For anyone who thinks they had a bad day yesterday…
“I’ve had one of those Murphy Law days! So far just some little stuff
like the hot water tank leaking, no hair dryers at the gym, getting into
an argument with the parking ticket guy, stepping into a really deep
puddle, getting caught in the rain, etc… but this last thing just
topped the list… I met Darlene in the ladies room… she asks me how
I’m doing, I tell her I’m great… I’ve been having Murphy’s Law day and
at the moment nothing bad is happening so maybe my luck has changed. So
I pee, go to the flush the toilet and … yes you guessed it… instead
of flushing the toilet starts shoot water all over the floor!”
like the hot water tank leaking, no hair dryers at the gym, getting into
an argument with the parking ticket guy, stepping into a really deep
puddle, getting caught in the rain, etc… but this last thing just
topped the list… I met Darlene in the ladies room… she asks me how
I’m doing, I tell her I’m great… I’ve been having Murphy’s Law day and
at the moment nothing bad is happening so maybe my luck has changed. So
I pee, go to the flush the toilet and … yes you guessed it… instead
of flushing the toilet starts shoot water all over the floor!”
– email from friend of CG
So what’s news?
Wait till you hear this idea: NYT
Almost sounds like a torture chamber…
Mooooove along, please, moooove over.
will be taking the press secretary job: CNN
And who is this guy? According to CNN:
Funny how they leave out his role in introducing Lucianne Goldberg and Linda Tripp and how that resulted in the taping of the conversations with Monica…
Why don’t they just clear the rest of the press out of the WH and turn it into a Fox studio? And why are my taxes going to be paying Tony’s salary, instead of Rupert Murdoch?
we are gonna destroy Snow. This is going to be sweet payback for l’affair Lewinsky. Snow is going to preside over the downfall of a Presidency. Should be sweet to watch Tony come in with his arrogant dismissive swagger and go out without a shred of dignity or self-respect left.
Teenager suing the Pentagon: Reuters/Yahoo
Kids these days…you gotta love them.
Must have been listening to satanic rock music, like maybe Pink Floyd:
Us, and them
And after all we’re only ordinary men.
Me, and you.
God only knows it’s noz what we would choose to do.
Forward he cried from the rear
And the front rank died.
And the general sat and the lines on the map
Moved from side to side.
Black and blue
And who knows which is which and who is who.
Up and down.
But in the end it’s only round and round.
Haven’t you heard it’s a battle of words
The poster bearer cried.
Listen son, said the man with the gun
There’s room for you inside.
I mean, they’re not gunna kill ya, so if you give ’em a quick short,
Sharp, shock, they won’t do it again. dig it? I mean he get off
Lightly, ‘cos I would’ve given him a thrashing – I only hit him once!
It was only a difference of opinion, but really…I mean good manners
Don’t cost nothing do they, eh?
Down and out
It can’t be helped but there’s a lot of it about.
With, without.
And who’ll deny it’s what the fighting’s all about?
Out of the way, it’s a busy day
I’ve got things on my mind.
For the want of the price of tea and a slice
The old man died.
inviting her to apply to West Point. BAWAHAHAHA….they obviously have never met the peace nic picnic clothes for carpeting monster!
Tens of thousands crowd Nepal king’s palace
Bomb attack on Sri Lanka army HQ
Does the Pope wear Prada? WSJ Online
You must have missed the picture, LOL!
that would be sexy.
pontiff sex? I dunno…
U.S. border watchdogs look north, Against ‘illegals’. Grandmother, 73, is proud member
And they can also serve, once deputized, to keep Americans in.
IIRC, one of the plot lines involved “undergound railroad” activities of liberals trying to make it into Canada.
Nutjobs add sinister side to debate
This Denver Post article tells how anti-immigration crazies are threatening anyone who disagrees with them. This is insane:
Among the tactics suggested: “Fire-bomb their district offices as a warning, then their private homes if they go ahead with the plan;” “park several Timothy McVeigh-type truck bombs next to the House and Senate office buildings and detonate them;” and “pull a fire alarm in the U.S. Capitol and machine gun them to death as they evacuate.”
That is just a small sample of the hatred these people are capable of… the article is good and worth a quick read.
And these are the people roaming around looking official — wearing NYPD hats, camo, driving hummers, carrying weapons, what is that? Seriously, if I came across them I be scared out of my mind. From my article …
That was worth the read.
My son has been coming home complaining about his whacko social studies teacher again…this time, she’s spouting off about sending all the Mexicans back home, they don’t belong here, etc. And when he tries to point out that we’re talking about people who come here and work hard at jobs many Amercans don’t even want, she refuses to call him anymore.
How can you be a social studies teacher and never watch anything but Fox news?
I had a social studies teacher in high school (1974-77) for three years (!) who was a member of the John Birch society, a 2nd amendment extremist, and who told us that the apartheid regime in South Africa was “misunderstood.”
He called me his “technocrat” because I insisted on arguing that protecting the environment was a government responsibility because once you died of cancer, a lawsuit by your heirs was cold comfort. (He insisted the courts were the only remedy needed for pollution.)
And this was in the days before Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, etc. He must have been in heaven for the last decade or so. Hope he enjoyed it (heh heh heh).
There have been death threats reported against Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante and Los Angeles Mayor Villagriosa (apologies for the mangled spelling) — to his credit, Governor Ahnold S. (too lazy to type his whole last name) has instructed the Attorney General to conduct a full investigation and come down hard on the perpetrators. I still ain’t votin’ for him come November, but I can give him some grudging respect…
Terror suspects moved to ‘Guantanamo north’, Ottawa’s Mohamed Harkat, 3 others swept away to new Kingston facility
“They are going to have better access and contact with families,”
The story left off the second half of the sentence:
“…than if we turn them over to the Americans for a trip to Guantanamo.”
I think I’d prefer a Canadian jailer, all things considered…
Researchers have found that orbital characteristics of the recently discovered planetoid, “Sedna”, demonstrate the possibility that our sun might be part of a binary star system. A binary star system consists of two stars gravitationally bound orbiting a common center of mass. Once thought to be highly unusual, such systems are now considered to be common in the Milky Way galaxy. Sedna moves in a highly unusual elliptical orbit, in resonance with previously published orbital data for a hypothetical companion star.
The World Bank on Sunday unveiled a new project to promote the use of clean energy in developing countries, where it said 10 to 40 billion dollars a year would be needed to cover the costs of adapting to projected climate change. And today, on the eve of Africa Malaria Day, the World Bank announced a pledge of $62 million toward fighting malaria in four countries — although critics maintain the international lending institution is incompetent and has failed to deliver on its promises.
Data gathered from last year’s NASA hurricane research mission and a NASA satellite have improved tropical storm landfall and storm strength forecasts. The record Atlantic hurricane season last year can be attributed to global warming, several top experts, including a leading United States government storm researcher, said on Monday.
Scientists at the National institutes of Health have engineered a powerful inhibitor of anthrax toxin that worked well in small-scale animal tests. If additional testing pans out, they plan in future research to develop similar inhibitors for other diseases.
Experimental evidence reveals that an invasive species in North America–garlic mustard–negatively impacts the growth of native tree seedlings by disrupting the mutually beneficial relationship of the tree seedlings and fungi on their roots.
The U.S. will not meet the terms of a treaty to destroy stockpiles of chemical weapons. The original treaty deadline is April 29, 2007. But the U.S. has conceded that even with the extension, it will be in noncompliance because it will likely destroy only 66% of its stockpile by 2012 and will probably not eliminate it entirely until 2017 or beyond. Meeting the 2017 target will depend both on the willingness of Congress to continue funding the chemical demilitarization program despite increasing costs and on cooperation from the affected states and localities.
With oil costing more than ever before, The Chinese firm Global Bio-Chem Technology Group Co. Ltd., the world’s third-largest corn processor, is pinning its hopes on turning the grain into polyester and plastics. Meanwhile, China’s largest coal producer Shenhua Group Corp. Ltd. and South Africa’s Sasol Ltd. say their coal-to-liquids technology is worthwhile for generating vehicle fuel if oil stays above US$30 or US$35 a barrel, half its current price. New York oil futures for December 2012 delivery are above US$66.
Hmmm… No global warming rant du jour. Well, this will have to do:
Now here’s some real homeland security: At least 225 industrial plants in this country have switched to using less dangerous chemicals since the 2001 terrorist attacks, lowering the risk that people nearby would be injured or killed by toxic plumes. While these plants represent only a tiny fraction of the estimated 14,000 nationwide that store or use large quantities of extremely hazardous substances, environmentalists nonetheless cite their efforts as proof that companies and utilities can and should make the switch. “It demonstrates what is possible with a concerted national effort,” said Paul Orum, the author of the report, “Preventing Toxic Terrorism” which is being published Tuesday by the Center for American Progress, a liberal research and advocacy group.
Food for thought: Scientific Illiteracy and the Partisan Takeover of Biology at PLoS Biology. A snippet: “…Since 1979, the proportion of scientifically literate adults has doubled – to a paltry 17%…” Well, I guess I’ll be posting “Science Headlines” for some time to come, LOL.
just my little bit for the gold mine of news
Love all the articles today you all have brought to us. I just want to thank you all for your wonderful array of things to read. I so enjoy it. Am so glad you all decided to do this for us here. hugs and have a great day.
if he and Bob Casey Jr were roommates in college or something.
from war and piece
Notorious Army Wife MilitaryTracy completely, utterly miserably failed today to destroy her husband’s military career when at 7:00 a.m. eastern time the list of W4’s being promoted this year included her spouses name! I gotta admit that I was sweating it a little bit. I got so pissed off a few months back when some Fighting Keyboardist Special Forces Wanna Be posted that I had destroyed my husband’s military career and I couldn’t help posting back that the Army was so short handed right now that I could push Rummy down and fart in his face and my husband would still be getting promoted……. but in the dark of the night though sometimes I shuddered to think that I was wrong though and they were going to get me! Rush Limbaugh, and Rick Santorum, and the Boogeyman were going to get me and my little dog too!
Woo-hoo! Does his head still fit through the front door? π
home this morning from PT and I was yacking to you joyously about it on the phone, so something about him is noticably different to them. I haven’t asked them yet though what they noticed perhaps “larger” about him this morning.
Yay! Congrats. π
Taking good care of yourself and your youngsters??….I don’t see you much right now around here as I have been trying to focus some energy on my family right now. I was so afraid before that Iraq would find no ending and I remember sitting here at this computer reading and writing for hours. I have been taking some time to live a little again now, knowing that November doesn’t guarantee me anything……but if the roots of my flower dies then I have no garden to tend.
in his diary, but it bears repeating — we have to take care of our own health (physical, mental, emotional, whatever) to have the strength to fight the Powers-That-Be.
You take care of yourself and those close to you — we’ll muddle through somehow… π
of colleges to sneak into your kids’ plans — 23 of the top rated 101 liberal arts colleges do not use SAT or ACT scores in determining admissions…
WaPo article