Good Morning Andi and my other froggies. The temperatures here have dropped thank goodness!!!!! It is nice and cool here this am. Another busy day ahead with training at work.
Hi Andi, Mornin’ everyone. I wish it was a wet morning here. Maybe later. I’ve been working like a bastard trying to get my gardens planted. We’ve never had a garden this big before and it’s a lot of hard work. I think that for next season I will have to do some research and start myself a heritage seed collection. In this day of corporate farming, hybridization, and Frankencrops, a simple seed is almost a thing of the past.
It’s actually been nice without my daily dose of news. I’ve been catching up later at night. How are things around here? What’s shakin’?
‘Morning, everyone. Greetings from the drizzly, foggy, chilly Catskill Mountains.
(Heh — I’m calling 50 F chilly. How quickly we forget!)
Hope everyone’s set for a good, productive day, according to your own definition of the term.
Thanks for your good wishes for the day; I wish you the same.
As of now, I’m starting off a good day by turning away from Pacifica News to hear the morning birds sing. There’s only so much outrage, disgust & shame one can handle before 9 am.
Weirdly enough, we had mid-winter temps of around 50 this year too!
‘Course, by the next day it’d be 30 degrees cooler.
Incredibly wacky weather. (Hello, global warming!)
Eventually our mountains may be ‘beach-front’ too.
‘Course, NYC will be long gone & without the downstate market, our properties will once again be ‘affordable’.
You’re in TN, if I remember right? I’d imagine you sure are getting set for a long, hot summer.
I’ve only been into the state as far as Dollywood, but I do remember the heat.
Nope I’m farther down in Alabama. About half way down the state. I’m in a very rural area where a trip to the city (pop 35,000) is about an 80 round trip.
I’m getting ready for a very hot and very humid summer. It seems to me the older I get the less I can take the heat. I can’t figure out why so many old people move to FL.
Me too. I become a recluse during the summer – dashing from my AC car to the AC store and back to my AC house. We have plenty of 95 degree 95% humidity days. Yuck. Sometimes I think I’d rather deal with the cold winters up north than the insufferable summers down here.
Ah yes, you’re in Alabama — pardon my confusion.
I’ve been through your state as well, on my way to– yes — Florida. To see the parents. I can’t understand why they live there, either, especially considering recent weather conditions. Once you’re past 70 lack of electricity/fresh water for weeks on end is no party.
No porblem on the confusion. I don’t understand why FL either. We have friends in their mid 80’s that live in the middle of the state. After each hurricane we call and they’re OK about the outages. They say it comes with the territory.
Actually I look at FL as a giant retirement community.
Mr. Nature has to be in Tampa next week and Orlando in early June. I’m sure he’d rather they schedule the Florida seminars in January. I’m just looking forward to having the bed to myself.
Morning IVG. Well you know I’ve lived all over and now living back here. I look at different areas as not southeast. FL. for one and I think I told Booman one time that I always looked at New Orleans as an entity into itself.
Fl is a retirement/wallyworld. N.O. has a grace and elegance not found in most southern cities.
I’m happy for any progess we get down here, both social and financial, but I could do without wallyworld.
I never learn to watch out for the Evil Eye. Having bragged to you about the gorgeous spring, we are having at least six straight days of rain and coolish (highs 50-60) temps.
Personally, I comfort myself with reminders that without the rain, there’s no spring at all (or summer, fall or winter, for that matter).
My maternal grandmother was known in her immigrant neighborhood for her ability to remove the Evil Eye. I’m afraid I never received instructions, however.
My bubbe gave me full instructions (don’t say stupid things that will attract the Evil Eye but if you do say Kaynahorah and most important, spit over your left shoulder because that’s where the Evil Eye hangs out) but unfortunately, I stupidly didn’t do any of those things.
As for the rain and growth thing, have I ever mentioned that I’m lousy at deferred gratification?
Thankfully (or not), we’re never at a loss for opportunities to deflect the Evil Eye — especially as it’s now official gov’t policy.
I’ve never been quite good at delayed gratification either (addictive tendencies, anyone?), but this is one of the many things the woods are teaching me. Everything in its time & nothing before.
I have an image of an interesting new floral neighbor for you .. one moment, please ..
but see I’m just no good at it, even after 27 years of living in the woods (actually there’s no deferred gratification with the woods because they always gratify me).
I definitely hear you there, Andi. It’s a wonderful spot to be in.
Sorry for the delay; our rural internetz run on hamster wheels & the hamster’s still asleep.
See down below. Frankly, I’m thrilled about it — these little beings are far prettier than my camera conveys.
Another cool morning here too and I’m loving it. It’s been an exceptionally beautiful spring and the hot weather we had early on has been replaced with unseasonably cool temps and soaking rains, which we desperately need.
Oh pshaw. It was frustrating trying to learn digital after having my Canon AE-1 and loving that for so many years. I used to take excellent macro flower shots with it, but I didn’t know my little cheapo Nikon could do closeups. And after dragging my tripod out of the attic I’m having more success with lighting and such.
It sure is a heckuva lot cheaper than taking hundreds of practice shots with film!
Since Mr. Nature got me a laptop for Christmas which I promptly killed, I feel bad asking him for such an extravagant gift. And my child support gets cut in half next month when my son graduates. Good thing all of his expenses stop the moment he finishes high school!
My bad. I do tend to forget that people have lives and responsibilities. I’m kind of amazed that child support drops after high school — is the idea the kids not supposed to go to college if their parents are divorced but leave home and enter workforce the second they graduate?
Yeah, something like that. It’s funny because in our case the expenses only increase after high school with college, car insurance etc. We don’t want our kids to have to work too many hours while going to school so we pay their car insurance as long as they maintain good grades. Do you know how much car insurance is for a new driver? More than $200 a month, just for him! It goes down by about half after he’s had his license for a year.
The kids’ dad said he was going to come for graduation, but now says he can’t afford to. I guess he thinks the kids are too stupid to remember that he just bought a new house and car. I want to strangle him.
SN, the kids’ father sounds a bit like my landlord. In my case, the guy owns three properties (two within spittin’ distance of metro NY), he’s just bought a shiny new car, treats himself to all manner of gas-driven gadgets, new clothes continually, extensive vacations to romantic environs — but ask him to make crucial improvements to his rental property, like providing indoor water year-round, & he’s a pauper.
It’s only self-centeredness, if I may say so. Too much of that goin’ around these days — it’s like a nasty virus.
I don’t know what he’s thinking ducking out on graduation like this with some lame-ass excuse. He has his whole family convinced that I’ve taken the kids away from him and that he’s this devoted father that would be close to his kids if only I would let him. Barf.
I know I’m not supposed to badmouth him to the kids but I want the boy to know that I think it stinks. I’m not sure what to say or how to say it.
Well, at our house we avoid badmouthing, but when someone does something shitty like that, I talk with the boys about the fact that they might be angry about it, and that it would be a normal response. Depending what’s going on, I sometimes admit to being annoyed with someone’s behavior myself.
It is a very fine line between encouraging your kids to recognize bad behavior and not blame themselves for someone else’s problems and at the same time, not badmouth them. I mean, you have to be honest, and at the same time, not let your own feelings creep in there. Good luck.
My kids know me well enough that if I’m keeping my mouth shut it means that I have nothing nice to say.
The sad thing is they have no relationship with their dad at all and they really don’t care, at least not in an obvious way. Colin wasn’t expecting him to come to his graduation, but then he said he would and then backed out. He’s just blowing any chance at a later relationship, that’s all.
I’m only speaking for myself, as a child of divorce &estrangement — but we seem to adjust to these ‘compromises’ fairly easily, when necessary, in the interest of self-protection.
Then, as adults, we can approach the relationship, if any, on our own terms. It’s quite a relief.
That is sad. My dad was living in Saipan when my brother got married, and didn’t come home for his wedding, and he also missed being around when my niece was born, and brother never forgave him for missing 2 of the biggest events in his life.
My ex and his girlfriend are DINKS now, so it makes his whining about child support more nauseating than ever.
Oh God, I’m now one of those people who complain ad nauseum about their ex. Really, I go months without ever thinking or talking about him. Weird after 20 years of marriage. So, now it’s out of my system until 2007.
You hardly ever talk about him unless something specific has happened so I don’t think you’ve hit ad nauseum yet. And besides, if your bit of grousing over really genuine issues isn’t allowed, I won’t be able to complain about anything.
Wouldn’t dream of it, dear.
I tend not to pick, in any case — in accordance with spiritual principles.
Speaking of, I’m currently being ‘picked on’ (in passive-agressive fashion) by the Queen of the Woods, as I’ve been neglectful in traveling to town for some real cat food. They’ve been forced instead to eat Bumble Bee. The horror, the horror!
So, it’s time to get to something resembling Real Life.
Good gracious, yes. There’s very little else going on; I’ve been given a deadline of June 30 to vacate my current abode, living rent-free meantime. Not a bad deal, but one must comply.
I believe I’ve finally settled on plans for the new digs. The Pretenders’ Time The Avenger seems to be the theme song here.
Actually, I’m not putting up anything like a real abode — just a wooden tent, really, that’ll keep the cats indoors at night. That’s about all there’s time for; we’ll go from there once we’ve relocated.
Thank you, FM — but I’m sure I’m not. It’s hardship that dictates, unfortunately — we do what we gotta do.
Hopefully I’ll put up something reasonably nice that I can share in images & give y’all a giggle. I should be able to keep my internetz ’til about mid-June. Then the computer goes bye-bye — to Florida!
A pleasant surprise this spring: this miniature, cream-colored trillium, standing no more than 5 or 6″ tall, with leaves just the length of my thumb. No one here seems to have seen one before.
Definitely so! This weekend’s rain should help quite a bit, too — & by next weekend, we’ll have 3″ grass, so my landlord can ride his mower around the property for hours on end & scrape the hell out of the topsoil. Yee haw!
Hey there WW! I’m having to do a fly by this morning as well, since I’m back in the cube again.
Lovely trillium! We just found some red ones last week that we are going to plant in our woodland part of the garden. Thanks to Andi a few weeks back, we got intrigued by these, which I have admit my ignorance, I had never seen before. (Even though O tells me they’re the provincial flower of Ontario!)
You sound uber busy, WW… good luck on the move and all, and please do keep in touch with us here. The prospect of no WW popping in here is indeed sad to me, too!
Hey there, IVG. Glad I caught your post before I toddled off.
Thanks for your kind thoughts on my rather uncertain future.
Good luck with your trillium! I’ve never heard of their cultivation before — but if anyone can do it, it’s you.
I’ll be interested to see how they fare.
The red ones, as well as the white, are the common ones here. There are lilac pink ones, too, that are less common. The cream color is something else.
Good Morning you all. Having a great morning here in TN today. NO rain in our forcast for the immediate future, so it seems…but just wait, if you do not like what the weather is now, in 10 minutes it will change…:o)
We have had lots of rain and thunderbusters here as of late. One minute it will be with the sun shinning beautifully and then the sky puckers up andit just pours down…lots of lightening and thunder…scarry since it is tornado season.
I have so enjoyed reading yoru words today…everyone seems on top of things. I have my windows open today and letting in all of the fresh air that I can. It is great!
I think everyone is doing a great job with their pictures. They are so lovely.
Hugs to everyone and have a great day. Got to get some work done here at the house, since I have been working all the time.
umm, would that be me??? Just want to wish everyone a great day, even if it is chilly, cloudy and very windy here in my neck o’ the woods. So let’s see if I can remember who all is here or was here, lol… Andi, SN, FM, CG, WW, RF, BrendaS, yikes, my memory craps out there. If I missed anyone, consider yourself “heya-ed” anyway!
Hope to stop by later if I can sneakily slack here for a while today…
to everyone.
Good Morning Andi and my other froggies. The temperatures here have dropped thank goodness!!!!! It is nice and cool here this am. Another busy day ahead with training at work.
Good morning Refinish and Andi. Wet here too, but I don’t expect any thunderstorms today.
Morning. Where’d you disappear to last night?
Thunderstoms. Just about the time I’d turn my computer back on, more thunder and lighting.
Is your rain mostly over or is it going to continue? We’ve got rain predicted through Monday.
Looks like it’s over until Saturday. However, this time of year I put more stock in going outside and looking than the forecast.
I saw above you’re tired of the 90’s temp already. Man July and August is a ways away. 🙂
LOL We broke 100 twice in the first week of april or last week of March.
Morning refinish. Glad your weather is nice.
It’s cool here this morning too but it hasn’t had to drop. We haven’t really had any warm weather yet.
So am I. I am so tired of temps in the high 90’s. The 80’s will feel nice for a couple of days. LOL
Hi Andi, Mornin’ everyone. I wish it was a wet morning here. Maybe later. I’ve been working like a bastard trying to get my gardens planted. We’ve never had a garden this big before and it’s a lot of hard work. I think that for next season I will have to do some research and start myself a heritage seed collection. In this day of corporate farming, hybridization, and Frankencrops, a simple seed is almost a thing of the past.
It’s actually been nice without my daily dose of news. I’ve been catching up later at night. How are things around here? What’s shakin’?
Hi Nag. I wish I could grow a garden, but I’m one of the farest from greeen thumb people you can get.
Hi, FM. Just wait until you’re beach front property… then you can become a fisherman.
You kidding? Way to much work involved in that.
Once this becomes beachfront, I’ll be the old man sitting by the road in a lawn chair, waving at everybody and telling em how it used to be.
Hi Nag! When you get the garden planted, be sure to post a picture of it so we can all compliment you on your hard work.
Why wait?
Same to ya! Post a picture and show us what you’ve done. 🙂
I try to get all of mine from these guys:
Seeds of Change
‘Morning, everyone. Greetings from the drizzly, foggy, chilly Catskill Mountains.
(Heh — I’m calling 50 F chilly. How quickly we forget!)
Hope everyone’s set for a good, productive day, according to your own definition of the term.
Morning WW. I missed you yesterday.
Productive, what that? 🙂
Hope you’re going to have a good day.
Hey there, FM. Good to see you!
Thanks for your good wishes for the day; I wish you the same.
As of now, I’m starting off a good day by turning away from Pacifica News to hear the morning birds sing. There’s only so much outrage, disgust & shame one can handle before 9 am.
The outrage things is like that isn’t it. It would seem like one day or even one hour we could get by without a new outrage. But nope.
I’m doing the same with the birds and watching the squirrels start the day.
Now you bundle up for the chilly 50 degree weather. Down here, that’s mid winter for us. 🙂
Weirdly enough, we had mid-winter temps of around 50 this year too!
‘Course, by the next day it’d be 30 degrees cooler.
Incredibly wacky weather. (Hello, global warming!)
Hey 20 or 30 years from now, our weather will be your weather.
I’m 4 hours from the coast, but if I live long enough I expect to have beach front property.
Eventually our mountains may be ‘beach-front’ too.
‘Course, NYC will be long gone & without the downstate market, our properties will once again be ‘affordable’.
You’re in TN, if I remember right? I’d imagine you sure are getting set for a long, hot summer.
I’ve only been into the state as far as Dollywood, but I do remember the heat.
Nope I’m farther down in Alabama. About half way down the state. I’m in a very rural area where a trip to the city (pop 35,000) is about an 80 round trip.
I’m getting ready for a very hot and very humid summer. It seems to me the older I get the less I can take the heat. I can’t figure out why so many old people move to FL.
Old people are always cold. I’d be sweating my ass off and my grandma would be clutching her handmade sweater tightly around herself.
That must mean I haven’t gotten old enough yet. I literally dread the summers.
Me too. I become a recluse during the summer – dashing from my AC car to the AC store and back to my AC house. We have plenty of 95 degree 95% humidity days. Yuck. Sometimes I think I’d rather deal with the cold winters up north than the insufferable summers down here.
At this point in my life, I would gladly live back up in New England or most anywhere up north.
It’s just a way of life down here to dash from AC to AC.
Ah yes, you’re in Alabama — pardon my confusion.
I’ve been through your state as well, on my way to– yes — Florida. To see the parents. I can’t understand why they live there, either, especially considering recent weather conditions. Once you’re past 70 lack of electricity/fresh water for weeks on end is no party.
No porblem on the confusion. I don’t understand why FL either. We have friends in their mid 80’s that live in the middle of the state. After each hurricane we call and they’re OK about the outages. They say it comes with the territory.
Actually I look at FL as a giant retirement community.
Mr. Nature has to be in Tampa next week and Orlando in early June. I’m sure he’d rather they schedule the Florida seminars in January. I’m just looking forward to having the bed to myself.
Looking for to a snore free night?
Ok, I’ll go with that. 🙂
re: your comment as FL being a big retirement community… when I lived there, I liked to refer to it as Death’s Waiting Room….
Morning IVG. Well you know I’ve lived all over and now living back here. I look at different areas as not southeast. FL. for one and I think I told Booman one time that I always looked at New Orleans as an entity into itself.
Fl is a retirement/wallyworld. N.O. has a grace and elegance not found in most southern cities.
I’m happy for any progess we get down here, both social and financial, but I could do without wallyworld.
Morning WW.
I never learn to watch out for the Evil Eye. Having bragged to you about the gorgeous spring, we are having at least six straight days of rain and coolish (highs 50-60) temps.
Hey there, Andi.
Personally, I comfort myself with reminders that without the rain, there’s no spring at all (or summer, fall or winter, for that matter).
My maternal grandmother was known in her immigrant neighborhood for her ability to remove the Evil Eye. I’m afraid I never received instructions, however.
My bubbe gave me full instructions (don’t say stupid things that will attract the Evil Eye but if you do say Kaynahorah and most important, spit over your left shoulder because that’s where the Evil Eye hangs out) but unfortunately, I stupidly didn’t do any of those things.
As for the rain and growth thing, have I ever mentioned that I’m lousy at deferred gratification?
Thankfully (or not), we’re never at a loss for opportunities to deflect the Evil Eye — especially as it’s now official gov’t policy.
I’ve never been quite good at delayed gratification either (addictive tendencies, anyone?), but this is one of the many things the woods are teaching me. Everything in its time & nothing before.
I have an image of an interesting new floral neighbor for you .. one moment, please ..
but see I’m just no good at it, even after 27 years of living in the woods (actually there’s no deferred gratification with the woods because they always gratify me).
I definitely hear you there, Andi. It’s a wonderful spot to be in.
Sorry for the delay; our rural internetz run on hamster wheels & the hamster’s still asleep.
See down below. Frankly, I’m thrilled about it — these little beings are far prettier than my camera conveys.
Another cool morning here too and I’m loving it. It’s been an exceptionally beautiful spring and the hot weather we had early on has been replaced with unseasonably cool temps and soaking rains, which we desperately need.
Soft pink mum
Ya know, I think it’s time to start whispering the words D70 to you. You’re getting very, very good.
Oh pshaw. It was frustrating trying to learn digital after having my Canon AE-1 and loving that for so many years. I used to take excellent macro flower shots with it, but I didn’t know my little cheapo Nikon could do closeups. And after dragging my tripod out of the attic I’m having more success with lighting and such.
Well all that prior knowledge is definitely paying off. So just think what you could do with a better camera. 🙂
It sure is a heckuva lot cheaper than taking hundreds of practice shots with film!
Since Mr. Nature got me a laptop for Christmas which I promptly killed, I feel bad asking him for such an extravagant gift. And my child support gets cut in half next month when my son graduates. Good thing all of his expenses stop the moment he finishes high school!
My bad. I do tend to forget that people have lives and responsibilities. I’m kind of amazed that child support drops after high school — is the idea the kids not supposed to go to college if their parents are divorced but leave home and enter workforce the second they graduate?
Yeah, something like that. It’s funny because in our case the expenses only increase after high school with college, car insurance etc. We don’t want our kids to have to work too many hours while going to school so we pay their car insurance as long as they maintain good grades. Do you know how much car insurance is for a new driver? More than $200 a month, just for him! It goes down by about half after he’s had his license for a year.
The kids’ dad said he was going to come for graduation, but now says he can’t afford to. I guess he thinks the kids are too stupid to remember that he just bought a new house and car. I want to strangle him.
SN, the kids’ father sounds a bit like my landlord. In my case, the guy owns three properties (two within spittin’ distance of metro NY), he’s just bought a shiny new car, treats himself to all manner of gas-driven gadgets, new clothes continually, extensive vacations to romantic environs — but ask him to make crucial improvements to his rental property, like providing indoor water year-round, & he’s a pauper.
It’s only self-centeredness, if I may say so. Too much of that goin’ around these days — it’s like a nasty virus.
I don’t know what he’s thinking ducking out on graduation like this with some lame-ass excuse. He has his whole family convinced that I’ve taken the kids away from him and that he’s this devoted father that would be close to his kids if only I would let him. Barf.
I know I’m not supposed to badmouth him to the kids but I want the boy to know that I think it stinks. I’m not sure what to say or how to say it.
I’m sure you’re already saying it in many ways, SN.
In any case, if it stinks, the kids know it. They’re the first to know, I think.
Well, at our house we avoid badmouthing, but when someone does something shitty like that, I talk with the boys about the fact that they might be angry about it, and that it would be a normal response. Depending what’s going on, I sometimes admit to being annoyed with someone’s behavior myself.
It is a very fine line between encouraging your kids to recognize bad behavior and not blame themselves for someone else’s problems and at the same time, not badmouth them. I mean, you have to be honest, and at the same time, not let your own feelings creep in there. Good luck.
My kids know me well enough that if I’m keeping my mouth shut it means that I have nothing nice to say.
The sad thing is they have no relationship with their dad at all and they really don’t care, at least not in an obvious way. Colin wasn’t expecting him to come to his graduation, but then he said he would and then backed out. He’s just blowing any chance at a later relationship, that’s all.
I’m only speaking for myself, as a child of divorce &estrangement — but we seem to adjust to these ‘compromises’ fairly easily, when necessary, in the interest of self-protection.
Then, as adults, we can approach the relationship, if any, on our own terms. It’s quite a relief.
That is sad. My dad was living in Saipan when my brother got married, and didn’t come home for his wedding, and he also missed being around when my niece was born, and brother never forgave him for missing 2 of the biggest events in his life.
That’s really too bad. What’s probably worse is that your kids are used it.
There’s no doubt about it — things are mighty free and easy and comfortable¹ when you’re a dink.
¹apologies to Mark Twain
My ex and his girlfriend are DINKS now, so it makes his whining about child support more nauseating than ever.
Oh God, I’m now one of those people who complain ad nauseum about their ex. Really, I go months without ever thinking or talking about him. Weird after 20 years of marriage. So, now it’s out of my system until 2007.
I need a nap.
You hardly ever talk about him unless something specific has happened so I don’t think you’ve hit ad nauseum yet. And besides, if your bit of grousing over really genuine issues isn’t allowed, I won’t be able to complain about anything.
May I quote you?
So long as you never use it to pick on me, sure. 😉
Wouldn’t dream of it, dear.
I tend not to pick, in any case — in accordance with spiritual principles.
Speaking of, I’m currently being ‘picked on’ (in passive-agressive fashion) by the Queen of the Woods, as I’ve been neglectful in traveling to town for some real cat food. They’ve been forced instead to eat Bumble Bee. The horror, the horror!
So, it’s time to get to something resembling Real Life.
Later, all. Enjoy!
Morning SN. Your photog expertise is becoming exceptional. Didn’t think I knew that many big words, did ya.
I especially like the soft pink mum. I think I’m going to have to sticking with far off, unfocused pictures. They seem to come out best for me.
Hey there, Luscious. Been thinking of you, as I didn’t see you on my last bombing mission.
I feared that Ernest had found you with his loofah ..
I’m only getting partial images in your post, alas. Will have to refresh & keep trying. I’m sure they’re just beautiful — your work astounds me.
Thank you WW! I did read a little bit of yesterday’s cafes – sounds like you are busy with your domicile.
Good gracious, yes. There’s very little else going on; I’ve been given a deadline of June 30 to vacate my current abode, living rent-free meantime. Not a bad deal, but one must comply.
I believe I’ve finally settled on plans for the new digs. The Pretenders’ Time The Avenger seems to be the theme song here.
WW I know nothing about building abodes, but will you be able to get most of the stuff done by then?
I’d better!
Actually, I’m not putting up anything like a real abode — just a wooden tent, really, that’ll keep the cats indoors at night. That’s about all there’s time for; we’ll go from there once we’ve relocated.
Such is time.
I have to admit I have great respect for you. You are a much hardier soul than I.
Thank you, FM — but I’m sure I’m not. It’s hardship that dictates, unfortunately — we do what we gotta do.
Hopefully I’ll put up something reasonably nice that I can share in images & give y’all a giggle. I should be able to keep my internetz ’til about mid-June. Then the computer goes bye-bye — to Florida!
Your right. Hardships do dictate a lot of things we do in life.
I for one will be far from giggling. When I see the pictures it will be more of admiration than anything else.
So you’re saying after June we won’t get our dive bombings for WW? Please say it ain’t true!
Well, I’ve been known to say good-bye before — only to reappear — so I doubt you’ll be seeing the last of me in June.
The library will have ‘my’ computer for a while, until we manage to get WiFi up on the mountainside I’ll be parked on — probably by about 2030.
Along with the beach cabanas.
I hope that means that you’ll have visiting rights. We really can’t do without you.
Thank you, Andi. I can’t seem to do without you, either — ergo I’m here, rather than elsewhere tearing my hair out with stress.
In any case, as long as our libraries remain funded & wired, I should be able to meet my connection & get my fix.
A pleasant surprise this spring: this miniature, cream-colored trillium, standing no more than 5 or 6″ tall, with leaves just the length of my thumb. No one here seems to have seen one before.
Blessed diversity!
And lovely shot. And nice to see the young leaves in background — things are leafing out.
Definitely so! This weekend’s rain should help quite a bit, too — & by next weekend, we’ll have 3″ grass, so my landlord can ride his mower around the property for hours on end & scrape the hell out of the topsoil. Yee haw!
Hey there WW! I’m having to do a fly by this morning as well, since I’m back in the cube again.
Lovely trillium! We just found some red ones last week that we are going to plant in our woodland part of the garden. Thanks to Andi a few weeks back, we got intrigued by these, which I have admit my ignorance, I had never seen before. (Even though O tells me they’re the provincial flower of Ontario!)
You sound uber busy, WW… good luck on the move and all, and please do keep in touch with us here. The prospect of no WW popping in here is indeed sad to me, too!
Hey there, IVG. Glad I caught your post before I toddled off.
Thanks for your kind thoughts on my rather uncertain future.
Good luck with your trillium! I’ve never heard of their cultivation before — but if anyone can do it, it’s you.
I’ll be interested to see how they fare.
The red ones, as well as the white, are the common ones here. There are lilac pink ones, too, that are less common. The cream color is something else.
Well, I’m off (she said again). Catch you later!
Mom is up and I’ve got to get her fed and settled. I’ll keep checking back and open a new cafe in a little while.
Good Morning you all. Having a great morning here in TN today. NO rain in our forcast for the immediate future, so it seems…but just wait, if you do not like what the weather is now, in 10 minutes it will change…:o)
We have had lots of rain and thunderbusters here as of late. One minute it will be with the sun shinning beautifully and then the sky puckers up andit just pours down…lots of lightening and thunder…scarry since it is tornado season.
I have so enjoyed reading yoru words today…everyone seems on top of things. I have my windows open today and letting in all of the fresh air that I can. It is great!
I think everyone is doing a great job with their pictures. They are so lovely.
Hugs to everyone and have a great day. Got to get some work done here at the house, since I have been working all the time.
OK I’m back, what’s going on?
My lady-cat just fell out of the window & landed on the roof above.
Don’t ask me how she does that.
Just wanted to thank you for your kind words earlier, FM. Gotta run, but I’ll see you soon.
You have a good day WW. I’ll be here.
umm, would that be me??? Just want to wish everyone a great day, even if it is chilly, cloudy and very windy here in my neck o’ the woods. So let’s see if I can remember who all is here or was here, lol… Andi, SN, FM, CG, WW, RF, BrendaS, yikes, my memory craps out there. If I missed anyone, consider yourself “heya-ed” anyway!
Hope to stop by later if I can sneakily slack here for a while today…
You’d better. 🙂
It’s sound empty in here, so I’m going to open up a new cafe.
Be back in a minute.
Sail Away Café here