Progress Pond

The birth of "Flat Subodh"

 With the Ohio primary fast approaching, I was trying to think of something we could do to help our favorite local candidate, Subodh Chandra. Other than blogging, of course, which I’ve done rather a lot of.

My husband made “Flat Howard” available online in late 2003/early 2004. People could print it out in pieces and assemble it themselves, or we could send them the large file in one piece, and they could take it to a printer.

“Flat Howard” showed up at tabling events, fundraisers–anywhere Howard couldn’t be there personally. Just do a Google search for “Flat Howard” and you can get a sense of how the 2D Dean got around.

When we met Paul Hackett at the Honesty in Government event back in January, someone from his campaign (forget who) thought it was a cool idea. Paul posed for a picture that was to be used to make a “Flat Hackett”, but he dropped out of the race before that could happen.

Well, anyway, I ran the idea of a “Flat Subodh” past the folks at Buckeye State Blog, and met with a positive response.

So, voila, here he is! (See the image below the fold).

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