Happy Hour at the Froggy Bottom Lounge
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Welcome newcomers and lurkers. Jump in the pond and enjoy Happy Hour with us all.
It’s happy Hour and I’ll be in and out for a little bit. Be back in a little while.
Margarita? Rob Roy? Can’t decide.
Whatever ya want we got. Will that be in a glass or a gallon container?
Gotta go for the glass. I’m a cheap date kinda gal.
We’ll forgo cost tonight. You can have any size ya want.
Wanna go for a walk for a happy hour?
Only if there’s a bar out there somewhere.
I thought you were a good ole boy — shouldn’t you have a still out there somewhere?
Now Andi, them is northern woods, not southern woods.
In my woods we have neon signs pointing to the stills.
Well, yes, as long as I can bring my wine flask along!
Just what I’m saying, dada! Indispensible.
a walk through this ancient grove of Tree Ferns (Frangiapani) at Cradle Mountain, a World Heritage Area in Tasmania.
but I think I’ll stick with my woods since they have the advantage of being right outside my door.
Yeah, there’s something to be said for proximity. Which is why we love our own little slice of australian bush – just out the back. And it’s full of hoppy critters; it doesn’t get much better than that.
No, I’m sure it doesn’t. I am endlessly grateful for being able to live where and how I do.
We (++++++) your gratitude for all the lovely photos!
As long as it’s not pouring down rain.
It’s also where we harvest our own firewood – which, along with doing the laundry (now that it has a fair chance of drying outside on the line) is today’s big task. That, or go naked and freeze.
Looks wonderful.
Enjoy putting up the wood (we heat with wood and I find splitting and stacking produces very pleasant kind of exhaustion).
Unfortunately, I can’t split wood to say my life. It has something to do with being massively uncoordinated.
Instead, I’m chaninsaw Gal. My superior grasp of physics and geometry means I can drop a tree exactly where I want it. Which is not only essential for safety, but keeps me from flattening, or stripping brances off of, all the younger trees on the lot.
Lucky for me Imogen/myriad is a fine wood splitter.
Ah we were never that good which is one reason that we don’t take down trees any more. We generally have enough deadfall and if there isn’t, we supplement it with slab ends and tops from our local sawmill.
We are actually better off felling trees than collection deadfall. Australia has spent more time being eroded down, and less time having new soil brought to the surface by tectonic or volcanic action, than any other continent. Consequently, we have extremely poor soils and most of the neutrient value of the bush is in it’s trees. Which is why fire is such an intregal part of the regrowth pattern here. Harvesting tree trunks, while leaving deadfall and cut branches to either rot or burn helps spur new growth. Taking out standing trees also opens a “window” of sunlight that will further fuel young trees and understory plants.
Australia really is “upside-down” when compared to the experiences and practices of most of the northern hemisphere. And we whites are only just beging to catch up with the Australian Aboriginals in understanding the uniqueness, and the unique needs, of this place.
Thanks for that info. It’s very interesting — a totally different forest ecology from what we have.
It’s raining again. Which means we get to look like a Chinese Joss house with laundry drying all over the place. It also means that the trail will be too slippery for my little car to negotiate – so there’ll be no wood harvesting today. And – means I’ve just brought a wet dog into the house after spending an hour yesterday sweeping, vacuuming and mopping muddy paw prints off the floor, from the three days of constant rain we had earlier in the week.
Sounds like an endless cycle.
The “life of the home” is exactly that – an endless cycle.
Now, if you’ll pardon me, I have to go bucket water out of the bath tub and into the washing machine (we are on tank water, and reuse bath water), so I can start a load of undies.
Gee or jious!!! Wow.
Here are some red leaves from the forest in Monterey. Not sure what they are, but they seemed to be in the Christmas spirit, though somewhat out of season, what the hay!
Beautiful MM. I wonder what they are?
We need IVG to get out here and bring his flower book.
Yep, got that one right.
I’m hung up on him now. Keep checking the Thank You site, which is now up to 45,756 expressions of slavish gratitude and counting. Here is one of them (chosen at random):
“I can’t help feeling like the little kid in school who has just seen the class nerd stand up to the class bully and tear him a new one in front of the entire student body without breaking a sweat. While it may not turn out to be true, I now feel like the world will be a better place, that it has no choice but to improve, simply because the truth was spoken and the big lie was revealed. Thank you, Mr. Colbert.”
Exactly!! Thanks for putting those feelings into words.
You are welcome, but it actually wasn’t me, so I thank you on behalf of the original author. This was a thank you randomly chosen from among the many many thousands.
Here he is:
The hero of what’s left of the free world.
Loving the coverage of Ray McGovern’s assault on Rummy and reference to Colbert as setting the precedent for speaking truth to power. Way to go, Stephen. (Hugs and kisses to Stephen Jr!!)
Expressions of slavish gratitude now at 46,197 and counting.
I’ve got to start dinner. Be back in a little while.
The unfermented kind. I’ve only been up for an hour and a half.
Morning everyone.
How are Nina and Inti?
I’m fine. Nina and Inti are humming for their breakfast, which they have already learned to expect everyday – which I’ve only been giving them because Nina ia a bit underweight. Today it’s hay only.
Between the sad news about Boo and finding out a school chum blew his head off, I think I might be needing a little something stiffer than Fresca tonight.
Or some cookies.
definitely cookies. Warm and gooey.
Hi everybody. I just got back from having drinks with kansas — well, I drank; she had to stay sober for her book signing. It was just like being in the cafe with her. Now I want to meet all of you in person.
Too bad none of us can live up to the standard that kansas has set.
I’m sorry about your friend. How did you find out?
My sister sent me his death notice. He had the greatest laugh. Left 4 kids ages 17 – 24.
ouch. What terrible ages to have that happen to your dad. Not, I guess, that there is any good age.
This is at least the third guy I went to high school with to kill himself this way. I wonder how bad things have to be to want to leave your kids with that kind of memory. He drank a lot and then got addicted to pain killers and lost his job and his house.
I don’t think people who kill themselves are able to think clearly at that moment about what they are doing to their kids, spouse, friends, co-workers.
of the kewl kids — at least for today.
nothing kewl about me.
Have you read her book yet? I’m still waiting for my signed copy, even though I’ve never been much of a mystery fan. It’s just so kewl to know her!
but now I want to. <sigh> I was hoping to avoid adding to the pile with the “read me” sign. But it can’t be avoided — it’s a must read now.
I’m currently “reading” 3 books, one in the living room and one in each bathroom, just for a page or two at a time. 🙂 It’s just about the only time I sit still.
you need to eat something that will upset your stomach so you can spend more time in one of the bathrooms reading 🙂
I’ll do kansas a favor and save hers for the living room. Right now my bathroom books are ‘Peace Like a River’ by Leif Enger and still slogging my way through Misquoting Jesus’ by Bart Ehrman. I just saw a new one by him today at Border’s called ‘Peter, Paul and Mary Magdalene’ which looks interesting.
are you liking Peace like a River? That’s my June book club book. I bought it but haven’t started it — still working on Gospel for the other bookclub.
I’d be curious to hear what you both think of Peace like a River, once you finish.
I read it a few years ago, but I’ve been through so many books between then and now that I don’t remember much about it other than my general impression.
but I’m sure I won’t read it until toward the end of June. These days I only seem to read on deadline 🙂
I’m about a third of the way through and liking it; though not in a ‘can’t wait to turn the next page’ kind of way. He’s got a very poetic writing style that I like.
So do you put different types of books in the different bathrooms and then pick which one to use depending on your mood?
More like which is closer and/or unoccupied.
there is.
I leave for a while and ya’ll start talking about toilets again. Geeze.
But at least it doesn’t say “for you, Family Man.”
You have a point there. Thank goodness.
Hi FM! I’m glad to see you. I was getting worried about you going missing.
Hi Mary. Thanks for thinking of me. Just one of those migraines. Takes a while to get over.
How ya been? I see you ate with a world famous author.
view big
That’s surreal and beautiful. You are getting really good at this.
I dug out my old tripod tonight and tried some low-light shots, but I don’t have any cool flowers to shoot so they were rather boring.
If that’s not a cool flower shot, what is it, a spaceship?
That was from the other day when I went to the nursery. But it does kinda look like a spaceship.
bop on up to Ottowa and go to the Tulip Festival with olivia — lots of cool flowers there.
I’m too old to bop, but it would be nice to meet Miss Olivia and her magic camera.
to tell ya, Great Diary… ah, you know the one, on the top of the rec list. I’ve already sent the Smiley article direct to the private email of one of our major newspapers’ editors. I titled the subject line, “This woman speaks for me.” I’ll let you know if I get any sort of reply. And then of course forwarded to the LONG list.
Hey, thanks NDD. Great idea about the letter. She speaks for me too.
You’re just a young’un (and getting younger all the time as I recall).
Notice how I stayed out of the age thing. Some things are not safe for a man to comment on.
you haven’t commented on my sign. 🙁
Are you talking about that work of art with the rainbow?
Lovely, beautiful, spectacular – I can’t think of enough words.
Are we talking about my moonshine sign or are we on to something else entirely?
Could I say the moonshine sign and the little picture by you name.
I think I’m getting ready to open a 24/7 and call it an early night. The mind isn’t working good tonight.
I was about to offer to do it for you but I see I was way too slow.
What moonshine sign? The comments are all condensed now and I can’t see it. Pout.
Oh I can never resist a cute pout — here.
Um, I’m very confused. There’s nothing there. Do I need magic glasses or something?
You didn’t see a subject ‘Damn, You’re right!’ and this image?
No image at all. And when I clicked on your link I got a ‘website not responding’ message.
That almost hurts my eyes.
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