The late CIA Director William Colby is said to have remarked once that “anyone, who is anyone in the Press, is directly or indirectly controlled by the CIA”.I now have a statement from an op-ed piece by a “journalist called Joe Klein, who is willing to share with us his thoughts on Iran.He says that in the plans for war against Iran, the nuclear option,i.e.using the socalled bunker buster bombs must be on the table.After one reads the effects of such bombs by the Union of Concerned Scientists,I have come up with two reasons why anyone would want to be associated with such a bomb.Madness is certainly one of them.We can never take it off the table in the Bush era.
The second reason is that in our degraded state, socalled jpurnalists can keep up their currency in the marketplace by making ever more preposterous statements.That would bring about “grants” from rightwing foundations, many more speaking engagements, Tv appearances and such.One only needs to see the rise of a vacuous woman like Ann Coulter to realize that she has become successful by becoming a perpetual freak show on the air.
Of course, one can never rule out the hand of Rove in any of these things.Or for that matter of Cheney.Or for that matter of …….You connect the dots.My fingers are getting tired.
What you say.
This is why I really feel like the end of the world is coming. Because there is no public voice of reason against all this madness.
And why I think it is very important for anyone with the interest and even a little knowledge to start holding programs at libraries and community centers about these horrifying issues.