Telling our Beloved Leader what he can and cannot do with his toys:

PARIS May 4, 2006 (AP)— France’s prime minister said Thursday that military action is not the solution to the international standoff over Iran’s nuclear program.

French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin said the war in Iraq should serve as a warning against attacking Iran.

“My conviction is that military action is not the solution,” Villepin said at a monthly news conference. “We have already lived through this type of scenario and we know that not only does it settle nothing, but it can raise risks. We have seen this in the most clear way with Iraq.”

Foolish frenchie. Doesn’t he realize the more he tells King George President Bush that war is not the answer, the more certain it is that he will pull the military’s trigger and let slip the dogs of our cruise missiles and stealth bombers? Didn’t Monsieur Villepin learn anything from the last time he questioned our country’s manifest destiny to bring freedom and democracy to the evildoers no matter how much it might cost us (or them)? Such blatant attacks on a Texan’s manhood can only lead to one result: Bombs over Iran!

Thanks a lot Villepin. You just gave Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly a whole new reason to call for a boycott of French champagne.