Fitzmas has indeed come on Friday as Booman has expected.
According to Jason Leopold at Truthout (and while Truthout has been wrong before, Mr. Leopold is pretty reliable), it looks like Karl Rove is going down.
Within the last week, Karl Rove told President Bush and Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten, as well as a few other high level administration officials, that he will be indicted in the CIA leak case and will immediately resign his White House job when the special counsel publicly announces the charges against him, according to sources.
Details of Rove’s discussions with the president and Bolten have spread through the corridors of the White House where low-level staffers and senior officials were trying to determine how the indictment would impact an administration that has been mired in a number of high-profile political scandals for nearly a year, said a half-dozen White House aides and two senior officials who work at the Republican National Committee.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, sources confirmed Rove’s indictment is imminent. These individuals requested anonymity saying they were not authorized to speak publicly about Rove’s situation. A spokesman in the White House press office said they would not comment on “wildly speculative rumors.”
Rove’s attorney, Robert Luskin, did not return a call for comment Friday.
And it gets even worse for Rove:
Sources close to the case said there is a strong chance Rove will also face an additional charge of obstruction of justice, adding that Fitzgerald has been working meticulously over the past few months to build an obstruction case against Rove because it “carries more weight” in a jury trial and is considered a more serious crime.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer sociopath.
The Bushies will try to shrug this off and move on–but it’ll be tough. This is Bush’s brain we’re talking about here. This is the mastermind of their electoral and domestic policies.
A White House without Karl Rove will be like a House of Representatives without Tom Delay: lost, dazed and confused.
Score another victory for America today.
As I posted over on dKos, I can’t take Truthout at their word, given how many times they’ve stated Rove’s about to be indicted.
When it shows up on the AP wire or another traditional media source, I’ll believe it.
maybe so, this looks like the real deal. It is adequately sourced and quoted–and many have expected this news to arrive today anyway.
I’m willing to bet money on this one, this time.
Adequately sourced? “Anonymous sources say…” And I’ll grant that no one in the White House who is likely to know this wants the spotlight, but Truthout ain’t great on reliability.
Still… the timing’s right, and the suggested indictment s seemsright. So I’ll really hope this is the time. Give me four to one against my dollar, and I’ll take your bet. If you’re right, you get a dollar, if not I get four.
Oh – time limit. Make it the next six work days. No indictment in that time, I win.
I’ll keep my champagne chilled until Mr. Fitz Handsome calls his news conference. Then I’ll dance.
Sure hope Truthout has it right. Give me a timeline please! When will this happen (according to them)?
I wonder if the frog icon will be marched away too.
Marched away too? Never! ;o)
Frogs rule!
Now that’s one mean looking dragon frog! I’m glad to have him on my side!
Republicans but I wonder in what capacity and who will pay his salary.
Bye bye vicious little man.
He’ll be an advisor to the RNC (Mehlman is his man, placed there two years ago) and he’ll get about $200,000 a year and all the lawyers he needs. The second part is a lot like the deal James Tobin had for the New Hampshire phone-jamming scheme.
I think the good Red State Evangelical Christians will be watchin Brother Carl on cable TV real soon. Right after Brother Carl has “seen the light” again. What could be better than a born again, born again Christian?? I can see Carl in a white robe preachin God’s word to his flock, and selling lots in his “Christian Retirement Community in Florida, or Arizona or who knows where”. ……. Can’t You??
Rove’s shit only works behind the scenes, he doesn’t have the charisma to be a frontman. The image you paint is hilarious though.
AS the old joke says- Not so fast Kawalski! Only “thruthout so far. I really think that noone should put this ine in the “Done Deal” category. How about we all wait to see it pop up on at least one MSM outlet?
I’ll celebrate. Until then, I’ll just steep in my frustration.
Jason Leopold hasn’t been wrong yet.
Krazy Karl will look like hell in prison orange 😛
Yet as the body-count rises, Karl Rove is always seen smiling like a cat that just ate a canary and knows he got away with it.
Rove and Fitzgerald Play Monopoly
● Crucial Paragraph Viveca Novak :: Stands Out Like A Sore Thumb
● Susan Ralston Moves Away from Karl Rove & White House?
● Bush Replaced US Attorney in Guam – 2002 ¶ Abramoff Corruption Investigation Stopped
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Delay is leaving in June and now Rove- now if we could just get rid of Bush…
an administration that has been mired in a number of high-profile political scandals for nearly a year
I think this accurately describes D.C. culture, but not the rest of the nation. From casual observation, I would say that less than 5% of the national newscasts in the last year have been devoted to political scandals. People are turning on Bush as details of scandals dribble out, but the vast majority still have no idea how deep the corruption and arrogance runs.
I’m with about everyone else here. I will believe it when Bush is standing in the Rose Garden announcing Rove has given his resignation. Here’s hoping!!