Progress Pond

Hold Congress to the same ethical standards as our troops

Today, the House passed H.R. 4975, a sham ethics plan that gives us election-year window dressing instead of real reform.

As Joe said today, “There needs to be full transparency in all relationships between members and lobbyists. In the military, there are extraordinarily strict rules that regulate all contact with individuals or institutions that have an interest in defense programs. Why shouldn’t Congress be held to the same standards?”

Instead, this Republican House of Representatives – and Joe’s opponent, Curt Weldon – turned what started out as a much needed effort to reform ethics on Capital Hill into what Joe called “a watered-down piece of legislation that fails to address the real issues.”
Why is Joe so opposed to H.R. 975? A few reasons why:

Joe has a better plan. He believes that real lobbying legislation must not only reverse the four points of failure noted above but also must include the following terms:

Sadly, it is of little surprise that Curt Weldon was once again among the members who did nothing to affect real change–especially on an issue that hits so close to home.

Curt Weldon hasn’t fought for ethics reform during his time in office. He has only contributed to the problem. Curt Weldon has received over $155,000 from lobbyists since 1990 – one of his leading funding sources — according to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics.  

In addition to H.R. 4975, Weldon has voted:

“I am running for Congress to bring real security to all Americans: health, education, economic, and defense security. We can’t create true security unless our representatives truly have the interests of their constituents at heart. Real ethics reform is the first step. Curt Weldon and this Republican Congress failed their constituents today.” – Joe Sestak

– Colin Holtz-Eakin
Sestak for Congress

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