Sorry I missed you as usual FM… but at least we got to yap a bit earlier today when I was avoiding work at work. 🙂 Hope all is well, and that your storms hold off so you can get back to the yard work… hehe.
it all started one night ’cause I’d lost the sunlight by the time I got out to the park. It’s been interesting to see what different effects show up. The biggest difficulty is in framing, as I’m looking at the little screen rather than the viewer. Nice thing about dig is wasted shots are no big deal.
OMG they’re up! They’re up! OOOOhHHH la la! Are they up. And they’re very emotional… by that I mean the beauty of them really hits me. (I think my ears were tingling.)
My favorite, the yellow tulip with the red tulips.
Jim posted some camera info — on exposure — in the comments if you’re interested. I haven’t had a chance to try it out yet, though so no updates on progress.
Hey there NDD… coooool shot! You do a much better job than I with the flash, and get some positively eerie effects on some of these! What kind of tree is this? Those look like maple spinners, but the leaves sure don’t look like a maple. Again, my tree ignorance rears its ugly head.
but I don’t know these trees yet. I’ve only been here the past couple of seasons, and I didn’t have any of these up north, so I’m running a little behind on expertise.
Keep asking though, one of these days I’ll get it figured out.
Or more likely, what did we miss? You and dada were both conspicuously absent around here last night. But it was kind of a strange night, I thought. I was certainly part of the strangeness.
guys going. Actually I was just speculating that dada may have had a “big night” out on the town, or something… but I have no scoop on that… for all I know it might have been a thunderstorm which left him a few hours short of sleep.
I was off trying to find the old shot of the boxeler to compare with the new one, which I think you’ve both seen now.
especially relative to the past several. It was one nasty cold. It’s always nice to be able to breath normally again. Still a little bit of a sore throat,but that’s diminishing too. (Thanks for asking!)
I even worked outside some today installing several cedar posts to be part of the railing for the 12×22 deck here in the city.
So how’s the bruises from the other day doing? (Did they end up as colourful as your flowers?)
Glad to hear that, NDD. Spring colds are only beaten in nastiness by summer colds. You should still maybe get yourself a bottle of Zicam to keep on hand for those cases where you feel it coming on. If you hit it early enough you can knock them right out and save yourself much misery. (end of non-compensated endorsement)
I usually have very good results with liquid echanacea and astralagus, but I was about two days late realizing I had the beginnings of this one.
I should have taken my remedy the day I was thinking, “My, my, made it through the whole season without so much as a sniffle.” (I call it succumbing to the Law of Ironics)
Sorry I missed this earlier, NDD. Zicam is a homeopathic cold remedy which, if used at the onset of a cold can often stop it in its tracks. Still helps if you take it when you definitely know, and will shorten the duration of the cold. I swear by it and have for about 4 yrs now. You can get it pretty much anywhere… a gel that comes in a little pump bottle.
Or can I raid the bar all by myself? Regardless, here’s Olivia’s long-awaited update on IT. Took this yesterday (and good thing due to the raging winds today and tonight!), but she must have been in a hockey coma. I heard at work that it was not a pretty night for Canadian hockey. 🙁
Anyway, here it is, dear… It’s past the 2 ft height now, and you can see remnants of tulips now past on the ground <sigh>
Hey! Glad I caught you … I held back on this last night, so you could be one of the first to see it now. Did you happen to catch the wood hyacinth pics I put up last night? If not, I have more hehe.
I did catch them! But, please feel free to post the others. 😉
I also wanted to tell you that I knew that name of the last guess flower — the purple Allium/ chive flower! One time I can figure it out, and I’m not around … 🙂
My suspicions are confirmed now. I’m sorry, Olivia. I thought perhaps you were bemoaning the Senators’ fate. I asked the guy next to me at work today about it, and he said, ohhhh, your friend will be very upset. They were blown out of the competition last night. Well, there’s always next year, right?
It’s a best of 7 series, and they won tonight so they’re down 3-1. Buffalo has to win 1 more game, ottawa 3 more. It’s not over yet, but I don’t have much faith at this point. They’re coming back to Ottawa Saturday night. It could end then.
Sounds like you might be wise to lay in a big supply of Canadian beer, chocolate and Alka Seltzer, eh? Oh, and just checked google… down to #2 and 3 now, and only 168,000 hits. Eek!
All good signs, O! Is there still hope that things might turn around? Could it be like all those sports movies when the home team comes through in the eleventh hour?
Hey there MM! Can always count on you during the late hours … though it’s barely 11 here. This is the latest on the Dragon Arum, you know the scary sexual looking thing Olivia and I have been obsessing about for a few weeks.
Except I’ll have to use a yardstick. It’s way past the ruler stage at this point. You do remember the pic of the mature flower I posted a while back? Or should I put it up again or let you agonize for a month or so until it blooms? hehe
Hmm, in retrospect, I guess it does! That’s what I get for not re-reading comments before posting! And I thought you were an hour behind… my chat friend in Saskatchewan always tells me he’s an hour behind me! But then you’re not there, lol.
Indeed I am! You have the stamina of us midwestern neo-geezers! And yes, I do know it’s a big country. I bet you have enough room to bury the entire state of TX (and please do), and still have plenty of space for nice people.
I never watch TV shows with commercials, unless it’s KO, SC, JS, or I’m desperate. But still….. IVG and O are still around and you could spoil it for them. I thought you were on the upper left….? I’m on the lower left (coast).
When the temps got into the high 70s to 80s late Feb and March I started bellyaching about how I couldn’t stand the heat! That sure got the locals riled up, like, “Hey, bud, ya oughta stay for the real summer, 116F, see how ya like it.”
I flew out there for a job interview one July and it was so hot I could barely breathe. I guess it gets just as hot here, but it doesn’t feel quite as hot. No one there seemed to notice the heat much, though. Luckily, I didn’t get the job. I guess you pretty much stay in the AC zone over the summer months.
was one day everyone was talking about the big storm, which was very little wind and about .20 rain. We call that amount enough to wet the pavement.
It’s all relative, I guess.
Zactly. After living in Orlando for a year I really felt like I knew what a storm felt like. And that was without getting a direct hit from a hurricane!
The devil took three people to hell, one from New York, one from Florida, and one from Kansas. Being the devil he decide to throw them into a an incenerator. Put the first setting of hot, and poof the New Yorker was gone.
He turned up the incenerator a few more degrees and poof the Floridian was gone. The devil then turned the incinerator to the highest possible temperature, but the Kansan was still alive. So he opened the door, to hear the Kansan say a couple more days like this and the wheat will be ready to harvest.
Hey there Manny! Nice to see ya tonight. And don’t worry about spoilers for me, I haven’t watched ER in about 4 years now … never watch any of the big 3 network stuff anymore. Which is why I’m such an ignoramus about such things as GG, VM, and the other stuff.
and WOW, that’s an amazing shot of the phaelenopsis! I’m not worthy! The texture you caught of the petals is astounding, and that dragon mouth drawbridge look is almost frightening! But then, orchids are strange flowers and have their own oddities, which I’m sure are covered in The Book. We took a brief stab at growing them a few years ago and had great luck until winter came around and we couldn’t keep the house warm and humid enough for them. So we gave up. 🙁
Olivia’s photo made me think of a National Geographic article that really impressed me when I was a kid, about praying mantids that camouflage as orchids! Nature is so incredible!
I’m glad they’re still around. It’s been so long since I heard anything about them, I thought maybe they had become extinct or something. I reallly loved praying mantids when I was a kid. I thought they were fascinating the way they sat up and rubbed their little hands together. It was interesting to me also because we were raised as atheists, and it seemed strange that an insect could pray when we couldn’t!
I’ve been meaning to comment, but when I’ve looked it’s been quick peeks at work. And I didn’t realize you had to register at blogspot to comment, and I didn’t feel right doing that at work, but I will soon here at home. I’m thinking maybe I should get one going there myself this summer, and put my website on the back burner where it’s been for far too long. Anyway, discussion for another day!
Another variation on the Wood Hyacinth close up I posted last night… hopefully can get some more this weekend if the clouds, cold air and wind go away for a while.
Believe it or not, folks, I’m gonna call it a night. I’ll leave closing down the place in the able hands of MM and her posy petaled minions. Hehe.
and I’m building a JimF, et al, file on camera stuff too, never know when we might need something. We’ll have to compare file notes some day down the trail a bit.
You betcha, NDD! Ya der hey! Ok, couldn’t sleep yet and decided to stop back in after haunting my other blogs a bit. And I was leaving it up to MM to close things down. Lol… I can feel a nag coming on at me already.
Get well up there buddy, banish that cold and sink them posts and build that deck! See you on dada’s flip side, or in that parallel universe known as ND.
Hope to join you all tomorrow at happy hour at least, if not sooner….
Time for the late night crowd. Have a nag free night.
All right, where are all these late night people?
My geezerdom isn’t holding me awake much longer.
I’ll respond to you test question here — not sure. I didn’t do too much strenuous stuff today, does that count?
It’s a start. You have many roads to travel until you reach the outhouse.
Don’t ask me what it means, I’m half asleep now.
Night Olivia.
Good night FM, sweet dreams … ;0
and that has a line strung so you don’t get lost on the way there in a blizzard. Now ya know.
I’m done for the night.
Everyone have a good night in the pond.
I have to go cook some dinner for the hungry masses.
Hi Everyone!
Geez everybody is showing up as I leave. Is this a sign. Hi KB Hello/Good night.
Sorry I missed you as usual FM… but at least we got to yap a bit earlier today when I was avoiding work at work. 🙂 Hope all is well, and that your storms hold off so you can get back to the yard work… hehe.
How ya been?
You’re really getting that good w/ that flash!
it all started one night ’cause I’d lost the sunlight by the time I got out to the park. It’s been interesting to see what different effects show up. The biggest difficulty is in framing, as I’m looking at the little screen rather than the viewer. Nice thing about dig is wasted shots are no big deal.
get those last ones on the b yet?
I remember that photo NDD … I think it was the night that you and IVG and myself stayed up late — you posted one w/ the flash and one w/out?
Taking lots of pix is definitely a benefit. It also helps you get a feel for the camera.
With this one, I like how it’s dark background, but the upper right corner is still light.
btw, what last ones?
OMG they’re up! They’re up! OOOOhHHH la la! Are they up. And they’re very emotional… by that I mean the beauty of them really hits me. (I think my ears were tingling.)
My favorite, the yellow tulip with the red tulips.
Jim posted some camera info — on exposure — in the comments if you’re interested. I haven’t had a chance to try it out yet, though so no updates on progress.
in development of the boxelder seed packet.
Actually the photo above is a boxelder taken May 8, which looked like this when I took the shot before on April 22.
I think the one you’re thinking of was the ash, here also taken April 22, for which I don’t have a new one.
Didn’t you have one w/ flash and one w/out?
You still like this one better? (of the two ash one)
I like the overall colours (greens) of the non-flash one, but I do like how the little hairs look so bright w/ the flash photo.
Hey there NDD… coooool shot! You do a much better job than I with the flash, and get some positively eerie effects on some of these! What kind of tree is this? Those look like maple spinners, but the leaves sure don’t look like a maple. Again, my tree ignorance rears its ugly head.
but I don’t know these trees yet. I’ve only been here the past couple of seasons, and I didn’t have any of these up north, so I’m running a little behind on expertise.
Keep asking though, one of these days I’ll get it figured out.
I had the pleasure of meeting Kansas, who was in town for a book signing. She’s so cool! I felt as if I’d known her for years.
Lucky! I wish she’d come around here on her tour.
Night all.
view larger
looks like you’re nippin’ at the heels of the experts now.
What an absolutely GORGEOUS picture! I needed that tonight. Thank you. 🙂
long day on short sleep…be well
Awww… sorry to miss ya dada. I promise I didn’t fart when I came in the door! Honest…
Anyway, sleep well my friend. Tomorrow night will be my early night I fear, with Scrub Day starting at 7 am on Sat.
you were whoopppin’ it up last night… either way an early turn in is justified. Sleep well.
How are you feeling today NDD?
Or more likely, what did we miss? You and dada were both conspicuously absent around here last night. But it was kind of a strange night, I thought. I was certainly part of the strangeness.
guys going. Actually I was just speculating that dada may have had a “big night” out on the town, or something… but I have no scoop on that… for all I know it might have been a thunderstorm which left him a few hours short of sleep.
I was off trying to find the old shot of the boxeler to compare with the new one, which I think you’ve both seen now.
especially relative to the past several. It was one nasty cold. It’s always nice to be able to breath normally again. Still a little bit of a sore throat,but that’s diminishing too. (Thanks for asking!)
I even worked outside some today installing several cedar posts to be part of the railing for the 12×22 deck here in the city.
So how’s the bruises from the other day doing? (Did they end up as colourful as your flowers?)
Bruises still remain — the one on my arm is green, the one on my back is purple, so I guess they are like flowers lol!
Glad to hear that, NDD. Spring colds are only beaten in nastiness by summer colds. You should still maybe get yourself a bottle of Zicam to keep on hand for those cases where you feel it coming on. If you hit it early enough you can knock them right out and save yourself much misery. (end of non-compensated endorsement)
I’ve never heard of it.
I usually have very good results with liquid echanacea and astralagus, but I was about two days late realizing I had the beginnings of this one.
I should have taken my remedy the day I was thinking, “My, my, made it through the whole season without so much as a sniffle.” (I call it succumbing to the Law of Ironics)
Sorry I missed this earlier, NDD. Zicam is a homeopathic cold remedy which, if used at the onset of a cold can often stop it in its tracks. Still helps if you take it when you definitely know, and will shorten the duration of the cold. I swear by it and have for about 4 yrs now. You can get it pretty much anywhere… a gel that comes in a little pump bottle.
Or can I raid the bar all by myself? Regardless, here’s Olivia’s long-awaited update on IT. Took this yesterday (and good thing due to the raging winds today and tonight!), but she must have been in a hockey coma. I heard at work that it was not a pretty night for Canadian hockey. 🙁
Anyway, here it is, dear… It’s past the 2 ft height now, and you can see remnants of tulips now past on the ground <sigh>
I was off reading at another site! Wow, IT’s big!
Hey! Glad I caught you … I held back on this last night, so you could be one of the first to see it now. Did you happen to catch the wood hyacinth pics I put up last night? If not, I have more hehe.
I did catch them! But, please feel free to post the others. 😉
I also wanted to tell you that I knew that name of the last guess flower — the purple Allium/ chive flower! One time I can figure it out, and I’m not around … 🙂
How are the spirits holding up?
Spirits much better thank you … no longer feel the urge to punch someone or barf … 🙂
My suspicions are confirmed now. I’m sorry, Olivia. I thought perhaps you were bemoaning the Senators’ fate. I asked the guy next to me at work today about it, and he said, ohhhh, your friend will be very upset. They were blown out of the competition last night. Well, there’s always next year, right?
It’s a best of 7 series, and they won tonight so they’re down 3-1. Buffalo has to win 1 more game, ottawa 3 more. It’s not over yet, but I don’t have much faith at this point. They’re coming back to Ottawa Saturday night. It could end then.
Sounds like you might be wise to lay in a big supply of Canadian beer, chocolate and Alka Seltzer, eh? Oh, and just checked google… down to #2 and 3 now, and only 168,000 hits. Eek!
Look: #1
All good signs, O! Is there still hope that things might turn around? Could it be like all those sports movies when the home team comes through in the eleventh hour?
It’s not really likely though.
super does a mojo dance for O’s Senators :o)
It might be unlikely, but not impossible.
Fingers, toes, and braids crossed :o)
Damn… so you missed the prize! Yup, it’s a purple glob allium beginning to open. That’s too bad. It was chocolate. And I ate it already. hehe
So since mm mentioned it below … guess what’s now listed #1 on google? (using quotes “p…. p…”)
Oops! Is that my fault?
It’s #2 on my search.
Nice looking plant, whatever it is….. Seems like everyone is just coming in here to say goodnight!
Hey there MM! Can always count on you during the late hours … though it’s barely 11 here. This is the latest on the Dragon Arum, you know the scary sexual looking thing Olivia and I have been obsessing about for a few weeks.
Could you stand a ruler by it in the next photo so we can get the full effect?
Except I’ll have to use a yardstick. It’s way past the ruler stage at this point. You do remember the pic of the mature flower I posted a while back? Or should I put it up again or let you agonize for a month or so until it blooms? hehe
I never turn down a chance to agonize! But past the ruler stage, so…. hm… could you lean a rake against it?
I didn’t realize that you were an hour earlier than me!
Just don’t talk about petal porn. (Hee hee.)
Hmm, in retrospect, I guess it does! That’s what I get for not re-reading comments before posting! And I thought you were an hour behind… my chat friend in Saskatchewan always tells me he’s an hour behind me! But then you’re not there, lol.
So are you even more impressed w/ my late night status LOL? Canada is a pretty big country you know … 😉
Indeed I am! You have the stamina of us midwestern neo-geezers! And yes, I do know it’s a big country. I bet you have enough room to bury the entire state of TX (and please do), and still have plenty of space for nice people.
… take a look at this orchid I took the other day: [link]
btw, what is a neo-geezer … ? I thought you were a spring chick. 😉
I stand by my earlier assessment of its resemblance.
How are things on the upper left?
things in the lower left aren’t too bad, just watching ER. They are dealing alot with the war in the storyline. (no more spoilers…)
I never watch TV shows with commercials, unless it’s KO, SC, JS, or I’m desperate. But still….. IVG and O are still around and you could spoil it for them. I thought you were on the upper left….? I’m on the lower left (coast).
we’re heat rivals 🙂
Why did I think you were in the Pacific Norhwest? Don’t we wish we were? Isn’t Tuscon even hotter than LA?
although Phoenix is its own hellish monster.
When the temps got into the high 70s to 80s late Feb and March I started bellyaching about how I couldn’t stand the heat! That sure got the locals riled up, like, “Hey, bud, ya oughta stay for the real summer, 116F, see how ya like it.”
I just got a kick out of gittin’m going on it.
I flew out there for a job interview one July and it was so hot I could barely breathe. I guess it gets just as hot here, but it doesn’t feel quite as hot. No one there seemed to notice the heat much, though. Luckily, I didn’t get the job. I guess you pretty much stay in the AC zone over the summer months.
was one day everyone was talking about the big storm, which was very little wind and about .20 rain. We call that amount enough to wet the pavement.
It’s all relative, I guess.
Zactly. After living in Orlando for a year I really felt like I knew what a storm felt like. And that was without getting a direct hit from a hurricane!
A stupid heat joke/story:
The devil took three people to hell, one from New York, one from Florida, and one from Kansas. Being the devil he decide to throw them into a an incenerator. Put the first setting of hot, and poof the New Yorker was gone.
He turned up the incenerator a few more degrees and poof the Floridian was gone. The devil then turned the incinerator to the highest possible temperature, but the Kansan was still alive. So he opened the door, to hear the Kansan say a couple more days like this and the wheat will be ready to harvest.
But what would be the story if they threw someone from LA in there?
I kinda liked it! ‘Course if I tell it I’ll have to switch Kansas and ND, ha!
Hey there Manny! Nice to see ya tonight. And don’t worry about spoilers for me, I haven’t watched ER in about 4 years now … never watch any of the big 3 network stuff anymore. Which is why I’m such an ignoramus about such things as GG, VM, and the other stuff.
Got ice cream?
Glad to see you’re well stocked. I’d hate to hear you ran out of the essential provision (for you).
Although I was a little nervous about what might be on the end of that link (thinking 8 legs, hairy … 🙂
Wow! Now that is one complicated, intricate flower!
Well, here’s a much LESS complicated one that loves you:
(Courtesy of the Ultra Green Nursery.)
No comments from the peanut gallery.
and WOW, that’s an amazing shot of the phaelenopsis! I’m not worthy! The texture you caught of the petals is astounding, and that dragon mouth drawbridge look is almost frightening! But then, orchids are strange flowers and have their own oddities, which I’m sure are covered in The Book. We took a brief stab at growing them a few years ago and had great luck until winter came around and we couldn’t keep the house warm and humid enough for them. So we gave up. 🙁
Olivia’s photo made me think of a National Geographic article that really impressed me when I was a kid, about praying mantids that camouflage as orchids! Nature is so incredible!
That’s really something!
I’m glad they’re still around. It’s been so long since I heard anything about them, I thought maybe they had become extinct or something. I reallly loved praying mantids when I was a kid. I thought they were fascinating the way they sat up and rubbed their little hands together. It was interesting to me also because we were raised as atheists, and it seemed strange that an insect could pray when we couldn’t!
I use to have a black paphiopedilum, but he died. He was gorgeous! (He looked like this.)
(And the next time you stop by the b, leave a comment would ya! I didn’t know you even looked …)
Now that is one scary, gorgeous flower. It’s talking, but I can’t hear it!
I’ve been meaning to comment, but when I’ve looked it’s been quick peeks at work. And I didn’t realize you had to register at blogspot to comment, and I didn’t feel right doing that at work, but I will soon here at home. I’m thinking maybe I should get one going there myself this summer, and put my website on the back burner where it’s been for far too long. Anyway, discussion for another day!
I’m outta here very soon!
Good night IVG!
comment at your b, that’s info I need to know as I’m not very knowledgeable on those techniques yet.
… and save to the Jim file. 🙂
Another variation on the Wood Hyacinth close up I posted last night… hopefully can get some more this weekend if the clouds, cold air and wind go away for a while.
Believe it or not, folks, I’m gonna call it a night. I’ll leave closing down the place in the able hands of MM and her posy petaled minions. Hehe.
Have a great Friday everyone, and see you soon!
Sleep well. That’s a lovely blue flower … 😉
I’ve probably only got another 1/2 hr in me. Gotta make sure I don’t “relapse.”
… and any other lurking froggies.
and I’m building a JimF, et al, file on camera stuff too, never know when we might need something. We’ll have to compare file notes some day down the trail a bit.
mm, ManEegee, et al, lurkers. See on the next one.
You betcha, NDD! Ya der hey! Ok, couldn’t sleep yet and decided to stop back in after haunting my other blogs a bit. And I was leaving it up to MM to close things down. Lol… I can feel a nag coming on at me already.
Get well up there buddy, banish that cold and sink them posts and build that deck! See you on dada’s flip side, or in that parallel universe known as ND.
Hope to join you all tomorrow at happy hour at least, if not sooner….