What would happen if we dropped one of our nuclear bunker busters on a nuclear facility in Iran? Check out this video from the Union of Concerned Scientists. Since the Bush administration hasn’t bothered to discuss human casualties in any of its plans to attack Iran, it’s important to note the number of innocent people who will be killed from a bunker buster attack.
Also, check out today’s Democracy Now interview with Retired Colonel Sam Gardiner on Iran war plans:
AMY GOODMAN: You were quoted on CNN on Friday night, saying the question isn’t if we would attack Iran, that military operations are already happening. What do you mean?
COL. SAM GARDINER: Well, the evidence is beginning to accumulate that a decision has already been made to use military force in Iran. Now, let me do a historical thing, and then I’ll tell you what the current evidence is. We now know that the decision and the actual actions to bomb Iraq occurred in July of 2002, before we ever had a U.N. resolution or before the Congress ever authorized it. It was an operation called Southern Focus, and the only guidance that the military — or the guidance that the military had from Rumsfeld was keep it below the CNN line. His specific words. The evidence that we’ve already —
AMY GOODMAN: Keep it below what?
COL. SAM GARDINER: The CNN line. In other words, I don’t want this to appear on CNN, okay? That was his guidance to the military, you can begin to bomb Iraq, but don’t let it appear on CNN. You’re catching your breath.
COL. SAM GARDINER: I think the same thing has happened, and the evidence — let me give you two or three evidences. First of all, the Iranians in their press have been writing now for almost a year that the United States is involved inside Iran conducting and supporting those who conduct military operations, attacks on military convoys. They’ve even accused the United States of shooting down a couple airplanes inside Iran. Okay, so there’s that evidence from their side.
I was in Berlin three weeks ago, sat next to the Iranian ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, and I asked him a question. I read these stories about Americans being involved in there, and how do you react to that? And he said, oh, we know they are. We’ve captured people who are working with them, and they’ve confessed. So, another piece of evidence.
Let me give you a couple more. Seymour Hersh, in his New Yorker article, said that there are Americans in three locations operating inside Iran. Another point. We know that there is a group in Iraq, a Kurdish group called the Party for Free Life in Kurdistan, that crosses the border from Iraq into Iran, and they have taken credit for killing numbers of revolutionary guard military people. And the interesting part about that is, you know, we tell the Syrians, ‘Don’t let that happen. Don’t let people come across the border and stir things up in Iraq,’ but we don’t seem to be putting any brakes on on this unit. So, you know, the evidence is pretty strong that the pattern is being followed.
Now, the question that really follows from that is “Who authorized that?” See, there is no congressional authorization to conduct combat operations against Iran. There are a couple of possibilities. One of them is that it’s being justified under the terrorism authorization that occurred in 2001. The problem with that is that you would have to prove a connection to 9/11. I don’t think you can do that with Iran. The second possibility is that it’s being done under the War Powers Act. I don’t want to get too technical, but the War Powers Act would require the President to notify the Congress 60 days after the use of military force or invasion or putting military forces in a new country under that legislation, and the President hasn’t notified the Congress that American troops are operating inside Iran. So it’s a very serious question about the constitutional framework under which we are now conducting military operations in Iran.
I can’t believe we even have to ask these questions!
Iran is THREE times the size of Iraq and has a very strong army.
to make the necessary sacrifices to fight the War on Terror, and Prevail over the Enemy that Lurks and Hates Freedom.
…the Enemy that Lurks…
Well, I guess we’re off the hook – We have user IDs!
Billmon, always a good read, explores the ‘madman theory’ in his essay
“The Flight Forward”
He concludes:
…people right away. A lot more dead people over the next 100 years.
This is a must read jaw dropper – shining the floodlight on Cheney. Appearing in American Prospect May issue but now online is
Go read. Hard to select excerpts. It’s all so pathetic.
Over at that orange place I wrote a few diaries on Cheney, his cabal’s hijacking the government, then picked up by others..(made the rec list) so I do read up on the vice, all I can.
But this is Fu*c*ing scary, Unbelievable.
Dreyfuss notes the joke “that George W. Bush is “a heartbeat away from the presidency.”
More than we know. Cheney needs to go. Now, not in 2007.
This is diary material but I’m on the road over next few days.
Add to that this diary that’s been on my hotlist since June 2005.
If we use a nuke on Iran we will fully deserve everything that is visited upon us either in our own country or abroad. Oh and of course every attack n us will be cheered on by most of the world’s people.
Using a nuke in a time of peace in a dubious preemptive strike against what sould be seen as a defenceless country would make us the biggest war criminals of history.