An article appeared Thursday in The USA Today which illustrates the positive impact of immigration (both legal and illegal) on the nation’s economy.
The article also gives the lie to more of the usual biases being tossed about by our political “leaders” not grounded in fact. “Urban myth” as we characterize “lying” today in polite circles, such as the internets.
The article reported on a study of the top five surnames of home buyers across the country in 2000 and again in 2005.
Would you believe that Latino and Asian home ownership is exploding across the land? Well, ok, its exploding in California, Texas and the other western states, mainly, but its increasing most everywhere else, too.
Is this a bad thing for the future of our great nation? Should we be sending Minutemen or Special Ops forces, or should we be sending Social Security Card recruiters and real estate agents to patrol the border looking to facilitate an improved economic future for ourselves, our children and their children?
It seems quite clear to me.
UPDATED—donkeytale looks into the future and sees…. a jamoca nation….all with social security cards, homes and cars.
UPDATED II—donkeytale looks into the chocolate chocolate chip future and sees cars burning BioWillie, available now at Willie Nelson’s own Truck Stop in Carls Corners, Texas. (South of Dallas on I 35 for the uninitiated). Fuel made from recycled truck stop country music jukebox hits.
it’s not clear to me. Which position are you taking?
If you must ask you have not been reading my diaries/comments very closely. Oh well.
sorry. I try to read as many diaries as i can.
thanks. I am onside with immigration. Very much so. Here’s another clue for you all: the immigrants are looking to “make it” in America, just like Americans do. Very hard working, conservative economic values, individual work ethic.
Many will succeed against the odds. Just like the WOPS, MICKS and HYMIES who came before them to reinvigorate our national economy in earlier times.
I am married to an immigrant and spent most of my life in and around immigant populations… I have lots of personal knowledge on this subject.
Here it is.
Analysis finds boom in Hispanics’ home buying
A diary follows, I believe.
Please show me this link to USA Today.
Thank you…