Street Kid, you are absolutely correct. You do not receive even a small fraction of the recognition you deserve for your relentless documentation of the Medicare D(eath) population reduction program.
And documentation is what it is. Obviously, if the mainstream American public wished low and no income elders and the infirm to have medical treatment, the US would not be the only industrialized nation in which medical treatment is a commercial product.
Yes, there has been a sustained and long-term inculcation of the doctrine that it should be a commercial product, the free market, supply and demand, and in America everyone is free to purchase all the medical treatment they can afford.
So deeply held, so cherished is this belief that as in the poignant incident that BoJo pointed out a while back, some individuals who find themselves in need of medical treatment but without the resources to purchase it will take their own lives rather than risk “being a burden” to their families, who might make extreme sacrifices in an attempt to buy a bit more life of a loved one, or buy that loved one’s way out of pain for a while.
There are those who will meekly accept that the value of their lives, on the free market, is simply less than the price of medical treatment, a high-profit industry, a luxury product. The price of freedom.
And there are even those who will, albeit reluctantly, and not without tears, accept that their beloved elder, a non-producer of profit, a non-generator of a significant revenue stream, must suffer and perish because their own labor is not valued by the market, by their countrymen, as anywhere near the price of that luxury product.
Their only comfort is that the beloved elder, and they themselves, are at least protected from “socialized medicine,” because America is a free country with a free market.
The price of this freedom is sometimes tragically high. But as long as the market, which includes them, values that doctrine enough to pay for it with their own blood, and that of their aged fathers and ailing infant sons, America will remain free from that socialized medicine.
We do not see people organizing groups to take shifts at local pharmacies to pay for medicine for seniors and disabled people who do not have the money to give to the insurance and pharmaceutical companies.
Nor do we see the politicians doing that.
There have been some obstructionist pharmacists who have defied American values and given away so many pills that they have lost their businesses, but they are just a small minority, an extremist fringe.
So, no, it is not likely that holding the policy in the faces of the public will cause an economic revolution, nor a political one.
There is simply not the will, nor the desire. We are talking here about a very low value population. It is for that reason that they have been slated for elimination in the first place.
But documentation has, for its own sake, a different kind of intrinsic value, a greater kind, a value made, like you who document, of finer stuff.
So please do not stop. You may think you walk the road alone, you may think no one sees, as the famous author put it, “the austere offices of love” that you recite, but if even one person, on reading your words, thinks, and having thought, goes to a pharmacy, a senior center, the home of a neighbor, and pays for the medicine of one “low value” person, it is possible that you will have been the catalyst for the saving of that one life.
And on the free market of morality and humanity, there is no higher value than that.
Here here!!!!! I might not respond on every Dairy but I do read and do what I can. Please keep us informed as we need you here and at MLW!!!!!
Have you written an LTE? I have repeatedly requested that some be written and cross posted my writing. Link to all w/dates downthread.
Thanks for writing this. Street Kid deserves praise for what she has done and thanks for keeping us all informed but she also deserves validation for taking on a very hard task and staying with it.
Street Kid, if you read this one thing that I would really like to see you do is a diary that is an example of a letter detailing the problems and issues of Medicare D that could sent to our local newspapers. None of us has the depth of understanding about this issue that you do and so a letter that you did would give us a very powerful tool for getting people to fully understand and care about the problem.
I second that!!!
I would like to see some write LTE’s using the info that I have linked to downthread.
I have been linking to my earlier diaries on a regular basis and requesting people write LTE’s. I have even included quotes and specific instances.
First request
Second request
Third request
This topic is a perfect example of when blogs are not the right interface for a long running issue. The FIFO nature means that background information tends to get pushed into invisibility.
Just today on European Tribune this lack of a permanent repository was brought up. Take a look and perhaps something along the lines being proposed there can be attempted here as well:;sid=2006/5/10/165222/918
One shouldn’t have to cite prior blog postings for readers to get the whole story. A reference to a central site would be much more valuable.
I have referenced other sites. I have also repeatedly attemtped freelance info that is much more detailed than what I have posted here.
No luck.
I think you may have misunderstood me a little. I think that a site where you could accumulate your diaries as a reference that you and others could cite would be better than having to reference blog entries.
If many people could add essays on their areas of expertise then the traffic and stature of the site would increase. Sort of like a politically informed widipedia. That’s why I referenced the thread on eurotrib. I think that’s what was being discussed.
As far as your part D posting, I think they are having an effect. Remember this plan is only five months old. It takes time to increase public awareness. Look at immigration it has only become a really hot topic over the past year even though the issue has been building for a decade.
Just keep up your efforts and we will try to cite you as well.
And, I have been VERY active about Part D.
I live on SSD/I–$620 per month…and I am supposed to set up a website?? I barely get by as it is.
You might set up something for free over at And thanks for all your efforts.
And you have recommmended every one!
So, I would like to see you write an LTE and post it!!
Do you have any idea how much else I am doing re: Part D?
I’ve read them but I don’t have the understanding of the subject matter that you do, I can’t distill them down to their most important components, and I can’t match your passion. No letter I’m going to write would be as good as anything you would do because I wouldn’t know if I was, in fact, identifying the key issues and problems and the most import reforms needed. This is something that you know all too well. There’s no need for the letter to be perfect; it just needs to be enough for people to have a good starting point.
You were asking last night how to get more people involved and I’m suggesting that this is a way to do it — provide a resource that other people can take and modify to fit their particular circumstances and locale and send off to the their newspapers.
Each of the three diaries that I have mentioned has all of the important compenets blockquoted and is linked to!!!
I don’t have the understanding of the subject matter that you do, I can’t distill them down to their most important components.
Just another excuse to do nothing on your part!
Street Kid, I’m sorry you’re upset and feeling like no one is listening to you. This issue is obviously very important to you and you are passionate about it.
This is a relatively small site. Diaries often go by with almost no attention, especially on slow days. Do you post to bigger sites to get more attention? I think that would be a good idea.
I write LTEs almost every week about the issues that are most important to me. They may not be the ones that are important to you and I accept that. I care about so very many issues but can devote my time and energy on a limited number of them – I’m sure the same is true of most everybody.
I know you are frustrated that you aren’t getting anywhere. I feel the same way myself, only about different issues.
I have been cross posting!!! And, my writing is ignored!
I write LTEs almost every week about the issues that are most important to me.
Post one, including the date that you have written on Part D.
I have not written one on Part D. Have you written one on the encroachment of religion into public life, or child abuse, or bigotry, of how the justice system is unfair to minorities? I have. That’s my point- those are the issues that are important to me – maybe not to you.
Have you provided as much information to what is important to you, as I have for LTE’s re: Part D? And have you made repeated requests for people to send ltes on those subjects? I haven’t seen anything even remotely resembling what I described in the previous sentence.
Guess that you don’t think that, one day, you are going to be old, or, at any time, could be disabled as well.
BTW, in addition to Part D, I have written about the extension of the Patriot Act, the invasion of Iraq (repeatedly), campaign finance, the First Amendment, traumatic brain injury, disability rights, the current administration,…do you really want me to continue?
I’m not suggesting turning this into a contest on who has written the most or best LTEs. My point was we all have issues that are important to us and we direct our energies in that direction. I never suggested I had written one about Part D.
You’re obviously upset and I will not make a big deal out of you downrating comments that were meant to comfort you and written in a respectful tone.
You are the one who turned it into a contest, not me.
earlier comment
My point, SK, was not to call you on your lack of caring about my personal issues, just to point out that others have different things that they are passionate about.
Everyone is going to get old someday and need good prescritpion coverage.
I didn’t realize that you were the exception to that.
I lived without health insurance, let alone prescription coverage for 40 years. I raised four kids without it. We went without medical treatment many times. We had to sell the only house we ever owned because of medical bills. My depression went untreated for over 20 years because I didn’t have insurance. We went from ER to ER when one of the kids was seriously sick or injured in fear that they would humiliate us for outstanding bills. We tried to spread the debt around. So please don’t lecture me.
that, as you have experienced not having any medical coverage and raising a family under those cirumstances, you should be the one of the most vocal about the flaws in Part D.
I’m sorry this is upsetting you. But I’m not suggesting you do this for me. I’m suggesting you do it to get other people to write letters to the editor. I have long ago done what you asked. I thought what you wanted to do was to get more people invovled in pushing for change and reform. And I thought my suggestion was a good way to do so.
That was in response to your suggestion that “So, I would like to see you write an LTE and post it!!” I was saying that if a letter is going to be a template for other people to use, it ought to be the best possible letter that can be done.
I thought I was being helpful. I’m sorry I wasn’t.
“So, I would like to see you write an LTE and post it!!”
Thanks for acknowledging StreetKid’s efforts. You’re so right that she is making a difference with her tireless coverage and research, even if it seems like no one is listening. I’m listening, and I’m far better informed from reading her writings here than if I had only the media and the government to rely on for my information.
I know your feelings about Part D. And, why is it so unreasonable of me to expect some assistance w/this on this blog?
I didn’t know that writing an LTE was such a chore, especially when I have posted other stuff w/the releveant info. Everyone says that we are a community.
So why is the community unwilling to contact their representatives and write LTE’s?
And, why am I being harassed for suggesting repeatedly suggesting such a thing?
My feelings about Part D are the same as my feelings about a whole mess of issues that twist me up. It all seems overwhelming at times. I don’t think it’s unreasonable that you expect some help, but it does shift toward unreasonable when you almost demand it and call people out to post proof of what they’ve done. Would it be alright with you if I demanded proof that you were in Crawford with Cindy Sheehan the same day that I was, or calling the recruiter who took advantage of a young man with autism like Damnit Janet did? No, it wouldn’t. We’re all doing what we can. And none of it seems like enough…ever. I understand your frustration, though I would never presume to know how living your life takes a toll on you. I respect your ability to remain positive, more or less, in spite of your hardships. Many of us are dealing with hardships and emergencies. I’m going to lose my house. It’s my problem to deal with. Not yours or anyone else’s.
This community is always willing to help, and for what it’s worth, I think Andi’s suggestion was a good one. You are far more adept than most of us at distilling this information into understandable bit’s. I think her suggestion was a recognition of that.
Lastly, I hope you don’t really think you are being harrassed here. Every post I’ve read in this thread has been supportive….and patient.
And, I have also repeatedly requested assistance with this and received NONE!
I am also dealing w/other things in my life as well.
Andi was the first one who suggested posting diaries so others could write lte’s from the material that I had. I did that. So, tell me what is wrong w/asking to see if she followed up?
Howell, MI Cindy Sheehan Vigil
Firsthand account.
Nothing wrong at all with asking if she, me, or anyone else followed up. Demanding proof from her and the others in this thread strikes me as wrong though. I’m glad you were at the vigil, but I’m not going to get wrapped up in a proof contest with you. My point was that it would be wrong for me to demand proof of your participation, whether you were there, or not.
You didn’t demand anything, I volunteered it. And, I was following up.
I am not one of those people who says one thing and does another.
I don’t recall anyone saying that you are. What exactly is your veiled point Streetkid?
I am very upset right now over something else. It was not directed at you, and I again apologize for that.
No need to apologize…at all.
I’m sorry that anything is upsetting you.
Take good care StreetKid
Thanks for understanding.
I too, agree that Street Kid has gone above and beyond the call. I am far more informed and better for it.
Thank You Street.
I agree with everything everybody has said. Street Kid I hope you know how I feel about you. I think you’re great and I know you’ve helped me with your writing. I think your writing has helped more people than you realize.
And I would like to thank you for offerring real advice and listening to my other concerns, as opposed to just saying that things will get better for me.
I don’t read as many diaries as I should, which is a fault of mine rather than the writers. Street Kid’s Medicare diaries I have read are uniformly excellent and I have recommended them, though haven’t had anything constructive to add to the conversation much of the time.
Thank you DF for this recognition of Street Kid.
So looooong overdue.
SK knows where I stand. Always in her corner, giving kudos.
Street Kid, all it takes is ONE Candle to light the darkness. For this community, on Medicare, you’re that one candle. Let your light never dim.
You have assisted me w/so much information–much of what I wrote would not have been completed if it was not for your advice and encouragement. The same can be said for Denim Blue (who has written lte’s and contacted the congresscritter).
And of course, chocolate ink’s, and Indy Lib’s information has been invaulable.
Ironic, that the people who have the least and are the most effected by this are doing the most.
You are one of [too few] the exceptions.
SK, you’re that ONE candle. Never let burn dim. And if you must, use it to light the next candle.
On Medicare, healthcare. people are waking up. And I’m convinced some day soon single payer-universal health care-will be launched. Keep up the fight.
I hope you are right, before more people end up in the hospital or worse.]
On Medicare, healthcare. people are waking up.
I hope so. But, too many that it would benefit do nothing. That is the thing that is bugging me.
And I do know that some have been helped by what I have written. But, what about those who haven’t been?
That is the whole point that I have repeatedly tried to get across.
And, let me take that a step further…what happens if I can’t get my rx’s?
I’m confident we’ll help you move the WHite House, if that’s what it’ll take.
I read them all.
I hope she knows how highly I value her work.
Yes, Steven I do. And I thank you.
The scope of her reports on the Medicare D (and it’s impact on health care) are all we’ve got. No one else is giving this issue the indepth attention it deserves.
Thank you Street Kid. And thank you Ductape for reminding us.
Ductape, I calling you out for honoring Street Kid. Nice job!
Street Kid deserves mad props for keeping the Medicare D(isaster) issue front and center.
Thanks for your earlier words.
I have suggested the above on an earlier thread and my idea was shot down. (see post my post that links to a comment.)
I know of one in the similar circumtances that you described.
And it is scary as hell being part of that population. That is why I have suggested that I start up something and was blown off. Guess it is more important for the people on the blogs to send flowers to wingnut millionaires who oppose their views, as opposed to assisting someone who really needs it.
Didn’t Boston Joe make one of the networks for that stupid idea?
Talk with your local pharmacist, friends and neighbors. Collect what you and others can afford, and leave it with the pharmacist to purchase medicine for Medicare D(eath) victims.
The pharmacist only need say that the medicine is provided from a local private program not listed on any website.
This could be a helpful method for people who wish to do what they can anonymously, and avoid embarrassing victims. No, they have no reason to be embarrassed, they have done nothing wrong, but there are individuals who might be uncomfortable with someone saying, let me pay for your medicine.
Another tactic, if you have the resources to do so, and happen to be at the pharmacy at the same time as someone who needs help, is to ask the person if they will step aside, as you have some questions about your medication, then instruct the pharmacist to give the person their medicine, and stealthily put the money in his pocket, or ask him to ring it up as your purchase and make something up to tell the person, maybe that he is giving him samples until the coverage questions can be resolved. If you have the means, arrange to “adopt” the person, unbeknownst to them, and simply write the pharmacist a check for that person’s medicine for as many refills as you can afford. If your means are modest, this is where getting together with neighbors and friends can help.
It can also be a good project for faith, literature, etc based groups.
Thank you again, Street Kid
I do not believe that anyone here would be intested in that. Asked how something would go over to help w/copays, and my idea was shot down last nite.
it could save one life.
You are right! But, you can see how many have actually written an lte, and a stamp is only .39.
Somehow, I don’t believe it. As I said earlier, if as many people wasted $5.00 on sending flowers to a wingnut, a lot of people may not be in such rough financial shape. And I am NOT the only one on this blog who has been hurt by Part D!
I haven’t done the math on this in detail, but it occurs to me that if they were to make Medicaid available to every American citizen, regardless of income or dependents, then we would already have universal health care. Is that fiscally feasible? I do realize that it’ll never happen, but I’d be interested in seeing something like a feasibility study on the idea.
Maybe one of the front-pagers will write it up.