mass destruction whatsoever.
Alas, I’m headed out briefly to secure some flammable wood product — back very soon, I’m sure. It’s perfectly stinky out there: 35 F with piddling rain.
O Queen of lusciousity, the honor of your presence is requested for happy hour and beyond!
Yes, oh wily woodswoman of wenchy wisdom, please grace us with you presence.
Doesn’t anybody read the bulletin board!? 😉 (Definitely gonna regret that post.)
and which BB might you be referring to?
The words under the picture of beer. The one that says, “Be sure to change subject lines or Olivia will fuhreeek out!”
Apparently I’ve answered my own question. 😉
How ya doing dada?
and lovin’ it, and changing the subject line at every opportunity…just for y*O*u.
What good is revealing neuroses if they can’t be used against a person, right? 🙂
I hope your connection stays speedy tonight.
I’m glad you saw my specially modified Lounge sign! In honour of you I’m going to try my best to put extra “u”s in everything. Happy happy Jouy Jouy!
Wow! I’m infecting the cafe. 🙂 Don’t forget to switch the ERs to REs. That’s vitally important SN.
It’s so nice to have someone who’s lazy teaching my class…we get out early, the exams are short, and mostly multiple choice questions, designed to allow everyone to pass without a lot of effort. (I’m really not lazy, just nearing the end of this whole thing and tired of studying…)
What’d I miss, besides BooMan’s shameless self-promotion (sans boxer photo)?
The immediate post-exam feeling is one of my favourite feelings. 🙂
It is a great feeling. But I’ll be happy when I don’t have to take exams anymore!
I’ve been meaning to ask what you get at the end of all this.
Doctorate in pharmacy…
I’m glad Mary ask that question, because I had been meaning to ask you.
That’s great CG.
can’t get “marco” to load for some unknown reason, so let’s play…what is it? [props to NDD]
Danni thinks it’s a bike tire from riding through a puddle.
I say it’s a trunk of a cactus.
Bzzt we’re both wrong, right?
Visual Poetry =
It reminds me of having my hair brushed out after a bath. I can almost smell the detergent in my mom’s blouse as she’d rip out my hair… I mean… as she lovingly raked the comb through my gnarled and twisted tresses.
Didn’t ever cross my mind…hope you’ve recovered.
Bu sympathizes…pulling and brushing burrs and thistles out of her tail and feathers is not fun.
It’s a window screen. No?
Nails? Some sort of musical instrument — like guitar strings? Water dripping? I have absolutely no idea.
Give us a clue!
Well, I feel better now, it’s the bottom of the 6th now and the Mariners have tied it up 3-3.
They need to do good this month. The paper today said that every year since 1991, if the Mariners have a winning April, they have a winning season. When they haven’t, they don’t. No exceptions.
New lounge open.