One little paragraph can say so much:

Appeals court Judge J. Michael Luttig, a leading conservative jurist and a short-list Bush administration candidate for the Supreme Court, announced today that he is resigning from the bench to serve as senior vice president and general counsel of the Boeing Co.

While I was shocked when Luttig was passed over twice for a nomination to the Supreme Court, it looks like he has landed on his feet. Now, don’t get me wrong, someone has to be senior vice-president of Boeing Co. They are a very important corporation that is vital to our national security and they employ thousands of Americans. Boeing isn’t evil and I don’t have ill will toward them. But, isn’t it just a little strange that they chose to hire a man as senior vice-president that is better known for his vast knowledge of constitutional law than for his experience with the aerospace industry?

Well, no. It’s not strange. Luttig has connections. And even if he isn’t the best man for the job (and maybe he is) dangling top salary jobs like this in front of sitting judges has to do wonders in courtrooms all across America.

Score another one against the little guy.