Update [2006-5-10 12:14:24 by BooMan]: Wonkette has the video.
If I were the President I would be hopping mad about this. I’d also be a little concerned about my own safety.
How much do you think Osama bin Laden would pay to know exactly when and where the President was traveling, and who was with him? Turns out, he wouldn’t have had to pay a dime. All he had to do was go through the trash early Tuesday morning.
It appears to be a White House staff schedule for the President’s trip to Florida Tuesday. And a sanitation worker was alarmed to find in the trash long hours before Mr. Bush left for his trip.
Calling it a White House staff member’s schedule is a little misleading. Not just any staff member gets this level of detail. For example:
The documents details the exact arrival and departure time for Air Force One, Marine One and the back up choppers, Nighthawk 2 and Three.
It lists every passenger on board each aircraft, from the President to military attaché with nuclear football. It offers the order of vehicles in the President’s motorcade.
Some very high level White House official left these details in the trash where they were discovered by an ex-con custodian. Fortunately, Randy Hopkins is a patriotic guy, even if he doesn’t have a history of law-abidingness.
“I saw locations and names and places where the President was going to be. I knew it was important. And it shouldn’t have been in a trash hole like this,” he said.
“We’re going through a war, and if it would have fell into the wrong hands at the right time, it would have been something really messy for the President’s sake,” he said.
By the way, there is no point in having decoy helicopters and limousines if you are going to leave the details of which helicopter or limousine the President is going to be in in the trash where Lee Harvey Oswald Randy Hopkins can find them.
I suppose that shortly we’ll hear how this was part of the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy (pat pending) to imperil the President.
In the movies, this would have been a purposeful act by a patriot Secret Service member who knows too much about something AWEFUL, but can’t pull the trigger himself out of duty, etc..
Can’t wait to see that trash reprimanded for leaking ..
Frankly, regarding the most secretive, paranoid administration likely to hold power in our lifetimes, this is a hoot.
Never ever before have we had such a paranoid administration. They know that some people out there hate them. Because I am military I have been given opportunities to hear Bush speak and I have gone and had my camera gone through by the Secret Service along with the rest of me and locked up in a helicopter hangar standing (not sitting) shoulder to sweating shoulder for over an hour before they cleared the place safe for Bush to enter. Obviously though we are really the “Christians” around here. As usual, because they are so filled with lust for power and lust for wealth and suppression of the voice of the people they miss a million details that could pop their balloon if someone really wanted to. Liberals though really do feel that murder and bloodshed solve very few real problems and only creates more of them…..otherwise we obviously could have and would have been done with these losers a long time ago! Just hanging out here on the pond with my Christian friends today seeking real solutions for the problems that plague us just like Jesus Would Do!
Well, this just proves that the details can bite you! We should be thankful that Randy Hopkins saw that doing the right thing was the most important thing to do.
This shows that things in the White house are breaking down. Basic security protocols are being forgotten and this administration talks about being able to keep the nation secure? I truly am being to wonder what other documents have made their way into the general garbage.
Just plain bad! No other words can describe it!
Any day now, some diligent sanitation worker might come up with our Constitution ..
good one.
naaaah, I believe the Constitution went through the shredder several years ago.
Since Bush is terrorism’s greatest asset, he’s safe as can be. It’s the rest of us that we need to worry about.
Question: How do we know it was a WH staffer that tossed these papers into the bin?
What if they were already in the wrong hands?
Secret Service must be in full panic mode right about now.
in the trash. Everyplace the dumb bastard goes he brings nothing but incompetence, mean-spiritedness, and misery.
Fortunately, Randy Hopkins is a patriotic guy, even if he doesn’t have a history of law-abidingness.
Tom Delay doesn’t have a history of law-abidingness either, but at least Mr. Hopkins can be counted on to do the right thing.
calvin is wondering whether or not this was deliberate. Hmmm. Do we see Cheney’s fingerprints on this?