Motherland. Fatherland. Homeland. Patriotism. The national family.
So much of the language that’s used to incite patriotism/nationalism is rooted in ideals of home, in ideals of domesticity, in familial ideals. Hearth and homestead, familiarity, good food, comfort, cosiness. Citizens are encouraged to think of the nation as akin their mother or father and of other citizens as their siblings. Sometimes the metaphor is even more defined. The nation is the nourishing mother, the alma mater, the government is the providing father and preserver of her sexual virtue, the pater familias. The citizens are the children, who must be obedient, respectful and above all else, loyal to the family.
Comforting, no? Cosy? Egalitarian and all that, to think of your fellow citizens as your brothers and sisters?
It isn’t. Not comforting, not cosy and sure as hell not egalitarian. I don’t think so, anyway.
It strikes me that when the nation is imagined as a family, it’s always a particular kind of family that’s imagined. A `happy’ family. No divorce or domestic violence here, folks. No custody fights or acrimonious property disputes. No deadbeat Dads skiving off on the child support payments. No sexual abuse to mar the cosiness, no lives of quiet desperation, no skeletons in the closet (or LGBT folk either for that matter), no `Mother’s little helper’ in the bathroom cupboard. A family where, although people might have their differences, their similarities are more pronounced. A homogeneous family – certainly not a trans-national family – because that would play merry hell with the metaphor. And it’s a defensive family, which, though it might have its internal squabbles, will quickly unite to attack any interloper who dares participate in them.
Ah, yes, foreigners. I bet you wondered when I was going to get to them. Because it’s not just about who is included when we play happy national families. It’s also about who is excluded.
Where does the foreigner fit in this picture of the nation as family?
When they are within national borders, they are the short-term family guest, who will remain tactfully and discreetly silent, keeping their fucking piehole shut for the blessedly brief duration of their visit. They will observe the formalities, tell the nice polite lies, bite their tongue and ignore the desperate weeping from the upstairs bedroom. Good house guests. At best. More often they are the interloper, the unwanted guest, the cuckoo in the nest, the changling in the cradle, the thief in the night. Sometimes they are the `yellow peril,’ the `thieving gypsies,’ the `flood of immigrants,’ the `undesirable element,’ the `influx,’ the `deluge,’ the `horde,’ the `false asylum seekers,’ seeking to rip `us’ off and steal `our’ jobs.
Beyond the national borders, they are `them.’ Those strangers who are outside the family, who must be defended against, who are exotic, unfathomable, and `not like us.’ The barbarians at the gate, the uncivilised Malthusian masses, the threat to `our’ society and `our’ values. Whose bodies can be bombed, burned and buried with impunity, whose thousand lives are worth but one of `ours,’ who are indistinguishable, nameless, faceless, moths at a candle flame.
The nation as family metaphor invites people to divide the world into `us’ and `them.’ From where I stand, that right there is a huge stroke against it.
But this rabbit hole goes deeper.
The family is a site of intimacy – not necessarily pleasant, happy, loving intimacy, but intimacy none-the-less. Family members usually know each other through long acquaintance. They may not like or love each other, but odds are they know each other’s habits, their preferences, their dislikes, their small pleasures, their antipathies. They have learned to live in shared spaces. In most – though not all – cases, the family is a site of particular and private personal knowledge. At their best, families are sources of love, friendship and joy because they are based on mutual respect and private personal knowledge.
Nations are not sites of intimacy. Let me say this again because I think this is really important. Nations are not sites of intimacy. Even the little minnow-nations like Aotearoa/New Zealand are not sites of intimacy. N.Z. has a little under five million citizens and there are about four million people living there. Pretty small, no? But not a site of intimacy. Hell, even my first home-town was not a site of intimacy – I could and did walk around town all day many times without running into a single acquaintance or friend.
This matters because the `nation as family’ metaphor is often invoked precisely because it conjures up familial bonds of affection, loyalty and justifiable partiality. Because the family is a site of intimacy, people are supposed to value the lives of family members above those of strangers. When you’re offered the terrible choice between saving a family member and saving a stranger, you’re supposed to save the family member and let the stranger die.
Within the logic of the nation as family metaphor, you are similarly supposed to save the person who has the same passport as you over the person of a different nationality.
But despite the metaphor, the nation is not your family.
You are not bound to a stranger by ties of affection, shared personal knowledge and personal history simply because you happen to have the same citizenship due to the merest accident of birth. But you could well be bound by real ties of affection, shared ideals, and shared personal knowledge to people who don’t share your citizenship.
Something I wrote some time ago on dkos that seemed apropos.
I think what you’ve written here is powerful and illuminating. And of course it makes me think about the verse right before my sig line:
Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace…
But do you think there are similar dangers in thinking of the “human family?”
Thank you for this diary, dove, it really provided me with an insight. The family metaphor has been traded upon by politicians – particularly conservative ones, for a long time.
We here in Australia have experienced the very effective recent use of the ‘us’ and ‘them’ xenophobia by John Howard, who is an extremely skillful and ruthless politician. It is no small coincidence that he has ridden to election success on the back of artificial fears about refugees and terrorism – the danger from the ‘other’ that ‘we’ must close ranks against.
A good counter to this xenophobia, it seems to me, is to provide details of the humanity and ‘like-us-ness’ of the groups who are demonised. Of course, most of us can’t convince the MSM that these are interesting stories…
BTW, you neglected to mention that the reason only 4 million of the 5 million New Zealanders live in New Zealand is because the rest are in Australia… mostly in Sydney… 😉
Yep — it’s true. 🙂
About half a million in Sydney at last count, I think. And a smaller enclave in London, I’m told (they have their own newspaper anyway), though I’ve not run across them.
Australians and New Zealanders have a kind of friendly rivalry which is played out in various sporting arenas (particularly rugby), and also involves New Zealanders putting up with taunts from the bigger cousin across the Tasman Sea. For example, the hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders in Australia are commonly held to be here solely to access Australian welfare benefits… When you are relatively insignificant, like Australia, it is important to have someone even smaller to pick upon. It bolsters the ego.
In terms of the us versus them discourse, I think New Zealanders are generally regarded as family members. This raises the question of whether the ‘us’ and ‘them’ dichotomy you were relating to nationality and family might have a cultural component. Do Americans and Britons see each other as part of the same family?
Excellent diary, let me explain and argue for my claim. The word “nation” comes from the latin “natio”, which means people/folk (Volk). This means one group of people defined by ethnic and linguistic commonalities. Native Americans correctly use the term as in “The Sioux Nation”. America is in fact a COUNTRY of many NATIONS. This is not merely a play of semantics, it is a very important distinction. This is what makes the US one of the greatest experiments in human history. This is also exploited in current ideaology. While I believe that “patriotism” is good: meaning remaining loyal to a common cause (the Constitution) of the country, “nationalism” is bad: loyal to your own ethnic/linguistic group and a feeling of superiority over the “other”.
Case in point in Europe. Most European countries have traditionally been nations which evolved into the “nation-state” (a combination of state tied to a territory and inhabited by one ethnic/linquistic group starting with the French Republic after the Revolution), that means demographically, Poles are the majority in Poland; the French in France; Germans, once the principalities were united by Bismark, in Germany, etc.
If you have ever seen a demographic map of the former Yugoslavia, the problems are obvious: pockets of Croats, Bosnians, Serbs, Albanians polka-dot the map – many nations mixed together on one territory that each nation claims, nationalism at it’s (almost – barring Nazi Germany) worse.
This is why the US is the great experiment. We have many nations all living together as “Americans”. I am not saying that we have been perfect at all and have no illusions that the idealogical myth of nationalism has gripped our country at several points in our young history, but I also believe it is good that we generally, more or less, accept other nations as Americans much more so than many of the other countries in the world.
Please don’t confuse my opinion with American arrogance, that is nationalism. I truly believe that if we percieve ourselves as a country rather than a nation or nation-state, if we dissolve the “national” ideaological myth, we would be even greater and more compassionate as a country. But ideaology is hard to dissolve, especially when it serves those who are in power. Think about it, how many times has GWB used the term “nation” over the word “country” and what are those results?
Oh, and please forgive my spelling errors. Now that I live immersed in Germany and becoming more fluent in the language, I find my native tongue getting twisted if I’m not paying attention.
that lie behind words and lie behind words.
Dove, what a pleasant surprise to see you here this morning! As always, a thoughtful and thought-provoking diary. I was site-hopping last night and ended up at your website, and read your diary entry on patriotism, which is an excellent companion piece to this one. I’d post the link for the other Boofrogs, but now I’m at work and don’t have the link here…
being Motherland or Fatherland……it is birthed daily and sometimes painfully so. It is always a child requiring some nurture along with the discipline.