Progress Pond

CBS News: Schieffer Out, Couric In

Outside the Beltway ponders the meaning of Katie Couric taking over the chair once held by Cronkite and Rather. Is this rank sexism, or is Couric’s hiring really indicative of the lowering of standards for network news?

While I have no doubt Couric is up to the job since, as I noted when this was first rumored, “Couric is attractive and can read–which pretty much sums up the qualifications for the job,” it still strikes me as yet another nail in the coffin of the network newscasts as serious journalism. Walter Chronkite, Dan Rather, and Bob Schieffer all had long records as serious journalists before taking the anchor chair. Couric is mostly notable for being perky and having nice legs.

I’ll be interested to hear your reactions. Once thing I am willing to say upfront, though. If they had hired Leslie Stahl no one would question the decision. At least, they wouldn’t question whether she was hired for her legs and perkiness.

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