From the bowels of the right wing organ Insight Magazine (a Moonie Times production) comes a story about the latest people calling for Rumsfeld’s resignation: GOP Congressional Leaders . . .

Several prominent Republicans in the House and Senate have urged President Bush to replace Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld as part of an administration shakeup.

GOP sources said many in the congressional leadership have warned that growing opposition against Mr. Rumsfeld could result in the loss of the Republican Party’s majority in the 2006 elections. They said Mr. Rumsfeld has become the lightning rod for the public discontent with the administration.

“The leadership wants a sacrifice to show the American people that the president is listening to them on Iraq,” a leadership source said. “The most obvious choice is Rumsfeld.”

The sources reported increasing estrangement between Mr. Rumsfeld and most of the GOP leadership. They said the defense secretary has been blamed for the rising casualties in Iraq, the huge budget deficit as well as deteriorating relations with Congress.

So, what’s got Bush’s Congressional lapdogs all in a tither? Could it have something to do with the coming election, perchance?

A leading critic of Mr. Rumsfeld has been Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John Warner, Virginia Republican. Mr. Warner has refused to come to Mr. Rumsfeld’s defense and a spokesman said it was up to Mr. Bush to decide whether the defense secretary continues in his post. […]

Sources close to the GOP leadership said Mr. Rumsfeld would certainly be a key issue in the congressional campaign. They said Democrats would cite criticism by retired generals of Mr. Rumsfeld’s handling of the Iraq war.

Duh. If I were them I’d be a tad concerned too.

So, do you think this means that Bush will finally make Rummy walk the plank? Well, think again. Bush is nothing if not blindly stubborn (or maybe he fears what Rummy may have to say if he ever becomes an outsider):

But the sources said the White House plans to hold on to Mr. Rumsfeld despite the pressure from the leadership. They said Mr. Bush feels that kicking out Mr. Rumsfeld would mean “open season” on the administration.

If only we could trust the Democrats to know how to take of advantage of the GOP’s obvious disarray. After all, we saw similar concerns back in the Spring of 2004 with the torture scandal, yet come November somehow the evil empire pulled out another elctoral victory by hook or by crook.

I’d like to believe this time will be different.