Saturday Night at the Froggy Bottom Lounge II
This Lounge is semi-hosted by Maryb tonight.
Newcomers and Lurkers are welcome!.
Just jump right in and introduce yourself.
Just jump right in and introduce yourself.
We like to both shake AND stir things up around here!
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Hey! That 4 looks good on you!
Since our fearless leader is contemplating nuclear war, I might as well drink what I like:
Want to join me?
oh, and that little tickle you feel every once in a while? That’s just me robo-rating you 😉
I’m back from been a good sister, dutiful daughter, and charming new acquaintance, so I deserve the best.
how are your new acquaintances, and your family?
Family is fine. New acquaintances are already categorized into people I met once time and probably will never see again. Typical UU crowd — liberal, well-meaning, and really, really sincere.
I always feel like slapping really, really sincere people. But maybe that’s just hormones talking 🙂
I guess that would be Pissy Mood Syndrome rather than Pardon My Sobbing or Pass My Sweatpants.
Pissy Mood Syndrome is correct. I only get Pardon my Sobbing about twice a year. And the sweatpants are really just a subset.
Have you been doing something exciting tonight?
that you never join a UU Fellowship — you’ll develop terrible callouses on your palm (unless you go in for backhanding).
there’s much risk of me joining. But thanks for the warning.
ROFL…My parents were atheists, so when they had kids they made us go to Unitarian meetings to give us religion. The the Universalists joined us and all hell broke loose.
I know a lot of UU and they are all very nice and very sincere. ;>) LOL
Olivia had chocolate in the last lounge, so I brought some over.
What the hell … the world could end at any time right?
Hey you! Glad to hear you had a good day with the whole F’n family. (I know, it was your family, not his, but let me have my joke.)
to my whole f’ing family so I’m having to make significant allowances for your joke. Fortunately for you, I’ve been hanging around with UU’ers all night and so am unusually inclined toward magnanimous behavior.
So have you had your fill of the 3D people for the season? 🙂
Well given that you are going to morph into one very soon — no.
But in your case, I don’t have to worry about O.D’ing on nice.
Good news, bad news on that, btw. Good news: The patient is responding to the chemo already, so YAY. Bad news: Due to the side effects we decided to live closer to her so we’re in the process of leasing in Bellbrook right now, which is just south of Dayton, so I’ll be a little further away. We can still meet up in Cincy, though.
I’m so happy to hear that the chemo is going well. I’m a bit disappointed about you guys not being in Cincy but it doesn’t add that much on to drive for me. I hope the additional distance won’t make it harder for you to come over here for a visit.
We’re all what you might call “cautiously stoked” — if you were Jeff Spicoli, anyway, you might call it that. (I sound frighteningly like Spicoli on college words.)
It looks like I’ll probably be driving cross country by myself, actually, so I should get a good idea of my driving tolerance level soon. I haven’t driven on the highway in 7 years. Heh. Road trip adventure! Yeah, I’ll be able to do 3 hours, I just might have to crash there with Sniff. 🙂
Okay, now I am worried — you are going to drive all that way by yourself? Do you have a cell phone?
BTW, Sniff’s couch is a futon which is actually a pretty comfortable bed so staying here won’t be a problem.
Don’t worry, I’m very responsible, and I’m a very good driver. (I’m too tired to hunt down a picture of Dustin Hoffman.) I am going to get a cell (and maybe a laptop, too) for the trip, and plan on making short days of it, so it will take me a while to make the whole trip. And if I get too tired, I’ll hole up in some Best Western and watch Showtime for a couple of days. 🙂
I’m so glad you responded well to my inviting myself to spend the night at your house, lol, I realized I was being a cad after I hit that post button. I’ll bring you some homemade banana bread to make up for my lack of grace & politesse.
I’m not worried about your responsiblity and driving ability — I’m worried about all the other idiots out there and the toll on your health. I’m glad you’re getting a cell phone because I’m probably going to make you call me every two hours to keep my mother hen from exploding into pin feathers.
As for your caddishness — not so much considering you already had an invitation to come stay here.
I really appreciate the concern. I am a little freaked but this whole situation is just hard on everyone involved, and this is just my part of the load. When I get the cell, I’ll email you the # so you can mother me at your own convenience. 🙂
exactly where you are going to stop along the way, one thing we can do is for you to let me know when you’re getting ready to stop and I check the internet to find you a place.
Well, I’ve reached my limit; time for bed. Have a good rest of the evening.
See you tomorrow.
You’re so sweet. But I will have the trip fairly well planned by the time I take off. Roomie has made it a lot and has it mapped out on her computer, plus she has this great travel book that has a list of all the hotels & restaurants at every exit off the major American highways, so I’m set.
Sleep tight.
First, fantazmagoric!!! I’m packing my bags… (soon I hope)
But I was wondering if the heads in profile in Wirepass Canyon and Buckskin Gulch #2 by JF were liberal presidents yet to be elected?
And whose bra is hanging there in Zion NP scene on the East Rim Trail. by JF
You know, people who post their own pictures should think seriously about the long-term ramifications of making smart remarks.
I’m assuming then that it must have been some sort of plant, in the foreground, that only appeared to look like…
You do realize that if you click on the small picture, you get to see the full-sized version?
(and yes it does look like a bra)
Aha! Yet another reason not to post any of my own pictures (if I had any).
BTW, the photo gallery is awesome. Jim did a great job putting it up. And the photos are breathtaking.
are almost other wordly, like you can hardly imagine them being on earth.
For me, I think it helps to have seen some of the other national parks west of the Missippi.
it would make a great location for a science fiction movie. Wonder what’s been filmed there?
The moon landing.
I loved the moon landing.
where the guys went up in a rocket and then crashed they thought somewhere other than earth, went through a desert survival confrontation with each other, then later discovered they were actually still on earth.
ring any bells with me.
I googled movies on manned rockets falling to earth, and couldn’t find it.
not sci-fi but one of our trailheads was at the site where they filmed The Outlaw Josey Wales.
I’ve hiked several places in Utah that were the sites of sci-fi movies (and whole lot more westerns) but not in the part where we were this trip.
of the Utah tour, what was it, March 24? Your schedule, better pictures with snow, fewer people?
I just posted my goods news finding in the other cafe — [link]
so I brought some chocolate over to this cafe. Chocolate and Kentucky bourbon go really well together.
I saw it up there. I said the other day that flowers make the world a better place, but I think chocolate makes it even better. 🙂
I realize this is heresy but I don’t care much for chocolate. I’d much rather hear about a study that says the secret to eternal life is good crusty bread dredged through olive oil
with some freshly grated parmegano cheese and a dash of sea salt.
perfection and coming your way September, 2006.
It’s a long way off.
But you can prepare for it by checking out the bread and olive oil offerings at all the best Italian restaurants in St. Louis.
and even better is a combination of both!!! Have the bread and olive oil as an appetizer and the chocolate as desert. LOL
which I don’t so I’ll have the bread before, during, after and you all can split my chocolate.
LOL Okay. I could make you chocolate chip bread LOL
when I was a kid, my mom always made me banana cakes for my birthday because I hated icing and I didn’t like regular cakes — my non-sweet tooth has a long history.
got your back.
What is is with ladies and chocolate anyway…can’t stand the stuff myself, leaves a bad aftertaste, fattening, bad for your teeth…wuzup?
It’s always been a mystery to me…:{)
<ducks…looks for cover…incoming(?)>
Gotta go cook now…
I’ll be bahk
anything to fling at you other than the bourbon and/or chocolate … but I don’t, so you’re safe. 🙂
I’ll eat all that yucky chocolate for you Andi!
How are you feeling?
I’m better today — on the mend. Your soup was obviously the ticket. 🙂
sorry to hear you have been under the weather. Feel better soon
can send its curative powers right through the ether — that and some quality time on the couch.
is what we just had prior to our pizza at Grazy’s restaurant.
a study at the UND medical school found people eating chocolate benefited from the slight amounts pf copper in chocolate when they had deficiencies in copper.
I’ll try to google, but not sure I can find anything.
Link here
1 oz baking chocolate (unsweetened, dark) – .748 (Milligrams)
see link for long list of copper content in foods, scroll down almost to bottom for UND study.
You suppose this could be why we have cravings for chocolate? Maybe our bodies are trying to tell us something.
I’m not sure what my body is telling me, b/c I’m always craving chocolate. I love the smell of it, and I don’t even have to eat. Just having it in the fridge (I like to keep it chilled 😉 is sometimes enough.
in this household is limiting ourselves to the recommended dose… 😉
Good evening, BTW…been a busy day, now in need of sleep…tomorrow even busier, with church in the morning and hockey in the evening (condolences, Olivia, on the Senators loss, though I read that Hasek hopes to be back for post-season play…).
OTOH, yay for your team! They’re making their way up the standings.
Have I mentioned lately how much I don’t like the A’s?
The Mariners are behind 3-0 in the 6th and haven’t scored in like 17 innings.
I mean I know we’re batting against Barry Zito but this is ridiculous.
Are you saying I should re-think this whole Mariners thing and go with the Yankees?
I would NEVER say that you should root for the Yankees. Yankee fans fall into two classes: the nicest, best-informed baseball people you’ll ever want to meet, and the biggest jerks on this planet and a couple more somewhere nearby. Even though I’m sure you’d be in the first group, I still wouldn’t recommend it.
Diclaimer: I do have a very good friend who’s a Yankee fan. He’s earned the privilege, though. He’s been going to games since the late 50s. He’s suffered through the bad teams so I figure he has a right to enjoy the good ones.
Still 3-0 Oakland, bottom of the 8th.
Being a complete national leaguer at heart I always forget that a misplaced Yankee joke can kill.
I’ll stick with my mariners plan for a while. 🙂
Game’s over, they lost 3-0 and they only got one Cheneyin’ hit.
And yesterday they lost 5-0.
They better win tomorrow, that’s all I got to say . . .
I find it better not to issue ultimatums (the [fill in the blank with team name] better win tomorrow or else) so early in the season.
Cuz they know you don’t really mean it 🙂
Well, they just better. There’s no “or else” to it. It’s got all the power of a Bush veto threat.
I am loading more cds into the ipod and relaxing. Hope everyone has had a fabulous day.
Here ya go:
MMMMMMMMMM Looks fabulous. I did have Kung Poa Lobster one time and thought I had died and gone to heaven. LOL
I’ve never had kung pao lobster. The first time I had kung pao chicken I think I managed to eat a couple of the peppers.
Well, nobody told me.
It’s a little early, but I’ve opened the 24 hour cafe.