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Medicare D(iaster): Some Harmful Side Effects Of Generics

Ambulances parked in front of the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington DC.

[The Doctor’s Office is written by Benjamin Brewer, a doctor with a family practice in  Ill.]

One of the dangers of Medicare D(isaster) is the heavy reliance on the formularies and insistence on generic rx’s is putting patients at serious risk, as opposed to relying on the medical judgement of the treating physician.  A few examples:

The above-described true situations are just three examples of the harm that some have experienced under Medicare D(isaster).  Patients can also incur unnecessary stress, which can also cause/exhacerbate physical symptoms.  In addition, changes to less expensive generic rx’s w/increased side effects, more office visits and additional testing are necessary to determine if aditional physical problems are a result.

One of the reasons for this could possibly be the compostition of generic rx’s as the medicine in the generics is the same, but the fillers are not.  For this reason, some patients are unable to take generics w/o experiencing severe side effects.  And, after conferring w/their doctor, their prescriptions are  written DAW (Dispense As Written) out of medical necessity.

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