I learn that today is Loyalty [oath] Day. May 1st is now Loyalty [oath] Day. From the White House release:
Loyalty Day is also a time for us to reflect on our responsibilities to our country as we work to show the world the meaning and promise of liberty. The right to vote is one of our most cherished rights and voting is one of our most fundamental duties. By making a commitment to be good citizens, flying the American flag, or taking the time to learn about our Nation’s history, we show our gratitude for the blessings of freedom.
Where does the line for the Flavor Aid start?
Via somegirl over at The All Spin Zone >> BCFTU.
How are you celebrating this Loyalty Day? How will you celebrate next year’s Loyalty Day? Just how bullshit do you think Loyalty Day is? What would your version of a Loyalty Oath state?
What do I think?……fucking creepy it is..hiel george.
They pick May Day for this? F’ing commies…er…fascists.
Hey Hey there now… I take pride in the fact that I’m a democratic socialist and member of the socialist European Left party.
that’s LOYALTY DAY, not May Day, you bastard
It’s Mission Unaccomplished Day.
LOYALTY DAY god dammit! off to Gitmo you go BooMan.
yeah, yeah. There is STILL a police van parked outside my front window. Hasn’t moved in like 10 days. I sit here and blog about 20 feet from it. The van has all its decals removed, but they can still be seen because the paint is less faded.
No rear windows in it. Couple o’ antennas.
I’m trying to ignore it. Loyalty Day. Got it. I won’t slip up again.
Just like that knife sharpening truck outside of Drinking Liberally in Philly every week.
glad you’re wising up. Keep in mind, Arbeit Macht Frei
how come you’re posting an f’ing translation. Steve Gilliard posted it in the original German and Russian!
now that is just awesome
Very well. My ‘oath’ : I will not rest until they are frog-marched out.
ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Responsibilities to my Country? The right to vote on voting machines that can’t verify my vote? Making a commitment to be a good citizen when everybody who is this asshole’s friend and buddy rapes, robs, murders at will without consequences? Sorry, but I’m just as much a loyal American burning the flag as flying it because I am exercising my freedom by doing either one! How about if I take twice as much time to learn this Nation’s real fucking history instead of the fucking fairytale written in all of the high school history books…….now that’s some fucking loyalty! Loyalty to reality and loyalty to all the real lessons that we have learned as a United People! Everything about Asshole From Hell George W Bush screams FASCIST! My family immigrated mostly from Germany……..looks like it’s time to burn this fucker at the stake or head back across the ocean and join the rest of the world in having to take care of this puke only to have him off himself in some bunker with Hot Laura Offing Herself next to him before we can haul him to the Hague! UGH! Time out for a nice long bath!
I know Tracy, UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE! And I usually use asterisks to vaguely conceal my use of profanity on the blogs – but not in this case.
They want me to brush up on history? OK, how’s this: remember when Thomas Jefferson was elected and he said in a speech to never trust him while he was president? That every patriot should question his policies, actions, “decisions” whether they be right or wrong?
I don’t think “THEY” really want people to brush up on history. “Go fly your flag, and don’t forget the yellow ribbon for your car, you loyal American, you!”
I caught that line also about learning the history..ironic isn’t it because bush seems to have no real idea about our history-his idea must be some pie-in-the-sky account of the movie maybe of ‘How the West Was Won’.
At least he only signed this as a proclamation and not as a fucken law.
He certainly slept through history class at Yale, I’ll bet civics also – betcha, I’ll through down a $100 right now. In fact, since he was a C student, I’ll even bet that he slept through all of his classes and as part of our tragic Shakespearean national drama, Daddy probably bought the diploma.
“At least he only signed this as a proclamation and not as a fucken law.”
– I’m not sure in his mind there is much of a difference.
but wait, he’s got a Harvard MBA!!!
I think you just proved my point.
actually, somegirl got that from me.
that’s ok. I don’t get no respect,no respect at all i tellya.
It’s also “Law Day” according to Mistah Pweznit.
indeedy, i see she corrected her post. corrected here.
Lately Arlo has been telling the story about how he gets searched five or six times every time he goes through the airport.
“Like that’s new,” he says. (I’m paraphrasing because I can’t remember all of the story the way he tells it.)
“I tell these guys my name is still on the freakin’ list from thirty years ago. I say, ‘You don’t understand. I’m not nearly the threat I had hoped to become.’
“‘Keep moving,’ they say.”
Arlo Guthrie on a terrorist list????
Jesus man! He was just a litterbug! With 8 by 10 colored glossy photos on Thanksgiving! Has the world really come to this???????
I haven’t been back to the US for a couple of years. I’m getting kinda anxious about coming back and defending my dissertation – and it’s not my committee that worries me. After everything I’ve written and the political party I joined, I wonder if I’m considered “dangerous”. But of course I am – I THINK THEREFORE I’M DANGEROUS! Plus with all the piercings literally under my belt, I have to wonder about those metal detectors.
My mom is a sixty-something art history professor. She came to visit me for a visit to Berlin. When she left Crescent City or the nearby airport, her bra set off the alarms and she had a humiliating search of her breast under that great big omniscent eagle of Homeland Sercutrity, which she pointed out while in Berlin is strangely familiar with an old eagle emblem over here. In fact, Heimatsicherheit (homeland security) was indeed a National Socialist term.
Wow, dude, I just can’t really believe that this is happening.
Has the world really come to this???????
I’d like to be able to say “no,” but unfortunately that old bugbear Reality tells me otherwise.
je pense que donc je suis… dangereux
Hey! That’s effeminate freedom-hating French! Name a war they ever won! What did they ever contribute! Oh, wait…
ok, my bad.
How in the hell did you leave off Jean Reno?!
In all honesty, he’s one of my favorites. I don’t know why. He just is.
Same fascist shit, new packaging.
Woody’s guitar bore the legend THIS MACHINE KILLS FASCISTS.
He made a lot of poor choices in his personal life, but his music and his philosophy are America.
My oath of loyalty had something to do with protecting the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. I really didn’t believe that there needed to be any more affirmation than that.
I guess that old oath is just quaint and obsolete, just like the Geneva Conventions.
It is far from quaint and we have a few out there who are able and following it…….they need our support and when this all shakes out we’ll wipe our brow because we managed to avert the jaws of the lion. It isn’t going to be fun though in the meantime and some things that have already occurred will be ugly beyond our wildest nightmare (well, maybe not yours and mine and it will dumbfound/traumatize many others). I always loved all those good verses evil movies when I was kid, who ever thought we would actually have to live through and participate in such a real life battle for the soul of the American People?
Yea, I know what you mean. Like saving our souls from the ANTI-FUCKING-CHRIST!
that we are now officially a dictatorship under Fuhrer King Bush.
Scoff if you will, but if you take “Law Day” and the dripping irony of Bush’s statement about it, his decider comments, his violation of 750+ laws, and then the proclamation of Loyalty Day, it’s all pretty clear.
I guess the Repbulican Corporate Fascists have got what they want.
Laws? What laws? W don’t need no stinkin laws.
…though the emphasis may be.
Loyalty Day (Wikipedia).
“The holiday was first celebrated in the 1920s as Americanization Day. and was intended to serve as a counterweight to May Day, which was celebrated as a Communist holiday.
Loyalty Day is celebrated with parades and ceremonies in communities across the United States, although many people in the United States remain unaware of it. Although a legal holiday, it is not a federal holiday.
It was made an official holiday by the U.S. Congress on July 18, 1958 (Public Law 85-529). It was first proclaimed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower on July 15, 1958.”
I’m too busy recovering from Friday’s Hairball Awareness Day to take part. Damn! This is bad timing, because I’ve been meaning to get involved in some weird cult shit for years now.
The Flavor Aid is still cold! Come and get it.
How did I know I shouldn’t follow that link?
I held out. But I just clicked. I think I just threw up in my mouth. Not sure. It may be a hairball.
You’re just an intuitive guy I suppose. Now you just need to learn to listen to your intuitions.
To this, all I can say is, sieg heil.
My family, my friends, my employer, my religion, my fellow countrymen and a few other groups I’m no doubt leaving out.
The order in which I am loyal is subject to change, and you’ll notice that nowhere on there is a declaration of loyalty to His Nibs or anything like him.
Mayday, a day to celebrate worker’s rights morphs into Loyalty Day, a day to wave the flag and get in line behind our glorious leader. Are these guys using 1984 as their playbook? We are truly living in the Post Ironic Age. Please God, please let these guys be the Whigs of the 21st century, done in by their own stupidity, hubris and bile.
Hell of a coincidence. On the same day as the boycott/strike that is in support of Immigration Rights!
I guess I am off to the corporate concentration camp. Atleast I know I will not be alone, so who here wants to share a cell. 🙂
You in a corporate concentration camp???? I give it a day before they beg you to leave!!!!
Too coincidental to be a coincidence. Blech.
I was being sarcastic.
oh, i know. just displaying my disgust some more. 🙂
I am also loyal to seeing a single-payer health care system.
“Loyalty Day” isn’t new, but rather a relic of the Cold War. Congress designated May 1st as “Loyalty Day” in 1958. The attempted reactionary hijacking of the Workers’ Holiday has even deeper roots than that. In the 1930s, right-wingers promoted May 1st as “Americanization Day”.
Personally, the only loyalty I’ll swear today (or any other day) is to the working class and the cause of social justice.
Arriba los pobres del mundo
En pie los esclavos sin pan.
Alcémonos todos, que llega.
La Revolución Social.
La Anarquía ha de emanciparnos
de toda la explotación
El comunismo libertario
será nuestra redención