What’s going on?
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Recent Posts
- Day 14: Louisiana Senator Approvingly Compares Trump to Stalin
- Day 13: Elon Musk Flexes His Muscles
- Day 12: While Elon Musk Takes Over, We Podcast With Driftglass and Blue Gal
- Day 11: Harm of Fascist Regime’s Foreign Aid Freeze Comes Into View
- Day 10: The Fascist Regime Blames a Plane Crash on Nonwhite People
What’s going on? Well, I am flat out, excuse the expression, “dog tired” because this darling kept needing to go outside last night.
Nothing like being awakened every couple hours for sucking the life out of you. Okay, I know there are worse examples of sleep deprivation, but I don’t really care to hear about them right now.
Why the Ohio Attorney General race matters: honest elections
Cherish him! God, he looks exactly like our “Norman” that I had to put to sleep on Monday. Brought tears to my eyes.
I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s a hard thing to do, putting a dog to sleep. My wife still cries about our dog from 2 years ago.
So sorry for your loss. As I was driving my daughter back from choir practice, I passed the vet’s office where we took our first cat when it was finally time to put him to sleep. That’s never an easy thing to do. And society, for the most part, isn’t especially good about honoring our need to mourn such losses.
I do cherish Winnie. I think she’s insane much of the time, but she’s still sweet. 🙂
Oh gosh…I am so sorry for your loss. I had to put my GS down last Nov. I know you hurt…my heart goes out to you…hugs…I cry along with you…
I write a very wonkish diary on the cost-benefits of the US-Israel Alliance, largely in response to the recent Walt/Mearscheimer paper, figuring that Boomantrib is the place to go for such chat…and nothing.
Ditto Eurotrib.
DKos, surprisingly, is more engaging, even controlling for overall traffic. 100+ responses there.
I mean, really, Boo. I figured you at least would weigh in. 🙂
Repost it tomorrow morning. It’s Sunday and you will get more attention after the weekend. I promise to read it later tonight I am just heading out the door.
Go figure. 🙂
Clearly, something is amusing to you. 🙂
Because this is an amusing place to be 🙂
and it is one I made also yesterday, to someone else, so please do not take this as singling you out.
In my opinion, when describing what other posters said, it would be more helpful to those reading your comment – and give it more impact – if you could provide links.
I hope you will consider this suggestion, and forgive my intrusion into a discussion that is not really any of my business. 🙂
Although I guess it’s a pretty good suggestion for any thread anywhere, now that I think of it.
And I do think I should get credit for posting to the right site at least.
It’s not like I bat a thousand in that park, either. 😀
I looked at the long lists in the diary and said to myself — I’m just too lazy today to read all this. Nothing personal, more a reflection of my own weak character. Glad Dkos gave you your due.
I frontpaged it at Eurotrib. Will comment later!
I took the time today to go and read it. DEEEEEP stuff, my Friend. I think you really have done some research on this one. Thanks for bringing this to the forefront of our minds. Great diary.
From “Community & Booman Tribune” FP Steven D
SusanHu was the reason I came here, as a matter of fact. Her contribution is what’s missing here in the community and on the front page. She left for a while, and was disconnected from her emails…. she is greatly, deeply missed by me.
I wish her courage, health, strength, happiness, and prosperity….. and I wish her back here as soon as she is able.
Ron Suskind is a great writer. I’m not him.
by suskind (m.suskindathotmail) on Sun Apr 23rd, 2006 at 11:56:24 AM PST
* Missing Susanhu (none / 0)
By me too. Hopefully someday she will return.
“I just had the basic view of the American public — it can’t be that bad out there.” Marine Travis Williams after 11 members of his squad were killed.
by Steven D on Sun Apr 23rd, 2006 at 12:31:42 PM PST
I tried to e-mail her the other day, but got an autoreply message about the quota being exceeded, or some such.
That sounds like a crappy e-mail service to me. But I hope it means a lot of people have sent their good wishes!
Her email program on her Mac is all screwed up so that mya explain it. I emsailed her also w/o reply so I called her the other day and that’s when she told me of her email issues.
I miss SusanHu too. I disagreed with her on the whole mess that caused her to leave. But I also wish she had not left. I respect her immensely, always have. And the assistance, and moral support she gave me by talking to me on the phone when I went out to Crawford was so friendly and reassuring. She really does have a very sexy, Lauren Bacall type voice ;o)
Besides, since she’s left, no one calls me Object Boy any more like she did. Sorry, but I miss that ;o)
I too tried to email her with no response. I assumed, maybe wrongly now, that she didn’t want to talk. If so, that’s fine too. At least I let her know how I feel about her, and how I’ve always felt about her. Bootrib is very definetily NOT the same with her gone.
It’s her email program on the fritz that caused the problem.
So…as I was saying in my now departed comment, I miss SusanHu too. We all disagree with each other at one time or another, not meaning to minimize the instance of disagreement that caused her to leave, but I personally had wished she would stay and fight, or at least stay and try to move forward from there. Maybe that’s too much to ask for, but I miss her just the same and my respect for her hasn’t diminished at all, regardless of disagreements.
I also miss SusanHu. While I did not always agree with her, I learned a lot from her. I keep hoping that one day she will come back and grace us once again with her insightful reporting.
I’ve also missed you a lot and was sorely disappointed you could not make the SoCal event. While I don’t post lots, I do read alot here and I always looked for your posts. It has been real nice seeing you pop in back here lately and I sincerely hope that whatever issues that are keeping you away get resolved in the best possible way.
Thank you Kamakhya,
Believe me, I sorely missed not being in SoCal myself. Took me more than a few days to get over the disappointment :o) Big baby that I am ;o)
I’m finding a little more time lately to work myself back in here. I could never stay away for long, even if it were my intention to do so, which it wasn’t.
Thanks for your kind words.
I don’t think people really know why Susan took a break. There is a lot more to it than what was public on the blog. She may be back sometime soon. She may not. I’m happy people are taking the time to tell her they miss her and value what she does. She’s the best.
Will you tell her so? I can’t find her postings anywheres over the last few months….. Went looking for her blog and couldn’t find that either…. don’t remember the name of it right now.
Would you tell her how much she is missed and valued? (If you are able)
Eat4Today.com will soon be more
than just a blog. As of June 1st we move into the real world with
twice-monthly sessions at the Kansas City, Kansas Public Library.
Take a look at the announcement flyer. What do you think about it?
Oh! This looks great, K’bird, I wish I were living in Kansas City, so i could attend these sessions.
You mean you haven’t booked reservations at a local hotel? 🙂
Darn!! I was going to…umm…really, really, I was….err…ahem—some ah thing, yes, yes!! a thing, that was it, just came up.
Goshdarn it!
You watch, one day we are all going to be able to brag that we knew you back in the day!
Thank you for all the work you do to inspire and educate people, I could not do justice to the benefits I have received from it even if I wrote my usual book-length comment – and as a special weekend treat, I won’t even try! 🙂
{{ductape}} Thank you so much.
That looks great katieb. Very colorful and catches the eye, simply states what this is about and shows a variety of real people-inclusive to everyone and the array of issues relating to health and food and eating. Perfect.
chocolate ink, I’ll pass the compliment along to the librarian who made the flier. I gave her a list of the ideas I wanted represented and I think she did a good job of working them in.
Can anyone explain why the comment I just left in this thread about missing SusanHu has just disappeared from here?
It’s giving me the creeps.
And now Ductape has a comment addressed to Sybil that is below a comment by Americanforliberty above.
What’s up?
which is especially weird because I don’t see anything from sybil on the page at all.
I think DTF just posted it in the wrong thread.
How weird — I read it before it left, so I know it was here.
I thought maybe i should go back to sleep and try this all over again Lol
Btw Katiebird,
Good for you with the success of your blog. Way to go :o)
Is it okay if I say I’m proud of you? Or at least proud to know a famous blogger like you? ;o)
I don’t know how successful it will be, but I see the going live thing as an experiement. And I hope it will be successfully repeated by loads of Green and Orange type bloggers.
Thanks supersoling for the very kind thoughts.
Missing Susanhu.
Hmm, I don’t know – it’s weird that it would disappear.
I’ve been studying for finals all day. I estimate I have roughly 9 hours left of studying time today before I call it quits today, sometime around 3 AM. It sucks.
I was so busy this week, I didn’t have time to rant about something that happened on Tuesday – so I’ll take care of that now.
I was listening to a speech by an official in our county public health department talk about a possible bird flu pandemic. He started his speech by saying something along these lines: “What we learned from Katrina is that we can’t depend on the federal government in the time of a crisis.” At the end, he told us about an official with the federal HHS dept. basically saying the same thing and warning public health officials that they needed to do their own work to prepare.
And here I was under the misguided idea that what Katrina taught us is that communities need the federal government more than ever during a time of crisis. How ignorant I’ve been!!!
at 6PM Sunday night. I thought they did a pretty fair job of portraying a possible scenario. From what I know they picked a middle of the road scenario, which was scary enough. It could potentially be much worse than they depicted.
I recommend everyone read The Great Influenza by John Barry. There’s little doubt in my mind that BushCo will prove as incompetant as Pres Wilson was in 1918.
Thank you all for your very kind thoughts. Norman was my son’s dog and they were on a cruise when the vet called me and told me he was in really bad shape. It is hard enough to make that decision for yourself let alone someone elses pet this is out of reach. I was with the kids when they got Norman and he was as much my dog as I spend so much time with the kids. They just returned home today and I just got back from spending time with them. We cried and laughed and reminisced aboutt Norman all afternoon. Anyway, didn’t mean to ramble on. Thanks again gang for the kind thoughts. They are so appreciated right now. Norman was another grandleezy to me.