Chris Matthews: usual hacks
George Stephanopoulos: General Richard Myers, (Ret). Senators Richard Lugar, R-In., and Evan Bayh, D-In.
Meet the Press: Exclusive! A special Easter Edition on faith & politics with Sister Joan Chittister, Rabbi Michael Lerner, author Jon Meacham, Prof. Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Rev. Richard John Neuhaus & Pastor Joel Osteen. Plus a Meet the Press Minute with Rev. Billy Graham.
Wolf Blitzer: Samir Sumaidaie: Iraqi Ambassador to the United States; Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-California: Select Intelligence Committee and Judiciary Committee member. Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-California: Armed Services Committee chairman; Henry Kissinger: Former Secretary of State; The Rev. Jerry Falwell: Founder and chancellor, Liberty University
Fox News: • Sens. Mitch McConnell and Chris Dodd on showdown Iran • Newt Gingrich on GOP growing pains • Stepped-up enforcement by the IRS?
Face the Nation: no one announced

CNN has quite the Easter lineup.