He’s an amoral sociopath, a man who will do anything to get his candidate elected, from stealing votes to starting rumors that an opponent is a pedophile, but one thing you have to hand to him, he’s fast on the draw when it comes to fashioning new and creative talking points.
Now, all weekend the internet has been ablaze with the story Seymour Hersh broke in the New Yorker, that the Bush administration has already foresworn diplomacy with Iran, and has drawn up plans to attack its nuclear and military facilities, plans which also include the option to use bunker busting nuclear bombs like the B61 in an attempt to destroy secret underground bunkers where the administration believes Iran’s nuclear program is being sheltered. Nukes, I might add, that can carry a warhead with an explosive yield of up to 340 kilotons (i.e., 340,000 tons of dynamite), or approximately 23 times larger than the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima, which had a yield of only 15 kilotons.
This story of a war-hungry President with a messianic complex is poisonous to Bush right now, coming as it does on the heels of so much other bad news last week, like the latest Plamegate revelations that Bush authorized Cheney and Libby to leak selected intelligence from the October, 2002 National Security Estimate on Iraq in order to attack the credibility Ambassador Joseph Wilson.
The Plame story paints Bush as a man willing to smear his critics if they threatened to expose his lies about the run-up to the Iraq war. The Hersh revelations, however, are far more toxic. Bush has been living and dealing with the fallout from Iraq and Joe Wilson for 3 years now. It’s doubtful that, by itself, further damning evidences of Bush’s involvement in the outing of Valerie Plame would have any significant effect on his poll numbers.
However, the news that Bush is secretly planning another war, this time against Iran, and one in which the US might use nuclear weapons for only the second time in the history of the world, could cause serious damage to his faltering approval numbers. Those numbers might even drop into the 20’s or teens, a landscape where impeachment stops being a dirty word, even to Bush’s fellow Republicans.
So Rove needed to act fast. He needed a catch phrase that would both belittle the Hersh story while soothing the anxieties of most Americans who are rightly terrified by the potential fallout should we use any nuclear weapons against an Islamic country. And wouldn’t you know it, that rat bastard, Karl, came through again:
(more below the fold)
Bush calls Iran military plans ‘wild speculation’
By Sam Knight and agencies
President George Bush dismissed claims that his administration was planning a pre-emptive military strike against Iran as “wild speculation” today.
Mr Bush was reacting to two articles — one in The Washington Post on Sunday and another in The New Yorker magazine today — claiming that hawkish officials in the Pentagon and the White House were recommending a forceful change of regime in Tehran.
Indeed, just take a look at this google search for all the articles about Iran that have come out just today with that very same phrase “wild speculation” used to describe the claims of the pentagon’s war planning for Iran contained in Hersh and WaPo articles. Pretty impressive, isn’t it? But it’s use doesn’t stop with Bush of course. Look how many times our man Scotty uses it in response to a questions today from Helen Thomas:
In this morning’s White House press ‘gaggle’, Helen Thomas got things started with a simple question. “Is the U.S. going to attack Iran?” Full transcript below …
QUESTION: Is the U.S. going to attack Iran?
SCOTT McCLELLAN: It is now your turn.
QUESTION: Is the U.S. going to attack Iran?
SCOTT McCLELLAN: Helen, we’re pursing a diplomatic solution by working with the international community. I assume you’re referring to some of the media reports. Some of the media reports I’ve seen, which are based on anonymous outside advisors and former officials, appear to me to be based on people that do not know the administration’s thinking. I think it is a lot of wild speculation. We are working with the international community, particularly the EU-3, to pursue a diplomatic solution to a serious and growing concern.
QUESTION: Does the President think that the American people would accept any kind of an attack on Iran?
SCOTT McCLELLAN: Now you’re engaging in the wild speculation I just talked about. Look, those who are seeking to draw broad conclusions based on normal military contingency planning are misinformed or not knowledgeable about the administration’s thinking. The international community is united in its concern about the regime obtaining a nuclear weapons capability, and that’s why we are working with the international community to prevent that from happening. And we are seeking to resolve this in a diplomatic way.
QUESTION: Would the President consult with Congress before —
SCOTT McCLELLAN: Helen, I’m not going to engage in all this wild speculation. No President takes options off the table, but our focus is on working with the international community to find a diplomatic solution.
Oh that Scotty. The perfect man for repeating Rove’s pet phrases with almost robotic efficiency. And don’t you admire the genius of it? Wild Speculation. Bush critics and the media are immediately painted as fanatics and madmen willing to say anything because of their intense and disloyal hatred of Our Leader. On the flip side it strikes the perfect tone of measured and statesmanlike activity by President Bush, by suggesting he would never stoop to such a thing.
And best of all, it doesn’t even deny the report! There’s absolutely no denial of the essential elements of the Hersh and WaPo stories, that Bush is secretly planning to go to war against Iran. It even obscures the real truth about his intentions that Bush himself openly admits: that he refuses to negotiate with Iran:
Mr Bush’s rejection of any bilateral negotiations will be a disappointment to the EU3 countries of France, Germany and the UK, which have been urging the US to engage in direct talks with Tehran. The Iranian government has also sent out signals that it desires such direct negotiations with Washington.
Mr Bush said any effort to engage the Iranians directly on the nuclear issue would weaken efforts to dissuade Iran. “It’s amazing that, when we’re in a bilateral position or negotiating one-on-one, somehow the world ends up turning the tables on us. And I’m not going to put my country in that position,” he said.
Yes, any reports of war planning are wild speculation, even as Bush rejects bilateral negotiations. Such chutzpah! In essence he’s saying, “Don’t worry, be happy” to the American public. As propaganda, it’s damn near perfect.
Of course, its all one great big evil lie. You know that, and I know that. But how many of our gullible friends and neighbors will allow themselves to be snookered once more? Yes, folks, it’s all right to go back to your normal, mindless zombie existence. Any talk about war with Iran is just WILD SPECULATION.
I salute you, Karl Rove. Joseph Goebbels has got nothing on you buddy.
“wild speculation” sounds to me a lot like a “frenzy.”
viewed in that light, it’s not all that creative. he’s just doing a repeat performance of what he did in 2002
It does indeed.
Would that our blind as a bat media would make the connection and report it like that.
Here’s the story that appeared in the Guardian on August 21, 2002:
In other words, bombs should be dropping on Iran in a matter of months.
I think ya got it nailed, pilgrim.
hit post too soon. . .
So do you think it would work to repeat that endlessly? “Bush said fear of war with Iraq was Wild Speculation too.”
Repeat that ad nauseum until they look like they’re trying to cover up and distract attention.
I think they sure hope it does.
Sorry, misunderstood your question.
My new answer: Who knows? It can’t hurt.
Now that the cat is out of the bag on their Iran plans, Bush is emphasizing diplomacy (of which this regime seems incapable). We know it’s a front but they aren’t in a good position to pull of a direct attack on Iran. I think they’ll get Israel to do it and then we can go in to “defend Israel.”
Now, if the Democrats were at all competent, they’d be flooding the channels with this comparison.
Indirectly trying to blame the media and the blogosphere, as usual. Bet you hear that one tomorrow!
I won’t give Rove anything but my deepest contempt for the insane aganda he drives through the great puppet George. Wild Speculation MY ASS! And the effing media just keeps memeing along.
Well, I hope my “praise” for Rove was sufficently dripping in sarcasm for you.
Oh yes dear. My comment was no reflection of your writing. You know I adore you Steven.
Rove is a genius at winning elections thru dirty tricks. Lookie here some may have come home to roost today.
Truthout provides this link to the NH court case over the phone – jamming of Dems GOTV campaign, confirming what we knew.
Phone-Jamming Records Point to White House.
For all that “wild speculation” I didn’t hear no denials from either the White House or the Brits. I heard a lot of non-denial denials (trademarked by the Nixon White House).
Yeah, you got that right. Who says something can’t be wild speculation and true at the same time? With this President that’s almost standard operating procedure.
So we have trademark infringment on top of everything else?
I heard a sound bite from Jack Straw calling any such plans “insane”.
I believe it was on the Ed Schultz show.
People said the same thing about invading Iraq. Yet there we are.
“Wild Speculation” will work for half a day. It will also keep the story alive. Hersh will be asked to respond to the charge,etc.
I am still looking for strong statements on the subject from members of Congress (now on vacation.) I hope constituents are asking them about it, as well as writing to them about it, as I have done.
This has to be condemned, categorically. Senator Kerry spoke out strongly against it when asked on Meet the Press, but they have to do more, proactively. They have to condemn the enormity of what’s being planned: the first nuclear attack since World War II and since more than one nation had nuclear weapons, on a nation that has committed no hostile act against us, to topple a democratically elected government.
Nuclear weapons is an entirely different category, in many ways. People don’t like to think about them. But being reminded of the consequences, of the horrors, and the inhuman folly of their use, helped keep them in their silos under far more provocative circumstances, during the Korean War, the Berlin crises, Vietnam, other Middle East crises in the 50s, the 60s, etc., and the Cuban crisis. This “wild speculation” must continue.
I don’t think this is aimed at the people who pay close attention to the news like those of us here do. It’s for the people who are barely awake, who maybe caught a whiff of this story and wonder how it oculd possibly be true. For them this is like a bone tossed to a dog to quiet it down, or a pacifier given to a baby.
Whether the story has legs depends very much on how the press, and especially the cable news nets cover it. And I’m not optimistic considering the quality of our current media.
What media? gwb’s pr squad? the only thing they do is re-write press releases, and if something on the blogs is worth reading (for their audience) they lift it and and tone it down!
I wouldn’t hold my breath for strong statements about this from any prominent congresscritters on either side of the aisle.
The public is sick of hearing about this war business day in and day out. They resent the fact that things are not resolved by now, and they are starting to blame Bushco for the inconvenience, the intrusiveness of this constant stream of bad news impinging on the comfortable little bubbles of delusion in which they live their lives. (Most don’t really even care about dead Iraqi civilians, and I suspect many likewise manage to rationalize even the death of US military as negligable in the broader scheme of things. But they object, not to the war itself, but to the fact that it impinges on their peace of mind. and they’re worn out with the perpetual state of cognitive dissonance they have to maintain if they’re to remain supportive of the hapless imbecile Bush and his insane neocons.
And many congresspeople know this and so are going to be very careful how they address this issue until they see which way the wind, (and the polls) are going for Bush and his looney neocon administration.
And we must remember that political ambition leaves precious little room for principle; that there’s plenty of cowardice to go around in congress.
I’m not holding my breath. I’m contacting members of Congress and demanding they speak out on this.
If those demands are repeated through the blogosphere and the media, then they will.
As for the media, after being pretty slow on the uptake yesterday, last night and today this is a story. By responding with a countercharge of “wild speculation,” the Bushites may be playing to those few who aren’t skeptical if not cynical about everything they say. But they gave the media exactly what it wants: conflict. Charge. Countercharge. Now the response to the countercharge.
I am actually encouraged that there is this much noise on the topic today.
Once this reaches the charge/countercharge point in the media, it becomes rhetorical mud-wrestling, a “he said/he said” form of duelling soapboxes.
In short, it becomes entertainment.
I will be completely flabbergasted if any prominent elected Dem steps up and forthrightly challenges the idiocy of advancing an agenda of military intervention against Iran, or even openly ridicule the insanity of positing the use of nukes.
As always, I hope I’m wrong about this, but I have an unfortunate tendency over time these last several years to be accurate with such prognostications far more often than not.
If some prominent generals resign over this that would accomplish something I’m sure, since I think the neocons are already on the run anyway. But I don’t see any elected Dems standing foursquare against the core insanity of the Bush regime’s plans for Iran.
Senator Kerry already has declared the nuclear option unacceptable, in response to a question from Tim Russert Sunday.
I expect both my senators, Feinstein and Boxer, will as well. Senator Feinstein has been watching the Bushite romance with nuclear weapons when few others have. Senator Boxer has proven her political courage before.
Speaking of “wild speculation”, I have decided that if someone should ever call me for one of those polls where they ask for a one-word description of President Bush, I am going to go with “antichrist”. Sure I’m only speculating, and I don’t even believe in Revelations, but if there is one then Bush has to be it. He has most deeply religious people fooled, which is the first sign.
I’m neither a Christian nor a practioner of any mainstream religion, but I like these 2 quotes regarding the duping of the devout.
“God is the Devil’s best disguise.”
“Even the devil can quote scripture.”
Well it is good to know that any questions pertaining to what the President might think about an issue is also wild speculation.
I always knew anything he thought was wild speculation (ie. Iraq=9/11; Flowers in the streets; the levees will hold; no such thing as Global Warming; etc.) but I never thought they’d admit it…
I know and I can’t believe that bastard is allowed to wear a SCOTUS robe…
Oh wait, this is still the Rove thread right… 😉
Wow, Booman, you are on a roll today – good diaries. I can’t tell you how many times I have wondered how Rove keeps up with all this administration throws at us – he has to work 24/7. . . He is mad, insane and just plain evil.
Karl Rove’s due is to be “frog marched” out of the White House, in handcuffs or not, doesn’t matter, as long as the little frog is marchin’ and the marchin’ is in the “out” direction.