I have to pick up the younger boy for a trip to the orthodontist soon. This is his initial appointment and I fully expect the news to be full braces top and bottom and the cost to be over 5K. I finally just got done paying for his older sister’s braces and now it’s his turn. Of course he hates it because he’s 16 and most kids get their teeth fixed at 12, but we weren’t in a position to do it 4 years ago.
So the poor kid is going through a growth spurt, acne and braces simultaneously. I wouldn’t go back and be that age again for the world.
The clear ones cost about 15% more. Regular braces have changed alot. When I had them they hammered metal brackets onto each tooth which hurt like hell if your teeth were close together. Now they cement little connectors onto each tooth and the wires are alot thinner.
I’m sorry to hear that CG. I really feel for you son. Acne in high school was something bad I went through. Plus at that age with hormones kicking in, I agree with you. I would never want to go back to that age.
Not trying to get metaphysical or anything. If I knew then what I know now, I would have made different choices. I think some for the far better. However, would the choices I made have made me happier. Money wise – yes. Otherwise I don’t know.
Would love to have the energy I had at 25 and the dashing good looks. Well who am I kidding. The looks have never left. 🙂
I’m with NDD on this one… barring the “knowing then what I know now,” I’m not buying it either!
Hey FM, shouldn’t you be out mowing or something? When you get your windows washed, ours could use it too. Then you can go over to Indiana and do Andi’s for her… just think of it as your grand tour of the great middle coast!
Wish I could take a nap now… up too late last night and boring at work today for a switch. Guess I shouldn’t complain, given the past several weeks of stressful hell reports.
Well I got two of the list done so far. I forgot getting my Mom up and getting her fed and settled.
I fixin to start the lawn in a minute hopefully. My Mom says it’s to hot and I’m trying to side with her on that one, but it has to be done.
I decided to pull out the little ipod thing I have and use it. I think I’ve only used it once. It’s not really an Ipod and doesn’t hold that much, but I found a song on it that has always been one of my favorites sung by Bonnie Raitt. Angel From Montgomery.
Hey there Tulip Princess… how’s your day going so far? We have rain definitely on the way tonight, and it was actually raining lightly when I went to work earlier. Sunny for now, though. We’ll see if Chris takes any pics of IT today while I’m stuck here. 🙂 I hope so… otherwise I’ll try if it’s not totally overcast or raining when I get home.
It looked like it was going to rain this morning, but the sun is out now. Poor C, he’s got some weirdo from another country hounding him about the garden now … like that’ll encourage him to sign up here IVG LOL. 😛
LOL… we discussed that last week after you and I were talking about it. My suspicions were right… He’s just afraid of having to be political 24/7, which is not his thing at least for now. So I said, it’s up to you, but at least maybe lurk around for a while to get a feel for the place and then make the decision. LOL. Stubborn, he is.
Thx Andi… Think I’ll just have him read what you folks are saying! 🙂 Though I am convinced he’d find lots of common ground with lots of folks here… I make him look at the Dog Blog and he loves that stuff. He just doesn’t quite “get” the whole blog thing and I think he finds it intimidating for him, but thinks it’s great for me. LOL.
The bit about retirement, I think. At one time during the dot-boom I was hoping I could retire by the time I was 50. Now I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to. I enjoy working, but I would enjoy a full-time career spoiling grandchildren more.
I have a nice job with a company I live very much. So the job isn’t the problem. I got my first paying job when I was 14 and I haven’t ever been without one since (and before that I worked for no pay in the family business). So 42 years later, I think ‘m just basically tired of working.
In general, I like what I do. I like it so much I do it for free when I’m not getting paid for it, but don’t tell my employers that.
I’ve also had downtimes in the last few years where the only money I was getting was from unemployment checks. Thanks to my richly rewarding career I get the maximum allowable, but it’s still a cut, it doesn’t cover all of my bills, and they don’t withhold enough taxes. But I get to spend time with my grandkids, so that part is worth it.
I’d just like to have sufficient dinero coming in with which to spoil my grandkids, y’know?
Well, that’s the key in general — enough money to do what matters to you (on top of basic needs). I figure I’ve got at least another 10 years before I might be to that point.
Ah well,I do like what I’m doing (mostly) though, though I certainly I would never do it for free.
I hope we both get pleasantly surprised and get to our goals sooner than we think.
It doesn’t hurt nearly as much as it did. Maybe it’s finally making progress toward healing. I still have to be very careful to keep food out of it as much as possible when I chew.
Wednesday the dentist is going to look at it to see what he thinks.
Glad to hear that Omir! Here’s hoping it will all heal and be resolved soon. Saw your comment about lilacs earlier… seems they bloomed awfully early here this year, and are pretty much done at this point. Wish we had room for them in our yard, but the only place we could plant them would be along our fence line with our neighbor behind us and they would drive her absolutely batty. So we leave well enough alone, after having planted 13 ft Castor Trees there the first year we lived there… LOL.
Early? Wow. When I smell lilacs I think two things: my father and mother loved the smell of lilacs, and I think of Walt Whitman’s poem, “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed” relating to the death of Lincoln. Since Lincoln died in mid-April, somehow it always seems to me that that’s when the lilacs should be out. Maybe only in that other Washington.
Out on in the summer office working on the book. Just had a big mug of Earl Gray White Tip, and am contemplating making a pot of Empire Kemun. That plus a little chocolate and some forward progress on CyberMancy and the day will be golden. Only three more days of school for Dr.Mc. then I can hand off the house stuff for a few weeks and maybe get back out in front. Hooray.
Morning Kelly. It sounds like your summer work office would be a delight to work in.
I live in a small college town and they just had their graduation yesterday. I kept wondering when I went downtown why there were so damn many cars everywhere. Duh.
“I live in a small college town and they just had their graduation yesterday. I kept wondering when I went downtown why there were so damn many cars everywhere. Duh.”
That sounds very familiar. If there are more than five cars waiting at one of the lights, it’s a traffic jam. It usually happens to me on move-in day. Commencement and the like Dr.Mc. stays on top of. But the front end stuff, not so much.
Yep just the same with me. Rush hour here is 5 or 6 cars waiting at one of our three red lights. I avoid downtown during quitting time because of the rush hour. 🙂
We’ve got six lights within about a mile of my place which is three blocks from the University and four from downtown, plus maybe five more on the outskirts. I avoid downtown at “rush” hour as well, except on foot which is how I mostly get around. There’s very little that’s more than a mile away. The freeway strip’s about it, and that’s just barely two, for which I usually bike during summer. My commute is twenty feet in summer and ten in winter, and Dr.Mc’s is five blocks. It’s a nice lifestyle. And now, I really have to get the heck off line and get at least 2,000 words written.
Big scary decision looming. I told my wannabee boss that I would give him an answer on his job offer this morning. For some reason I feel very nervous, I guess because I have misgivings either way.
The big plus is just to have a job that is nearby with fairly decent pay for only 30 hours per week. Obviously, we need the income and I have to be practical.
The big minus is going to work for a place that I know nothing about and don’t really care about with an organizational culture that is foreign to me, including submitting to a drug test (first in my life) and full law enforcement background check (also a first for me).
Another minus is getting back into the daily grind when I’m really not quite settled after the horrendous ordeal in Monterey.
Another minus is having less energy, time, and flexibility to find a job I really like. But a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, right?
At one time I worked for a temp agency who wanted to send me to work at the King County Jail as a word processor. I was a bit concerned about the background check — never having had one before, FSM knew what they’d find. But I winced, filled out the form, closed my eyes, and . . . ended up working with one of the best groups of people I ever met. Working in a jail was a bit unnerving (I never did really get used to the door to the secure area — which housed the cafeteria — clanging every time someone went through), at least at first, but I thoroughly enjoyed my assignment there.
Not to pressure you, but you’re making a decision you’re going to be living with for a while. So, good luck in making it. Some people should be so lucky as to have to contemplate two different jobs.
Wishing you the best mm — one thing about the full police bkgrd check … I’ve had to do that a few times and it is pretty std (working in health care etc.) so don’t be too put off with that one. You’ll make the right decision, and you’ll adjust to the change. Think of it this way: look what you’ve been through in the last little bit. You’re obviously strong and can handle yourself in these stressful situations. I think you’ll do fine.
MM I agree with what Andi said last night. You’ve already made the decision. At least that’s what I think she said.
However, with the job there is the bill paying and food on the table. There is also a position of empowerment where you don’t have to rush to find the perfect job.
This probably doesn’t help, but I hope it does some.
I had to have a full background check and fingerprinting done as a caretaker for guys with MR/DD – it wasn’t scary at all, just weird feeling like a criminal.
I can only echo basically what Omir, Olivia and FM just said. I wouldn’t worry about the background check, unless there’s something really dicey hiding back there… which I highly doubt! Besides, if you for some bizarre reason fail it, your decision will have been made for you, and you’ll know what the next steps would need to entail. Still, it does feel a bit of an invasion of privacy, no? Yeah, that would get my hackles up too…
Good luck and I have full confidence in you making the right decision. After having witnessed what you went through previously, you’ve got the requisite strength and wisdom.
And I hope I’m not too late to say that what I said was my take on what I would do but I would never suggest that anyone take a job something that doesn’t feel right (for whatever reasons).
I think I’ve decided to say yes and give a start date that’s two weeks out. If anything happens to change my mind in that two weeks, then I’ll pull out. There’s no law against it and I’m sure they will survive, either way.
Trust me, MM, if an obviously suspicious character like me can make it through 5 or 6 background checks over my lifetime. . .you should have absolutely nothing to worry about. LOL! If they couldn’t find my closet full of skeletons or gayness, they can’t find much of anything.
Good luck and enjoy your decision. If this turns out not to be the perfect fit for you, it may lead to something esle that is.
Thanks for the reassurance! I’m not so worried about what they will find as the invasiveness of it all. But I think that’s the way things are going these days!
Unsolicited advice from one who’s been there…it sounds as if you’re not just ambivalent about the job, but that your instincts are telling you that this is a bad match.
Given what you just went thru up in Monterey/Carmel, they’re probably pretty finely honed at this point in time. I have learned over the years to trust my instincts; which, at times, has led me to decisions that, arguably, appeared to be unwise. Fortunately, things always turned out for the better.
You’ve got 26 wks. of UE coming, use it. LA’s a big place, what you really want is out there, you just haven’t found it YET…you will if you trust yourself.
Pretty stultifying actually, but better than cranking out reports like I have been the past few weeks. Preparing for a Market Research seminar we’re required to attend tomorrow… at least we get “free” lunch (that’s such a relative adjective!)
I just want 5:00 to roll around so I can get home, dig in the dirt a bit before dinner and take it easy this evening, waiting for the inevitable storms to roll in. At least now the porch is cleaned up enough that we can go out there to watch… yippee! One of our favorite pastimes during storms is watching the intersection flood and seeing idiots trying to drive through 2 ft of standing water! LOL.
Oh yeah, totally enclosed, though we haven’t put the screens on yet due to somewhat chilly nights. There are 9 windows on 3 exposures, so we get the nearly full view. Our house sits on the corner of an intersection where the street goes up on either side, so there’s lots of water rushing down to the overwhelmed old storm drains and when it rains hard, it rises fast.
Re: the bozos? Lol.. you read our minds… that’s precisely what we do… watch from across the street, snicker and mock their stupidity. We used to always go out and help push people out, but now we figure if they think they’re getting through that much water unscathed, they deserve what they get. Hehe… maybe I am the more diabolical one?
They’ve had no offense the past 2…look at the sog’s, Anaheim’s outshooting them nearly 2-1, and the rookie goalie, I won’t attempt his name, is putting on a hell of a show regardless.
Not to mention the goalie they’ve got on the bench…I think the Av’s R doomed.
It certainly doesn’t look good, yes. I think we’ll know for sure the first few minutes of the next game. If they don’t do something (like score duh) to change their course, then you, being the wise man you are ;), are probably right.
btw, I’m going to the sens/sabres game tonight. Getting ready to head out now for the pre-game party stuff. I hope it’s not a heartbreaker like friday.
Yup, you are right! The problem is I can’t feel what’s going on in my gut since I’m so nervous. And you are right, I wasn’t thinking about it, but part of the nervousness is having just gotten seriously burned!
you’re welcoming green and brown thumbs today. How about black ones? I smashed mine in a door this morning. Good thing I was a defiant learner in typing class and never use it for the space bar.
I caught it pretty high, between the first and second knuckles. Don’t think it’s broken, just annoyingly painful. [/whining]
I’ve got an office to myself today, which is good. I forgot how refreshing it was to be able to listen to music in the background while working on my stuff.
Now’s when you discover just how handy an ‘opposable thumb” is.
Reminds me of a ‘crazy‘ I once worked w/ in construction many years ago…a tale of a ‘cut-off’ finger that I should probably refrain from relating further…:{)
Thx for sparing us the no doubt gory details, dada. 🙂
And Manny, sounds like your thumb has a date with epsom salts and warm water when you get home! Hope it gets to feeling better before then, I hope. I sure hate it when I do something like that, though it usually seems to involve the door of the truck… have a good day down there!
Pretty good day so far — slept in for a bit, actually showered and dressed before noon (!), updated the blog (a news article on increasing mental health awareness in the workplace), now about to figure out what to work on for the next few hours before we head out for dinner and erranding — want to be back in time for the Sharks game tonight. 🙂 Don’t really feel like cleaning — maybe I’ll do the changeover and pack away the winter nightwear today since we just washed everything.
MM — good luck on the job decision; just remember you’ll have to pay federal taxes on the UE (I didn’t realize that 13 years ago when I was laid off!), so plan accordingly. 🙂
Things in my life are weird at times. . .well, most of the time, heheheheh! Since I decided at 2 oh damn clock in the morning to figure out what was wrong with my cd player or the cd I was trying to play unsuccessfully, I have no idea when I actually threw in the towel and went to sleep. So I am only on my second cup of coffee. . .a real doddler today.
It would be so nice to sleep as long and as soundly as my dog and kitties do. That boy cat of mine is amazing. Lays down, stretches out full length “see how long I am, mom” and the minute his head touches down he is gone, totally not here and nothing disturbs him. He is an world chamption sleeper.
Have I been hiding again? Oh, just so much stardust to spread around. . .I forget to touch base on the planet sometimes. Probably explains why I couldn’t get the CD to play. . .earth has some very strange ways, you know.
How are you SN? I’ve been following your “work” here and wherever I find it. It is great to see your words out there.
Hi Shirl. To sleep like that takes years of practise and very few of us have mastered it. Just keep practising like me and you’ll be a master in no time.
Almost done. Just part of the backyard left to do. I am actually having fun doing it. I had never used the mp3 player I have and I decided to. I’ve been rocking out with Bob Marley, Allen Parson, and Celtic music. I’m sure I won’t be able to hear for a few days, but that’s the price ya pay.
What a combo you got there, FM. Maybe I should email you a few mp3s so you could throw Rob Zombie and Shirley Q Liquor in there and really rock your brain. At least that beats the sound of the mower, right?
I guess I am out of luck then. For some darn reason I have always had a sense of “urgency” about this lifetime and sleep has always seemed the “enemy” to me. I’ve always taken as many hours away from sleep that I can. Doesn’t seem to be any less so these days. I just thought it was incredibly silly to decide at 2 am to ponder the workings of my stereo. I thought I was already sleepy and had decided to play a meditation cd while I was going off to lala land.
But, on the other hand. . . star travel is a type of rest that doesn’t require so much sleep. . .it all evens out in the end.
I’ve always thought it’s how you use that sleep. I always say I’m going to nap, but I never do. I might lay down to rest for a little while, but the mind is still going.
Urgency has always seem to me to be a problem. Not that it’s not good, but I’ve always been a planner and a person of routine. If I get thrown off my routine, which happens quite often, it takes me off my center of slackdom.
I have to pick up the younger boy for a trip to the orthodontist soon. This is his initial appointment and I fully expect the news to be full braces top and bottom and the cost to be over 5K. I finally just got done paying for his older sister’s braces and now it’s his turn. Of course he hates it because he’s 16 and most kids get their teeth fixed at 12, but we weren’t in a position to do it 4 years ago.
So the poor kid is going through a growth spurt, acne and braces simultaneously. I wouldn’t go back and be that age again for the world.
That’s rough — for both of you.
I thought they had these nearly invisible braces these days, not at all like barbed wire fence I got to wear.
The clear ones cost about 15% more. Regular braces have changed alot. When I had them they hammered metal brackets onto each tooth which hurt like hell if your teeth were close together. Now they cement little connectors onto each tooth and the wires are alot thinner.
I just got back from the orthodontist this mroning…just under 5K. And this is round two.
I’m sorry to hear that CG. I really feel for you son. Acne in high school was something bad I went through. Plus at that age with hormones kicking in, I agree with you. I would never want to go back to that age.
assuming I could retain all accumlated wisdom to date.
Not trying to get metaphysical or anything. If I knew then what I know now, I would have made different choices. I think some for the far better. However, would the choices I made have made me happier. Money wise – yes. Otherwise I don’t know.
Would love to have the energy I had at 25 and the dashing good looks. Well who am I kidding. The looks have never left. 🙂
I’m with NDD on this one… barring the “knowing then what I know now,” I’m not buying it either!
Hey FM, shouldn’t you be out mowing or something? When you get your windows washed, ours could use it too. Then you can go over to Indiana and do Andi’s for her… just think of it as your grand tour of the great middle coast!
Wish I could take a nap now… up too late last night and boring at work today for a switch. Guess I shouldn’t complain, given the past several weeks of stressful hell reports.
Well I got two of the list done so far. I forgot getting my Mom up and getting her fed and settled.
I fixin to start the lawn in a minute hopefully. My Mom says it’s to hot and I’m trying to side with her on that one, but it has to be done.
I decided to pull out the little ipod thing I have and use it. I think I’ve only used it once. It’s not really an Ipod and doesn’t hold that much, but I found a song on it that has always been one of my favorites sung by Bonnie Raitt. Angel From Montgomery.
From one cube to another. 🙂
Hey there Tulip Princess… how’s your day going so far? We have rain definitely on the way tonight, and it was actually raining lightly when I went to work earlier. Sunny for now, though. We’ll see if Chris takes any pics of IT today while I’m stuck here. 🙂 I hope so… otherwise I’ll try if it’s not totally overcast or raining when I get home.
It looked like it was going to rain this morning, but the sun is out now. Poor C, he’s got some weirdo from another country hounding him about the garden now … like that’ll encourage him to sign up here IVG LOL. 😛
LOL… we discussed that last week after you and I were talking about it. My suspicions were right… He’s just afraid of having to be political 24/7, which is not his thing at least for now. So I said, it’s up to you, but at least maybe lurk around for a while to get a feel for the place and then make the decision. LOL. Stubborn, he is.
Tell him to just look at me and see how political I am. I’m hardly ever out of the cafe and make only a few remarks every now and then.
He only read and comments in the cafe.
Thx Andi… Think I’ll just have him read what you folks are saying! 🙂 Though I am convinced he’d find lots of common ground with lots of folks here… I make him look at the Dog Blog and he loves that stuff. He just doesn’t quite “get” the whole blog thing and I think he finds it intimidating for him, but thinks it’s great for me. LOL.
Jim started out the same way but after lurking in the cafe a bit, he got a jones for making comments.
And it’s really cute to see you both here! 🙂
Going back wouldn’t be as bad if you could take what you know presently.
SN between you and CG I got mixed up on who I was talking to. I’m sorry.
People get us confused all the time. I’m the slug who stays home all day eating bon bons.
How are we today?
Good here, how ’bout you? How’s the toothstuff?
Doing better, how’s about yerself?
We, meaning the dogs, are fine and sleeping in the sun. We, meaning me, are disappointed that we can’t retire yet.
How’s by the we that is you?
The bit about retirement, I think. At one time during the dot-boom I was hoping I could retire by the time I was 50. Now I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to. I enjoy working, but I would enjoy a full-time career spoiling grandchildren more.
I have a nice job with a company I live very much. So the job isn’t the problem. I got my first paying job when I was 14 and I haven’t ever been without one since (and before that I worked for no pay in the family business). So 42 years later, I think ‘m just basically tired of working.
In general, I like what I do. I like it so much I do it for free when I’m not getting paid for it, but don’t tell my employers that.
I’ve also had downtimes in the last few years where the only money I was getting was from unemployment checks. Thanks to my richly rewarding career I get the maximum allowable, but it’s still a cut, it doesn’t cover all of my bills, and they don’t withhold enough taxes. But I get to spend time with my grandkids, so that part is worth it.
I’d just like to have sufficient dinero coming in with which to spoil my grandkids, y’know?
Well, that’s the key in general — enough money to do what matters to you (on top of basic needs). I figure I’ve got at least another 10 years before I might be to that point.
Ah well,I do like what I’m doing (mostly) though, though I certainly I would never do it for free.
I hope we both get pleasantly surprised and get to our goals sooner than we think.
Morning Omir. I was thinking about you today and wondering how the mouth is doing?
It doesn’t hurt nearly as much as it did. Maybe it’s finally making progress toward healing. I still have to be very careful to keep food out of it as much as possible when I chew.
Wednesday the dentist is going to look at it to see what he thinks.
I know what you mean. I just went through that not to long ago myself.
Glad to hear that Omir! Here’s hoping it will all heal and be resolved soon. Saw your comment about lilacs earlier… seems they bloomed awfully early here this year, and are pretty much done at this point. Wish we had room for them in our yard, but the only place we could plant them would be along our fence line with our neighbor behind us and they would drive her absolutely batty. So we leave well enough alone, after having planted 13 ft Castor Trees there the first year we lived there… LOL.
Early? Wow. When I smell lilacs I think two things: my father and mother loved the smell of lilacs, and I think of Walt Whitman’s poem, “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed” relating to the death of Lincoln. Since Lincoln died in mid-April, somehow it always seems to me that that’s when the lilacs should be out. Maybe only in that other Washington.
Out on in the summer office working on the book. Just had a big mug of Earl Gray White Tip, and am contemplating making a pot of Empire Kemun. That plus a little chocolate and some forward progress on CyberMancy and the day will be golden. Only three more days of school for Dr.Mc. then I can hand off the house stuff for a few weeks and maybe get back out in front. Hooray.
Morning Kelly. It sounds like your summer work office would be a delight to work in.
I live in a small college town and they just had their graduation yesterday. I kept wondering when I went downtown why there were so damn many cars everywhere. Duh.
“I live in a small college town and they just had their graduation yesterday. I kept wondering when I went downtown why there were so damn many cars everywhere. Duh.”
That sounds very familiar. If there are more than five cars waiting at one of the lights, it’s a traffic jam. It usually happens to me on move-in day. Commencement and the like Dr.Mc. stays on top of. But the front end stuff, not so much.
Yep just the same with me. Rush hour here is 5 or 6 cars waiting at one of our three red lights. I avoid downtown during quitting time because of the rush hour. 🙂
We’ve got six lights within about a mile of my place which is three blocks from the University and four from downtown, plus maybe five more on the outskirts. I avoid downtown at “rush” hour as well, except on foot which is how I mostly get around. There’s very little that’s more than a mile away. The freeway strip’s about it, and that’s just barely two, for which I usually bike during summer. My commute is twenty feet in summer and ten in winter, and Dr.Mc’s is five blocks. It’s a nice lifestyle. And now, I really have to get the heck off line and get at least 2,000 words written.
See ya Kelly. Write them words.
Big scary decision looming. I told my wannabee boss that I would give him an answer on his job offer this morning. For some reason I feel very nervous, I guess because I have misgivings either way.
The big plus is just to have a job that is nearby with fairly decent pay for only 30 hours per week. Obviously, we need the income and I have to be practical.
The big minus is going to work for a place that I know nothing about and don’t really care about with an organizational culture that is foreign to me, including submitting to a drug test (first in my life) and full law enforcement background check (also a first for me).
Another minus is getting back into the daily grind when I’m really not quite settled after the horrendous ordeal in Monterey.
Another minus is having less energy, time, and flexibility to find a job I really like. But a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, right?
At one time I worked for a temp agency who wanted to send me to work at the King County Jail as a word processor. I was a bit concerned about the background check — never having had one before, FSM knew what they’d find. But I winced, filled out the form, closed my eyes, and . . . ended up working with one of the best groups of people I ever met. Working in a jail was a bit unnerving (I never did really get used to the door to the secure area — which housed the cafeteria — clanging every time someone went through), at least at first, but I thoroughly enjoyed my assignment there.
Not to pressure you, but you’re making a decision you’re going to be living with for a while. So, good luck in making it. Some people should be so lucky as to have to contemplate two different jobs.
Wishing you the best mm — one thing about the full police bkgrd check … I’ve had to do that a few times and it is pretty std (working in health care etc.) so don’t be too put off with that one. You’ll make the right decision, and you’ll adjust to the change. Think of it this way: look what you’ve been through in the last little bit. You’re obviously strong and can handle yourself in these stressful situations. I think you’ll do fine.
MM I agree with what Andi said last night. You’ve already made the decision. At least that’s what I think she said.
However, with the job there is the bill paying and food on the table. There is also a position of empowerment where you don’t have to rush to find the perfect job.
This probably doesn’t help, but I hope it does some.
I had to have a full background check and fingerprinting done as a caretaker for guys with MR/DD – it wasn’t scary at all, just weird feeling like a criminal.
I had to have all that stuff for the military, plus constant drug checks. It’s really nothing.
I’m just not used to that kind of a culture, but I guess “in a post-911 world” yada yada yada we had better get used to ti.
I can only echo basically what Omir, Olivia and FM just said. I wouldn’t worry about the background check, unless there’s something really dicey hiding back there… which I highly doubt! Besides, if you for some bizarre reason fail it, your decision will have been made for you, and you’ll know what the next steps would need to entail. Still, it does feel a bit of an invasion of privacy, no? Yeah, that would get my hackles up too…
Good luck and I have full confidence in you making the right decision. After having witnessed what you went through previously, you’ve got the requisite strength and wisdom.
Thanks for all of your encouraging words! Yes, “as AndiF says” (where is that girl!) the decision is made since I’m not in a position to say no.
So… does that mean that you’re “just a girl that can’t say no?”
LOL…all jesting aside, I think we’re all with ya, no matter what decision you make.
Depends on who’s asking!!!! LOL (And thanks for the top-notch cheering on!)
And I hope I’m not too late to say that what I said was my take on what I would do but I would never suggest that anyone take a job something that doesn’t feel right (for whatever reasons).
Just got back from taking my son to school.
I think I’ve decided to say yes and give a start date that’s two weeks out. If anything happens to change my mind in that two weeks, then I’ll pull out. There’s no law against it and I’m sure they will survive, either way.
Sound like a good plan — and as a bonus, look at the time it allows for mental torture, one of my favorite pastimes. 😉
Mental torture!!! Wow, my favorite, too…. LOL
Trust me, MM, if an obviously suspicious character like me can make it through 5 or 6 background checks over my lifetime. . .you should have absolutely nothing to worry about. LOL! If they couldn’t find my closet full of skeletons or gayness, they can’t find much of anything.
Good luck and enjoy your decision. If this turns out not to be the perfect fit for you, it may lead to something esle that is.
Thanks for the reassurance! I’m not so worried about what they will find as the invasiveness of it all. But I think that’s the way things are going these days!
Unsolicited advice from one who’s been there…it sounds as if you’re not just ambivalent about the job, but that your instincts are telling you that this is a bad match.
Given what you just went thru up in Monterey/Carmel, they’re probably pretty finely honed at this point in time. I have learned over the years to trust my instincts; which, at times, has led me to decisions that, arguably, appeared to be unwise. Fortunately, things always turned out for the better.
You’ve got 26 wks. of UE coming, use it. LA’s a big place, what you really want is out there, you just haven’t found it YET…you will if you trust yourself.
My 2¢
Good Luck whatever you decide.
I had forgotten about the UE. Yes I agree.
BTW — UE is $450 per week.
$450’d be heaven…:{)
Not trying to bring ya down, just being the devil’s advocate…behind you 100%, whichever way it falls out.
I know $450 seems like a fortune, though I guess it really doesn’t go that far in this day and age!
Or are you the big guy himself? hehe… how’s it going out there today, sage of the rockies?
if I told you I’d have to kill you…:{)
How’s life in the cubicle farm?
Pretty stultifying actually, but better than cranking out reports like I have been the past few weeks. Preparing for a Market Research seminar we’re required to attend tomorrow… at least we get “free” lunch (that’s such a relative adjective!)
I just want 5:00 to roll around so I can get home, dig in the dirt a bit before dinner and take it easy this evening, waiting for the inevitable storms to roll in. At least now the porch is cleaned up enough that we can go out there to watch… yippee! One of our favorite pastimes during storms is watching the intersection flood and seeing idiots trying to drive through 2 ft of standing water! LOL.
Porches are great, that’s one of the major draws to older neighbourhoods…O’s lurking…
Yeah, don’t ya love watching the Bozo’s! Then they get p.o.’d when you won’t come off the dry porch and help push them out when they stall…
Oh yeah, totally enclosed, though we haven’t put the screens on yet due to somewhat chilly nights. There are 9 windows on 3 exposures, so we get the nearly full view. Our house sits on the corner of an intersection where the street goes up on either side, so there’s lots of water rushing down to the overwhelmed old storm drains and when it rains hard, it rises fast.
Re: the bozos? Lol.. you read our minds… that’s precisely what we do… watch from across the street, snicker and mock their stupidity. We used to always go out and help push people out, but now we figure if they think they’re getting through that much water unscathed, they deserve what they get. Hehe… maybe I am the more diabolical one?
“One of our favorite pastimes during storms is watching the intersection flood and seeing idiots trying to drive through 2 ft of standing water!”
This sounds like fun to me…. I envy you!! LOL
how’s your sil — surviving the avs’ collapse?
He’s in a major funk…still hasn’t given up hope tho…”Hey! They’ve got home ice for the next 2“.
They’ve just to got to get one past the goalie, break the s-o streak. Home ice is nb, so hopefully they’ll get that extra boost they need.
I’m surprised they got past Dallas.
They’ve had no offense the past 2…look at the sog’s, Anaheim’s outshooting them nearly 2-1, and the rookie goalie, I won’t attempt his name, is putting on a hell of a show regardless.
Not to mention the goalie they’ve got on the bench…I think the Av’s R doomed.
It certainly doesn’t look good, yes. I think we’ll know for sure the first few minutes of the next game. If they don’t do something (like score duh) to change their course, then you, being the wise man you are ;), are probably right.
btw, I’m going to the sens/sabres game tonight. Getting ready to head out now for the pre-game party stuff. I hope it’s not a heartbreaker like friday.
See ya later.
ENJOY! Not that there’s much chance you won’t…Go Sen’s!…:{)
Yup, you are right! The problem is I can’t feel what’s going on in my gut since I’m so nervous. And you are right, I wasn’t thinking about it, but part of the nervousness is having just gotten seriously burned!
OK I’m going to do it. No more puttin off the lawn. It is kind of cloudy, but I don’t think I can hope for rain today.
See ya’ll later.
you’re welcoming green and brown thumbs today. How about black ones? I smashed mine in a door this morning. Good thing I was a defiant learner in typing class and never use it for the space bar.
Are you going to lose your fingernail? Poor Manny :*
I caught it pretty high, between the first and second knuckles. Don’t think it’s broken, just annoyingly painful. [/whining]
I’ve got an office to myself today, which is good. I forgot how refreshing it was to be able to listen to music in the background while working on my stuff.
Now’s when you discover just how handy an ‘opposable thumb” is.
Reminds me of a ‘crazy‘ I once worked w/ in construction many years ago…a tale of a ‘cut-off’ finger that I should probably refrain from relating further…:{)
a long family line of copper miners, so I think I can fill in the details of the episode 🙂
On that note, I’m off to lunch. Cya all later.
Thx for sparing us the no doubt gory details, dada. 🙂
And Manny, sounds like your thumb has a date with epsom salts and warm water when you get home! Hope it gets to feeling better before then, I hope. I sure hate it when I do something like that, though it usually seems to involve the door of the truck… have a good day down there!
Pretty good day so far — slept in for a bit, actually showered and dressed before noon (!), updated the blog (a news article on increasing mental health awareness in the workplace), now about to figure out what to work on for the next few hours before we head out for dinner and erranding — want to be back in time for the Sharks game tonight. 🙂 Don’t really feel like cleaning — maybe I’ll do the changeover and pack away the winter nightwear today since we just washed everything.
MM — good luck on the job decision; just remember you’ll have to pay federal taxes on the UE (I didn’t realize that 13 years ago when I was laid off!), so plan accordingly. 🙂
Okay, off to work…have a great day, everyone!
Hi everyone!
Things in my life are weird at times. . .well, most of the time, heheheheh! Since I decided at 2 oh damn clock in the morning to figure out what was wrong with my cd player or the cd I was trying to play unsuccessfully, I have no idea when I actually threw in the towel and went to sleep. So I am only on my second cup of coffee. . .a real doddler today.
It would be so nice to sleep as long and as soundly as my dog and kitties do. That boy cat of mine is amazing. Lays down, stretches out full length “see how long I am, mom” and the minute his head touches down he is gone, totally not here and nothing disturbs him. He is an world chamption sleeper.
Have a great day everyone!
I have no idea what a “chamption” is, but it must be good! LOL . . . .more coffee. . . . .
Hey Shirl, been wondering where you’ve been hiding yourself. Stop in again and stay for awhile!
Have I been hiding again? Oh, just so much stardust to spread around. . .I forget to touch base on the planet sometimes. Probably explains why I couldn’t get the CD to play. . .earth has some very strange ways, you know.
How are you SN? I’ve been following your “work” here and wherever I find it. It is great to see your words out there.
Hi Shirl. To sleep like that takes years of practise and very few of us have mastered it. Just keep practising like me and you’ll be a master in no time.
Almost done. Just part of the backyard left to do. I am actually having fun doing it. I had never used the mp3 player I have and I decided to. I’ve been rocking out with Bob Marley, Allen Parson, and Celtic music. I’m sure I won’t be able to hear for a few days, but that’s the price ya pay.
What a combo you got there, FM. Maybe I should email you a few mp3s so you could throw Rob Zombie and Shirley Q Liquor in there and really rock your brain. At least that beats the sound of the mower, right?
Oh that’s just starters. I’ve got about 950 songs I’ve put into mp3 and haven’t even touched most of them.
However, having never hear of Rob Zombie and Shirley Q Liquor (love that name) I’ll have to find out what they sound like.
And you actually used the word fun in conjunction w/ the lawn! The power of music … 🙂
I guess I am out of luck then. For some darn reason I have always had a sense of “urgency” about this lifetime and sleep has always seemed the “enemy” to me. I’ve always taken as many hours away from sleep that I can. Doesn’t seem to be any less so these days. I just thought it was incredibly silly to decide at 2 am to ponder the workings of my stereo. I thought I was already sleepy and had decided to play a meditation cd while I was going off to lala land.
But, on the other hand. . . star travel is a type of rest that doesn’t require so much sleep. . .it all evens out in the end.
I’ve always thought it’s how you use that sleep. I always say I’m going to nap, but I never do. I might lay down to rest for a little while, but the mind is still going.
Urgency has always seem to me to be a problem. Not that it’s not good, but I’ve always been a planner and a person of routine. If I get thrown off my routine, which happens quite often, it takes me off my center of slackdom.
It’s so good to see you pop in! Miss ya … {{{shirl}}}
Good to see you too, Olivia. No need to miss me, I am always right here. . .third star on the left and straight on til morning.
It’s nice to be missed, tho.
Well it’s off to more lawn work.
Everyone take care.