On the internets, it rages. Even on blogs generally noted for a higher percentage of reading and thinking participants, anti-Otherism causes dialogue to degrade into schoolyard insults, non-sequiturs to posts expressing unpopular view.
And the gap between its mainstream and what the US has instead of a left is shrinking. Blind, mindless rage and hatred have spread across the cyberworld like crab lice at a Daytona Beach party hotel during Spring Break.
And if it would stay there, if it could be confined to the typing of invectives and slurs and “flames,” lives could be saved.
But sadly, that is not the case. In Atlanta, a company that donated buses to a recent human rights march finds half his fleet torched. The police know about it a day or so before he does. They don’t bother telling him.
Latin American politicians receive death threats. In Houston, a 16 year old boy clings to life after an attack so brutal that the networks dare not even detail it, out of consideration for the more sensitive viewers. For once, this is probably just as well, the copy-cat bug being what it is.
On the streets, the hatred is palpable. Others who are obliged to venture out of our ghettos are met with glares more menacing as those we endured in the wake of the 911 events. One makes every effort not to venture out of one’s ghetto. No one wants to be next. Most hate crimes are not even reported. It is too dangerous, say the victims, I have family, whose side are the police on? Yeah, like I am going to go give them names and have people who know where my family is even angrier at me.
It’s a tough call. Whether to venture one’s decidedly mortal head out into the range of missiles in the hands of the gangplankers and anti-Otherists who never imagined they had so much in common with the skinheads they had previously decried, whether to continue to post to blogs where it no longer matters what one says, only that it is the Other, the Biblical stranger among them, who dares to say it.
If one could only be sure of keeping them there at their computers calling one names usually reserved for precoccious warring eight year olds, and away from patio umbrellas…
There are, however, no guarantees of that, and the possibility that absorbing cyber-hatred could prevent its real life incarnation must be balanced against the undeniable fact that one’s cyber-presence inflames normally peaceful folk caught up in the frenzy, and grim visions of where that rage might go once they push the power button come unheeded to one’s mind and stay there.
So shoulders sagging with the weight of all this, the reality of what it means to be that Enemy that those crusaders, those torturers and melters of flesh suddenly catapulted into near-divine status even by what the US has instead of an anti-war contingent, the Enemy from which they are told they are being protected from, sinks in. They want you dead. There is no polite way to say it, no euphemistic cloud of frame in which to cloak it. They want you dead, and they want your family dead too, and as the rage intensifies, as the flames of hatred rise ever higher, they want it enough to risk their own lives, their own freedom, to make it happen.
They love to talk of the heat of war, its hell, and what their heroes imposing America’s will, spreading Democracy there in the Ghraib, are “forced to do.” Those poor boys are not, they argue, capable of making their own decisions. Helpless moral cripples, they are mere automatons, puppets caught in the strings of the villains in Washington. They are only doing it to receive a financial benefit, they are not bad boys.
Madness is seldom associated with consistency or logic. Those villains’ strings apparently have a longer reach than anyone suspected, as their words are eagerly parroted even by those who insist that they are refuting them. People defending their homes and families from a brutal horde of invaders are called insurgents from the Pentagon and the self-styled “progressives” alike.
Bush and his political rivals speak with one voice about the danger of “allowing” Iran to have the same weapons everyone agrees Israel must have, the US must have.
The moist and impenetrable ideological agar of Exceptionalism is the perfect medium for hate, for the surrendering of values, reason, thought. In these abandoned minds, we, the Others, are transmorgified into savage beasts, subhumans, Unpeople.
And that precious and incredibly shrinking few who remain Those Opposed?
They bravely cast their lot with us, with US or with the terrorists. they too become Others. Unpeople by choice, Enemy by choice, by blessed conscience, Enemy by reason of Reason. Despised and reviled by their own countrymen, their own tribes, forsaking the yellow ribbon for the yellow star, forcing us who do not have a choice to examine our ownselves: Would we have such courage?
On the eve of the Armageddon successfully sold even to all but the most rejectionist customers, the hate, the rage, morphs itself into an unspeakable miasma, a formless, mindless bestial thing.
Our words, our thoughts, our pleadings cannot reach they who want us gone. Get out. They want us dead. Watch out. And time is running out. As even they, at least some of them, understood at one time, the World Can’t Wait.
Today, their understanding is no longer necessary.
The World Won’t Wait.
Excellent diary. Yes the world NEVER waits. This is as big a problem for “liberals” as “conservatives.”
Globalism is here to stay. The Union is not dead but the statist union is.
The workers of THE WORLD will unite. Marx will be vindicated someday.
One mixed world one mixed race
if we are not blown up first
there will be
Ahhhh – Marx!
So-o comrades come rally, and the last fight let us face
The Internationale unites the human race…
I fear that, while the class analysis still has a lot to offer us, the comrades have unfortunately mostly disappeared…
Not sure Marx will be vindicated.
What is exercising my mind at the moment is the likelihood that, if the US nukes Iran, we will be plunged into a decades/generations-long religious war between Christian west and Islamic (Middle) East.
First you must lose your outdated concept of “Marxism”, then you will be free to envision the new world–there will be (already are)new comrades aplenty if you open your mind to them–by your name I take it you are down under. If you were here in Texas or in S. California you would see touch and feel millions of potential new comrades, and many more poring across the border as we speak.
Marx WILL be vindicated, just not necessarily in the white hermetically sealed culture of US/Europe, of which white Australia is a particularly virulent strain.
You can MARX my word.
Don’t know which particular outdated view of Marxism I manifested, but I have to say I agree that there are millions of potential new comrades all over the world. I’m intrigued about why you think Marx would not be vindicated in the white hermetically sealed cultures of our respective advanced (?!) industrial economies while being vindicated elsewhere. Personally, I think the sophistication of modern liberal-democratic capitalism (I know that is now a dubious category in which to put the US), combined with false consciousness on the part of many potential comrades who think they are owners and bosses, or potentially so, means that the revolution is further away here and there than it is elsewhere.
And whether White Australia is more virulent than the US or Europe, I’m not in a position to judge. Sometimes I think we are particularly bad, and other times I think the Government plays to the racist and xenophobic minority in swinging electorates while the majority is mostly disinterested. Do you have experience of the virulence?
Well, for one thing, the idea of the nation-state is dead, at least as far as economics is concerned. Marx envisioned an end to the nation-state, and essentially we are almost there from a macroeconomic standpoint. Politically, not yet, but politicans are by definition behind history, not leading it.
The Europeans and US will fight the political demise of the nation-state. See the continuig inability of Euro pols to create a political Euro Union.
The immigration issue is a manifestation in reality of the ascendancy of globalism, or the end of national borders, however you choose to characterize it.
Euros are actually the most confused, politically and economically. Witness France where the recent youth rebellion quelled a typically French “work contract” for the masses.
Would you have ever guessed that the French possess a smaller percentage of unionized workers than even the US? Yup–US 12%, Britain 29%, Germany 22%, France….only 8%.
Didn’t know that about union membership. The last figures I can find for Australia show 26% of employees were union members in 1999, down from 51% in 1976. Probably lower still by now.
Did I say anything about the nation-state? Perhaps we’re talking at cross-purposes here…
No. I did. You were questioning the validity of Marx and the demise of the nation-state is one good example of his revalidation. My repsonses here are herky jerky because my head is full of ideas but not enough time to sort them out. I have a business to run too. Hopefully you find my comments interesting even if you dont agree.
Why do you think (true)conservatives are so hostile to globalism when it is clearly a capitalist movement?
oops put another comment meant as a reply to you. See below.
Beautifully written. Thank you.
I would bet you a Shiner bock versus a Fosters, that the reality is the US is much more multicultural, integrated and progressive in matters of race than Australia. But no, I have never been to Australia. Actually, Donkeytale has little or no desire to see the world anyway, except from inside his own head.
Again, I am talking the reality on the street, not the “image” created by US slavery, racial segregation, etc. and still promoted (yes mainly by the Left)without regard to the facts as they exist on the ground today.
Todays US is not really segregated by race. Its segregated much more by education level and income level.
The reality here in Dallas, which is Bush’s hometown after all, is that the fast growing lily white suburbs to the far north are even faster growing in multiculural diversity as minority group members with income and education levels to match the white population fit in quite easily. Democrats gain more vote share in these conservative Republican ground zeros during each succeeding election.
You can look it up.
I would bet you a Shiner bock versus a Fosters, that the reality is the US is much more multicultural, integrated and progressive in matters of race than Australia.
I’m even more intrigued. Both about what causes you to think that, and also how we would go about measuring those things. Funny, also, because I would almost have said exactly the same in reverse. A little nation-state chauvinism on both our parts, perhaps? 🙂
No. Just the reality versus the image problem.
The problem of the Left and the Right both is that we filter the world thru such outmoded lenses.
How much of Australia’s population today consists of minorities, excluding the aboriginals, as I would exclude native americans (I assume both not integrated by design)?
In sheer numbers alone, US is more multicultural than most nations of the world. The economic disparities are being very slwoly reversed of course, but slow still means that someday they will be reversed. Asian Americans already attain higher educational levels and thus, as high or higher income levels than whites.
In LA, my hometown, poor hispanics are often denigrated by racist whites for their junky cars. Asian Americans are just as often denigrated by racist whites for driving too slowly in the fast lane in cars that the majority of racist whites could never afford.
1.6% of the population are Indigenous Australians.
About one-quarter of the population was born overseas. Six percent born in Asia. 2.4% born in Africa or the Middle East.
A further 19% were born in Australia but had at least one parent born overseas.
As of 1996, 15% of the population spoke a language other than English at home – the biggest being Italian, Greek, Cantonese, Arabic and Vietnamese. The proportion would be higher now.
Here is US (estimated as of 7/1/2004)
WHITE 80.4%
BLACK 12.8
Trend is more illustrative. Asian population has grown by 2,000,000 (+ 20%)in just 4 years. Latino population has grown by 6,000,000 (+14%)in just four years. 12.5 million Asians and 41.3 million Latinos
1970- 460,000
1980- 996,070
2000- ?? DOUBLED AGAIN??
all statistics from US census bureau
I am not saying the US is less racist than Australia. I am just saying the large mass immigration of multi hued people from all over the world has a forced impact.
I identify that impact as the unstoppable force of human movement and history on a grand scale. I identify the mass marches of illegals as a major historical even within this context.
AND, this is an example of the Marxist dialectical view of history as a series of sweeping changes wrought through the ongoing class struggle. Just open your mind to a more updated definition of what defines a “class” of people in the jet age and Marx seems less wrong, doesnt he?
Have you read The Fatal Shore?
Anger – hatred – fear – they are all so easily fed and manipulated. Some are ancient, whispered in the ears of the newborn.
We see hatred of Others among Others all over the world. Hatred between Others who have no discernible physical differences – only different thoughts in their minds, different beliefs.
Even among those considered Other in this culture, those lumped together as one ethnic group, they, too, see others as Others.
But there are forces at work that are counter to all this hatred and anger and fear. They are subtle forces and they are slow. I do not know if this is ‘Murikan exceptionalism or not.
People here at BT have written of their families. There are people with significant others who are of different religious backgrounds. In my own family among siblings and cousins of the same generation over half have married people of different cultural and religious backgrounds.
Some, here, have spoken of their significant others who are from different ethnic and racial groups. There are children adopted from all over the world. There are those with adult children who have joined with Others and created grandbabies. And all of us, who connected with Others, we, too, become Others.
There are those of us who are other Others, those who are gay, who have also created families and are part of families. Or we have family members who are gay or friends who are gay or children of friends who are gay.
We have those who belong to another kind of Other, the disabled. Either we are ourselves disabled or we have children or friends who are disabled.
All these real life connections touch many others in families, neighborhoods, and communities. “Others” have faces and names. “Others” become “Us.”
Then we have folks here in our virtual community. There are those who have generously shared of themselves. And our world expands and we see differently.
What you bring up in this paragraph is something that touches many deeply:
No “exceptionalism.” We have accounts of one group torturing “Others” throughout history and in the news each day, including Other torturing and killing Other. They have “choice” too, don’t they?
“…the hate, the rage, morphs itself into an unspeakable miasma, a formless, mindless bestial thing”…yes.
I am not too busy hijacking this thread to say Hi to a comrade
Thank you – you have made some interesting points which I will need to reread more carefully 😉
Nation-state is dead or dying,, but you don’t use the word “corporation,” why is that?
Well there are many corporations doing many different things. Those in support of our govt and vice versa can be maliciously bad. Those who create the future can be good. People, especially politicians, are by design backward looking. Companies who wish to succeed and continue succeeding by definition create the future.
The corporations at the cutting edge of things are really the leaders of the world. Think Silicon Valley. Without it we would not be downloading Stephen Colbert and spreading his subversiveness over the intenets. You and I would never connect.
Corporations are too often peopled by non progressives, politically speaking. Too bad. If you want to really change the world, you need to go into business. Politics is for rearward looking dufuses.
“People defending their homes and families from a brutal horde of invaders are called insurgents from the Pentagon and the self-styled “progressives” alike.”
It seems to me all too often that the differences, where they exist, lie in the means but not in the ends sought. Certainly not from where I stand. And though means are coequal with ends, when push comes to shove, it is generally the latter that shape allegiance.
Thank you, DTF, for writing so eloquently and viscerally of the deep anxiety and unease felt by those who see their “allies” morph into all-too familiar figures–figures that they had spent their lives avoiding.
These ally-turned-figures which evoke, not necessarily fear of bodily harm (though that fear–justified or not in each particular instance–remains quivering below the surface), but evoke again the fears of lesser-being-ness, of otherism that exists merely to prop up these exceptional figures, of justifying one’s existence over and over again till one is hoarse and mute, the fear that nothing one can say or do will ever be seen as anything but a representation of that inferior otherness to which one has been forever exiled.
I am not sure if I am making any sense; taking the undemanding way out by quoting Cifford Geertz in hopes that he will clarify where I can only muddy the streams of thought:
“To see others as sharing a nature with ourselves is the merest decency. But it is from the far more difficult achievement of seeing ourselves amongst others, as a local example of the forms human life has locally taken, a case among cases, a world among worlds, that the largeness of mind, without which objectivity is self-congratulation and tolerance a sham, comes.”