Whoa … It’s exploded in here all of a sudden … I was just reading the newest post on the squid:
Also, we’ve identified the species as Ommastrephes bartramii, the Red Flying Squid. Apparently they are known to leap out of the water and sail through the air to avoid predators. (Could this thing get any more cooler?) [link]
Not really, but I do have to be sort of careful. I had to have jaw surgery about 10 years ago. The problem revealed itself when I dislocated my jaw eating Milk Duds at the movies. Sadly, I can’t eat those any more.
They’re caramel, coated with chocolate, but they tend to be a bit… chewier than regular caramel. The ones that did my jaw in may have been a bit stale even.
Oh, it was definitely not pleasant. I had to go to the emergency room. That was sort of embarrassing. I couldn’t talk and everyone thought I’d been hit by someone.
I kept trying to tell them, shaking my head no, but all I could say was something like mih duhs. They just kept asking me more loudly and slowly — you have to tell us who hit you.
Finally, the friend I’d been at the movies with came running in from parking the car and she straightened it all out. The staff didn’t even try not to laugh.
Well, lol, to give them some credit, I was a little shocky and it didn’t take long for my friend to get there. They probably would have brought me writing stuff eventually.
Pretty good, except for that writing thing I wrote about earlier. That was frustrating. I decided that what I need is a month in one of those remote woodsy cabins by a lake with nothing to do but clean up my manuscript and get started on my next project. But that’s not going to happen.
Yea I had read that earlier, but have not much commented today.
Unsolicited advice, so get ready.
You were saying how it all flows freely in the cafe. I think here you feel comfortable, look forward to it and words come easy. I think you’re looking at the book as work/something that needs to get done/something that is frustrating you.
I of course am not a writer, but if I was, I think I would want to look at the writing as something like the cafe. Something I would look forward to just for the comfortable feel of exploring a new turn or twist. Someting where even when I can’t find a certain word or phrase, I would still like to look at what I wrote and know the next day or time I could get to it an entire new vista of understanding would now be open.
OK doesn’t make any sense, since I am not a writer, but I wish I was and that’s the way I did it.
Aren’t they adorable? I think I know what I want for Fitzmas. I really like that my camera caught the drops of water from the fountain. Haven’t seen IVG around today…..
Did you have a good nap earlier? I think IVG said he might make it an early night b/c he has to get up and going early tomorrow morning w/ the yard clean up.
Yup, slept all the way through KO, but I just watched it on the rerun. I should probably be a bit more disciplined about going to bed myself. Maybe I’ll try to follow IVG’s good example.
are in the friendly confines of the HP Pavilion — seems like the home teams have been getting the benefit of the doubt when it comes to penalty calls. sigh
Spouse and I will be in the building on Sunday for Game 5, so we’ll see…I did pick the Sharks in 6, so it’s probably my fault they lost the last two games. (I actually turned off the game and switched on Keith on the DVR when it was 5-3, missed the last Edmonton goal.)
Was a bit fatalistic earlier, but it seems to have passed…ashamed to admit it, but listening to Barry Manilow on the iTunes seems to have cheered me up. (blush) Oh, and downloaded the Akeelah and the Bee soundtrack…haven’t seen the movie yet but it’s definitely on my must-view list… 🙂
Nice of you to wonder where I was… I’m here now for a bit, but certainly can’t close things down as I usually do, lol. I slacked a bit at work today (well, a lot) and was in the afternoon cafe. Tonight I was working on getting stuff ready for the neighborhood scrub day (it’s a neighborhood association free “dump all your crap” day) which is early Sat. morning from 7-12. We’re finally disposing of some rather ratty old furniture items, branches, just junk and an old dryer that no longer works amongst other things. I also spent some time out front vacuuming up maple spinners (again!) Since I had a headache after work, had to take a brief FM-ordered nap with Pepa, during which I zoned through the Crufts Dog Show. I did manage to stay awake through KO! When Chris got home we wrangled the dead dryer up the basement stairs and loaded it into the truck so we don’t have to do too much in the morning except drive to the site (half a block away, lol) and get rid of the stuff. Sounds pretty banal, huh? Actually scrub day is a cool thing… only happens once a year and you get to meet folks from all around the area who are all very helpful and friendly since the basic idea is to keep the area cleaned up. Anyway, that’s where I’ve been.
Oh, and don’t miss Real Time tonight… last one until Aug 25. It was a good one, except for that loathesome John Gibson (albino freak) from Faux news.
Big howdys to everyone, and we’ll see if anyone else is still up… I fully expect FM has long since retired for the evening.
Hey there O-lady! I indeed did, but there’s a lot less junk on the porch now, so I feel better about that. And a friend from work who is buying a house is going to take 2 of the chairs we were going to get rid of, so feel better that these perfectly usable (but very used) chairs are going to a new home with someone who’s starting out in his first house. Better that than the landfill, I always say, and they were given to me when I had no furniture, so it’s kind of like passing the favor along.
I bought some Molson tonight! Haven’t had any yet, but will tomorrow probably in between work sessions outside. Not supposed to be that warm, but I hope we can at least get some more plants in the ground, unless it rains, which is a possibility, I see. Hoping for the best though.
Um, that squid autopsy sounded, well… fascinating as Mr. Spock always used to say. LOL
Oh, I’ve had Molson before, just don’t usually buy it since it’s pricier than our usual WI beer (Old Style), but it was on sale tonight, and I’ve been thinking things Canadian of late, with all this hockey talk!
Haven’t seen the spider skin yet… let me go check that out and get back to ya on that.
I can’t believe you linked to that photo! But then you were looking at squid autopsy photos… I was a bit taken aback by that and wondered myself, so I asked Chris and he says yes, spiders shed skins all the time. I can’t recall seeing them (or if I did, I forgot), but he said I probably just mistook them for dead spiders. Sure looks like some explosion happened in the middle of the spider body or something catastrophic. I may just have to bookmark that blog you were talking about. Although there are so many good ones to read (including yours!) that there’s never enough time to get to them all.
When I saw the photo at Flickr I posted a comment asking if the poster if they were serious and they said yes, and that the spider is just fine after shedding that. There’s even a place for the fangs <shudder>. And if you asked C about that, then he’s got to know we’re not talking politics here and are really just a bunch of nutbars LOL.
About Biome’s blog, his posts are not that long, but are full of interesting tidbits … you should take a look. But I know what you mean about the time factor… 🙂
Why not? I was just surprised you’d put a link up to something kinda “icky,” that’s all… given your aversion to spiders. Good thing Manny didn’t see that! I think it’s cool, but I’m weird, so go figure.
Just saw your good night down below… so I’ll give you mine here {{{Olivia}}}} Just posted a pic of a dwarf iris and have a mystery plant to post, and then I probably should get going myself, since it’s almost 1:30 here.
Catch you later this weekend, I’m sure. And don’t despair too much over the hockey situation (I know you won’t, but just in case). See you soon!
Welcome, thereisnospoon! Just read your most recent post on the front page. I’m certainly hoping that Leopold has his ducks in a row this time … it would certainly make me jubilant to be able to pop that champagne we’ve had chilling since October. But, as I keep telling myself, I’ll believe it when I see it!
Nice to have a new face/voice in the FBL! Look forward to reading more of your work.
This one of yours, Why we need accountability NOW from earlier this winter made some great points, and particularly now when lately I’ve been seeing that the DLC is opting for a sort of “letting bygones be bygones” after the Ds win, (if we should be so lucky!) That “plan” seem likely to fail at protecting Democracy.
I’m puzzled by the lack of support for that diary, must have been some heavy competition that day.
don’t let the bouncer at the door give you any grief on your way out! Take care and catch you later this weekend! Give George a pat and a little treat from us.
Hey, I’ve been back here looking to see if there’s anything new, and nothin’s happening, so I’ve gone off to read a few diaries, as I’ve been offline most of the day.
So what’s new up there, tulip fest still going, more photos?
quite a while, but I haven’t tapped into it now for a few years, for a variety of reasons.
Most recently I’ve been thinking it would make great material for plays, but I have no experience writing plays.
I did a Stud Terkel format, in that the material is transcribed from cassette recordings, some 14-16 hours worth. Only Stud’s interview numerous people for his books, I basically interviewed one, who had an interesting (legit, so you don’t go astray here) occupation.
The “catch” the last few years has been the current MS NDD, (since ’01) is not particularly enamored with the subject, a friend of a few decades, and then for several years in N CA, living partners, (even though they’ve never met).
OK, I’ll see if I can get it together to send you a representative sample. It was done in wordperfect and has not yet been converted to word, so at this point trying to do more than a sample might end up being quite a nightmare.
As I discovered the other night trying to get word to read wordperfect files off a 3 1/2 floppy. I finally found my wordperfect progam and used that…
anyway, don’t look for it too soon, the next several days look to be some what wacky for scheduling, (might be out of town for a few days, etc.)
I was just rummaging a bit in my spring photos from last year and found this one of a dwarf iris. Unfortunately these little guys don’t seem to last long when they bloom, and of all the ones we planted several years ago, only a few still return each year. They were up and gone so quickly this year that I didn’t get any pictures this time around.
Hehe, I thought maybe that might lure you out. Just wanted to give you a proper shout out, that’s all. You can go back to your tub of red ropes now. I’ll take a few if they’re the real Twizzlers brand… love those things. Hate to admit that I took a tub of orange slices to work last week and devoured the rest of them today. Bad me!
they are a jelly candy shaped like a slice and covered with coarse sugar. One of those childhood candies I’ve never outgrown (like Twizzlers and Necco Wafers!) They’re a guilty pleasure for me, because I know the flavoring is totally artificial, but I still love them.
And this one truly IS a mystery to us too. So if anyone can identify it, I’d be really grateful. This is a plant given to us by a friend from the neighborhood who told us it was yellow bee balm. Well, we had never heard of that, but took some anyway, and have found it to be a very pretty, albeit a bit “enthusiastic” (e.g. slightly invasive) plant. It’s definitely NOT bee balm. I just hope it isn’t anything too invasive, since this friend has purple loose strife in her yard and loves it. Yikes. That stuff that has taken over lots of Canada and the NE seaboard… I just hope it stays in her yard!
Anyway, here it is, and if you know what it is, let me know!
Great sky in the bkgrd… 🙂 Doesn’t look familiar to me … will think some on it. How tall is it? You’re right on the p. loosestrife — it is everywhere around here.
It’s quite attractive, and gets about 4′ tall with lots of those yellow flowers in late May-June. I’ll try to get a pic of it this weekend… it’s been there 2 yrs now and has really spread quite a bit, so I’m a bit worried that it may try to take over. It does have very pretty foliage even when not blooming… kind of a deep burgundy color. Another amusing note about this friend of mine (she’s an adorable loon)… she wanted to give us Crown Vetch!! I bet you have that in Canada as well… it’s a super invasive ground cover that once it gets established is virtually impossible to get rid of… I gave her a very emphatic NO WAY on that offer, lol.
UH OH… it’s definitely not the first one. Let me whip over to wikipedia to see if you’re right, and if so… I’m very scared! (Not that I doubt you, mind you!)
The flowers and the leaves look right, though the foliage color is totally different. I’m going to have to research this more to find out for sure. Thanks for the leg work, Olivia! I don’t know how you do that!
Ok, I’m going to email NDD the original, so I may be gone a few minutes here.
Fringed Loosestrife (Lysimachia ciliata)
Plant Type: This is a herbaceous plant, it is a perennial which can reach 122cm in height (48inches). Often shorter it is always erect.
Leaves: The leaf arrangement is opposite. Leaves can reach 15cm in length (6inches). The lowest leaves tend to be ovate and the rest lanceolate. The leaves are rounded at the base, petioled and the leaf and the entire petiole is ciliate.
Flowers: The flowers have 5 Regular Parts and are up to 2.5cm wide (1 inches). They are yellow usually with a maroon center. Blooms first appear in mid spring and continue into early fall. The flowers are on long pedicels from the axils of the upper leaves. The petals are slightly toothed near the tip which is sharply pointed. The flowers often face the ground.
Habitat: Moist wooded slopes. Sometimes in open meadows or swamps.
Range: Much of North America from Alaska to a line running approximately from Oregon to Florida. Rare on the Coastal Plain.
Hmm… getting closer I think. If it’s a lysimachia I’m not so worried, as those are natives and apparently not so invasive. The thing that perturbs me still though, is that the flowers have that little point on the end, which ours definitely do not. And none of those have the color of foliage of this plant. I’m definitely going to examine the leaf structure carefully this weekend, because if it’s not one of those you found, I think we’re at least in the right hockey rink. 🙂
Well now I’m less freaked out. What we have does not appear to be a loosestrife, given the bloom habit, which is totally different from the loosestrifes I found at Wikipedia. Still, I’m wondering about it. Oh well, we let heliopsis thrive for many years and now are paying the price for that. If we can keep this under control, I’m happy. Heliopsis though very pretty, has spread all over the yard here, even where it’s not planted. And that’s not good.
If I didn’t know better I think this one was done by some famous painter, and if I knew my painters better I could tell you which one, but there is a familiarity to this somehow.
Wow, I think that’s the first time someone has told me I had a “painterly” quality to a photo. LOL Racking my brain on painters, and the best I could come up with was Van Gogh, though he usually painted sunflowers more than anything else. Certainly not Monet!
Well, I’m glad you like it so much! As I’ve said before, any of the pics you like here, just holler and I’m happy to send you the full sized ones. I reduce mine quite a bit for space reasons, and I know I’m losing detail, but I don’t want to exceed my photobucket account too soon!
And Olivia, you know that goes for you as well! (In case you hadn’t already figured that out!)
You nailed this one, Olivia! Definitely the last one you found. Thanks! And now, fading here, I must get to bed because I’ve got to be up in about 4 hrs… grrr. But it will be worth it to get the scrub day stuff out of the way. Probably will have to do a nap sometime during the day. I’m sure FM will approve!
Thanks again, my friend! Very much fun here and appreciated help on identifying that plant. According to the last link, it’s less “enthusiastic” in partial shade, which is where we have it planted. Probably will be a good idea to divide it regularly though, just in case.
My bed is completely covered with travel bags, magazines, newspapers, etc that I moved to vacuum today. I need to rent a dumpster for right outside my window and get this place organized…
Have fun — please. The video cameras are rolling and I’m hoping to make big bucks with tapes.
Hah. I just got back and I’m the only one in the late night cafe.
Young whipersnappers don’t know how to party.
I was reading about giant squid autopsies! [link]
Well you definitely know how to get someone’s attention. Who could pass up squip autopsies. 🙂
Whoa … It’s exploded in here all of a sudden … I was just reading the newest post on the squid:
And people were giving me a bad time about my toothpaste pic, hhhmmmffff!!!
is this real???
I’ve never seen anything like this — a spider shedding? Isn’t that crazy?!?!?!
but that one I can handle. Looks like a furry mitten, wich a couple of extra fingers.
I’d rather look at squid bits.
Why do we do giant squid autopsies?
Hah! I’m lurking! D’oh — not any more I guess.
Do we have to sign some sort of release for the filming?
what’s up IZZZZZY?
Oh, just reading and still eating that tub of red licorice. Nothing exciting like squid autopsies.
No hogging that licorice! You know if you bring it to school you have to share with the whole class!
Sure — there’s more than enough. It’s one of those giant tubs from Costco. To tell you the truth, I could use some help with it.
Oh, goodie! How are things on the upper left? (You are on the upper left aren’t you?)
Yes — it was both sunny and cool, just how I like it! The days are really long now as well, which is nice.
How’s it going? Does you jaw get sore from chewing licorice? Mine does …
Not really, but I do have to be sort of careful. I had to have jaw surgery about 10 years ago. The problem revealed itself when I dislocated my jaw eating Milk Duds at the movies. Sadly, I can’t eat those any more.
I confess I don’t know what milk duds are — thought they were soft … but they’ve got hard centres?
They’re caramel, coated with chocolate, but they tend to be a bit… chewier than regular caramel. The ones that did my jaw in may have been a bit stale even.
That must have really hurt!
Oh, it was definitely not pleasant. I had to go to the emergency room. That was sort of embarrassing. I couldn’t talk and everyone thought I’d been hit by someone.
I kept trying to tell them, shaking my head no, but all I could say was something like mih duhs. They just kept asking me more loudly and slowly — you have to tell us who hit you.
Finally, the friend I’d been at the movies with came running in from parking the car and she straightened it all out. The staff didn’t even try not to laugh.
How awful … you think they’d have handed you a pen and paper!
Well, lol, to give them some credit, I was a little shocky and it didn’t take long for my friend to get there. They probably would have brought me writing stuff eventually.
Corn syrup; milk chocolate (sugar; cocoa butter; chocolate; nonfat milk; milk fat; lactose; soy lecithin; salt; and vanillin, artificial flavor); sugar; partially hydrogenated soybean oil; nonfat milk; dextrose; brown sugar; contains 2% or less of; mono- and diglycerides; sodium bicarbonate; artificial flavors; salt; tapioca dextrin; resinous glaze; and soy lecithin.
Hi MM. How did you stuff go today?
Pretty good, except for that writing thing I wrote about earlier. That was frustrating. I decided that what I need is a month in one of those remote woodsy cabins by a lake with nothing to do but clean up my manuscript and get started on my next project. But that’s not going to happen.
How are things with you?
Yea I had read that earlier, but have not much commented today.
Unsolicited advice, so get ready.
You were saying how it all flows freely in the cafe. I think here you feel comfortable, look forward to it and words come easy. I think you’re looking at the book as work/something that needs to get done/something that is frustrating you.
I of course am not a writer, but if I was, I think I would want to look at the writing as something like the cafe. Something I would look forward to just for the comfortable feel of exploring a new turn or twist. Someting where even when I can’t find a certain word or phrase, I would still like to look at what I wrote and know the next day or time I could get to it an entire new vista of understanding would now be open.
OK doesn’t make any sense, since I am not a writer, but I wish I was and that’s the way I did it.
I really like these froggies!
Aren’t they adorable? I think I know what I want for Fitzmas. I really like that my camera caught the drops of water from the fountain. Haven’t seen IVG around today…..
Did you have a good nap earlier? I think IVG said he might make it an early night b/c he has to get up and going early tomorrow morning w/ the yard clean up.
Yup, slept all the way through KO, but I just watched it on the rerun. I should probably be a bit more disciplined about going to bed myself. Maybe I’ll try to follow IVG’s good example.
How did the hockey thing go?
And the Avs lost last night (poor dada). Our teams are having a tough run right now.
But they can’t all be losing! Who won for pete’s sake? Must be someone in the FBL who can pick a winning team! LOL
but that’s not to say they’ll win the next one. dada’s team is now out, so they’re not playing anymore. Cali and DJ’s team has to win the next 2/3…
It will be fun to see how it all turns out. We’ll have to put a TV up in the lounge and pass out beer and peanuts for the final round!
Well…. I’m going to follow IVG’s example and go to bed early tonight! See all you little froggies tomorrow!
Don’t let the BBs bite!
are in the friendly confines of the HP Pavilion — seems like the home teams have been getting the benefit of the doubt when it comes to penalty calls. sigh
Spouse and I will be in the building on Sunday for Game 5, so we’ll see…I did pick the Sharks in 6, so it’s probably my fault they lost the last two games. (I actually turned off the game and switched on Keith on the DVR when it was 5-3, missed the last Edmonton goal.)
Was a bit fatalistic earlier, but it seems to have passed…ashamed to admit it, but listening to Barry Manilow on the iTunes seems to have cheered me up. (blush) Oh, and downloaded the Akeelah and the Bee soundtrack…haven’t seen the movie yet but it’s definitely on my must-view list… 🙂
Hope everyone has a good night… 🙂
… like they fell apart. They need to regroup, and being at home will definitely help.
Nice of you to wonder where I was… I’m here now for a bit, but certainly can’t close things down as I usually do, lol. I slacked a bit at work today (well, a lot) and was in the afternoon cafe. Tonight I was working on getting stuff ready for the neighborhood scrub day (it’s a neighborhood association free “dump all your crap” day) which is early Sat. morning from 7-12. We’re finally disposing of some rather ratty old furniture items, branches, just junk and an old dryer that no longer works amongst other things. I also spent some time out front vacuuming up maple spinners (again!) Since I had a headache after work, had to take a brief FM-ordered nap with Pepa, during which I zoned through the Crufts Dog Show. I did manage to stay awake through KO! When Chris got home we wrangled the dead dryer up the basement stairs and loaded it into the truck so we don’t have to do too much in the morning except drive to the site (half a block away, lol) and get rid of the stuff. Sounds pretty banal, huh? Actually scrub day is a cool thing… only happens once a year and you get to meet folks from all around the area who are all very helpful and friendly since the basic idea is to keep the area cleaned up. Anyway, that’s where I’ve been.
Oh, and don’t miss Real Time tonight… last one until Aug 25. It was a good one, except for that loathesome John Gibson (albino freak) from Faux news.
Big howdys to everyone, and we’ll see if anyone else is still up… I fully expect FM has long since retired for the evening.
Sounds like you had a full night … including naptime. 🙂
Hey there O-lady! I indeed did, but there’s a lot less junk on the porch now, so I feel better about that. And a friend from work who is buying a house is going to take 2 of the chairs we were going to get rid of, so feel better that these perfectly usable (but very used) chairs are going to a new home with someone who’s starting out in his first house. Better that than the landfill, I always say, and they were given to me when I had no furniture, so it’s kind of like passing the favor along.
I bought some Molson tonight! Haven’t had any yet, but will tomorrow probably in between work sessions outside. Not supposed to be that warm, but I hope we can at least get some more plants in the ground, unless it rains, which is a possibility, I see. Hoping for the best though.
Um, that squid autopsy sounded, well… fascinating as Mr. Spock always used to say. LOL
Well, it sounds like it was a productive night … and I’m sure you’re friend will reallly appreciate those chairs!
Is this something novel — buying Molson? Like first time?
Yes, I like reading Biome’s blog … interesting stuff there. Did you see the spider skin — is that real?
Oh, I’ve had Molson before, just don’t usually buy it since it’s pricier than our usual WI beer (Old Style), but it was on sale tonight, and I’ve been thinking things Canadian of late, with all this hockey talk!
Haven’t seen the spider skin yet… let me go check that out and get back to ya on that.
I can’t believe you linked to that photo! But then you were looking at squid autopsy photos… I was a bit taken aback by that and wondered myself, so I asked Chris and he says yes, spiders shed skins all the time. I can’t recall seeing them (or if I did, I forgot), but he said I probably just mistook them for dead spiders. Sure looks like some explosion happened in the middle of the spider body or something catastrophic. I may just have to bookmark that blog you were talking about. Although there are so many good ones to read (including yours!) that there’s never enough time to get to them all.
When I saw the photo at Flickr I posted a comment asking if the poster if they were serious and they said yes, and that the spider is just fine after shedding that. There’s even a place for the fangs <shudder>. And if you asked C about that, then he’s got to know we’re not talking politics here and are really just a bunch of nutbars LOL.
About Biome’s blog, his posts are not that long, but are full of interesting tidbits … you should take a look. But I know what you mean about the time factor… 🙂
Why not? I was just surprised you’d put a link up to something kinda “icky,” that’s all… given your aversion to spiders. Good thing Manny didn’t see that! I think it’s cool, but I’m weird, so go figure.
Just saw your good night down below… so I’ll give you mine here {{{Olivia}}}} Just posted a pic of a dwarf iris and have a mystery plant to post, and then I probably should get going myself, since it’s almost 1:30 here.
Catch you later this weekend, I’m sure. And don’t despair too much over the hockey situation (I know you won’t, but just in case). See you soon!
Just got back from seeing ‘Thank You For Smoking’. One of the funniest movies I’ve seen in some time. I’d recommend it.
I remember talking to you earlier about it. Pretty funny huh?
My first post in the cafe. Good to get acquainted with you all–many of you I already know from Kos or MLW.
Rock on…
Hey, thereisnospoon! Welcome to the pond! Come on in and splash around any time.
Good to see you here thereisnospoon. 🙂
whatever it is at this time of night.
You’ll soon conclude that this bunch is completely nuts… of course, I’m perfectly normal.
Just wanted to make sure ya got started out here on the right foot, ooops I mean the “left” foot.
Heeeelo thereisnospoon. Glad to have you in the cafe.
Bar is open and everyone is very welcoming.
Welcome, thereisnospoon! Just read your most recent post on the front page. I’m certainly hoping that Leopold has his ducks in a row this time … it would certainly make me jubilant to be able to pop that champagne we’ve had chilling since October. But, as I keep telling myself, I’ll believe it when I see it!
Nice to have a new face/voice in the FBL! Look forward to reading more of your work.
till this morning, but I’m enjoying your front page work…nice to see a new name/face/whatever up there. 🙂
and I’m looking forward to more.
This one of yours, Why we need accountability NOW from earlier this winter made some great points, and particularly now when lately I’ve been seeing that the DLC is opting for a sort of “letting bygones be bygones” after the Ds win, (if we should be so lucky!) That “plan” seem likely to fail at protecting Democracy.
I’m puzzled by the lack of support for that diary, must have been some heavy competition that day.
Taken by a friend of mine in rural ND.
Andi might be concerned w/ the dearth of trees, but the wide openness is intriguing!
At least you’re not showing the other end. 🙂
(Did you get the email-part 1?)
Yep and thanks. I’ve started going to the site and researching.
Hate to say it, but it’s way past the bedtime and I nodding off.
See ya’ll tomorrow.
don’t let the bouncer at the door give you any grief on your way out! Take care and catch you later this weekend! Give George a pat and a little treat from us.
I was off replying to an email, so I’ll finish that and be back within minutes.
Not lately.
Hey, I’ve been back here looking to see if there’s anything new, and nothin’s happening, so I’ve gone off to read a few diaries, as I’ve been offline most of the day.
So what’s new up there, tulip fest still going, more photos?
I was going to bed ’cause everyone else had left.
Tulip fest goes for a couple more weeks.
Oh, ok… so it was a haiku or another crab smashing poem? 🙂
you said not lately … does that mean you have? hmmm?
quite a while, but I haven’t tapped into it now for a few years, for a variety of reasons.
Most recently I’ve been thinking it would make great material for plays, but I have no experience writing plays.
I did a Stud Terkel format, in that the material is transcribed from cassette recordings, some 14-16 hours worth. Only Stud’s interview numerous people for his books, I basically interviewed one, who had an interesting (legit, so you don’t go astray here) occupation.
I better quit here for now.
I hope you figure it out!
out of that and email it off to you.
The “catch” the last few years has been the current MS NDD, (since ’01) is not particularly enamored with the subject, a friend of a few decades, and then for several years in N CA, living partners, (even though they’ve never met).
If you feel comfortable doing that.
OK, I’ll see if I can get it together to send you a representative sample. It was done in wordperfect and has not yet been converted to word, so at this point trying to do more than a sample might end up being quite a nightmare.
As I discovered the other night trying to get word to read wordperfect files off a 3 1/2 floppy. I finally found my wordperfect progam and used that…
anyway, don’t look for it too soon, the next several days look to be some what wacky for scheduling, (might be out of town for a few days, etc.)
It’ll be a pleasant surprise when it arrives … 🙂
it might just be what initiates a restart of some sort on that.
consider it a favour returned for all the encouragement you’ve given my wrt photography. 🙂
Good night back at! Sleep well.
What! Wait a minute… it’s way too early for you to be going to bed, the kingbirds haven’t even started to sing yet.
I can’t remember …
We’re both Central Daylight Time, e.g. 1 hr behind ya.
Central, you’re at 2:40AM, and I’m at 1:40AM
I was just rummaging a bit in my spring photos from last year and found this one of a dwarf iris. Unfortunately these little guys don’t seem to last long when they bloom, and of all the ones we planted several years ago, only a few still return each year. They were up and gone so quickly this year that I didn’t get any pictures this time around.
Glad you like them, we do too. Pity they are so short lived and only bloom for maybe 4-5 days then disappear. They’re also tiny… only about 4″ tall.
Hi, IVG! I am still sort of lurking on and off while watching tv. The photo is great — I’ve never seen those flowers before!
Hehe, I thought maybe that might lure you out. Just wanted to give you a proper shout out, that’s all. You can go back to your tub of red ropes now. I’ll take a few if they’re the real Twizzlers brand… love those things. Hate to admit that I took a tub of orange slices to work last week and devoured the rest of them today. Bad me!
I wish I could actually give you some of these! I’ve eaten way too many and am feeling quite put off them at the moment. What are orange slices?
they are a jelly candy shaped like a slice and covered with coarse sugar. One of those childhood candies I’ve never outgrown (like Twizzlers and Necco Wafers!) They’re a guilty pleasure for me, because I know the flavoring is totally artificial, but I still love them.
I do know, now that you say it, but I had no idea they still made them, never mind selling them in tubs!
I used to love Neccos when I was a kid, but not so much now. I still love Abba Zabbas, but shouldn’t eat them anymore ’cause of the jaw thing.
And this one truly IS a mystery to us too. So if anyone can identify it, I’d be really grateful. This is a plant given to us by a friend from the neighborhood who told us it was yellow bee balm. Well, we had never heard of that, but took some anyway, and have found it to be a very pretty, albeit a bit “enthusiastic” (e.g. slightly invasive) plant. It’s definitely NOT bee balm. I just hope it isn’t anything too invasive, since this friend has purple loose strife in her yard and loves it. Yikes. That stuff that has taken over lots of Canada and the NE seaboard… I just hope it stays in her yard!
Anyway, here it is, and if you know what it is, let me know!
Great sky in the bkgrd… 🙂 Doesn’t look familiar to me … will think some on it. How tall is it? You’re right on the p. loosestrife — it is everywhere around here.
It’s quite attractive, and gets about 4′ tall with lots of those yellow flowers in late May-June. I’ll try to get a pic of it this weekend… it’s been there 2 yrs now and has really spread quite a bit, so I’m a bit worried that it may try to take over. It does have very pretty foliage even when not blooming… kind of a deep burgundy color. Another amusing note about this friend of mine (she’s an adorable loon)… she wanted to give us Crown Vetch!! I bet you have that in Canada as well… it’s a super invasive ground cover that once it gets established is virtually impossible to get rid of… I gave her a very emphatic NO WAY on that offer, lol.
I think I might have found your plant … Check this out:
but it’s yellow loosestrife
UH OH… it’s definitely not the first one. Let me whip over to wikipedia to see if you’re right, and if so… I’m very scared! (Not that I doubt you, mind you!)
look at this one: [link]
… it’s got the rounded petals?
The flowers and the leaves look right, though the foliage color is totally different. I’m going to have to research this more to find out for sure. Thanks for the leg work, Olivia! I don’t know how you do that!
Ok, I’m going to email NDD the original, so I may be gone a few minutes here.
fringed purple loosestrife / Lysimachia ciliata
check out the pic here
Hmm… getting closer I think. If it’s a lysimachia I’m not so worried, as those are natives and apparently not so invasive. The thing that perturbs me still though, is that the flowers have that little point on the end, which ours definitely do not. And none of those have the color of foliage of this plant. I’m definitely going to examine the leaf structure carefully this weekend, because if it’s not one of those you found, I think we’re at least in the right hockey rink. 🙂
And if you look closely at your photo, there is a little point on the very tip.
but I’m fading. I’m not quite back to my usual nightowl stamina, and lots to do tomorrow, so I’m saying nighty night!
Sweet dreams! Hope you get back to full functioning soon!
Well now I’m less freaked out. What we have does not appear to be a loosestrife, given the bloom habit, which is totally different from the loosestrifes I found at Wikipedia. Still, I’m wondering about it. Oh well, we let heliopsis thrive for many years and now are paying the price for that. If we can keep this under control, I’m happy. Heliopsis though very pretty, has spread all over the yard here, even where it’s not planted. And that’s not good.
If I didn’t know better I think this one was done by some famous painter, and if I knew my painters better I could tell you which one, but there is a familiarity to this somehow.
Wow, I think that’s the first time someone has told me I had a “painterly” quality to a photo. LOL Racking my brain on painters, and the best I could come up with was Van Gogh, though he usually painted sunflowers more than anything else. Certainly not Monet!
that would look like enlarged to 8X10, or 8X12, or something between those two, depending on orig h and w.
I could email the original to you if you want. I’ve reduced this one considerably. Hang on a few and I’ll shoot it over to you.
up close and personal.
There’s definitely much more detail in the emailed version. The BT version was just a great “teaser” ha!
I’m thinking that will work. 404KB, should make it to an 8X10.
You’ll get to see it on the wall at the BT B&B, when you travel this way.
Well, I’m glad you like it so much! As I’ve said before, any of the pics you like here, just holler and I’m happy to send you the full sized ones. I reduce mine quite a bit for space reasons, and I know I’m losing detail, but I don’t want to exceed my photobucket account too soon!
And Olivia, you know that goes for you as well! (In case you hadn’t already figured that out!)
After reading NDD’s comment … how big a file is it?
404KB, just hit download, go make some breakfast…
It’s about 400k … can forward NDD’s email if you want!
and it looks like that will work fine. I just lose a little of the right hand side edge.
You nailed this one, Olivia! Definitely the last one you found. Thanks! And now, fading here, I must get to bed because I’ve got to be up in about 4 hrs… grrr. But it will be worth it to get the scrub day stuff out of the way. Probably will have to do a nap sometime during the day. I’m sure FM will approve!
Thanks again, my friend! Very much fun here and appreciated help on identifying that plant. According to the last link, it’s less “enthusiastic” in partial shade, which is where we have it planted. Probably will be a good idea to divide it regularly though, just in case.
Just checked and it’s there!
And I’m so glad I could help w/ id in some way. I’ll expect the virtual chocolate hehe… 🙂
Good luck w/ your scrub day!
See you guys soon! Sweet dreams!
I think is one to remember. Wouldn’t have occurred to me to shoot flower and up at that angle to sky.
I do weird stuff like that, just to see how it turns out, lol!
My bed is completely covered with travel bags, magazines, newspapers, etc that I moved to vacuum today. I need to rent a dumpster for right outside my window and get this place organized…
Well, nighty night again… ha ha.
Sleep well, my friend! Thanks for the positive feedback on the pics… some day I’ll get close to Olivia’s level if I work hard enough. 🙂
See you soon, and shake the rest of that cold, ok?
I’m outta here! thx again for all your help!
Time for us flower freaks to head to bed…