SNL just had an amazing opening piece In a parallel universe, Al Gore was elected president. Al Gore actually appeared in the piece. What he said was amazing. More below.
President Al Gore was giving an address from the oval office. These are a few of the things in Al Gore’s America.
Gas is 19 cents a gallon, there is a huge surplus of gasoline because cars are running on trash. In fact, President Gore was contemplating assistance to the flagging oil companies.
Global warming has been solved, solved to such an extent that glaciers are now growing and threaten several cities.
There is a huge surplus, $11 trillion. It is kept in a lockbox.
The immigration problem has been solved. California has been made part of a new country, Mexifornia. Arnold is president.
President Al Gore invented a machine to stop hurricanes and tornadoes.
Afghanistan is now the hotspot for spring break.
There is national healthcare.
Baseball Commissioner George W. Bush is determined to get to the bottom of the steroid crisis and will tap every phone in America if need be.
America is so well loved abroad that Americans keep getting hugged.
New York’s biggest security worry is SNL.
It was awesome. (Sorry, no link.)
Live from NY, it’s boran2.
Oh crap! I missed it.
But I’ve been supporting The Real President since 2004!
He really is a great man. I genuinely admire him very much. I hope he will run again.
By the way, the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee (DSCC) (did I get that acronym right?) sends me emails all the time asking for money. I almost never give them anything. But I got one from Al Gore (for the DSCC) awhile back, and I immediately contributed $1000. I later learned, to my great approval, that Al Gore’s email got far more contributions than any other solicitation the DSCC has ever sent out!
He’s the man. He’s the man to support.
$1000? I’d say you are the man (or woman)!
Crooks and Liars has it. Great stuff, and Gore looks relaxed and confident.
Gore also appeared in the weekend update segment doing a point/counterpoint session.
It’s hilarious. Do read it
Excellent, thanks for drawing attention to this. I will put it on a USB flash drive and take it to work to show colleagues. The best President the US never had. I saw him speak in Sydney about 3 years ago – main focus was climate change. He came across as charismatic and very compelling on the subject – quite unlike the image painted by the MSM during the 2000 election campaign. I’ve since realised that he’s told some of the same self-deprecating jokes at every speech he’s made for several years, but hey, it’s hard to be original all the time…
Every time I hear Gore speak I say to myself “Of all the infinite number of parallel universes that Steven Hawking says exists, how did I end up in this worthless dump of a universe where the inmates are running the asylum? Is this the universe that slaveowners, 1890’s robber barons, and top SS officers get reincarnated into or something? Was I really that bad in my last life? Sniff, sniff, sob…
Seriously, though, if there is a God it’s about time he let Gore and some other adults get elected, now that he’s had his little joke at our expense. Ha, ha, good one. George W. Bush – Who would have thought? You are the A-number-1 big time kidder in all the universes in the multiverse, big fella. Hoo, boy. Now, can we have Al? Please? Please?
Trash converted to oil, that is. Just read my diary about Thermal Conversion, a way cool technology that aids in the oil crisis while solving the looming garbage crisis. And it is eco-friendly.