You’re not alone Tulip Princess… I’m having a hard time following tonight as well. Hey you guys, why don’t you pass out some of the stuff you’re smoking? We need to catch up w/yas! LOL
I think the haikus have warped his fragile leetle mind! (insert best Cartman voice there). Oh yeah, forgot Dada, you probably don’t know about South Park?
Did I intimate you were dead? Don’t think so, did I? Just peeked at one of those links and they look like pretty good summations of the movement. (nice pics too, I want to bookmark those for later) Did you not suspect I have long been into that whole period… love the stuff. In fact, alas, the last play I direced back when I was still teaching was Apollinaire’s Le mammelles de Tirésias (Tiresias’ Tits, roughly translated), which is generally regarded one of the first true Dada plays, though Jarry has to be given his due as well, for the Père Ubu plays… though that is usually thought of as its own little thing… pataphysics. Needless, it’s all great fun and bless em, they opened the doors for surrealism, for better or worse. (better=kooky free spirits like Buñuel/Dalí, Eluard, et. al, worse=André Breton) Ok enough. Think I got a little cred there o sage smoker of the rockies?
I’d never heard of Dada before dada spilled the beans in that diary what ever the name of it was, something like “what’s behind your screen name.”
Anyway, this is one of the main reasons I like BT, I’m learning new things all the time.
I’m continuously reminded that much of my time at the univ could have been spent in more productive study, as the engineering curriculum didn’t leave time for much else. And then due to a disagreement with Uncle Sam that potential career got derailed anyway. So it went…
That’s very cool to hear… and do check out his links, they’re chock full of cool stuff. But for me, having studiously avoided such things as engineering, and focused my efforts on language, literature and film, I’m just chock full of all sorts of “useless” but intellectually tasty stuff. Whenever you need to settle a film or French or Spanish language and literature argument with someone, just give me a call. hehe
Whew, I thought I had somehow pissed ya off there, lol. Would never want to do that, cuz when I first started lurking around here, I knew I had to really like a dude named dada. And the dead comment was my feeble Monty Python quoting, sometimes I have synapses that fire hilariously for me, but draw big HUHs? from others. Oh well, keeps things interesting.
Glad you liked that pic, first time I saw it, I laughed so hard I almost cried.
Emily Litella was the “never mind” character — I know that well because that was one of my nicknames at my first (and best) job. I’d start explaining something, then in the middle realize I was full of shit then say, “Oh…never mind”, to which my friend Jim would say, “That’s all right, Emily”… 🙂
(Spouse went down to move the car and bring up the rest of the stuff…he’s been gone a while so I’d best make sure he didn’t fall asleep in the car…)
The potentcy of what the boys and girls raise in N CA pretty much cured me of all that. (I learned I can’t walk around at a 45 degree angle all day… the gravity of the situation takes its toll, ya know.)
at a 45 degree angle all day… the gravity of the situation takes its toll, ya know.” That cracked me up just trying to imagine that image… damn, don’t think I ever had anything that good. Or if I did, it was so good I don’t remember it!
B/c I was having trouble connecting I only got them on to flickr. I think it’s working okay now though. Not sure when I’ll get a chance … I’ve got company staying over tonight and I’ll have to entertain tomorrow morning.
These are from today? Wow, I have to get over to your blog soon, if not tonight, then tomorrow sometime after I get new planties in the ground and take some pics of my own.
Sooo… was the festival really cool or what today? I’m really missing our tulips already, and they’re not completely done, but just about. <wahhhh> But we have some purple globe alliums gearing up to bloom and the bleeding hearts are still going strong, and IT has grown even more… expect some pics of IT tomorrow night.
It rained most of the day — even poured while I was there, and I had to wait it out in one of the tents. The whole thing lasts about three weeks — most of the tulips have just bloomed and the buds are tightly closed, while some of the beds haven’t bloomed yet and are just green leaf. I can see going back w/ less rain, more sun, more time for buds to open etc.
But enough about tulips, they’re a dime a million or so, especially when you’re talking about IT. However, I have to say I’m not feeling too confident in seeing any pix tomorrow — you seem to be putting off the g stuff the last couple of days … 😉
but I get so little opportunity to spend time with my big sister (even though she lives a mere 6 blocks away), that when she shows up and wants to lure me out, I can’t say no. Besides it’s fun shopping with her, as she has the patience to look over all sorts of stuff instead of rushing around like Chris does, wanting to get in and out of a store like Target in 10 minutes. LOL. And as for the more plants I got today… well my mission was to get my sister to get a cool Toad Lily (this is a deep purple one) at this center where they had very nice, big plants for less than $7… I also bought one for our neighbor behind us who has a very shady lot and is always wanting something neat that will grow in shade, and this one fits her situation perfectly. Plus she’s a huge fan of purple! No, I didn’t get my garden stuff done today, but I did accomplish some worthwhile things socially I think. And the closest I came to cleaning was doing some dishes and a couple of loads of laundry. And now I have to do some more tomorrow cuz I got a great deal on some lovely Egyptian Cotton 300 thread count sheets today…. ahhhh….
I did! And to think I almost lost my sister 7 yrs ago due to a heart attack, I feel bad if I don’t find time to spend with her more often. But we connect so much more when it’s gardening season, so that’s good.
Um, and I also have to make a small confession as to why I didn’t get much done outdoors today… 2 yrs ago I injured my hip really badly in a fall onto concrete from the back of our truck. Some days I am in really bad pain and have trouble walking and bending over, and today was one of those days, due to over exertion yesterday. So it was one of those “take it easy” days for me. After so much exertion and cleaning and going up and down stairs yesterday, I was pretty stiff and sore, lol. There, my dark secret is out, hehe. But don’t worry, I get by… I just have to be careful not to overdo it.
It’s ok, really. It had to come out sooner or later. It’s just frustrating sometimes because I like to be a really active person and I tend to go whole hog and overdo it before I realize it and pay for it later. It’s all in the pacing… which is why I so enjoy FM’s lessons on slacking. But oddly, sometimes when I work really hard in the garden and think I will be in agonizing pain, the work so renews me that some weird endorphins kick in and I actually feel better! So that’s why I insist on keeping on doing it! 🙂
btw, that wasn’t meant to guilt you… I just thought I should explain myself a bit to my buddies here.
well, take it easy if you do go out there tomorrow!
I had a bad fall tonight myself — landed on my lower back/kidney area on the concrete step in the garage. Not sure what happened, but the next thing I knew I was lying on my back … I’m pretty sore right now myself… And I’m sure there is going to be one helluva bruise 🙂
You take care of yourself, we need your charm and great photos around here too much. And those types of falls really hurt… but look at it this way, at least you won’t be able to see it without mirrors! I had one of those a couple of years ago right before our annual Halloween bacchanalia… we were bringing home supplies for the party in the rain, and taking the beers, sodas, etc. downstairs to the extra fridge, when I lost my footing and went boom boom boom down the stairs like a human slinky, scraping my arms on the cement walls as I went. Needless to say, I felt like a fool and didn’t need a costume the next night, due to the scrapes! And yes, I had purple butt for a few days… I didn’t see it, but I was assured that it was that way, LOL.
This was most definitely not my butt — it was like a punch in the kidney. And as I’m laying there trying to get my wind back, I’m thinking, what a freak I am! It’s one step!
I injured an ankel in a fall June 30th,’83, and 18 years later started taking a gluscosamine product. And a few weeks later was doing some yoga positions without pain for the first time… in all those years.
I must know a dozen people using that stuff. Even the AMA has positive studies on it.
Ya know, NDD, I’ve been meaning to get some of that just recently. I think I’ll finally get some tomorrow when we go to the store, because I have heard great things about that from Chris’ mom. I’m also looking into doing acupuncture, but I’ve got to get myself over the heebie jeebs about the needles. I know, they are very thin and supposedly don’t hurt, but still. I know my crappy insurance won’t cover it, but a friend of ours told us about an acupuncture clinic nearby and has been there and he swears by it, and he’s a construction worker dude, and wouldn’t say so if it weren’t the case.
I also need to get back on the St. John’s Wort, not only for depression, but also for the fact that it has some known anti-inflammatory properties. I used to take it regularly and didn’t have as much pain. Oh, to get over these damn humps, lol.
What flowers are ya getting up there NDD? Find some cool ones, shoot em, and if you don’t know what they are, O and I will be happy to do the identifications for ya.
Btw, have been finding even more deer repellant bulbs you can plant besides daffodils… hyacinths too, and alliums, and yes, IT is deer repellant, but I don’t think it would be hardy in your zone, unless you’re at least 5 (which would definitely need some winter protection).
Up north I’ve got some wild flowers I pick every year for little boquets for the kitchen table. It’ll be fun to see how you do identifying those little puppies, ha?
Our little garden up there is completely fenced, about 12 X 18, so no deer worries there. About all I have trouble with is mice, cricket and some sort of slugs.
There used to be a huge apple orchard, some 24 trees. Most have succumbed to cancer (fireblight) over the last decade or so. And then they’re even older than dada. I know there’s one that’s right around 100. Very greeen, the human never used it except for juicing. So the deer get that one.
I’ve planted new trees over the years. 2-3 of them survived being ringed by mice and rabbits. I’m smarter now.
OH, HIM! I remember reading about him in the 80’s when I lived in WI, which had its own brief episode with Posse Comitatus. Those folks are scary… are they still active?
Also, I’ve often wondered if David Lynch stole that name for his character in Twin Peaks, who was called Gordon KOHL, he was Cooper’s boss from the FBI… and hard of hearing to the extreme. That’s just the sort of perverse, delicious irony Lynch would enjoy.
Yup, love those jackrabbits (or jackelopes as the case may be) too! Yeah, I love our eclectoids myself! Now what the rest of the BooTribbers think who lurk? <shudders> hehe.
maybe we can make it up there sometime in summer… Not going to brave the winds and snow of winter, sorry. But it sounds like you have some beautiful land up there. I bet if I can’t identify the wild flowers, Chris probably can… he’s much better at that kind of stuff than I am. I just noticed today that we have another little clump of Bluebells where we didn’t plant them, and was so happy to see they’re finally starting to spread.
And of course, you know that you and Ms. NDD are always welcome to visit here, should you ever make it down this way. Maybe we could organize a BooTrib meet up for Halloween this year… we always do it up BIG for that holiday! We’ve been told that we have more spooky decorations than anyone they’ve ever seen, and our porch displays are well known in the neighborhood… scares the bejeezus out of the littler ones, but we always make their fright well worth their time when we hand out the goodies and toys. 🙂
The B&B is already, sorta going, depending on the number of guests. Presently any number past 3 would need to bring tents. Which might be a tad too rustic for many.
Well, iffn we were to make it up there, it would just be 2 humans and 2 very well behaved doggies. They don’t mind pooping outside in the grass, and we do clean up after them. 🙂
It was a neat experience going outside my backyard lol. A ton of others w/ all kinds of equipment — tripods etc. I even had one guy checking out my stuff! I was oblivious until I got up and almost ran into him … he had a d70s too. Now that’s cool — never had anyone scoping out my technique before … 🙂
I was down on my knees in the just-rained-so-really muddy dirt getting as close as I could, jeans be-damned. Crazy. I did just let go (as mm said in one post) and go for it… 🙂
What I like about having the Haikus is; for me they are the photos, the video, if you will, of those times.
And what’s a real crackup tonight is the person who was in one of them is likely lurking. (Has yet to post anything that I know of due to a very busy Real Life.)
Things are going pretty well. And BTW I’m sitting here in the middle of Glacial Lake Agassiz about the only forest we have is along the Sheyenne River, and the Red River of the North, which flows North to Hudson Bay.
One of these days I’m going to convince someone with a car (like my daughter) that (1) they need to go on vacation someplace scenic and (2) they need to take me with them.
It will likely remain non commerial, so you’re welcome to stay free at most anytime, we’d just need to coordinate schedules. Bring some of your favorite food and drink, the only rules I have are no tobacco smoke, and no diet sodas in the house.
And just to be clear: All other currently posting BT members are welcome also, as I can think of none which would not be welcome.
Does Amtrak go to your part of North Dakota? One of the saddest days of my life was when they closed the old North Coast Limited route through Pasco, Missoula, Billings, Bismarck, and then met up with the Empire Builder somewhere out on the plains. I used to take the North Coast Limited from Pasco to see my grandparents in Billings every year for Thanksgiving. My sisters and I would sit up in the Vista-Dome and pretend we were driving the train. The monad shape of the speaker grille at the front of the compartment was our steering wheel.
It was doubly saddening because a year or two before I had passed up a chance to train across the country from New York to Chicago to St. Paul to Billings so I could get back about two weeks or so early. I don’t even remember why now.
Amtrak goes through Grand Forks, which is one hour from the B&B. Amtrak then continues on to Fargo, my usual location… sorry to say. ( I don’t care much for city life, especially at this time of year.)
Amtrak follows the same lines as the old Great Northern Empire Builder, as far as I know, between here and the west coast.
So what excitement did you all get up to today, other than NDD ressurrecting writings lost? We just watched a lousy movie I picked up cheap last weekend… think it will go back to 1/2 Price Books again soon … I might get half of what I paid for it (not much!)
My evil sister lured me out shopping today, so I didn’t get anything planted yet (tomorrow I vow to…. too many things to get plugged!) but I did pick up some more fun stuff to plant, so now we have to get serious! Also picked up a cool bamboo “rug” for our porch lounge for a steal at Big Lots… was supposed to be $30 and it was marked 7.99… hehe. Just the kind of bargain I live for when I’m shopping, LOL.
Other than that I had coffee with a couple of friends, at two different locations. Picked up mail, thence to bread store, thence to grocery store, ooohhh, and FM would appreciate I mowed the lawn here in the city location for the first time this year.
BTW: nuttin’ but coffee and H-2-aught today. (Last night was excitement enough for a while.)
I’d hate to get sucked into the middle of that and whisked off to some parallel universe in North Dakota… it might make me talk funny and eat strange foods. hehe
Please tell me you don’t really talk like that in “real” life! I think my ideal bubble of ND life has been irrevocably shattered, lol.
Did we scare poor Olivia off? Or is everyone just bopping around elsewhere? Have to admit I’m reading another diary now… oh the joys of Firefox… and that code change Manny was talking about last night really works on speeding up page loading! Highly recommended, esp for dial up folks like me.
ND is already in the parallel universe. We were talking just that topic only in different terms earlier today.
When we travel around the US and tell people we’re from ND, they say, Oh, yea, we know, where the Presidents heads are, MT Rushmore. We say no, that’s SD.
They say, Well, then where the Black Hills are, etc. No
I spent a half hour discussing theh above with a ranger at the John Day Sheep Ranch park in E Oregon (Highly reommened the park.)
As I walked out the door he says, “have a good trip back to SD” and he wasn’t joking, ’cause when I looked back at him he quickly corrected himself.
The late, great, Eric Severaid, used to say, “ND is a huge rectangular blank spot in the nation’s mind.”
you can always respond by saying, “But we’ve got Minot!”
I just remembered this piece that Merrill Markoe did on Michael Moore’s old 90’s series TV Nation where she went to ND in the middle of winter, visited Angie Dickinson’s birthplace and the Liberace thingie… then interviewed 2 teenage boys in the midst of a blizzard in Minot. She asked them, “Well, so what do you think makes your town great?” And one responded: “I don’t know… but we were on the Weather Channel the other day for being the coldest in the nation!”
Merrill had a hard time suppressing her laughter there. So I let loose for her… hehe.
When I was a kid, I had an aunt who my mother loathed. She lived in Bismarck, and on very rare occasions they would come to visit (and I barely remembered them, and only because they had a really snappy chihuahua named Caesar). My mother always said it was cold and god forsaken… while I, in my (probably 3 yr old) naievete had visions that they must have really tasty pastries and donuts there. Never went there, but I was in Fargo a few times in the 70’s when I worked for a porno company!
with a kind soul, I like to think. I’m kind to animals and ruthless to mean people.
It was the porno company reference, right? Well, I was 19 and couldn’t find a better summer job (during a recession) than washing dishes and working as a fry cook (which I hated). So I took a job in an adult book store, because the pay was great (for a college student!) and I had no shame. One of the more interesting periods in my younger days. Now you know why little shocks me hehe.
Maybe I should write my memoirs and call it A Million Little Disconnected Pieces of Disconnected Thoughts and see if I can get Oprah to bite? But then, nah… I would absolutely hurl chunks if I had to appear on her show. I think I’ll just go on being weird in my own little corner of the world, and follow Pangloss’ dictum: Il faut cultiver son jardin.
If you like crab meat and a description of the processing of it would cause you to lose all appetite henceforth and forever more, be advised… read no further.
All brave souls may continue below;
Johnny Cracked Crab
[copyright 1996 by NDD, author of this post]
Johnny cracked crab but he don’t care
Minimum wage just ain’t fair
I don’t like to be punchin’ time
I’d rather be home makin’ rhyme
Trouble is I got another bill
Can’t make money sitting still
Arrive at work for a 2 AM shift
Thank lucky stars for this gift
Up wood steps to the lunch room
Looks like it could use a broom
Pull high rubber boots over my feet
They make my socks smell really sweet
Cover each hand with plastic glove
Cooking vat steams up a cloud above
Can’t see through it to the floor below
But I go on down and join the show
Standing on concrete in crab gut slime
I don’t recall, what was MY crime
So I listen to machines whine
Get crabs ready for others to dine
Grab a squirming crab from the box
Is he ready for life’s hard knocks
Grip four legs in each hand
No more will he scurry over the sand
Periscopic eyes take one last look
Won’t be long now until he’ll cook
Smack him hard under the chin
That’s how crabs’ endings begin
His back pops off and guts fall out
Lucky for me my stomach is stout
Oh shit, slime splatters across my face
Can’t stop now or I’ll break my pace
Hold his carcass to a spinning brush
Get rid of pink lungs that’s enough
Split ’em in half, toss to the side
Send ’em by conveyor for a little ride
Legs piled high on stainless steel table
Packers ‘ll get to ’em when they’re able
Thirty-five pounds of legs to each tray
That’s what each one has got to weigh
Stack ’em inside the cooker crate
A total of twenty, then close the gate
Lowered into a vat for twenty minute boil
It’s long and crazy hours that we toil
It’s gettin’ harder to make a buck
Most people here are down on their luck
Johnny cracked crab but he don’t care
Minimum wage just ain’t fair
Now it’s gettin’ late in the season
Maybe that could be the reason
Why we’re down to the hard core crew
Men in their twenties long since through
But one young gal stayed with the team
Short and sweet, she’s somebody’s dream
All good things must come to an end
I wonder what’s round the next bend
Some weeks were long, others too short
Now the crab boats are back in port
Big money makers can spend their loot
The rest of us don’t give a hoot
Minimum wage just ain’t fair
Johnny cracked crab but he don’t care
Indeed. Should this be sung? If not, you better put it to music. Not pretty stuff, NDD, but I like this one a lot. Did you ever think you would become the Sinclair Lewis of the crab industry? Now you just need to do a sequel about a strike… (yeah right, like they let us do that anymore…)
Yes, NDD, that tune I do know, cuz we used to sing it in grade school music class, and it popped into my mind immediately, which is why I thought you meant to have the poem sung to that.
Other silly songs we used to have to sing… “We’re going to the shucking of the corn, corn, corn,” and “We’re from Iowa… that’s where the TALL corn grows!” (and we had to put our arms up and wiggle them at that line… oh the humiliation!)
Heading for bed soon — had just two margaritas and I’m tapped out…guess I’m just turning into an old teetotaler or some such.
Otherwise good evening — found a lot of stuff I needed (really) at Target, had a good Mexican food dinner (accompanied by above referenced margaritas), then stopped and picked up a few groceries (how this area functioned without 24-hour grocery stores I’ll never remember). Tomorrow’s dinner is beef spare ribs in barbecue sauce, simmered for 10 hours in the slow cooker; will pick up potato salad tomorrow and heat up some veggies to accompany. Good food for watching a good hockey game — first game of Sharks/Oilers second round playoff match.
Okay, going to try and hit the hay before midnight for once…
So you went to Target today too? And found all sorts of stuff you really needed? LOL, so did I, and then some. I just love that store! Found some really neon bright new towels there at a good price, so decided it was time to retire some of the old stuff, lol. Glad to hear you got your Mexican dinner finally! And your dinner tomorrow night sounds great… wish I could invite myself over, hehe.
Have a restful sleep and enjoy your hockey fest tomorrow. I’m sure Olivia and DJ will be right on that w/you. 🙂
Great fun as always with this group o’weirdos. (Let’s see, that would be….?) I should be heading out here myself, since I set the alarm for 10:00 and want to have my coffee with the early morning crowd before getting down to garden business (yes, Olivia, I will do that!). Take care my friend, and get some pics of those wildflowers when you can.
Oh, chère Tulip Princess… with the Patsy Cline invocation you just gave, I think I too should be heading off to snuggle with the furry creatures (all 3 of em) in the other room now. What a great group of oddballs we have sorted ourselves into here late night… Great people scattered all over the place.
Nurse that sore spot from the fall, and enjoy your Sunday. I guess I’ll have to vicariously enjoy your tulip fest online sometime soon… but we’ll count on you to provide some pertinent D70 updates… 🙂
I will probably pop into the morning cafe while having my coffee, then when it’s warm enough, head out to banish dandelions, heliopsis and get as many of those delphiniums I have planted as I can. Alas, none of my others survived the drought and winter, which is a pity.
last call at casa dada, here’s the lyrics from a song I used to like to play, written by Kelly Joe Phelps…NDD’s earlier post brought it to mind…
Piece by Piece
piece by piece the mountainside tumbles away
back down to the river bottom lined with pocket worry stones
a hundred years in hand worn smooth by long grandmother nights
sitting by the rocking chair waiting for the world
oh, if I could roll back all the years and talk to my daddy’s dad
about all the fears I’m living in that maybe he had had
I might get some light to shine down this dusty old dry well
hear the bucket hit the bottom and the rope come rolling by
when three hundred years has been the time from whence it came
why hadn’t someone yet figured out to lower down the gun
and shoot out the middle of this clawing, staring eye>?
hear the bucket hit the bottom and the rope come rolling by
sitting by that old rocking chair waiting for the world
Take care, and peace be w/ya, dada. OH, and btw, my earlier reference to you not knowing about South Park was due to the fact you, incorrigible luddite, don’t have cable tv… so thought maybe you never get to see that. My erratum sorry. hehe.
Nice echo chamber you’ve got here.
Hey there.
So how was the movie. I have to admit the subject matter didn’t appeal to me but I heard it was good.
It was good in an uncomfortable sort of way. I hated Jeff Daniels in it – he was an insufferable ass. But Laura Linney was terrific as usual.
She was really great in You Can Count on Me.
And assuming you are off to watch tv and thence to bed now, good night.
Nice echo chamber you’ve got here.
got here.
go fly a kite
Well folks, I think it’s the last new SNL for the season with Tom Hanks hosting. See everyone tomorrow. Sweet dreams.
Hello?!? Is there anybody out there?
I’m off to bed. Night.
didja get out w/ the cam today?
I’ve just uploaded the fruits of my labour … 🙂
btw, I’m having trouble w/ my connection again — so feel free to discuss any sensitive matters.
bad precedent…:{)
I just thought if dada was using it it must be OK, I’d better go check that website and see what trouble I’ve gotten myself into…
Lost in Space with that one…ya gonna share, or what?
I thought you were talking about the :{ so I went looking for that and couldn’t find it here
so if not, then ya must have meant too many “way”s
Most of the time I have no idea what you’re talking about … 😐
it’ll all work out.
we jus’ be free associatin’…kinda a old hippie/beat thang…relax, enjoy, jump right in…everything’s fair game
Please don’t feel out of it…that would bum me out seriously…no joke.
Yeah, exactly what dada said.
You’re not alone Tulip Princess… I’m having a hard time following tonight as well. Hey you guys, why don’t you pass out some of the stuff you’re smoking? We need to catch up w/yas! LOL
I think the haikus have warped his fragile leetle mind! (insert best Cartman voice there). Oh yeah, forgot Dada, you probably don’t know about South Park?
those cats went to school here at CU…don’t/didn’t know ’em tho.
Looks like I’m gonna have’ta do a tutorial on Dadaism for yawl…
Here’s a start:
Dada 1
Dada 2
Dada 3
Next question, please…:{)
Did I intimate you were dead? Don’t think so, did I? Just peeked at one of those links and they look like pretty good summations of the movement. (nice pics too, I want to bookmark those for later) Did you not suspect I have long been into that whole period… love the stuff. In fact, alas, the last play I direced back when I was still teaching was Apollinaire’s Le mammelles de Tirésias (Tiresias’ Tits, roughly translated), which is generally regarded one of the first true Dada plays, though Jarry has to be given his due as well, for the Père Ubu plays… though that is usually thought of as its own little thing… pataphysics. Needless, it’s all great fun and bless em, they opened the doors for surrealism, for better or worse. (better=kooky free spirits like Buñuel/Dalí, Eluard, et. al, worse=André Breton) Ok enough. Think I got a little cred there o sage smoker of the rockies?
I’d never heard of Dada before dada spilled the beans in that diary what ever the name of it was, something like “what’s behind your screen name.”
Anyway, this is one of the main reasons I like BT, I’m learning new things all the time.
I’m continuously reminded that much of my time at the univ could have been spent in more productive study, as the engineering curriculum didn’t leave time for much else. And then due to a disagreement with Uncle Sam that potential career got derailed anyway. So it went…
That’s very cool to hear… and do check out his links, they’re chock full of cool stuff. But for me, having studiously avoided such things as engineering, and focused my efforts on language, literature and film, I’m just chock full of all sorts of “useless” but intellectually tasty stuff. Whenever you need to settle a film or French or Spanish language and literature argument with someone, just give me a call. hehe
99.7% of people haven’t a clue…pleased that you are on it, and you do indeed have ‘cred’ with me.
As to the ‘dead’ ref, I was just riffing off your comment from last night…:{)
ps: liked the bus stop pic, it went into the cache.
Whew, I thought I had somehow pissed ya off there, lol. Would never want to do that, cuz when I first started lurking around here, I knew I had to really like a dude named dada. And the dead comment was my feeble Monty Python quoting, sometimes I have synapses that fire hilariously for me, but draw big HUHs? from others. Oh well, keeps things interesting.
Glad you liked that pic, first time I saw it, I laughed so hard I almost cried.
from reading this dude’s blog … dadahead. I thought you were him when I first saw your name here at bt.
What? You thought I was dada? If so, I can think of no finer compliment. If not, disregard that silly remark.
But I attempting to respond to dada. 🙂
Emily Litella was the “never mind” character — I know that well because that was one of my nicknames at my first (and best) job. I’d start explaining something, then in the middle realize I was full of shit then say, “Oh…never mind”, to which my friend Jim would say, “That’s all right, Emily”… 🙂
(Spouse went down to move the car and bring up the rest of the stuff…he’s been gone a while so I’d best make sure he didn’t fall asleep in the car…)
Can’t pass out what I ain’t got.
The potentcy of what the boys and girls raise in N CA pretty much cured me of all that. (I learned I can’t walk around at a 45 degree angle all day… the gravity of the situation takes its toll, ya know.)
at a 45 degree angle all day… the gravity of the situation takes its toll, ya know.” That cracked me up just trying to imagine that image… damn, don’t think I ever had anything that good. Or if I did, it was so good I don’t remember it!
my photos? so far just that neat one with the water on the grass leaf.
I haven’t put them on the b, just uploaded to flickr.
Here I got all excited and rushed over there. Will you have them up there tomorrow?
so what’s the “b” stand for…just curious.
I hate the word blog.
B/c I was having trouble connecting I only got them on to flickr. I think it’s working okay now though. Not sure when I’ll get a chance … I’ve got company staying over tonight and I’ll have to entertain tomorrow morning.
In the meantime, here’s one of a full bed …
These are from today? Wow, I have to get over to your blog soon, if not tonight, then tomorrow sometime after I get new planties in the ground and take some pics of my own.
Sooo… was the festival really cool or what today? I’m really missing our tulips already, and they’re not completely done, but just about. <wahhhh> But we have some purple globe alliums gearing up to bloom and the bleeding hearts are still going strong, and IT has grown even more… expect some pics of IT tomorrow night.
It rained most of the day — even poured while I was there, and I had to wait it out in one of the tents. The whole thing lasts about three weeks — most of the tulips have just bloomed and the buds are tightly closed, while some of the beds haven’t bloomed yet and are just green leaf. I can see going back w/ less rain, more sun, more time for buds to open etc.
But enough about tulips, they’re a dime a million or so, especially when you’re talking about IT. However, I have to say I’m not feeling too confident in seeing any pix tomorrow — you seem to be putting off the g stuff the last couple of days … 😉
but I get so little opportunity to spend time with my big sister (even though she lives a mere 6 blocks away), that when she shows up and wants to lure me out, I can’t say no. Besides it’s fun shopping with her, as she has the patience to look over all sorts of stuff instead of rushing around like Chris does, wanting to get in and out of a store like Target in 10 minutes. LOL. And as for the more plants I got today… well my mission was to get my sister to get a cool Toad Lily (this is a deep purple one) at this center where they had very nice, big plants for less than $7… I also bought one for our neighbor behind us who has a very shady lot and is always wanting something neat that will grow in shade, and this one fits her situation perfectly. Plus she’s a huge fan of purple! No, I didn’t get my garden stuff done today, but I did accomplish some worthwhile things socially I think. And the closest I came to cleaning was doing some dishes and a couple of loads of laundry. And now I have to do some more tomorrow cuz I got a great deal on some lovely Egyptian Cotton 300 thread count sheets today…. ahhhh….
Sounds like you really enjoyed yourself…
I did! And to think I almost lost my sister 7 yrs ago due to a heart attack, I feel bad if I don’t find time to spend with her more often. But we connect so much more when it’s gardening season, so that’s good.
Um, and I also have to make a small confession as to why I didn’t get much done outdoors today… 2 yrs ago I injured my hip really badly in a fall onto concrete from the back of our truck. Some days I am in really bad pain and have trouble walking and bending over, and today was one of those days, due to over exertion yesterday. So it was one of those “take it easy” days for me. After so much exertion and cleaning and going up and down stairs yesterday, I was pretty stiff and sore, lol. There, my dark secret is out, hehe. But don’t worry, I get by… I just have to be careful not to overdo it.
I hope you feel better soon. (I’m also sorry that you felt like you had to confess … really, I was just teasing.) {{{IVG}}}
It’s ok, really. It had to come out sooner or later. It’s just frustrating sometimes because I like to be a really active person and I tend to go whole hog and overdo it before I realize it and pay for it later. It’s all in the pacing… which is why I so enjoy FM’s lessons on slacking. But oddly, sometimes when I work really hard in the garden and think I will be in agonizing pain, the work so renews me that some weird endorphins kick in and I actually feel better! So that’s why I insist on keeping on doing it! 🙂
btw, that wasn’t meant to guilt you… I just thought I should explain myself a bit to my buddies here.
well, take it easy if you do go out there tomorrow!
I had a bad fall tonight myself — landed on my lower back/kidney area on the concrete step in the garage. Not sure what happened, but the next thing I knew I was lying on my back … I’m pretty sore right now myself… And I’m sure there is going to be one helluva bruise 🙂
You take care of yourself, we need your charm and great photos around here too much. And those types of falls really hurt… but look at it this way, at least you won’t be able to see it without mirrors! I had one of those a couple of years ago right before our annual Halloween bacchanalia… we were bringing home supplies for the party in the rain, and taking the beers, sodas, etc. downstairs to the extra fridge, when I lost my footing and went boom boom boom down the stairs like a human slinky, scraping my arms on the cement walls as I went. Needless to say, I felt like a fool and didn’t need a costume the next night, due to the scrapes! And yes, I had purple butt for a few days… I didn’t see it, but I was assured that it was that way, LOL.
This was most definitely not my butt — it was like a punch in the kidney. And as I’m laying there trying to get my wind back, I’m thinking, what a freak I am! It’s one step!
product, if you’re not already doing so.
I injured an ankel in a fall June 30th,’83, and 18 years later started taking a gluscosamine product. And a few weeks later was doing some yoga positions without pain for the first time… in all those years.
I must know a dozen people using that stuff. Even the AMA has positive studies on it.
Ya know, NDD, I’ve been meaning to get some of that just recently. I think I’ll finally get some tomorrow when we go to the store, because I have heard great things about that from Chris’ mom. I’m also looking into doing acupuncture, but I’ve got to get myself over the heebie jeebs about the needles. I know, they are very thin and supposedly don’t hurt, but still. I know my crappy insurance won’t cover it, but a friend of ours told us about an acupuncture clinic nearby and has been there and he swears by it, and he’s a construction worker dude, and wouldn’t say so if it weren’t the case.
I also need to get back on the St. John’s Wort, not only for depression, but also for the fact that it has some known anti-inflammatory properties. I used to take it regularly and didn’t have as much pain. Oh, to get over these damn humps, lol.
I’m envious. That must be great fun to photo and see both.
We’re just starting to get some flowers blooming now. And a few fruit trees now too.
What flowers are ya getting up there NDD? Find some cool ones, shoot em, and if you don’t know what they are, O and I will be happy to do the identifications for ya.
Btw, have been finding even more deer repellant bulbs you can plant besides daffodils… hyacinths too, and alliums, and yes, IT is deer repellant, but I don’t think it would be hardy in your zone, unless you’re at least 5 (which would definitely need some winter protection).
I’ll have to make some decsions.
Up north I’ve got some wild flowers I pick every year for little boquets for the kitchen table. It’ll be fun to see how you do identifying those little puppies, ha?
Our little garden up there is completely fenced, about 12 X 18, so no deer worries there. About all I have trouble with is mice, cricket and some sort of slugs.
There used to be a huge apple orchard, some 24 trees. Most have succumbed to cancer (fireblight) over the last decade or so. And then they’re even older than dada. I know there’s one that’s right around 100. Very greeen, the human never used it except for juicing. So the deer get that one.
I’ve planted new trees over the years. 2-3 of them survived being ringed by mice and rabbits. I’m smarter now.
got some mail here for a ‘NDD’ from Ted Kaczynski…you gotta sign for it…I’ll wait out here.
LOL!!! Time to head back to the cabin dada… light the oil lantern and start plotting your next move… hehe.
criminals of that sort here which I’m not likely to expound further on.
OH, HIM! I remember reading about him in the 80’s when I lived in WI, which had its own brief episode with Posse Comitatus. Those folks are scary… are they still active?
Also, I’ve often wondered if David Lynch stole that name for his character in Twin Peaks, who was called Gordon KOHL, he was Cooper’s boss from the FBI… and hard of hearing to the extreme. That’s just the sort of perverse, delicious irony Lynch would enjoy.
not that I know of, and nothing in the news now for years.
Posted my good night below. Been another good one, IVG.
I very much enjoy our late night crew. Always a new “jackrabbit” popping up! (ie surprises)
Yup, love those jackrabbits (or jackelopes as the case may be) too! Yeah, I love our eclectoids myself! Now what the rest of the BooTribbers think who lurk? <shudders> hehe.
maybe we can make it up there sometime in summer… Not going to brave the winds and snow of winter, sorry. But it sounds like you have some beautiful land up there. I bet if I can’t identify the wild flowers, Chris probably can… he’s much better at that kind of stuff than I am. I just noticed today that we have another little clump of Bluebells where we didn’t plant them, and was so happy to see they’re finally starting to spread.
And of course, you know that you and Ms. NDD are always welcome to visit here, should you ever make it down this way. Maybe we could organize a BooTrib meet up for Halloween this year… we always do it up BIG for that holiday! We’ve been told that we have more spooky decorations than anyone they’ve ever seen, and our porch displays are well known in the neighborhood… scares the bejeezus out of the littler ones, but we always make their fright well worth their time when we hand out the goodies and toys. 🙂
Something to think about for us mid-coasters!
The B&B is already, sorta going, depending on the number of guests. Presently any number past 3 would need to bring tents. Which might be a tad too rustic for many.
Well, iffn we were to make it up there, it would just be 2 humans and 2 very well behaved doggies. They don’t mind pooping outside in the grass, and we do clean up after them. 🙂
no problem with the dogs!
Night night!
Nice composition and nice use of the ‘flat’ light,,,[ie: overcast, no shadows]…you got a good eye O! Serious.
It was a neat experience going outside my backyard lol. A ton of others w/ all kinds of equipment — tripods etc. I even had one guy checking out my stuff! I was oblivious until I got up and almost ran into him … he had a d70s too. Now that’s cool — never had anyone scoping out my technique before … 🙂
giving seminars!!!
I was down on my knees in the just-rained-so-really muddy dirt getting as close as I could, jeans be-damned. Crazy. I did just let go (as mm said in one post) and go for it… 🙂
some people spend a life time to get to that point of “letting go.”
The wet-belly photographers we know will be proud of you!
it’s deserved. Is that w/ the 50mm lens?
I’m so in love w/ that lens.
so I could read the 3 1/2 I brought back with some old poetry. Seems like I’ve got it working now.
Thanks dada, tha’s just what I was thinking!!!
I’ve got one from when I worked in a crab plant in N CA, but I don’t want any crab lovers to lose their appetites, so NOW’S THE TIME TO SPEAK UP!
I suppose I could put a disclamer/warning in the Subject line
if fornicatin’ tortoises works…poetry’s gonna be a big step up.
Sunny spring morning
House wrens love songs fill the air
Two friends listening
Warm summer evening
Horizon of dark blue clouds
Lightning flash light show
Overcast fall day
Two leaves flutter in the wind
Making love like birds
Winter afternoon
Prairie wildlife forage on
White tranquility
Those beg for a photograph to accompany them…hmmm, interesting project.
I’m too visual to be much of a poet, although I do, on rare occasion, write.
What I like about having the Haikus is; for me they are the photos, the video, if you will, of those times.
And what’s a real crackup tonight is the person who was in one of them is likely lurking. (Has yet to post anything that I know of due to a very busy Real Life.)
You’re quite the haikuist. 🙂
N CA was a very supportive environment for that type of creativity.
Cold wind blows in May
Lilacs bend on Puget Sound
What did you expect?
I say that one gives me a pretty good video of the situation.
Well good, since that’s what a haiku is supposed to do.
How are things in your neck of the forest?
Things are going pretty well. And BTW I’m sitting here in the middle of Glacial Lake Agassiz about the only forest we have is along the Sheyenne River, and the Red River of the North, which flows North to Hudson Bay.
more wiki info on Glacial Lake Agassiz here
One of these days I’m going to convince someone with a car (like my daughter) that (1) they need to go on vacation someplace scenic and (2) they need to take me with them.
It will likely remain non commerial, so you’re welcome to stay free at most anytime, we’d just need to coordinate schedules. Bring some of your favorite food and drink, the only rules I have are no tobacco smoke, and no diet sodas in the house.
And just to be clear: All other currently posting BT members are welcome also, as I can think of none which would not be welcome.
Use email in sig to contact.
Does Amtrak go to your part of North Dakota? One of the saddest days of my life was when they closed the old North Coast Limited route through Pasco, Missoula, Billings, Bismarck, and then met up with the Empire Builder somewhere out on the plains. I used to take the North Coast Limited from Pasco to see my grandparents in Billings every year for Thanksgiving. My sisters and I would sit up in the Vista-Dome and pretend we were driving the train. The monad shape of the speaker grille at the front of the compartment was our steering wheel.
It was doubly saddening because a year or two before I had passed up a chance to train across the country from New York to Chicago to St. Paul to Billings so I could get back about two weeks or so early. I don’t even remember why now.
Amtrak goes through Grand Forks, which is one hour from the B&B. Amtrak then continues on to Fargo, my usual location… sorry to say. ( I don’t care much for city life, especially at this time of year.)
Amtrak follows the same lines as the old Great Northern Empire Builder, as far as I know, between here and the west coast.
I could easily pick you up at either city.
So what excitement did you all get up to today, other than NDD ressurrecting writings lost? We just watched a lousy movie I picked up cheap last weekend… think it will go back to 1/2 Price Books again soon … I might get half of what I paid for it (not much!)
My evil sister lured me out shopping today, so I didn’t get anything planted yet (tomorrow I vow to…. too many things to get plugged!) but I did pick up some more fun stuff to plant, so now we have to get serious! Also picked up a cool bamboo “rug” for our porch lounge for a steal at Big Lots… was supposed to be $30 and it was marked 7.99… hehe. Just the kind of bargain I live for when I’m shopping, LOL.
was pretty much the highlight of the day.
Other than that I had coffee with a couple of friends, at two different locations. Picked up mail, thence to bread store, thence to grocery store, ooohhh, and FM would appreciate I mowed the lawn here in the city location for the first time this year.
BTW: nuttin’ but coffee and H-2-aught today. (Last night was excitement enough for a while.)
I’d hate to get sucked into the middle of that and whisked off to some parallel universe in North Dakota… it might make me talk funny and eat strange foods. hehe
ya know, den
Please tell me you don’t really talk like that in “real” life! I think my ideal bubble of ND life has been irrevocably shattered, lol.
Did we scare poor Olivia off? Or is everyone just bopping around elsewhere? Have to admit I’m reading another diary now… oh the joys of Firefox… and that code change Manny was talking about last night really works on speeding up page loading! Highly recommended, esp for dial up folks like me.
ND is already in the parallel universe. We were talking just that topic only in different terms earlier today.
When we travel around the US and tell people we’re from ND, they say, Oh, yea, we know, where the Presidents heads are, MT Rushmore. We say no, that’s SD.
They say, Well, then where the Black Hills are, etc. No
I spent a half hour discussing theh above with a ranger at the John Day Sheep Ranch park in E Oregon (Highly reommened the park.)
As I walked out the door he says, “have a good trip back to SD” and he wasn’t joking, ’cause when I looked back at him he quickly corrected himself.
The late, great, Eric Severaid, used to say, “ND is a huge rectangular blank spot in the nation’s mind.”
Hence the “parallel universe” fits.
you can always respond by saying, “But we’ve got Minot!”
I just remembered this piece that Merrill Markoe did on Michael Moore’s old 90’s series TV Nation where she went to ND in the middle of winter, visited Angie Dickinson’s birthplace and the Liberace thingie… then interviewed 2 teenage boys in the midst of a blizzard in Minot. She asked them, “Well, so what do you think makes your town great?” And one responded: “I don’t know… but we were on the Weather Channel the other day for being the coldest in the nation!”
Merrill had a hard time suppressing her laughter there. So I let loose for her… hehe.
When I was a kid, I had an aunt who my mother loathed. She lived in Bismarck, and on very rare occasions they would come to visit (and I barely remembered them, and only because they had a really snappy chihuahua named Caesar). My mother always said it was cold and god forsaken… while I, in my (probably 3 yr old) naievete had visions that they must have really tasty pastries and donuts there. Never went there, but I was in Fargo a few times in the 70’s when I worked for a porno company!
you are one seriously interesting dude …
with a kind soul, I like to think. I’m kind to animals and ruthless to mean people.
It was the porno company reference, right? Well, I was 19 and couldn’t find a better summer job (during a recession) than washing dishes and working as a fry cook (which I hated). So I took a job in an adult book store, because the pay was great (for a college student!) and I had no shame. One of the more interesting periods in my younger days. Now you know why little shocks me hehe.
like the languages, the garden stuff, the research, the teaching, etc. 🙂
Maybe I should write my memoirs and call it A Million Little Disconnected Pieces of Disconnected Thoughts and see if I can get Oprah to bite? But then, nah… I would absolutely hurl chunks if I had to appear on her show. I think I’ll just go on being weird in my own little corner of the world, and follow Pangloss’ dictum: Il faut cultiver son jardin.
exactly my point re: interesting … 🙂
we’re actually getting to where we have the beginnings of what would be called an “old town” in downtown Fargo.
Never thought I’s live to see it happen, neanderthals that the old movers and shakers have been.
Didn’t see the piece that Merrill Markoe did. I think I was tv-less most of the 90s. Regardless of where I was living.
I think I’ll be hanging it up fairly soon, big yawns, still come cold symptoms, a relatively early morning what with the “party” last night, etc.
It’s been another great night here. I’ll drop a note at the bottom when I definitely on the way out.
If you like crab meat and a description of the processing of it would cause you to lose all appetite henceforth and forever more, be advised… read no further.
All brave souls may continue below;
Johnny Cracked Crab
[copyright 1996 by NDD, author of this post]
Johnny cracked crab but he don’t care
Minimum wage just ain’t fair
I don’t like to be punchin’ time
I’d rather be home makin’ rhyme
Trouble is I got another bill
Can’t make money sitting still
Arrive at work for a 2 AM shift
Thank lucky stars for this gift
Up wood steps to the lunch room
Looks like it could use a broom
Pull high rubber boots over my feet
They make my socks smell really sweet
Cover each hand with plastic glove
Cooking vat steams up a cloud above
Can’t see through it to the floor below
But I go on down and join the show
Standing on concrete in crab gut slime
I don’t recall, what was MY crime
So I listen to machines whine
Get crabs ready for others to dine
Grab a squirming crab from the box
Is he ready for life’s hard knocks
Grip four legs in each hand
No more will he scurry over the sand
Periscopic eyes take one last look
Won’t be long now until he’ll cook
Smack him hard under the chin
That’s how crabs’ endings begin
His back pops off and guts fall out
Lucky for me my stomach is stout
Oh shit, slime splatters across my face
Can’t stop now or I’ll break my pace
Hold his carcass to a spinning brush
Get rid of pink lungs that’s enough
Split ’em in half, toss to the side
Send ’em by conveyor for a little ride
Legs piled high on stainless steel table
Packers ‘ll get to ’em when they’re able
Thirty-five pounds of legs to each tray
That’s what each one has got to weigh
Stack ’em inside the cooker crate
A total of twenty, then close the gate
Lowered into a vat for twenty minute boil
It’s long and crazy hours that we toil
It’s gettin’ harder to make a buck
Most people here are down on their luck
Johnny cracked crab but he don’t care
Minimum wage just ain’t fair
Now it’s gettin’ late in the season
Maybe that could be the reason
Why we’re down to the hard core crew
Men in their twenties long since through
But one young gal stayed with the team
Short and sweet, she’s somebody’s dream
All good things must come to an end
I wonder what’s round the next bend
Some weeks were long, others too short
Now the crab boats are back in port
Big money makers can spend their loot
The rest of us don’t give a hoot
Minimum wage just ain’t fair
Johnny cracked crab but he don’t care
Indeed. Should this be sung? If not, you better put it to music. Not pretty stuff, NDD, but I like this one a lot. Did you ever think you would become the Sinclair Lewis of the crab industry? Now you just need to do a sequel about a strike… (yeah right, like they let us do that anymore…)
that’d be the tune to sing it to. Some enterprising youngster may find that googling.
I’m saving this one…very good NDD, were you a Wobblie in an earlier incarnation?
that ought to splain all… not that you go back quite that far… ha!
“were you a Wobblie in an earlier incarnation?”-dada
Whadaya mean “earlier incarnation,” more like this incarnation.
Did ya ever take that test to place yourself politically?
I did. I ended up in the lower right hand corner. Any closer to the corner and I’d’ve been outside the square instead of still in it.
I ended up in the corner left of Ghandi.
I come from a long line of Wobblies…some leaning to the anarchist end of it.
Welcome aboard…it’s been a long strange trip and we’re not there yet.
Not sure if it’s the same one. The “score” I got I think was 92% “social democrat.” (I bet that was at the orange place, pre BT for me.)
any of this author’s work, concerning history of those times.
Scroll down, watch for 1931 for name of the only one I’ve read of his.
especially when drinking mezcal! (heheheh)
Yes, NDD, that tune I do know, cuz we used to sing it in grade school music class, and it popped into my mind immediately, which is why I thought you meant to have the poem sung to that.
Other silly songs we used to have to sing… “We’re going to the shucking of the corn, corn, corn,” and “We’re from Iowa… that’s where the TALL corn grows!” (and we had to put our arms up and wiggle them at that line… oh the humiliation!)
I read that a couple of times at open mike night in a famous little city in N CA.
Heading for bed soon — had just two margaritas and I’m tapped out…guess I’m just turning into an old teetotaler or some such.
Otherwise good evening — found a lot of stuff I needed (really) at Target, had a good Mexican food dinner (accompanied by above referenced margaritas), then stopped and picked up a few groceries (how this area functioned without 24-hour grocery stores I’ll never remember). Tomorrow’s dinner is beef spare ribs in barbecue sauce, simmered for 10 hours in the slow cooker; will pick up potato salad tomorrow and heat up some veggies to accompany. Good food for watching a good hockey game — first game of Sharks/Oilers second round playoff match.
Okay, going to try and hit the hay before midnight for once…
Sleep well! You need to rest up for some heavy-duty cheering tomorrow … 🙂
So you went to Target today too? And found all sorts of stuff you really needed? LOL, so did I, and then some. I just love that store! Found some really neon bright new towels there at a good price, so decided it was time to retire some of the old stuff, lol. Glad to hear you got your Mexican dinner finally! And your dinner tomorrow night sounds great… wish I could invite myself over, hehe.
Have a restful sleep and enjoy your hockey fest tomorrow. I’m sure Olivia and DJ will be right on that w/you. 🙂
Seis de mayo! Sounds like a good day…when’s dinner tomorrow, maybe I can catch a flight…:{)
G’night, sleep well
I do need some rest now since it’s past my bewitching hour – 2:30 AM CDT.
Great fun as always with this group o’weirdos. (Let’s see, that would be….?) I should be heading out here myself, since I set the alarm for 10:00 and want to have my coffee with the early morning crowd before getting down to garden business (yes, Olivia, I will do that!). Take care my friend, and get some pics of those wildflowers when you can.
Sleep well…
Oh, chère Tulip Princess… with the Patsy Cline invocation you just gave, I think I too should be heading off to snuggle with the furry creatures (all 3 of em) in the other room now. What a great group of oddballs we have sorted ourselves into here late night… Great people scattered all over the place.
Nurse that sore spot from the fall, and enjoy your Sunday. I guess I’ll have to vicariously enjoy your tulip fest online sometime soon… but we’ll count on you to provide some pertinent D70 updates… 🙂
I will probably pop into the morning cafe while having my coffee, then when it’s warm enough, head out to banish dandelions, heliopsis and get as many of those delphiniums I have planted as I can. Alas, none of my others survived the drought and winter, which is a pity.
bonne nuit!
Good night NDD, IVG, dada, Cali …
Sleep well everyone.
(And take of yourself IVG!)
last call at casa dada, here’s the lyrics from a song I used to like to play, written by Kelly Joe Phelps…NDD’s earlier post brought it to mind…
Piece by Piece
piece by piece the mountainside tumbles away
back down to the river bottom lined with pocket worry stones
a hundred years in hand worn smooth by long grandmother nights
sitting by the rocking chair waiting for the world
oh, if I could roll back all the years and talk to my daddy’s dad
about all the fears I’m living in that maybe he had had
I might get some light to shine down this dusty old dry well
hear the bucket hit the bottom and the rope come rolling by
when three hundred years has been the time from whence it came
why hadn’t someone yet figured out to lower down the gun
and shoot out the middle of this clawing, staring eye>?
hear the bucket hit the bottom and the rope come rolling by
sitting by that old rocking chair waiting for the world
waiting for the world
Be well
Take care, and peace be w/ya, dada. OH, and btw, my earlier reference to you not knowing about South Park was due to the fact you, incorrigible luddite, don’t have cable tv… so thought maybe you never get to see that. My erratum sorry. hehe.
Whoot! and out here…