Here? I don’t think anyone takes you for granted here. You do amazing work. But I realize that just because I think you’re not taken for granted doesn’t mean you don’t FEEL like you’re taken for granted.
Or are you thinking about somewhere else (or someone else)?
My concerns about Part D, disability rights would be taken seriously! Instead, I am told to wait until after the mid-terms.
Fact of the matter is, any disability could happen to anyone. And, anyone that it does happen to could end up in the same situation as I am currently in.
The send flowers to protest the invasion of Iraq was another thing. Did anyone ever think about how many people who are low-come could use some assistance w/the increases in co-pays? The cost would have been the same, maybe even less in some situations. And it would have really helped someone out, not just me. There are others on this blog who have been having difficulty w/getting their rx’s under Part D.
Fact of the matter is that disability rights have been ignored for too damn long. You know how hard it is to live with a disability? Everyone who is deserves a medal, not criticism or being told to wait. Hell with waiting, let’s really do something that has an impact on one’s lige, instead of sending flowers to millionaire wingnuts. (That was a total waste of time and money, on everyone’s part.) That is what I mean by being taken for granted.
Why don’t others give a damn about disabilitiy rights?
And, in addition to that, I am repeatedly ragged on because I have voted 3rd party, and am planning on doing so again, as opposed to supporting DINO’s.
Don’t people have any respect/consideration for my views? I have seen very little of either. That is what I mean by being taken for granted.
I can see how all of that would be incredibly frustrating, although I still don’t think you’re taken for granted or ignored.
On the flowers. Yeah, I can see how that would piss you off. Paying for symbolism rather than paying for something practical. IMO it all comes down to people’s basic laziness.
The thing is, people like to feel that they are taking action, but they don’t like to put a lot of effort into figuring out how to do it. Boston Joe did all the work on the flower thing, all people had to do was make a phone call. That’s why people did it. Because it was easy.
If it was easy to make the same payment and have it go toward the co-pays for people with disabilities, people would have done that too. But it’s a fact of life that people are lazy. If that type of thing is ever going to happen, someone is going to have to do all the leg work.
Response is always hard to judge — it’s always a matter of good public relations and good timing — and top notch planning. But it’s not impossible.
You’d have to make it as easy as he did. And people would have to trust that their money was going where it was supposed to go. That was key in his plan. And he set his up so that people didn’t have to spend much — just a couple of dollars. It would probably help if people felt that they were doing two things at once — helping someone AND making a political statement so you’d have to work on the publicity component.
What you’re proposing would, frankly, take a lot more thought and work than what he did. Have you asked him how many people participated in the Flower thing? You’d have to do a cost/benefit analysis to see if it was worth the time and effort to figure out how to do it.
Seems to me that you are saying that people would not be intertested in assisting people who really need assistance w/copays and that sending flowers to a millionaire takes priorit because it is so much easier.
That is what I mean by being taken for granted. Expecting me to do everything myself. What else is new?
I’m not saying people wouldn’t be interested at all. I’m saying that some people would be interested BUT would only actually DO it if it was made easy for them. I’m saying that even the best intentioned people find it hard to actually DO anything on their own. Not everyone is a self starter like you!
I AM saying that you’d have to do all the work yourself. And I think it would be LOTS of work, because what you’re thinking of doing would have lots of issues to resolve.
Sorry. I don’t see any way around that. Unless you could team with some of the other people who write about the issue and who would brainstorm with you and help.
That’s just the way of the world. Most of the work is done by a few people. Sorry.
Not so simple question, though, since it depends on how worth is being defined, the nature of the recognition, and who or what the person wants to recognize them.
That’s a difficult one, SK, but it strikes me quite often, too, I think because as a society, we put a lot of weight on working and making money. Since I can’t work, it’s something I’m more aware of. It really filters into people’s attitudes.
It does help to have your own sense of worth and support from family and friends, but that much easier to feel down when one of those other areas is strained.
This has been going on for YEARS! Think now the timing is right, connections–I am having some serious doubts, luck–that is hilarious. When I see some of the crap that is published, I really am beginning to wonder who the person screwed to get it published.
Not a question I can answer, of course and not an area where I have an knowledge. But I would think that it could be researched with same kind diligence and detail that you do for research on the Medicare D issues.
I’m probably not reading any of this correctly but…
I went through a very dark time a while back. Some things kept me from going further into a hole.
I didn’t want to die in the house in CA. I hated it so much I didn’t want to think of my soul lingering there … (my thinking wasn’t very good but it made some loopy sense to me at the time) I ended up finding out I didn’t want to die… I just didn’t want to hurt with such an incredible ache that it would shatter everything – even the good moments.
I found out that my monetary worth was about as much as a pack of cigarettes would cost.
I decided that the only worth I was that really mattered was the worth that I was to myself. NOt even what my kids think… brass taxes and all that – it’s me that defines who I am.
I’m still probably only worth a few bucks if I were to leave this world, heck I’d probably be in debt LOL… but today I’m worthy of stepping forward and just plodding along. Because it doesn’t matter what others think of me – my own value is within.
Today someone called me a “fucking cunt” … that had no effect on my worth, my value or my… happines. Just as if someone had called me the greatest thing since sliced bread.
I think what your give of yourself in your writing is incredible and I value it greatly. But the real kicker is being able to value yourself.
I might be totally off the mark with this too. I don’t know. I’m one wiped out woman.
Well, one of the things that has happenned (repeatedly) is that I have been let down by people who I thought actually gave a damn.
Seems to me is a person says they are going to do something, then they should do it, as opposed to stringing me along. Like I said, that has happenned to me so many times…
Why do people bother lying to people who are depending on them for something?
If something is not going to be done, why don’t they just tell the person that he/she is not worth the time? (Has happenned to me so many times…)
Be straight up front, is what I mean. No harm, no foul.
Did the email links not work out that I sent to you? I did put on there one more time th Jobs With Justice that you said didnt have much – but it did have fairly extensive links to just about everything regarding moving into this area. The lady I had asked to hunt around gave me again the same info that I had previously sent you – but I went into some of the actual links and thought that the info there would be helpful.
As I wrote – the apartments here don’t actually do section 8 but it does take on low income but the person has to speak to them and give them the info they need in order to tell if they can rent to them. It wasn’t something I could really get more info about from them.
Just give me a holler if the info didn’t pan out. If I don’t hear back I assume things are in motion or being researched.
I’m very sorry if something has happened to make you feel that I didn’t care. If the info I sent out didn’t work please let me know.
if my email went to another “T” I have three “T”s in my email address book. Two end with “I” One is away on vacation and has already mentioned she won’t be checking emails. I don’t ahve the “save” feature on.
I even sent you out the links to my house photos 🙂
I’m really sorry! I thought you were checking out the JobswithJustic link – I thought that maybe it had worked out… it’s got SOOOO Much info to go through. It’s not really a matter of “no news is good news” it’s also I got so many pots on the stove that many in my life give me gentle reminders. It’s very easy for me to get sidetracked.
I will have to run, not because of hockey which is on 🙂 but Wesley is really icking it up with the allergies. He’s freaked he’s going to stay home tomorrow due to them. I am so sorry I bet a nickel I’ve been sending emails out to another.
Please forgive me. I may not be able to help you out because some of this stuff I just don’t know or understand but I do definitely care. And I will continue to try to help hwoever I can.
Okay he’s threatening to wipe snot on his sisters backpack… aCK I have to run
((((Steet Kid))))) whenever in doubt, just post or email me a shout. 🙂
Got it and first thing in the morning I’m changing your contact email in my address book to “StreetKid” 🙂
I’ll go and get that link and a few others that might help your search. It’s a bit hard because it’s like me trying to search for clothing that would fit another person.
Hmm, well, perhaps not, but he is always trying to get enough money for her college fund. You could see his gears turning when he was staring into the case. I just thought he was weighing it — vacation or 4 years of college? But maybe you’re right. One of the great things about that show is it’s continuously surprising.
That could very well be. They really weren’t clear at all. He was completely brushing her off and leaving, then she said something like “I need you right now” and whipped out the briefcase. So it would either have to contain incentive or a threat, I’d think.
I just don’t see Keith bending to threats, so I assumed it was a huge, cash payment (you can see how MY mind works!). Now that we’re talking about it, though, it could be something that threatened someone else, or something very intriguing.
Charisma’s face had a sort of beseeching look I thought, but maybe the writers are just messing with us. I don’t trust any of them since the GG fiasco!
I thought it was something ambiguous like You’ll Want to help me (i.e. when you see this). But I didn’t think it was cash.
Charisma has to be the actress who has worked the most in WB / UPN series. She’s been on three series now. Plus she had a recurring character on Charmed.
She played a demon (of course) who was eventually killed but not by the charmed ones. I don’t remember exactly, but I think she was on a few times. She’s the one who showed Phoebe the vision of her child.
Have you already seen Lost tonight? I have over an hour to go!!
I like Mythbusters but usually miss it. I did catch the one with the guy who flew in a lawnchair with balloons, which made me very happy. I remember when that happened.
Is that the one with the red-headed guy from NYPD Blue? If so, I saw it a couple of times and was wondering what the hell happened to him! He was so good on the other show.
D’oh! I’m so gullible! If not for you and Maryb, I’d be all agog next fall when it was something else. Now I’ll be suspicious all summer. Oh, well. I’ll have Deadwood to distract me soon.
I’m sure it will be fine. I like the people I work with in general. And some of them can be a lot of fun. The others are easy to ignore because they aren’t nasty or anything, just a little boring. I was whining because I had to do 5 days work in 3 days. And no matter how much I like them, there is a limit to how long I can tolerate the togetherness.
Yup, it was a very good nap! Then I got my nightly news fix with JS, SC, and KO. I hope you find some fun and spiritual refreshment on your retreat. Do they give you any time for yourself?
Thanks. I’m trying to look forward to it. I doubt we’ll get much time alone. It’s a working retreat. To know ourselves and determine where we want our firm to go. blah blah blah (oops)
Yikes, I hate those things. Last time I had to go on one I got up early and took some great photos, though. It was in Palm Springs. I like the sound of spa night! We had to square dance with the board of directors, just to show you that things could be worse!
Hey Mary, hope you’ll be able to “beat that retreat” the rest of the week without too much ‘togetherness’ with the work crowd. Hon, I don’t envy you that one. And I suppose that means we’ll be deprived of your presence for a few days too… grrr… lol.
My day was pretty ho hum and downright boring for a switch. Still, it managed to be exhausting, go figure. At least I did manage to get out and take some pics tonight after work before the wind got too high and the sun was still out.
I thought you might like seeing some blue from up our way. 🙂
Must be nice to have some weather, IVG! Another thing I miss from the Monterey Peninsula. Here all we get is hot and then hotter and then even hotter and then unbearably hot.
Mary can back me up on this, but we have a saying around here to the effect: “Don’t like the weather? Wait five minutes, it will change.” We’ve gone from 77 yesterday to 62 today, then a cold front blew through (thus the wind), and tomorrow we’re only forecast to get up to the mid 50’s. But that’s what a midwestern spring is like!
I know what you mean about the LA weather though… I was there for work a couple of years ago in Oct. and it was raining buckets and everyone was freaking out. I didn’t quite get it… but then it was explained to me that it was the first time in months they’d seen rain. They thought it was horrible… I thought it was just like a regular old rain storm here, no big deal. Californians can be such wusses sometimes, lol. Present company excluded, of course!
People’s attitude towards rain has changed a little, thanks in part to the fact that idiot weather people don’t talk about the “threat” of rain anymore. It used to drive me crazy, we would be on the tail end of a five year drought and they would still say there was a “threat” of rain. The dopes!
But part of the reason people are scared of rain here is because of endless flooding, mudslides and car accidents.
It was rainy most of the day here. Cleared up a little about noon, but then started again. But it was (is) a nice slow soaking rain.
Yep, I’ll be gone through Saturday. And Sunday when I get back I go to do mother’s day stuff. And next week is going to be busy and I don’t expect to have much non-lurking time.
will miss you Mary. We’ll have to stock up on some of the good whiskey to celebrate your return when you can get back out of lurk mode. Maybe we can organize a virtual spa night for ya, complete with cucumber slices, mud packs, chocolate and champagne to help erase the lack of amenities from your retreat. 🙂
Well maybe us old late night fogies will have to get our collective heads together on that, hehe. I’ve been enjoying the virtual parties that have been happening around here, and it’s probably high time for one for you!
Well hey bakatcha there, MM! I saw some of your other stuff while perusing the other threads from earlier. Those garden center folks are probably wondering who that kooky camera lady is coming around every day… I LOVE it! You’re doing some great stuff though… I’d never have dreamed of going to one of those places to take pics, but I have so much going on around here, that must be why. LOL
That would be a Dianthus, my dear… aka, “Pinks.” They’re the same family as carnations, only not usually double blooming. It was a fairly short plant, right?
Showing off your Latin again, IVG!!! I actually got the idea of going to a nursery from someone in the pond, I think it was Second Nature. So I give her full credit. It actually never would have occured to me. I don’t think anyone noticed me in Home Depot, and at Ultra Green they became interested in getting some of the shots for their website, which would be interesting. I’m guessing you didn’t get much brush clearing done today…
I think that would be dada… we pretty much got all the garden beds cleaned up here a couple of weeks ago. The only thing we still need to do is get the dead branches we’ve cut gathered up for neighborhood “scrub day” on Saturday. Now WEEDS is a whole nother matter… that’s a daily chore from this point on.
Actually I don’t really know latin … except for what I call “back door Latin” from having studied Old French. I just like to learn the proper names for flowers, and actually Dianthus is fairly common usage I think. Small hint: when you take pics of these plants… pull the little plastic stake out and read it… you’d be surprised how fast you pick that stuff up!
Hey guys! It looks like some are still awake. I’ll open a new cafe for overnight and be back in a minute. It would be great to see some of these flowers in there!
Now we have some elbow room.
Stopped to see what’s going on.
Nothing doing with me. How are things with you?
Kind of wondering about something.
Ok, I’ll ask. What are you wondering about?
a few different things actually. but mainly, what does it take for a person’s worth to be recognized? (long story behind that ?)
that’s a pretty broad question.
recognized by who? One person? the world?
and what do you mean by worth? personal? creative? contribution to society? or to a community?
It is deliberately broad. Like I said, it has just been on my mind, actually for a combination of reasons.
what reasons?
Well, I do the best that I can, and just feel like I am being taken for granted.
Here? I don’t think anyone takes you for granted here. You do amazing work. But I realize that just because I think you’re not taken for granted doesn’t mean you don’t FEEL like you’re taken for granted.
Or are you thinking about somewhere else (or someone else)?
Combination of things. But, there are times when it sure as hell comes across that way here.
What kind of things would have to happen here to make you feel differently? That you weren’t being taken for granted?
My concerns about Part D, disability rights would be taken seriously! Instead, I am told to wait until after the mid-terms.
Fact of the matter is, any disability could happen to anyone. And, anyone that it does happen to could end up in the same situation as I am currently in.
The send flowers to protest the invasion of Iraq was another thing. Did anyone ever think about how many people who are low-come could use some assistance w/the increases in co-pays? The cost would have been the same, maybe even less in some situations. And it would have really helped someone out, not just me. There are others on this blog who have been having difficulty w/getting their rx’s under Part D.
Fact of the matter is that disability rights have been ignored for too damn long. You know how hard it is to live with a disability? Everyone who is deserves a medal, not criticism or being told to wait. Hell with waiting, let’s really do something that has an impact on one’s lige, instead of sending flowers to millionaire wingnuts. (That was a total waste of time and money, on everyone’s part.) That is what I mean by being taken for granted.
Why don’t others give a damn about disabilitiy rights?
And, in addition to that, I am repeatedly ragged on because I have voted 3rd party, and am planning on doing so again, as opposed to supporting DINO’s.
Don’t people have any respect/consideration for my views? I have seen very little of either. That is what I mean by being taken for granted.
I can see how all of that would be incredibly frustrating, although I still don’t think you’re taken for granted or ignored.
On the flowers. Yeah, I can see how that would piss you off. Paying for symbolism rather than paying for something practical. IMO it all comes down to people’s basic laziness.
The thing is, people like to feel that they are taking action, but they don’t like to put a lot of effort into figuring out how to do it. Boston Joe did all the work on the flower thing, all people had to do was make a phone call. That’s why people did it. Because it was easy.
If it was easy to make the same payment and have it go toward the co-pays for people with disabilities, people would have done that too. But it’s a fact of life that people are lazy. If that type of thing is ever going to happen, someone is going to have to do all the leg work.
If it was easy to make the same payment and have it go toward the co-pays for people with disabilities, people would have done that too.
So, are you saying that if I can arrange that, I will get the same response that Boston Joe did?
Response is always hard to judge — it’s always a matter of good public relations and good timing — and top notch planning. But it’s not impossible.
You’d have to make it as easy as he did. And people would have to trust that their money was going where it was supposed to go. That was key in his plan. And he set his up so that people didn’t have to spend much — just a couple of dollars. It would probably help if people felt that they were doing two things at once — helping someone AND making a political statement so you’d have to work on the publicity component.
What you’re proposing would, frankly, take a lot more thought and work than what he did. Have you asked him how many people participated in the Flower thing? You’d have to do a cost/benefit analysis to see if it was worth the time and effort to figure out how to do it.
Seems to me that you are saying that people would not be intertested in assisting people who really need assistance w/copays and that sending flowers to a millionaire takes priorit because it is so much easier.
That is what I mean by being taken for granted. Expecting me to do everything myself. What else is new?
I’m not saying people wouldn’t be interested at all. I’m saying that some people would be interested BUT would only actually DO it if it was made easy for them. I’m saying that even the best intentioned people find it hard to actually DO anything on their own. Not everyone is a self starter like you!
I AM saying that you’d have to do all the work yourself. And I think it would be LOTS of work, because what you’re thinking of doing would have lots of issues to resolve.
Sorry. I don’t see any way around that. Unless you could team with some of the other people who write about the issue and who would brainstorm with you and help.
That’s just the way of the world. Most of the work is done by a few people. Sorry.
Guess DF was right after all.
Thanks for your assistance.
Not so simple question, though, since it depends on how worth is being defined, the nature of the recognition, and who or what the person wants to recognize them.
the nature of the recognition
Lets narrow it down then.
That’s a difficult one, SK, but it strikes me quite often, too, I think because as a society, we put a lot of weight on working and making money. Since I can’t work, it’s something I’m more aware of. It really filters into people’s attitudes.
It does help to have your own sense of worth and support from family and friends, but that much easier to feel down when one of those other areas is strained.
I can’t work either. I am a traumtic brain injury survivor and have so many work retrctions that I am unemployable.
And my family is scattered all over the country, and not close, I am completely on my own now. Have been for years, actually.
And I am not exactly down, I am more wondering about something than feeling down. And it is really bugging me.
You’re a writer. Why not use that skill to explore what’s bothering you?
If I am such a good writer, how come I haven’t sold anything?
I wish it were true that all it took to get published was talent and skill but there’s a lot of timing, connections, and sheer luck involved.
timing, connections, and sheer luck
This has been going on for YEARS! Think now the timing is right, connections–I am having some serious doubts, luck–that is hilarious. When I see some of the crap that is published, I really am beginning to wonder who the person screwed to get it published.
do you have some idea about the what the recognition ought to be?
How come I haven’t sold anything?
Not a question I can answer, of course and not an area where I have an knowledge. But I would think that it could be researched with same kind diligence and detail that you do for research on the Medicare D issues.
Believe me, it is. If anything, it is MORE detailed.
I’m probably not reading any of this correctly but…
I went through a very dark time a while back. Some things kept me from going further into a hole.
I’m still probably only worth a few bucks if I were to leave this world, heck I’d probably be in debt LOL… but today I’m worthy of stepping forward and just plodding along. Because it doesn’t matter what others think of me – my own value is within.
Today someone called me a “fucking cunt” … that had no effect on my worth, my value or my… happines. Just as if someone had called me the greatest thing since sliced bread.
I think what your give of yourself in your writing is incredible and I value it greatly. But the real kicker is being able to value yourself.
I might be totally off the mark with this too. I don’t know. I’m one wiped out woman.
Well, one of the things that has happenned (repeatedly) is that I have been let down by people who I thought actually gave a damn.
Seems to me is a person says they are going to do something, then they should do it, as opposed to stringing me along. Like I said, that has happenned to me so many times…
Why do people bother lying to people who are depending on them for something?
If something is not going to be done, why don’t they just tell the person that he/she is not worth the time? (Has happenned to me so many times…)
Be straight up front, is what I mean. No harm, no foul.
Know what I mean or not?
Did the email links not work out that I sent to you? I did put on there one more time th Jobs With Justice that you said didnt have much – but it did have fairly extensive links to just about everything regarding moving into this area. The lady I had asked to hunt around gave me again the same info that I had previously sent you – but I went into some of the actual links and thought that the info there would be helpful.
As I wrote – the apartments here don’t actually do section 8 but it does take on low income but the person has to speak to them and give them the info they need in order to tell if they can rent to them. It wasn’t something I could really get more info about from them.
Just give me a holler if the info didn’t pan out. If I don’t hear back I assume things are in motion or being researched.
I’m very sorry if something has happened to make you feel that I didn’t care. If the info I sent out didn’t work please let me know.
if my email went to another “T” I have three “T”s in my email address book. Two end with “I” One is away on vacation and has already mentioned she won’t be checking emails. I don’t ahve the “save” feature on.
Never got a second email. Will send one off to you.
I even sent you out the links to my house photos 🙂
I’m really sorry! I thought you were checking out the JobswithJustic link – I thought that maybe it had worked out… it’s got SOOOO Much info to go through. It’s not really a matter of “no news is good news” it’s also I got so many pots on the stove that many in my life give me gentle reminders. It’s very easy for me to get sidetracked.
I will have to run, not because of hockey which is on 🙂 but Wesley is really icking it up with the allergies. He’s freaked he’s going to stay home tomorrow due to them. I am so sorry I bet a nickel I’ve been sending emails out to another.
Please forgive me. I may not be able to help you out because some of this stuff I just don’t know or understand but I do definitely care. And I will continue to try to help hwoever I can.
Okay he’s threatening to wipe snot on his sisters backpack… aCK I have to run
((((Steet Kid))))) whenever in doubt, just post or email me a shout. 🙂
Not to me, at least I never got them. Maybe they ended up in email never-never land.
NOt never never land, I am pretty sure they went toa CodePinker with the same name.
Check yours.
Got it and first thing in the morning I’m changing your contact email in my address book to “StreetKid” 🙂
I’ll go and get that link and a few others that might help your search. It’s a bit hard because it’s like me trying to search for clothing that would fit another person.
Hi all, I’m back for a few until my dinner is ready. Sorry I had to bail out on the GG discussion! BTW, Andi, I did like the Veronica Mars finale.
though I did find the very end problemmatic — why wouldn’t keith have told veronica right away that he wasn’t going to make it the airport.
He was trying to call, but her cell phone (or whatever that thing is) had no service inside the airport.
but that still leaves the time before she got to the airport.
It’s a minor point though.
I never saw it coming that Beaver was the killer but it was nifty to see how cleanly it all fit.
I thought that was strange too. He could have called the airline and had her paged for a message.
What do you think charisma’s character had in her case?
I was pretty sure it was a whole lotta cash, but now you mention it, I suppose it could be anything. Maybe an homage to Pulp Fiction?
Would keith have left veronica at the airport if it had money? It seems out of character which leads me to believe it’s something else.
Hmm, well, perhaps not, but he is always trying to get enough money for her college fund. You could see his gears turning when he was staring into the case. I just thought he was weighing it — vacation or 4 years of college? But maybe you’re right. One of the great things about that show is it’s continuously surprising.
But she wasn’t giving it to him was she? Not to keep? I thought she wanted him to hold it or put it somewhere.
That could very well be. They really weren’t clear at all. He was completely brushing her off and leaving, then she said something like “I need you right now” and whipped out the briefcase. So it would either have to contain incentive or a threat, I’d think.
I just don’t see Keith bending to threats, so I assumed it was a huge, cash payment (you can see how MY mind works!). Now that we’re talking about it, though, it could be something that threatened someone else, or something very intriguing.
Charisma’s face had a sort of beseeching look I thought, but maybe the writers are just messing with us. I don’t trust any of them since the GG fiasco!
I thought it was something ambiguous like You’ll Want to help me (i.e. when you see this). But I didn’t think it was cash.
Charisma has to be the actress who has worked the most in WB / UPN series. She’s been on three series now. Plus she had a recurring character on Charmed.
I didn’t know about Charmed, although I saw her on Buffy and Angel. She was quite funny sometimes. What kind of character does she play on Charmed?
She played a demon (of course) who was eventually killed but not by the charmed ones. I don’t remember exactly, but I think she was on a few times. She’s the one who showed Phoebe the vision of her child.
Not trusting writers is another reason that I thought it wasn’t money — because it’s what they wanted us to think it was.
I love writers i can’t trust. Makes TV life so interesting! I’ll take good writing over good acting any day.
Speaking of bad acting, do you watch CSI Miami?
Nope. I watch GG, Veronica Mars, Lost, Countdown, and Mythbusters. That’s it.
Have you already seen Lost tonight? I have over an hour to go!!
I like Mythbusters but usually miss it. I did catch the one with the guy who flew in a lawnchair with balloons, which made me very happy. I remember when that happened.
but was very nice and didn’t tease you about it. It was a pretty good show; lots going on.
I love mythbusters. We have tivo and automatically record every new one.
I’m off to bed. Have a good rest of the evening.
g’night Andi
Sleep well!
Is that the one with the red-headed guy from NYPD Blue? If so, I saw it a couple of times and was wondering what the hell happened to him! He was so good on the other show.
He’s not all that great on CSI, but they cast this woman this year to play the character he married.
The woman couldn’t act her way out of a paper bag.
D’oh! I’m so gullible! If not for you and Maryb, I’d be all agog next fall when it was something else. Now I’ll be suspicious all summer. Oh, well. I’ll have Deadwood to distract me soon.
And we’re probably completely wrong (there, now I’ve right no matter what happens).
I like your style, Andi!
I WAS reminded of pulp fiction
Me, too! I almost expected a golden glow.
so Beaver made the bus go over the cliff? ( I was only half paying attention since I’m not a regular). Why?
He’d been molested by woody and two of the boys who were also molested were going to tell and he wanted to stop them. So he did.
Hey Mary, I hope you have whatever kind of time you want to have at the retreat.
I missed this info — are you leaving tomorrow Mary? What kind of retreat?
work bonding session for three days. I was complaining about it last night.
gee thanks. Make me act and think like an adult why don’t you?
If you know how to act like an adult, maybe you can teach me. Right now I’m watching Alias and I’ve got my laptop and a big tub of redvines.
I hope you have some fun at the retreat, or at least get some relaxing in.
I’m sure it will be fine. I like the people I work with in general. And some of them can be a lot of fun. The others are easy to ignore because they aren’t nasty or anything, just a little boring. I was whining because I had to do 5 days work in 3 days. And no matter how much I like them, there is a limit to how long I can tolerate the togetherness.
What are redvines?
Red licorice.
Well, that sounds good — at least you’ve gotten the work part past. I hope you have a nice time.
This lounge needs some flowers, I think… these are Wood Hyacinths (Scilla hispanica) that finally started blooming this week…
How’s everyone doing tonight? I’m late checking in tonight, been off reading other diaries for a while.
Hi IVG, I’m here but nor for long.
How was your day?
Hi maryb! I saw you all were having very deep conversations.
Hi, how was your nap (that’s what you were doing right?) FM would be proud of you!
Yup, it was a very good nap! Then I got my nightly news fix with JS, SC, and KO. I hope you find some fun and spiritual refreshment on your retreat. Do they give you any time for yourself?
Thanks. I’m trying to look forward to it. I doubt we’ll get much time alone. It’s a working retreat. To know ourselves and determine where we want our firm to go. blah blah blah (oops)
Yikes, I hate those things. Last time I had to go on one I got up early and took some great photos, though. It was in Palm Springs. I like the sound of spa night! We had to square dance with the board of directors, just to show you that things could be worse!
Square dancing! Oh that IS much worse.
We couldn’t dance unless all the guys want to dance with each other. There are only 5 women and about 45 men.
I anticipate long boring meetings and poker parties with cigars after. ugh.
And before you go, I just want you to know that I hold you in high regard.
Once I make my mind up on this sort of thing with people it’s for life.
well, thank you very much. Are you expecting to never see me again that you wanted to tell me that?
BTW I hold you in high regard too.
“Are you expecting to never see me again that you wanted to tell me that?”
Nope, I expect you’ll be back again soon, and I’ll be in and out as frequently as before.
Tonight it just seemed sort of like when the last piece falls into a 1000 word puzzle, and then one can appreciate the whole picture.
But I have had the experience of waiting to tell someone something, and then one day they are no longer there to tell.
hmmm, if you found the last piece and have the whole picture that means I’m no longer a woman of mystery to you. Don’t know if I like that 😉
on the other hand, the picture always seems to be changing. it’s hard even for me to keep track of who i am sometimes.
oh, you don’t think I know that completed puzzle is just the first piece of the next puzzle…
I second that emotion!! I’m with you all the way NDD.
Oh, and how YA durrin?
Glad to see you hanging around with the late nighters!
Hey Mary, hope you’ll be able to “beat that retreat” the rest of the week without too much ‘togetherness’ with the work crowd. Hon, I don’t envy you that one. And I suppose that means we’ll be deprived of your presence for a few days too… grrr… lol.
My day was pretty ho hum and downright boring for a switch. Still, it managed to be exhausting, go figure. At least I did manage to get out and take some pics tonight after work before the wind got too high and the sun was still out.
I thought you might like seeing some blue from up our way. 🙂
Must be nice to have some weather, IVG! Another thing I miss from the Monterey Peninsula. Here all we get is hot and then hotter and then even hotter and then unbearably hot.
Mary can back me up on this, but we have a saying around here to the effect: “Don’t like the weather? Wait five minutes, it will change.” We’ve gone from 77 yesterday to 62 today, then a cold front blew through (thus the wind), and tomorrow we’re only forecast to get up to the mid 50’s. But that’s what a midwestern spring is like!
I know what you mean about the LA weather though… I was there for work a couple of years ago in Oct. and it was raining buckets and everyone was freaking out. I didn’t quite get it… but then it was explained to me that it was the first time in months they’d seen rain. They thought it was horrible… I thought it was just like a regular old rain storm here, no big deal. Californians can be such wusses sometimes, lol. Present company excluded, of course!
People’s attitude towards rain has changed a little, thanks in part to the fact that idiot weather people don’t talk about the “threat” of rain anymore. It used to drive me crazy, we would be on the tail end of a five year drought and they would still say there was a “threat” of rain. The dopes!
But part of the reason people are scared of rain here is because of endless flooding, mudslides and car accidents.
It was rainy most of the day here. Cleared up a little about noon, but then started again. But it was (is) a nice slow soaking rain.
Yep, I’ll be gone through Saturday. And Sunday when I get back I go to do mother’s day stuff. And next week is going to be busy and I don’t expect to have much non-lurking time.
will miss you Mary. We’ll have to stock up on some of the good whiskey to celebrate your return when you can get back out of lurk mode. Maybe we can organize a virtual spa night for ya, complete with cucumber slices, mud packs, chocolate and champagne to help erase the lack of amenities from your retreat. 🙂
something to look forward to … aaaahhhh.
Well maybe us old late night fogies will have to get our collective heads together on that, hehe. I’ve been enjoying the virtual parties that have been happening around here, and it’s probably high time for one for you!
I agree! Lovely blue flowers! Here’s a I don’t know what it is from the Home Depot nursery.
Well hey bakatcha there, MM! I saw some of your other stuff while perusing the other threads from earlier. Those garden center folks are probably wondering who that kooky camera lady is coming around every day… I LOVE it! You’re doing some great stuff though… I’d never have dreamed of going to one of those places to take pics, but I have so much going on around here, that must be why. LOL
That would be a Dianthus, my dear… aka, “Pinks.” They’re the same family as carnations, only not usually double blooming. It was a fairly short plant, right?
Showing off your Latin again, IVG!!! I actually got the idea of going to a nursery from someone in the pond, I think it was Second Nature. So I give her full credit. It actually never would have occured to me. I don’t think anyone noticed me in Home Depot, and at Ultra Green they became interested in getting some of the shots for their website, which would be interesting. I’m guessing you didn’t get much brush clearing done today…
I think that would be dada… we pretty much got all the garden beds cleaned up here a couple of weeks ago. The only thing we still need to do is get the dead branches we’ve cut gathered up for neighborhood “scrub day” on Saturday. Now WEEDS is a whole nother matter… that’s a daily chore from this point on.
Actually I don’t really know latin … except for what I call “back door Latin” from having studied Old French. I just like to learn the proper names for flowers, and actually Dianthus is fairly common usage I think. Small hint: when you take pics of these plants… pull the little plastic stake out and read it… you’d be surprised how fast you pick that stuff up!
I actually do read the names of the flowers, but don’t have a very good memory for that sort of thing so I won’t be picking it up all that fast….
Hey guys! It looks like some are still awake. I’ll open a new cafe for overnight and be back in a minute. It would be great to see some of these flowers in there!
That can and will be arranged, dear Izzy!
Okay, then! Thanks, IVG. The fresh cafe is open.