From the Guardian via HuffPo:

Tony Blair came under carefully choreographed public and private pressure from Gordon Brown’s closest supporters yesterday to set out the timetable for his departure in the wake of dire local election results.

First, Jack Straw, now Blair.  They’re shoving him out now.  No more Labour defeats.  No more shuffling and jiving about getting along with Condi Rice, and keeping the lines open to the U.S.  

If Mr Blair does not bow to the pressure backbench MPs intend to publish a letter, possibly by the end of next week, with as many as 75 signatures calling on him to agree the transition or face a formal challenge. Mr Brown called the election result – Labour lost 306 seats and 18 councils – a “warning shot” that showed the party needed to renew itself in the same way as it had in the 80s. His aides said he would be speaking to Mr Blair over the weekend about the need for renewal and an orderly transition.

No doubt they’re quickening the pace in the wake of this weekend’s downing of a copter that claimed four British soldiers’ lives.  Worse, TV footage showed Iraqis dancing around, stoning and even setting fire to the remains.

Shades of Mogadishu, indeed.