Doyle had a sexually explicit conversation with what he thought was a 14-year-old girl whose profile he saw on the Internet. According to the Polk County Sheriff’s Office this incident took place on March 14. Actually, the “fourteen year old girl” was an undercover Polk County Computer Crimes detective.
In addition to sending the “girl”/detective pornographic movie clips, Doyle also had sexually explicit conversations with the “girl”/detective online. Also, Doyle actually revealed his name, Doyle, of Silver Spring, Md., had a sexually explicit conversation with what he believed was a 14-year-old girl whose profile he saw on the Internet on March 14, the Polk County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement.
Also, Doyle actually revealed his name, that he worked for the Homeland Security Department and offered his office and government issued cell phone numbers.
Doyle also sent pictures of himself, but they were not sexually explicit. On several occasions, Doyle instructed her to perform a sexual act while thinking of him and described explicit activities he wanted to have with her, investigators said. In a later conversastion, he encouraged an undercover deputy posing as a teenager to buy a webcam and take sexually explicit photos of herself.
For some reason, there was no response to messages left on Doyle’s government-issued cell phone and e-mail, nor could he could not be reached by phone to comment.
Homeland Security press secretary Russ Knocke refused comment on the investigation.
“We take these allegations very seriously, and we will cooperate fully with the ongoing investigation.”
Doyle, the fourth-ranking official in the department’s public affairs office, is expected to on administrative leave effective Wednesday morning.
Talk about moral values!!!!
Boy, this really makes you wonder what is really going on at DHS!!! Probably just another day at the office in gwb’s admin. Now is it possible that this admin is so secretive for another reason?
This is so not funny, but I just can’t help but laugh. These fucking hypocrites and liars are so despicable that I can only laugh at their pathetic predicaments.
I know exactly what you mean. And, just think these are the people who make the laws in this country! Hmmm, and the funny thing is, isn’t DHS supposed to be doing the checking on the email addresses? If so, that makes it even more hilarious. These people are so stupid, it is so sad it is funny.
The track record of lawlessness of those associated with this administration must become the central issue for the mid-terms in November.
…and rotten to the core.
Not to mention, arrogantly stupid. He used his government e-mail and phone number?
This fool just knew he wouldn’t get caught–which says a lot about him AND this admin.
When WILL this nightmare end?
that this administration has its “sex scandal”, will the loonies now be appalled? Or not, because it isn’t Dear Leader caught with the blue dress?
oh, the hypocrisy….
Exactly!!! Can’t forget to throw in the hypocrisy of their actions.
Please go to the blog Rigorous Intuition and spend an hour or so reading through various articles in the sections listed on the right side of the page named “Deep Politics” + “The Military-Occult Complex, ritual abuse/mind control, and High Weirdness”
You will never view this government the same way again, I promise you.
And the only “surprise” you will experience at these kinds of activities by government officials is that there are not MORE of them coming to light.
These people are rotten right down to their foundations.
We are now ruled by evil.
There is no other way to express this.
Remember Gannon/Guckert?
Tip of the iceberg.
BET on it.
Sex as magic.
Magic as power.
Even if it is not true…THESE people believe it.
You know that old saying about possession being 9/10ths of the law?
Well, belief is 9/10ths of power.
You can bet on THAT, too.
And belief is 9/10ths of possession as well.
Remember…the word “possession” has LOTS of meanings.
Maybe what we REALLY need is an Exorcist Party.
Imagine THAT convention.
P.S. The Islamic radicals who are causing the US so much grief?
They are not stupid people, you know.
And they refer to the US as “The Great Satan”.
Thanks Arthur, I have got to check that one out. And I am NOT taking your bet.
we are like the children of a father who rapes and beats us.
what is the not-left side saying about this? a frame?
Don’t know what any of the repub blogs are saying, but earlier I went to the store (and mentioned this incident to a few people who got a laugh out of it). There was a wingnut who happenned to overhear one of the conversations and he said that it was necessary to pray for this nutcase!
And here is more from AP
That also might explain the behavior that appears arrogant or stupid by using the position/power of his job. Predators are likely to use power to keep a victim in a state of emotional submission and feeling helpless to tell anyone. Hey, he’s part of the most powerful dept in the government as for public visibility. I would expect, if this is just part of a pattern, that other victims could have been vulnerable as to services/benefits obtainable from DHS/FEMA/ICE and other agencies.
If it’s as tragic, dark and depraved as it might be, it could be part of his ritual, or….sex as healing powers.
Sounds so much like the battered-wife-syndrome, which can sometimes bring on a diagnosis of PTSD. Seem to remember reading somewhere that funding for research/treatment of PTSD was being cut. hmmmmm…
“Conspiracy of silence.” Folks if you have not seen this film you should take a look. Pedophilia in high levels of government is nothing new.
It’s around on the web at various places, here is one:
Whether or not occult stuff has any effect is beside the point. Too many people dismiss the idea of an occult underground as total fantasy because they get sidetracked by thinking it is an issue of the validity of magic. Whether it works is beside the point here. The fact is that those who practice it believe it and so they do it.
It was this documentary that has really led me to believe that the conspiracy in upper levels of government is just so much deeper, and so different in kind than politics as usual.
Vote, be politically active, sure. But until we confront the activities of this “secret government” on all fronts, I just don’t think there is any hope of real lasting change.
I’m sorry if this post sounds “batshit crazy” but the thing is that the people who need to hide what they do count on you to think this way. It’s a huge barrier. It’s weird, and because it’s too weird to contemplate they get away with it. And I’m Feeling kind of hopeless today after the unbelievable ugliness over at Kos regarding McKinney. How can liberals ever win when the mentality of our representatives is just so concerned with being “embarrassed?”
It doesn’t sound “batshit crazy”.
You are right on point.
P.S. DKos?
Why even waste your time there?
Not bat-shit crazy at all.
They count on accusations …that’s just crazy talk… to avoid scrutiny.
The court testimony tells me it’s real.
I usually refrain from mentioning the place that shall not be named, but if there’s ongoing ugliness about McKinney, it’s just one more example of how easily our side/party/whatever can be rolled.
Here you have TOM DELAY talking about her and the “arrogance of some of these members”??? This from Mr. “I am the federal government.”??? Light into his ass. Have his bat shit crazy quotes all over the place. Deride him. Ridicule him. Do something!!
I mean, we are stupid for falling for this, and we do it every time. Doesn’t it seem rather odd that Dick Cheney could shoot and almost kill a man and not get a arrested, but some little dispute with a cell phone is somehow important?
[Quick aside–the Capitol police are also issued facebooks, too. Unless this officer was brand new, I’m skeptical. And I’ve seen a fair amount of haughty members breeze right by officers when they try to question them–but they’re white.]
But back to the point. Here you have a top-DHS official who is a fucking Chester, and instead of blasting an Admin that shows–again–how utterly corrupt and incompetent it is, folks are friggin talking about Cynthia McKinney.
How stupid can you be?
within this corrupt, immoral administration. When I read this earlier at AP my first thought was The Party of Immoral behavior. They are so indoctrinated to believe they are above the law. I mean, just look at their example, GWB! Disgusting. Yes, every indictment, every new story of corruption need to be the talking points this year.
I think they’re doing research. Between Doyle, Allen, Safavian, etc., it looks like they’re trying to compile an administration portfolio of every bizarre immoral thing they can possibly get arrested for. Just wait, it’s only a matter of time before someone finally arrests the President for molesting horses.
I have to restrain myself from making a comment about Bush’s (second) wife.
I feel sorry for someone who may have woke up, logged on while the coffee was brewing and not yet had a cigarette and read this diary!!!
Hey,…there was a story about someone connected or near to the horse breeder associations that surfaced in links around the time Brownie’s resume was being discussed. Evidently there are some strange recreational activities farms, in the Northwest particularly.
Thanks rumi–vaguely remembered something about that but couldn’t think of enough spefics to google.
Other “strange recreational activities” wouldn’t suprise me a bit!
You know, there’s something to be said for liberal/progressive values here… We talk about sex openly, do our drinking in public, and want to keep religion a private matter…
They talk about religion openly, and attempt to hide the sex and drinking behind closed doors….
And these are the people we’re supposed to trust with our nation’s security — and all the personal data they’re getting from spying on Americans without a warrant? (including the online activities of our kids?)
You know, there’s something to be said for people who won’t follow their own biblical mandate:
Matthew 6:5-6, King James Version
It’s a few verses before the Lord’s Prayer–the same one that they want government to engrave everywhere and enforce.
Which just about says it all…
Yeah, this DHS is really on top of things!
Via jem6x’s diary at dKos:
another link to Christy Hardin Smith at firedoglake via jem6x’s diary:
Does the Department of Homeland Security make you and your family feel safer?
Think I might call my wingnut rep about this one!
The staff assistant’s head might just explode, so write a letter via e-mail instead. Sure, it will be written by the Leg. Correspondent, but it has to be approved before it goes out.
See what kind of approved canned response that one would get. 🙂
if this could possibly be a distraction from Tom Delay’s resignation!!! I mean, the sites that I have checked are just too full of information, too fast. Know what I mean? Also wondering if this guy will get a book deal or sign on as a consultant somewhere…
No one has mentioned this yet but I’d be willing to bet that this guy is one of those very vocal ‘look at me I’m a good christian’ distracting people from his dirty little sick and perverted secret. If he’s not I’ll stand corrected.
Nothing would suprise me. Who was that wingut “minister” who admitted to “sin” after word of an affair leaked out?
And weren’t Abramoff and Delay saying similar things about religion and God getting them thru their “rough times”?
Also, gwb played that born-again card so often that he got the so-called Christian vote?
(Apologies to any real Chistian.)
from you…the only apologies I want to hear are from those who are giving my religion a bad name.
I wish Jesus would come back and take legal action against those using His name to cover their vile deeds…
Hint at blaming the media?
Wonder if he’ll get one of Abramoff’s, Cunningham’s, or Brownie’s lawyer(s)?
This is routine for the Bush administration. Business as usual. Maybe you were missing it, but think about what the folks who organized the raping of minors in Abu Ghraib in Iraq, have been doing here at home. Nothing novel here at all: We had four years of this, and then selected four more.
No, be surprised that the story of the crime is breaking in the news.
That is interesting indeed.
dollar industry. This particular incident, however, has some interesting aspects. First, the timing coincides with a couple of other related stories, most notably the testimony of the young man before Congress, about his experiences in the industry, featuring his having given 1500 names to authorities, which action was followed by one arrest.
Second, while it is certainly believable that Mr. Doyle or any other government official might seek to participate in such activities, it seems odd that he or anyone else, government official or not, would give the other party not only his real name and work telephone, but according to the government spokesperson, a photo of himself wearing his Homeland Security ID badge.
For all the incompetence and malfeasance present in Washington, that strikes an odd note with me.
In a comment elsewhere in this thread, BooMan offers some very sage advice regarding looking too closely into some things.
If I am not mistaken, the late Senator Wellstone became quite inquisitive regarding this most sensitive of the high-profit industries…
You think maybe he couldn’t get anyone to underwrite a new policy for him? Is he the same one who authored a book on death/dying and children?
could possibly misuse information that he was privy to regarding certain aspects of US policies and their implementation that could be embarrassing to US and its allies, should such misuse include indiscrete conversations with individuals or organizations whose hatred of freedom might extend to Seymour Hirsh-type acts of terror.
This is the first I heard about him having written any books, but I am fairly certain that should he wish to purchase additional life insurance today, he would be declined.
That dude’s got himself some severe pre-existing conditions, that’s for sure. I think I misunderstood your earlier comment as I construed it as he possibly made his identity obvious, deliberately…for someone’s safety concern.
has guessed the real story, but at this point I am not sure that he gave his identity to anybody, or that anything that has been reported about his activities is true.
Just for perspective, this particular industry generates several times the revenue of the entire energy industry, and we have seen the lengths to which people will go, the kinds of things they will do, for what is, compared to the human being industry, especially the child industry, chump change.
I can say with confidence that on this one, it didn’t take me long to put the shovel down and walk away from the Google-bar. It seems to go in many directions and no good can come from knowing what’s at the end of any tangential search string.
and doors that should not be opened are the inevitable result of even the most cursory examination of issues that should not be examined, unless, of course, one feels up to the consequences of such inquiry.
BooMan’s early suggestion of madness would be one of the minor penalties…