Last night I watched Patton (1970) for, I don’t know, the sixth time? In any case, it was the first time I’d watched the movie since George W. Bush became President. For those of you that don’t know, the movie chronicles the exploits of General George Patton during World War Two. The story is told largely through the eyes of the G.I.s general, Omar Bradley. Bradley is alternately admiring of Patton’s virtuosity and disgusted by his willingness to sacrifice men to his quest for glory. I’ve known men that served under Patton, and they were equally ambivalent. They hated the man, but serving under him was their proudest achievement. Even in a war where the cause is indisputably just, war is a moral quagmire.
Patton spoke as a man that knew our cause was just.
Men, all this stuff you’ve heard about America not wanting to fight – wanting to stay out of the war, is a lot of horse dung. Americans traditionally love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle. When you were kids, you all admired the champion marble shooter, the fastest runner, big league ball players, the toughest boxers. Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time. I wouldn’t give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed. That’s why Americans have never lost and never will lose a war, because the very thought of losing is hateful to Americans.
We’ve lost that sense of indomitability, moral surety, and can-do optimism. For right wingers and Straussians, the cause lies in the breakdown of social cohesion and moral values. For the left, the cause lies in a maturity that sees beyond narrow parochialism and jingoistic nationalism.
Both the left and the right attempt to form a world view based on the lessons of history. The right sees the signal event of the 20th-Century as Neville Chamberlain’s capitulation at Munich. In a noble attempt to avoid a world war that would take tens of millions of lives, Chamberlain only delayed and exacerbated the task of eliminating fascism. The decision to end the war in Europe with the defeat of the axis powers only delayed and exacerbated the task of stamping out communist driven totalitarianism. The lesson is one of preemption. But, this preemption presumes that America always has right on its side, and it assumes all problems can be best solved militarily (or, at least, all problems must eventually be solved militarily).
The left has chosen different lessons. For the left, the signal event of the 20th-Century was the failure of collective security. The League of Nations was the right idea, implemented the wrong way. After World War Two, the left pursued a reinvigorated multilateralism, founding the United Nations, implementing the Marshall Plan, establishing NATO, SEATO, etc. The idea was to create a number of societies based on the same liberal principles of free enterprise and representative government. Those societies would bind together through shared values, and collectively would act to defend liberty against tyranny and totalitarianism.
In practice, neither model was ever truly accurate, nor were they truly implemented. By the early fifties, the threat of communism was being used to justify the unfettered reach of mulitnational corporations. Any third world country that sought to control their own resources, or to negotiate favorable terms for their the extraction of their national resources, was deemed ‘communist’. Today, the enemy is no longer communism. Today, the enemy is terrorism. But the same abuse continues. In the name of combating terrorism, we find the excuse to field over 150 military bases throughout the world. Those bases serve to protect American interests and access to the mineral wealth of Africa and Asia.
The right does not see this as a problem. The left sees it as not only a naked brand of imperialism, but as rejection and betrayal of the lessons of World War Two. But this did begin to become clear until the Bush presidency. So long as America worked within the framework of the United Nations and in cooperation with our European and East Asian allies, our approach was multilateral…and that multilateralism prevented the conflict of major powers, thus minimizing the prospects for catastrophic war.
There were still problems, hypocrisy, and inconsistencies. The multilateral consensus still pitted the First World liberal democratic nations against the Third World mineral rich nations. Principles of liberal democracy were overlooked in Latin America, Africa, and Central Asia, in the interests of stability and access. Yet, as the nineties wore on, Latin America turned to democracy, as did the former Soviet Union and many of its satellites. History, it seemed, was moving in the right direction…if only slowly.
It was the rise of the neo-conservatives, especially post-9/11, that broke the existing model. Utilizing nativist hostility to the United Nations, and fanning fear of terrorism, the neo-cons brought forth the Munich Plan. By acting alone and preemptively, in defiance of international opinion and law, the Bush administration attempted to implement their alternate vision. But they made one really grievous error. They did not make sure that right was indisputably on our side. They went to war with half the country in opposition. They hyped the threat, manipulated the intelligence, ignored the opposition, alienated erstwhile allies. And then, worst of all, they didn’t win.
Patton said:
the very thought of losing is hateful to Americans.
That is still true. Yet, there is something worse than losing. Being on the wrong side of history…being in the wrong…fighting for bankrupt principles…that is worse than losing.
Patton was not a good man. He was a dangerous man. He was vain. He trifled with his soldiers’ lives. He is admired almost exclusively because his cause was just. Had his cause been compromised, his excesses and moral failings would have been magnified.
This is also true of George W. Bush and, under his leadership, it is now true of America. By launching a war of choice based on bad and doctored intelligence, by resorting to torture, by defying international law, by offending our nation’s civil liberties…the Bush administration has exposed our national hypocrisy, and badly eroded our national credibility. Whatever good will we built up through our victory in World War Two and our development of a system of collective security, is now gone.
Our national myth is shattered, as is our self-confidence, our moral surety, and our can-do attitude. From these ashes may come some positives. It has certainly exposed some of the latent hypocrisy to the bright lights. Perhaps the most glaring hypocrisy staring us in the face is seen in our lonely efforts to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power. Before Bush, we could have relied on the anti-Soviet bloc to work with us to deter Iran. The neo-cons destroyed the framework within which a consensus could function.
Perhaps this unhappy result could be redeemed if it were accompanied by the Democratic reforms in the Third World that Bush gives lip-service to. But that is a pipe dream. We have bought a dangerous future where Third World countries have more dangerous weapons, but do not have the political reforms that make their use against the First World unlikely.
No country can accomplish its goals if it doesn’t believe in the righteousness of those goals. It is not moral laxity that undermined our nation’s cohesiveness and unity of purpose, but the repeated misuse of power…in Vietnam, in Panama, in Grenada, and in Iraq…that has eroded our confidence. The final straw has been the unilateralism, dishonesty, immorality, and (ultimately) incompetence of the neo-conservatives.
For the left, the signal event of the 20th-Century was the failure of collective security.
I don’t think so. I think the signal event of the 20th Century for the left was the collapse of colonialism. The British in India, the USA in Vietnam, even the two defeats of Germany showed that you can’t govern the world through empire. That is why so many of us intuitively understood from the beginning that the US could not “bring democracy” to Iraq through force.
I don’t know.
Some on the left came to that conclusion, but the left that has actually been in power never came to that conclusion, and still hasn’t.
I don’t see any evidence for it anyway.
I think there is some evidence, although for Americans this is a lesson of Vietnam and we haven’t had too many liberal leaders since then. Still, Carter and Clinton’s foreign policy was noticeably different from the Republican presidents. Clinton’s war was Kosovo, where we were trying to defend the ethnic Albanians from Serb imperialism. The Bushite approach would be to invade and occupy Serbia itself and “help” them create a multicultural democracy.
I agree with much of what you say here, and yet . . .
It seems like we could do with a lot more self-confidence and can-do optimism in the service of righteous causes than we have now. Many of the great institutions — our democratic system of government, our industrial base, our social safety net, institutions of collective security — that have been built up over the years have been run down by an incompetent and corrupt political and economic leadership class.
Why do Americans tolerate this level of venality and bone-headedness we see from the Bush administration, from the Republican congress and state-level officials and from corporate executives from Enron to GM?
There’s always the danger of hearkening back to non-existent golden ages, but it seems to me that earlier generations of Americans would have put a stop too all of this nonsense by now.
Who said Americans won’t tolerate a loser . . .
Dood, I want to know what movie service you’re subscribing to that brings you this and The Wizard of Oil, but I haven’t decided yet whether I want to sign up for it or avoid it like bird flu.
Patton was not a good man. He was a dangerous man. He was vain. He trifled with his soldiers’ lives. He is admired almost exclusively because his cause was just.
I’m far from an admirer of Patton, he was most likely a narcissist and sociopath, but you’re seriously short-changing him. Patton is mostly admired because he was a brilliant military strategist and tactician. There were many other leaders involved in Patton’s just cause and most are largely forgotten by popular culture.
Patton is admired because Hollywood made him appear to be a brilliant military strategist and tactician. In truth, he was a decent tactician and a good operational commander, but Patton left much to be desired as a strategist. He failed during his march across France to trap and destroy either of two armies, the one retreating from Normandy or the other retreating from southern France. Had he destroyed either one, it would have shortened the war by several months and likely eliminated the threat of the Battle of the Bulge.
Patton worked best when he was given a specific task to do and that is not the hallmark of a brilliant strategist. While Patton was a better operational commander than Eisenhower, Ike ran rings around Patton as a strategic commander.
Some of Pattons manouvres may have actually lengthened the war. In particular the cutting oil to other armies than his was a strategic error.
also available in orange.
Great diary BooMan. I think you might substitute Liberal for Left so as not to confuse those who associate left with socialist/communist, as those elements of the left side of the political sphere never believed in a collective security model against communism. That is more the legacy of Roosevelt, Truman and Marshall, liberal democrats all.
But that’s nitpickey I suppose.
that’s a valid nitpick. But I never think of the left as socialism/communism. That’s a legacy of the red scare that has set back working people more than anything else.
but the left does include groups labeled as socialists and communists as well as social democrats and social liberals. This is particularly true in Europe.
Thank you BooMan, I always really enjoy your “big picture” articles.
I would only like to add that Iraq was not the beginning of this trend. The Bush administration has from day one thumbed it’s nose at the international community, from Kyoto to the International Criminal Court, to the withdrawal from the ABM treaty, and on and on and on. A notable exception here is the World Trade Organization, and possibly you could include the IMF.
America is now seen as the superpower that will do whatever is in the corporate interest, with complete disregard for what is in the public (domestic or international) interest. And “the world’s only superpower” status must be maintained at all costs. But their actions in a mere half-decade may produce just the opposite.
Good diary but I think your identification of Patton as “not a good man” is simplistic. I think his self-identification is more accurate. He’s the kind of person a republic needs in time of war. We don’t need him at peace we need him to fight and win wars. Soldiers’ lives are the currency of war. That’s why wars are barbaric and the men who lead other men in them so conflicted.
Robert Lee said that it was good that war was so evil “lest we grow to love it so.” (or something close to that). When certain individuals complained to Lincoln that Grant’s personal habits were not of high enough quality for them and that Lincoln should therefore get rid of him, Lincoln said “I can’t get rid of him. He fights.”
Patton was a brilliant general that actually had the lowest battle loses of any Allied general. Paradoxically, it was because he was so willing to possibly expend their lives that so few actually lost them. Patton was vain, Grant a business failure and a drunkard, but they both served their country admirably. And they served their country by doing what generals do, kill more of the other guy’s boys and kill them faster than he can do to you.
After wars, Americans do what most republics do with their generals; make them tyrants, Presidents, or run them off into exile. Patton would have been one to go into exile. I think even he knew the propensity to tyranny.
The genius of the American republic is the idea of civilian leadership of the military, and the virtue of our republic and our military is that our military leaders own that idea. After the end of hostilities in WWII, Patton said that we should immediately go to war with the Soviet Union when we had a huge army already in place in Europe. He claimed he could “be in Moscow in ten days and make it look like the damn Russians started it.” Would that have been a good idea? Maybe, but for Patton it would have kept him doing what he wanted to do. Fighting a war. If he is to be called “not a good man” it is on this point that that definition should rest. On his willingness to fight a pre-emptive war and sacrifice lives that may not have ever been needed to be sacrificed, so that he could keep feeding his ego-need to be a fighting general.
Our current draft dodging, dillentante President can’t stand up to that definition either. Because he was also all too willing to sacrifice lives that perhaps would never have been needed to be sacrificed, so that he could play at being what he was too cowardly to be when it would have mattered: a contributing member of his nation’s armed forces.
Arguably a better general, and definitely a better man; Smedley Darlington Butler.
But, you will never, ever see a Hollywood treatment of him. Breaks the code doncha know.
available in blue.
You’ve known men who served under him? I’m curious if any of those were from the “expedition” into Mexico to capture Pancho Villa, where Patton drove around town with three dead Mexicans tied to the hood of his car.
Who said American war crimes were anything new?
No. The men I knew were either in the Sicilian campaign or the Battle of the Bulge.