Outside, the sun is shining, and birds are singing of the renewal of Spring. The trees have new buds appearing on their branches. Small children are playing in the parks on jungle gyms, laughing and screaming, running and chasing, taking in the warmth of the day amid their mothers’ sweet, knowing smiles.
Teenagers put off their homework, and contemplate which girl or guy to ask to their prom. Easter is just around the corner, and Spring Break, and more lazy weekend afternoons of leisure playing golf, or tennis, or sipping lattes at the local cafe reading the paper or conversing with old friends.
You could almost close your eyes and imagine that life is good — you could that is if you could forget for one second that we all now live in Crazy Town.
(More after the break . . . )
Jon Stewart of The Daily Show was the first to popularize the term. He meant it as satire. I mean it for real.
Because we’ve all “taken the bus to Crazy Town,” we just didn’t realize where we were headed. We thought we were headed for safety and security. We thought our driver knew what he was doing. But somewhere along the way our he took a turn that no one expected, that no one even believed possible, and gradually, imperceptibly, we have found ourselves relocated to a landscape we never imagined existed except in the fevered dreams of dystopian novelists:
Aggressive War as our primary tool of statecraft.
Official use of Torture in violation of legally binding international treaties and federal law.
Unlimited Detention of US Citizens, the denial of their constitutional rights against (1) unreasonable searches and seizures, (2) to counsel, (3) to a speedy trial, and their arbitrary Designation as Enemy Combatants by Presidential Fiat.
Fixed (which we now know means neutered) Intelligence to Mislead the American Public into Supporting War.
Use of the Big Lie technique (i.e., propaganda, disinformation, psy-ops, etc.) to deceive the public and cow the media and Democratic members of Congress from opposing Bush’s policies.
Leaks of Classified Information to smear the Bush regime’s opponents.
Outing an Undercover CIA Operative to punish a critic of the President’s war policies.
Warrantless Wiretaps of US Citizens in circumvention of federal law.
Inflammatory Rhetoric from Government Leaders suggesting that Those who Dissent or Criticize Our President are Traitors.
Surveillance of Anti-War Groups by the Pentagon US Intelligence Agencies, and local Police.
Secret Government Files on Peace Groups and their Designation as Terrorist Organizations.
Presidential assertions of Unlimited Executive Power and Authority.
The use of Orwellian Double Speak from Bush administration spokespersons and supporters.
The coming Criminalization of Abortion.
Promotion of Religion by the Federal Government.
Government Suppression of Science, from Global Warming to Evolution, for Stem Cell Research to Vaccines that could Prevent Cancer.
A coming Economic Catastrophe fueled by Record Federal and Trade Deficits.
Hate Speech toward Gays, Lesbians and Transgendered Persons for crass political gain.
Suppression of the Right to Vote by supporters of the President and his party.
All of these examples of our nation’s moral and political degradation are bad enough. But now we have learned that our country’s political and military leaders are planning the First Strike Use of Nuclear Weapons against A Non-Nuclear State. Let me re-phrase that in the interest of clarity:
Bush is Planning to Bomb the Shit out of Iran with Nukes in Order to “Save the Iranian People.”
[ED. Note: No, I’m Not Fucking Kidding! That’s what the asshole believes. It’s right there in the New Yorker article by Seymour Hersh.]
So yes, friends, that truly is proof positive that we now reside in Crazy Town. What used to be a funny witticism by Jon Stewart is now our beleaguered reality. What used to be Margaret Atwood’s nightmare vision of an America controlled by fascist theocrats is coming closer everyday. We are ruled by a faction that believes in the Ultimate Battle of Good versus Evil: Armageddon. And frankly, they are the evil which they think they oppose.
In short, we are in the hands of a Messianic Madman. Of Greedy, Corrupt Corporations and Religious Zealots. Liars and Deceivers all. They are the rulers of our new home, a place that used to reside only in The Twilight Zone.
And the price we are about to pay if they are permitted to carry out their ignorant and reckless plan to bomb Iran is beyond what I can, or even wish to, imagine.
Cross-posted at dkos
Thanks for jerking me out of my insulated Sunday Steven ;o)
I, like you, don’t care to imagine the life (or national death) we’ll all be forced to live in if they start nuking Iran. That thought is still inconcievable to me, though I know in my heart we’re on that precipice. Once that leap is made there will be no going back. Not ever. It will then be only a matter of time before we become a dying society, more so than we are already.
Exact same thing happenned to me–was being completely lazy until I read this!
Is this just dawning on you guys?
BEEN in Crazytown since we swallowed the Warren Commission bullshit.
Want to support a REAL presidential candidate? (Provided one shows up and survives the ordeal in one piece?)
Support the first one to vow to put the full might of the U.S. government behind an effort to get to the bottom of who REALLY killed JFK, RFK and MLK Jr.
This has been a malignant, growing tumor on the body politic for over 40 years.
Time for an operation.
The results would point at the people who are really running this dumbshow today as unerringly as a compass needle points due north.
And then…finally…maybe we could be clean again.
Anybody else willing to put their corporeal ass on the line?
I don’t see them.
But that is the only thing that could truly end this Crazytown nightmare.
The ONLY thing.
27 to 1 against.
But there’s always a chance…
Your logic is either totally brilliant or completely crocked, because it makes no sense.
Actually, it is neither brilliant NOR crocked, Shalimar.
AQnd it DOES make sense.
Sheer common sense.
Assassins with the same “mysterious” connections. The same impalpbaly strange air about them. Military deployments in the JFK and MLK Jr. areas that made no sense whatsoever. Obfuscation upon obfuscaion, death upon death upon, question upon question upon question.
And then…the Nixon Years.
ALSO ended with an intel-based and operated plot. (Check out WOODWARD’S history for more on that.)
The Reagan years. (Ronald Reagan. The original W. Clueless and run by his vice-president.)
The Bush years…Bush I quite likely having been an intel op from the GET-go.
Lie after lie after lie after lie.
A media that has been almost totally compromised by big business. By Eisenhower’s “military industrial complex” about which he warned us less than two years before the initial coup.
It happened, Shalimar.
And it CONTINUES to happen to this day.
What was “brilliant” was the way these forces ran their game.
The only thing crocked is how the fat…fattened is more like it, because they have massively overfed us on every level in order to enforce our quiesence…how the fattened American public has gone along with this bullshit despite reams of evidence that outs what is up.
The “Good Germans” went for Hitler’s shit in desperation after a societal collapse following military defeat. And only for about ten years. After that they were essentially under martial law.
“Good Americans” have gone for it with no excuses possible.
None whatsoever.
Except for self-satisfaction and sloth.
For over FORTY years.
And counting.
If you do not see the sense in what I am saying, then as the great jazz musician Fats Waller answered when asked the question “What is swing?”
“If you don’t know…I can’t tell you.”
I think you have a hint, because at least you offer two possibilities instead of automatic-ing into the old tinfoil hat song and dance.
But there is a THIRD possibility.
Neither brilliant NOR crocked.
Jes’ good ol’ American horse sense.
COMMON sense,
From a common man.
Let me ask you something, Shalimar.
If it’s called “common sense”…how come it is so goddamned rare?
Think on it.
I don’t disagree with much of what you write, but this idea of some grand lying plan all stretching back to and flowing from ’60s assassinations is giving them way too much organizational credit. Hell, they can’t even plan a war competently, how do you think they managed to keep this vast conspiracy secret of decades? I’m not saying you’re wrong, I don’t have any evidence of that, but arguing that your point is the only common sensical view is loony.
Plan, coincidence, happenstance, accident…all the same.
Nothing is EVER neat and clean when you talk about really big pictures.
Hell…nothing is ever neat and clean even in office politics.
But when you look at the big, BIG picture…this is what has happened.
Explain it as you must.
We are ruled by criminals, and their style of rule is based on deception.
AND, if you follow the connections…say the Bush family connections…they run straight on back through Hitler’s American banker (Grandpa Prescott Bush) and even further to the slave and opium trades of the 19th century.
Is it a “plot”?
Is it a family of demons?
Is it just chance?
I don’t know.
But I DO know…perhaps “believe on the evidence” is a better way of putting it…that there were concentrated, covert movements in the underbelly of the American government that got rid of the opposition (An opposition with which I HEARTILY agreed…and so did you, I’ll bet…) any goddamned way they could.
The probable next Democratic candidate for President, Hillary Clinton, referred in a rash moment of candor to a “vast right wing conspiracy” during her previous incarnation as a left-wing Dem.
She was right.
Perhaps we will NEVER prove what happened beyond a shadow of a doubt. But a probe of the evidence using all of the vast powers of the federal government would produce some MIGHTY interesting partial results, I will guarantee you. And the opposition to that sort of movement would in itself be a quite accurate marker as to who has something to hide and who does not.
Bet on it.
Will it happen?
Not if the bogus “for the good of the country” argument that has prevailed during the long last 5 years and more holds true.
Oppose the Patriot Act?
“For the good of the country.”
Oppose the invasion of Iraq?
“For the good of the country.”
Question the vote frauds in Florida and Ohio during the last two Presidential elections?
“For the good of the country.”
Get to the bottom of the PermaGovernment’s involvement in the assassinations of the ’60s?
“For the good of the country.”
Sound familiar?
You betcha.
Tired of it yet?
I am.
Let’s see.
Let us turn over the rocks under which these parasites have been hiding and SEE!!!
I dare ya.
Paragraphs are your friend. Really. You might actually get me and others to read your posts if you used paragraphs.
Y’know…I’m getting to be a vet on these blogs.
Back on dKos, I always knew when I was getting close to some sort of truth when the inevitable
Using up
Too many
Would show up and complain.
“WAAAHHH!!! It ruins my reading rhythm!!1 I can’t move my lips like I usually do!!! WAAAHHHH!!! YOU’RE WASTING VALUABLE BANDWIDTH!!!”
Almost always coupled with a complaint about my attitude.
My “abrasiveness”.
Well I’ll tell you what, Kamakhya.
As soon as we are not living under the constant threat of martial law.
As soon as we are not being used as an excuse to rape, murder and pillage the third world.
As soon as “my” government stops its nuclear-based terrorism.
As soon as there is an effective opposition party in the United States instead of this rubberstamp band of cowards who call themselves Democrats…
As soon as the American people wake the fuck up from this 40 year sleep into which they have fallen…Rip[ van Winkle America, R.I.P. will be on our tombstone if we get offed in some stupid nuclear holocaust of our own invention…
As soon as those things happen…I will be just as nice as pie.
UNTIL then…I am raising holy hell.
I will NOT go gently into that bad night.
I see by your two posts here that you have a young daughter.
And that you have had some experience with the denial in which many women live even today regarding sexuality and abuse.
And that you do not agree with that denial.
And yet…you YOURSELF are in denial if you think that anything less than strong, direct and quite possibly “abrasive” action will change what is going down here.
WE are being raped…men, women and children…as is the rest of the world. And a rapist does NOT respond to polite palaver.
A rapist responds to a swift kick in the balls.
My sig says it all.
Power concedes nothing without a demand; it never has and it never will.-Frederick Douglass
From one of the earliest escapees from the American slave system.
Well…before “we” can demand ANYTHING we have to wake up to our own position. Stop the denial.
THEN maybe we can do something.
Until then…
Reid and Pelosi and Lieberman and Biden.
Politics as usual.
So…if my style bothers you…read what I have to say anyway.
It’s what I am SAYING that counts…not how I say it.
How I space my sentences.
Good luck…
You (and the rest of us as well) are going to need it.
REAL soon.
It’s not that the space is valuable, Arthur. It’s that the formatting makes your writing hard to read. I just can’t read your stuff because it’s hard on my eyes. I can’t explain it any better than that.
get to the bottom of who REALLY killed JFK, RFK and MLK Jr.
My late father always used to go on about this. (Mom kept telling him to give it a rest.) He had his own theory too. (It made sense to me.) Once he mentioned it to my mom and she said he was nuts!
I swear, if my dad was still alive, he would be online more than I am–lol!
Thank you Steven.
The contrast between your opening image of this serene Sunday morning on planet earth .. and the contagious illusion of paranoia that has been seeded and fertilized , sprouted and nurtured to fruition by those in civil and political power leads me to beieve we need a grass roots movement back towards our inherent and indeed .. natural mammalian sanity.
The internets is helping us to heal our own selves. One cell … one body … one mind at a time. Humanity is one family with one heart. It is coming time to rouse ourselves from the hallucination of the Republican/Democrat mind .. and take back our land
Reason many have been Loooong Time Activists, It Gets Crazier and Crazier, and I’m afraid we’re headed Out Of Town via Society Destruction!!!
Given Bush’s desire to “save” the Iranians by nuking them, I prefer the words of Richard Thompson:
“Psycho Street, frinedly people down on
Psycho Street, good neighbours
Down on Psycho Street
If you need a hand, need a friend, we understand
If you need a pal, we’ll be there, any how
Psycho Street”
That we live among men who should be declared insane and unfit to hold office has long been understood by members of this community. The traditional media people are also included in the insane category .
If you missed your read, TWO items are a must today.
The lying Washington Post editoral, A Good Leak -Wilson is the one that twisted the truth, Bush did nothing wrong – move along no scandal here.
And over at Thinkprogress, a video clip with transcript of Sy Hersh on CNN with Wolfie on Sy’s widely covered The New Yorker article – “the uproar at the highest levels of the U.S. military over plans to launch a massive strike against Iran that would include nuclear weapons:”
Hersh: Our Military Is `Very Loyal to the President, But They’re Getting to the Edge’
Love this post!
I prefer to call it Denialville. Everyone knows all of this they just can’t live there full-time so they go off to Denialville in order to function.
The criminals in charge know they just have to keep up the fear factor and people will run for to ‘ville’.
It will catch up with them though, it always does and no matter when it happens it will be years too late for me.
Remember Martha Mitchell who knew everything that was going on and began to speak about it and they called her crazy. Nothing has changed except all these wives are as corrupt as their husbands.
He is a War President.
War against Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Syria, “Old Europe”…
War against the Constitution.
War against International Treaties.
War against Science.
War against Truth.
War against Dissent.
War against Privacy.
War against Women.
War against the Middle Class.
War against the Poor.
War against the Elderly.
War against non-Christians.
War against Democrats.
War against Liberals, Moderates, and anyone left of Joe Lieberman.
War against the environment and environmentalists.
War against peace and peace activists.
War against George H.W. Bush, which afterall is the driving factor that brought us to Crazy Town — alcoholic, party-boy George trying to prove he is a bigger man than his daddy.