Chris Matthews: usual hacks
George Stephanopoulos: General Richard Myers, (Ret). Senators Richard Lugar, R-In., and Evan Bayh, D-In.
Meet the Press: Exclusive! A special Easter Edition on faith & politics with Sister Joan Chittister, Rabbi Michael Lerner, author Jon Meacham, Prof. Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Rev. Richard John Neuhaus & Pastor Joel Osteen. Plus a Meet the Press Minute with Rev. Billy Graham.
Wolf Blitzer: Samir Sumaidaie: Iraqi Ambassador to the United States; Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-California: Select Intelligence Committee and Judiciary Committee member. Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-California: Armed Services Committee chairman; Henry Kissinger: Former Secretary of State; The Rev. Jerry Falwell: Founder and chancellor, Liberty University
Fox News: • Sens. Mitch McConnell and Chris Dodd on showdown Iran • Newt Gingrich on GOP growing pains • Stepped-up enforcement by the IRS?
Face the Nation: no one announced
CNN has quite the Easter lineup.
Why watch?
Turn it the fuck off.
Good morning Arthur.
for the good generals to use against those bad generals. From the NYT:
We can look for a bunch of these guys to be booking slots with Timmy and Tweety.
Has anyone fact-checked Rummy’s remark that there are 5,000 to 6,000 retired Generals. Because to me that seem very high or else I didn’t realize there was that many people with a star on their shoulder.
I found this from the
2003 census.
1.2 million
The number of active duty enlisted members of the armed forces. They were led by 223,000 officers. Of the officers, 873 were generals or admirals
Of course, that is active duty.