I thought I might let you know that the ad you are carrying (as are we) is rather dodgy. Atrios noted it as well.

From Chris at Empire Burlesqe

Media Citizen alerts us — and many other blogs — to the fact that the ad at the right for “www.dontregulate.org” is in fact a classic piece of astroturf: a fake “grass roots” campaign that is actually fronting for Big Telcoms like AT&T and BellSouth, who are trying to destroy one of the foundations of Internet freedom, “Net Neutrality” and replace it with a two-tier system that puts corporate favorites on the fast track and shunts all the rest of the rabble onto the horsepath to hobble along as they may. (Yes, this is the group that former Cli nton mouthpiece Mike McCurry is shilling for.) So in the interest of free inquiry and all that, feel free to peruse their ad — but know that they are trying to play with your head in a most cynical fashion. Go to MediaCitizen for the full story: Telcos Seek to Deceive Bloggers with Cartoon.