Babbling On
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
No bagels available in sympathy with those keeping Passover.
No bagels available in sympathy with those keeping Passover.
Rumor has it the Family Man is making pancakes for everybody.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s talk to you
No unleavened bagels?
What happened, did everybody bail?
matzo meal pancakes are really good.
Of course, I don’t keep passover so I was just trying to be nice (I don’t know what came over me).
Uh huh I knew that tough exterior was just a put on. š
BTW I’ve got my football helmet on just incase.
incased around this joint.
Actually full body armour is sometimes needed.
But I’ve found fast apologies and yellow roses work pretty well too. Of course that with the football helmet on.
Well, I’m taking a bagel break. Two cups of coffee on an empty stomach is a bad idea. Later everyone.
Hit and run. Oh SN. š
good that I got the “hat” in there otherwise I’d a been in serious trouble…
You know I think they are ignoring our extremely witty male banter.
worrying about Ms. NDD to pay attention to you two.
so we’re all in the clear.
Andi I’m crushed. I’m not the center of the universe?
Just as well. I’ve got to get some more stuff done while it’s still cool.
See ya’ll later.
Reader’s Digest version for them? Maybe it’s just a tad too much intellectualese to handle?
Jews in North Dakota and ask them to make you some.
2 of those three. Steve’s America’s Land of Tranquility and Robin.
Steve’s my 35 mm guru. I’ll have to ask them about the pancakes sometime.
Unleavened bagels? Yuck. I made some of those once. I forgot to put the yeast in and then couldn’t figure out why they weren’t rising.
I suppose I could have used them for hockey practice.
I’m going for a walk so the place is all yours. Or maybe you’re ready for a nap.
Anybody around?
What an incredible day, yesterday! Thank you thank you thank you for all the totally awesome Escape Day Diaries!
I’m still snuggled under my comforter, luxuriating in the feeling of having my life back. Didn’t get much sleep, but that can be fixed. I’m contemplating signing on to FM’s program of alternating naps and slacking off.
How does the first day of the rest of your life feel?
It looks totally great, SN! Raining, but I can never complain about the rain…. I’m hoping the sun will peek out around noonish so I can run down and take some pictures at high tide.
How are things in your neck of the woods?
Still around, but feel a nap coming onwent to bed once slept well, then got up again, but the night was too short.
Happy for you that you’re out of the neg environment. I’ve been in a few of those, and the only mistake was not getting out sooner!
Happy napping! See you when you get back…. Yes, I am wondering as the shock wears off how I stood it for so long.
It cause we luv ya and are happy you are out of that hell hole!!!!
Luv right back to ya!
Yes, what a relief to think I never have to set foot in that toxic depressing office for the rest of my life!!!!!!!
I had a similar job. I would pull into the parking lot and get a headache that would last all day and would finally go away two hours after work. I finally realized I had to quit no matter what. I was lucky and found the company I work for now where even my worse day is 100 times better than my best day there.
Incredible how toxic and dysfunctional workplaces can become. But you got out of it and went on to better things! That sounds encouraging! It’s hard to quit a job when you don’t have another one to go to, and I’ve never done it before. But I just couldn’t stay in that situation, so I’ll have to hope for the best. I’m sure something will turn up soon!
Morning MM. First day of freedom. Ain’t it great!
Yup! It sure is great. I feel so free to do so many things that I haven’t been able to do is so long that I’m sitting around doing absolutely nothing!
I will keep sending good thoughts your way as you search for a better job.
Thanks, r69! I need all the good vibes I can get! š
Incredibally happy that you are now out of there.
Just getting out of there is like mental ju jitsu for you š
Mental jujitsu is right! I might just have to write a book about that whole experience someday… when I can finally see the funny side of it!
Getting a really late start for me. I was up most of the night with a bad case of insomnia and the Divas let me sleep in a little. You have to check out the main page story abour Maryscott and booman. It is fabulous and also read the article in the Post.
Here are some designs I did last night as everyone was slpeeing.
Deport Bush & Company
sooner or later I’ll succumb and whip out the old plastic. Just waiting for that “right” one that would fit my situation here.
Thank you!!!! I keep trying and keep ranting through my designs. It is a great release for me to use creativity to fight the insanity.
Love the T-shirt r69! Hilarious!
Thank you!!!!
enjoy the nap!!!!
Who’s around?
Moi! But I have to go make myself something to eat, unless you can shoot me a few pancakes through a cyber-space wormhole. LOL
I wish I could because I’ve already made some. Mom’s on a pancake kick lately.
I’ll be around all day, so take your time and enjoy yourself and remember my motto.
Do as little as possible – slowly.
lol ME!!!!! sort of
Morning Refinish. What big plans do you have going today?
I am working on designs and web sites. I am skipping a meeting today. LOL I wil clean house, do laundry and crocery shopping later and then cut the grass. Decided a needed a little down time this weekend.
Good for you. Enjoy.
So did you get your ceiling fixed and your new mattress?
Nope not yet. Our AC is being repaired and when that gets done they will do the ceiling. The new mattress will be awhile.
I long for apartment living again.
should we be posting snow pictures to cool you off?
No just take ever fan you’ve got and point it this way.
so you flooded the ac also? LOL
No the AC flooded me. I found out yesterday that besides the plugged pipe the drip pan was rusted out. It must had been dripping onto my ceiling for awhile, but there was not damage I saw.
So now we’re waiting on a new drip pan and then we’ll have AC. I hope it’s here by Tues. because they’re predicting 95F.
It is in the 90’s here already so I know what you mean but I am too cheap to turn on the ac yet. LOL
so you know that losing your AC isn’t funny, it’s a worthy of a five-act tragedy.
I would have thought a musical. You know the ones where they’re jumping around with no clothes. But, it’s even too hot for that.
Actually the house is still fairly cool at the moment. This afternoon around 6 or 7 pm is when it will get miserable. Then it won’t start cooling off again until 4 or 5 AM.
It’s only for a few days, but besides being a supreme slacker, I’m trying to add whining too it. š
I hope that at least the humidity isn’t too bad yet.
Seems like mint julips should be on the menu.
The humidity hasn’t been too bad lately. Mint julip, nope. Tried one once and didn’t like it.
I’m sticking with katiebirds drinking water. She says 2 liters a day. Today I’m expecting a couple of gallons. š
BTW to add to my current joy. The relatives that just left a week ago. They’ll be back today.
At the moment life just can’t get any better. š
I’m going to head out for just a little bit, but will be back checking in.
will make sure that they don’t stay long.
I would leave a map with directions to the nearest motel taped to the door. LOL
You want some cheese with that whine? LOL
Check Craig’s list for a new mattress, Family Man. Sometimes people sell brand new ones still in the wrapping for a lot cheaper than you could get one new.
Just go to and then select the city nearest you and then ‘furniture.’
Last week I bought this chair that retailed for 1700 and I paid 180 for it. Some guy was moving in with his girlfriend and she didn’t like it. When I picked it up I saw why – she had painted each wall a different color, bright orange, black, lavender and green.
for people with no taste.
Nice chair!!!!!! I hope I cna find some deals like that when I move.
I’m just doing a quick blog-and-run this morning. They’re having a science fiction convention here in town this weekend, and we’re going to go for the day just so we can remember what it was like.
You see, it was at just such a science fiction convention that Mrs. Omir and I met, and it was at just such a science fiction convention that we decided to get married. No, we didn’t actually get married at one. We have long since gotten out of the convention-going habit, but one of my wife’s favorite authors is the guest of honor at this convention, and she wants to go say hello. (We’ve actually met her on a couple of occasions. She was much less famous back then.)
So have fun, see y’all later.
Have a great time!!!!!!!
and tell the rest of us sf&f fans who you saw and what you did!
If your kid starts shaking and convulsing on the floor tomorrow…. it might be the 10 pounds of sugar in their little bodies.
I tried once to explain the resurrection of Jesus to Guppi when she was little and she got on the phone and told her Grandma that we were celebrating the “Erection of Jesus”.
Try explaining Easter to children born of a horror flick freak without it sounding like Zombies.
This year… no Easter that resembles christianity. Sorry, but I just can’t swallow it any longer.
Here we are trying to ressurect HUMANITY.
LOL I love the “Erection of Jesus”!!!! I can see the look of horror that must have been on your face or was that the shade of purple as you almost laughed yourself to death.
Remember Easter is a replacement celebration for the Pagan rights of spring. I know it means a lot for those who are religous. Better chocolate than sex I guess. LOL
Many of our loved ones here are religious and I love that but they aren’t the ones who are trying to strip my rights away… see storiesinamerica diaries. But those Liberal Christians… they’re the minority.
To be real honest.. I’m just as afraid of a person with a Christian bible anda Bush Cheney sticker on their truck as I am of a bunch of drunken men on a dark corner…
The G-d of Christians… quite frankly… scares the shit out of me. Always testing, watching. It’s like Big Brother who likes to punish through irony. As a woman, reading the bible is like reading a manual for how to keep me down and keep me seen as a dirty, evil creature. Fuck that. Fuck their wars. Fuck their bigotry and quests for bloodshed.
Jesus however. I can dig that idea. The idea of Jesus was not about christianity… but more about peace, love and humanity. I’m not a christian… I’m a human.
Heard a song by Anne DiFranco – in the radio KBOO rocks – and it was about Freedom Of Choice. Very powerful song. I have to get more of her stuff. Yesterday I spent a few hours with Peter Tosh and some of his recorded speeches. Incredible stuff that is so pertinent to today. The whole idea that change comes from the top (when it actually comes from the bottom) is a slave mentality. We need to quit being slaves.
Most of the traditions/rituals that we enjoy in the christian religions are pagan. Most are the only part I liked of the holidays. So… that’s what we’ll do. Each holiday, we can learn from our new friends, from our newd journeys. I have no idea what the next holiday will be like… and I love that about my life. š
It’s Ani DiFranco, doll, and here’s the website of the recording company she started, Righteous Babe Records. Ani RULES. See her live if at all possible.
that you hurt your back. I’ve been so good about not pestering you and now I see the result of not having a mother hen making sure you are behaving yourself.
You will be relieved to know that Roomie is going to fly back here and drive me across country. Well, I was relieved anyway. š
And my back goes out like this any time I pick up anything heavy, or sometimes just if I sneeze too hard. I think it’s from degenerative disc disease. My mom had it, too, started at about the same age, late 20s.
Indy… I wish I could wrap you up in a bubblewrap blankie.. and that I had a Star Trek thingy that beams people around so that I could be with you and Andi today. š
Today.. I have a CodePink Work Party to attend. aCK
Sweetie, the best thing you can do for me is to keep on keepin’ on with all your super-brave activism stuff. If I weren’t disabled I’d be right there with you. {{{{DJ}}}}
Well, duh… you are always with me.
The only disability I know of is the one where people have no hearts. š Therefore you and many in here are Super Super humans š
could come close to do justice to how happy I am to hear that. You were going to get to experience my worryworst at its worst — which is terrifying to behold even for me.
I’m glad we’re dodging that because I am prone to being easily guilt-tripped and from what you say about your mom it sounds like you might have the gene for that. š
Seriously, I am also phenomenally glad that she is coming back to make the trip with me. I was being butch about it, but I was worried. A dear friend of mine was simultaneously gay-bashed as well as raped in a bathroom on a cross country trip a handful of years ago, and I couldn’t get it out of my mind that due to the disability, my legs aren’t strong enough to kick the ass they used to be able to kick.
I will spare you each and every one of the images that has been in my head ever since you said you were going to drive yourself.
And I don’t know if it is genetic and just the result of the vast number of teachable moments my mother has provided but I do have a certain talent.
Hi Indy. I misposted in your diary and I thought I was posting here. I hope your back get better.
Thanks, Family Man! On a brief lurk through the blog earlier this week, I caught your recent disaster, I am so sorry that happened to you! (I did laugh, though.) I hope things get better and drier ’round your place soonest.
Thanks Indy š Yes… I listened to her for about an hour on KBOO and I fell in Awe of her. She even did Dylan’s Hurricane.
I used to feel the same way about Passover but I found a version of the seder that avoided the mysticism and jingoism and instead concentrated on the holiday’s concepts of family and freedom (for all those who are not free today). Maybe you can find something like that for Easter.
I agree with Andi. You have to make the holidays your won. Find the parts that fit you and also add to them thinsg you think are important that are being overlooked.
I do not celebrate holidays much any more but when I did I used the secular aspects as well as the spiritual to make a holiday that represented what I believed. It’s not the commercialization of holidays that are ruing them but the lack of honoring the holidays by parents and families. The ultra-conservative element of any religion can drive you nuts but you can not let them drive you away as they did me so many years ago.
Andi and Re š
I’m not running away š I’m finding me. And today our holidays and days are filled with friends and love.
I do try to find things that incorporate. I’m a mutt š
Good!!!! I sytill miss my days in the church and when I was so active. I know there are liberal chrurches that would welcome me with open arms but I guess some of the deep seated anger and hurt keeps me from going back. Maybe someday I can find another church family and add that dimension back into my life.
Good for you Janet. Family, friends and love is what it is all about.
We “celebrated” today as tomorrow Wayne works. Wayne’s making a late breakfast. Kids made us fridge magnets. I made them bags that had Hot VW & Girls Inc magazines, Neil Gaiman’s Mirror and Mask, Shaggy DA and Shaggy Dog DVDS and two Beach Boy Cds… and two solid choc organic free trade Bunnies and some jelly bellys.
Yesterday was a Good friday because we are in ESCROW!!! A new immigrant family just starting out with their little baby had their Dad look at our house and they love it. Their offers were fair and decent – unlike the investor trying to rob us.. and they accepted our offer š I am so happy a nice family will be enjoying their new home. š
of you as running away from anything. I don’t believe I can even conjour up an image of that.
Picture this…
a republican wife of of a preacher man trying to give me a plate of boiled liver and deviled eggs.
I’d be running just as fast as my big butt would allow. š
Nah, you’d just stand there looking with utter amazement at her platter, shaking your head, and saying “Wow, no wonder I never wanted to be a republican.”
I could say – Eat up or shut up š
Listened to this just now with tears…
Masters of Wary – Bob Dylan
Come you masters of war
You that build all the guns
You that build the death planes
You that build the big bombs
You that hide behind walls
You that hide behind desks
I just want you to know
I can see through your masks
You that never done nothin’
But build to destroy
You play with my world
Like it’s your little toy
You put a gun in my hand
And you hide from my eyes
And you turn and run farther
When the fast bullets fly
Like Judas of old
You lie and deceive
A world war can be won
You want me to believe
But I see through your eyes
And I see through your brain
Like I see through the water
That runs down my drain
You fasten the triggers
For the others to fire
Then you set back and watch
When the death count gets higher
You hide in your mansion
As young people’s blood
Flows out of their bodies
And is buried in the mud
You’ve thrown the worst fear
That can ever be hurled
Fear to bring children
Into the world
For threatening my baby
Unborn and unnamed
You ain’t worth the blood
That runs in your veins
How much do I know
To talk out of turn
You might say that I’m young
You might say I’m unlearned
But there’s one thing I know
Though I’m younger than you
Even Jesus would never
Forgive what you do
Let me ask you one question
Is your money that good
Will it buy you forgiveness
Do you think that it could
I think you will find
When your death takes its toll
All the money you made
Will never buy back your soul
And I hope that you die
And your death’ll come soon
I will follow your casket
In the pale afternoon
And I’ll watch while you’re lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I’ll stand o’er your grave
‘Til I’m sure that you’re dead
Bob Dylan was just a light in my young life! I used to live in his songs.
a gut laughing! DJ, I almost snorted coffee because of you! I needed that laugh badly, since I can’t go out and frolic in the garden yet, due to unfinished work from yesterday … grrr. And there’s rain on the way later and into tonight, so I want to get the maximum amount done today if I can. Here’s an interesting pic I took yesterday… see if anyone can identify what this is…
Just a quick pop in here before I go back to slaving, but wanted to say hi to all, Andi, FM, DJ, RF, MM and whoever else I missed!
through the ground but it would take someone who knows a whole lot more about gardening than I do to say what it might be.
The woods here are really going — the poplar, dogwood, and maples have started to leaf out and some of the dogwood flowers opened just today.
It’s a hyacinth… I just loved the “trap door” look of the ground breaking open, so had to get a pic of it.
Haven’t had enough coffee yet… sorry! I’m going to run out quick and snap some more pics of the tulips, which have just been (apparently) popping by the minute overnight. With rain on the way, I hope they don’t get pummeled by the predicted violent storms tonight. Am going to re-post this one (same as the one in MM’s thread yesterday, only open). Not sure if Andi got to see it when I put it up late last night … if you did, pardon the repeat, but it’s so pretty, I hope no one minds.
Will be back in a few with some cool new pics I hope.
Hey, IVG! That does look a bit like something that just dropped it’s trousers!
in a few minutes so don’t post any pictures in this one.
Hey AndiF, thanks for the pdf of the mythmother escape day poster! I’m going to frame it and put it up on my wall!
I’m not so sure the poster is really suitable for framing but I thought pdf of the cafe with all the celebrations from everyone would make a cheering thing to look at any time you’re feeling a bit down.
Thanks for the heads up Andi! I’m still re-sizing and getting ready to upload, so will hold off.
The relatives just arrived. I’ve got to get my Mom back up and settled and them settled.
I’ll be gone for a little while, or I might just take George for a 2 week walk. Not sure which one yet.
Either way I’ll be checking back in a little while.
Hey there, folks. Greetings from the springtime Catskills! Still have my ‘netz connection, so I thought I’d spend a little time here at the pond engaged in one of my favorite activities: knocking down pedestals. Can’t stand ’em — they ruin the scenery.
Hope everyone’s having a fine, fine weekend. We’ve got 60 in the shade here, with occasional dragonflies. Alas, gotta get to my overwhelming responsibilities here (aka chores) — will drop as many 4s into the massive bucket as possible, then most likely see y’all later.
Blessed be the sunshine, blessed be the green — sans concrete.
I’m glad to see you and sorry I can’t hang around to chat as I have to go be a dutiful daughter.
Hope you are around later tonight when I get back.
New cafe is ready for flower pictures.