I have been writing about the shame of the Democratic Party here for quite some time. Recently I have been saying that we need a new party, that people like Russ Feingold and even Howard Dean stand no chance in today’s DemocRatpublican dominated party. I was hoping that Dean would start a third party when the mainstream Dems cooperated in offing him in ’04 and nominating that travesty of a candidate John “Small K” kerry. (ANYONE who could not beat as transparently bad an opponent as George W. Butch is either incompetent or an outright fraud, in my considered opinion.) BooMan has taken me to task for this, echoing the common wisdom that third parties are doomed in America.

I disagree.

The Information Age changes EVERYTHING.

However…recently on another thread where I had voiced this kind of opinion (Feingold Crushes Chris Wallace in Fox Interview) someone asked me “Arthur: are you a lapsed-Dem or a never-was Dem?”

This got me to thinking.

And here is my answer.

Where do YOU stand?

Has the party left you, or have you left the party?

And considering the Liebermans and Schumers and Small K kerrys and such that are running things…if you have NOT left…

Why not!!!????

Read on…
Am I a lapsed-Dem or a never-was Dem?

I think that question should be asked not of me, but of the Democratic Party.

I supported Gene McCarthy.

I supported RFK.

I have supported every Dem who during my lifetime showed even the slightest signs of being against the growing corporate establishment and its international policy of economic imperialism in ANY form.

ESPECIALLY through aggressive war.

Covert OR overt.

I supported Howard Dean. If he’d run again I would support him again.

And I now support Russ Feingold.

And John Conyers too, while I’m at it.

Listen…this is a party that ran Joe Lieberman for national office!!! THAT should be enough right THERE. This is a party that did not sufficiently contest the 2000 election results,almost unanimously backed this totally bullshit invasion of Iraq, then chose Small K kerry and John Ritter…I’m sorry, John Edwards (They are equally insincere and unimaginative, Only Ritter was a better actor. And he stunk!!!).)…to run in 2004, and refused to stand up the SECOND time when Bush was so incompetent that they COULDN’T throw the election sufficiently and it had to be stolen again.


I don’t think so.

The Democratic PARTY has lapsed.

Into a coma.

And if they do not wake up…soon…they will be as forgotten as last week’s ball scores.

They are now totally irrelevant.

Do we really need TWO crooked, conservative parties?

I think not.

Throw ’em out.

They are yesterday’s news.

They are redundant.

NewParty ’08!!!

Time For A Change.

(C’mon, Russ. You can do it!!!)


Power concedes nothing without a demand; it never has and it never will.-Frederick Douglass