Janet I told my Mom about your idea/request. We have a pink candle in the house. My Mom told me to get the candle and put it on the coffee table in front of the couch (her usual spot). You’ve got one 80 y.o. woman and a past middle aged man thinking of ya’ll today.
Hope everyone is having a great day, Mother or not. What are you planning on doing today.
I am not sure yet about my day, one daughter is coming over around noon and waiting to hear from other children about their plans. My birthday is also this week so I will have two celebrations. Always this bonanza on Mother’s day week. I have long wanted to change birthdate to a month like say April, when there are no other family celebrations. Can’t figure out how to manage that however.
Well a big special Happy Mother’s Day to all the mother’s who read this.
A special hug for all you {{{{{{{{{{{{Froggie Bottom Mommies}}}}}}}}}}}}}!!!
One of my Mother’s Day presents was this great article on Al Gore and his new film An Inconvenient Truth on the front page of todays LAT Calendar section.
Please read and then email this article to all your friends asking them to email it to all their friends.
Let’s put it on top of the list of “Most Emailed Stories” on LAT’s front page!
wishes to everyone — gotta skedaddle to church (spouse is greeter today), then off to brunch with the in-laws. Afterwards, come home, catch a quickie nap then head off to see the Sharks playoff game.
Second Mother’s Day without my mom…but mom-in-law is a more than worthy backup pitcher. 🙂
Running off — back for a bit in the afternoon… 🙂
I will let you know that Mothers have a special meaning for me. My Mom is my best friend. She raised two boys on her own and always showed us love without ever speaking ill of my father who left her for the 3rd and final time when she was pregnant with me.
She worked full time and sometimes had extra jobs to make ends meet. She still always had time for my brother and me and even when she was mad at us you could still tell she loved us. On a limited income she still provided a loving home. We never went hungry, we had clothes that were as nice as anyone else’s and we were allowed to try anything that caught our fancy. I did not realize we were poor till I was 18. My older brother was a sports nut and into scouts and all that. She never complained about expenses and made sure he was able to attend anything that was associated with sports or scouting. She even found someone to take him hunting when he expressed an interest.
With me, she had a different challenge. I was into art, music, and theatre. She never complained in anyway and found ways to get me tickets to plays, concerts, and other events. She encouraged me in my pursuit of theatre and never missed a play or concerts I was in except once when she was in the hospital for surgery. She also never tried to force me into the sports or scout stuff.
Mom never seemed to mind all the hours spent driving us to swim meets, church, choir practice or any of the other many activities in our lives. She would take time off work to be a chaperone at school functions. She spent many hours talking with us about the news and what we were seeing. She taught me not to judge people by stereo types. She always said “Don’t judge people by their color, church, or what they do for a living. Get to know them as a person and if they are a jerk, then they are a jerk but being a jerk has nothing to do with anything else.”
When I came out to my Mom, her only comment was “I have known since you were 13, you are my son and I love you.” Now don’t think this was the end of any talks. We had future talks and some of them very difficult as we worked out a new phase in our relationship. The end result is she is still my best friend and I can talk to her abut anything. She even marched with me in the first official North Carolina Pride Parade back in the 80’s.
I celebrate my Mother on Mothers Day, but I also celebrate the fact that I have the World’s Greatest Mom every day of my life. She is my Hero, Best Friend, and Confidant. I know I would not be here if it were not for the Love she has always shown. I have been blessed to have a loving & caring Mom.
What a great tribute refinish, I would like to think that my children would write such as you have. I hope you will print this out and give to your mother.
Mom get’s long and very mushy letters and cards from me all the time saying this and much more. She knows she is loved beyond belief by both my brother and I. I always tell my friends with kids to be you child’s parent and a friend and when they get past that stage where they think you are a total moron they will come to cherish you more than any other friend.
Happy Mothers Day to all! Just returned from taking my mom home after feeding her full of french toast at our house. She will be blissfully napping this afternoon.
but wotthehell — the sun just came out 15 minutes ago for the first time in 5 days. According to the radar, I’ve got about 15 minutes more to enjoy it (in fact I can already see it’s about to cloud over).
I think that’s one of the really fun things about digital photography — being able to take a picture for its momentary utility and get that use out of it with minimal fuss and no cost.
Yep — the dogs are gradually recovering from the shock of so many extra fingers.
What is the significance of fingers? – more fingers to lick?
I have a Mother’s Day migraine and cramps to go with it, just to remind me of my womanliness and permanently altered anatomy from the joys of natural childbirth. So apropos for today.
I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. I hope you got to enjoy some of the day, anyway.
I showed my mom our conversation about child slaves and she said with every ounce of innocence her 84-year-old face could muster, “Did I say that?” and that laughed (wickedly, I thought).
You reminded me I haven’t called my mother yet. I guess I should, but she always sounds so grumpy that I find myself in a hurry to hang up. I thought old women were supposed to be sweet.
I think they have figured out that they don’t have to nice anymore because there’s really nothing that anyone can threaten them with so they can do what they want.
Back early — actually had the spouse bring me home from church then sent him out to brunch on his own. Found out he was hiding something very important from me…don’t feel like talking much now, but please keep some good thoughts for me the next few days (may be in and out as schedule permits)…
It’s been so-so, so far. My Mom didn’t feel well enough to go to my sister’s house, so everyone came over here. She sat on the couch and acted like her royal personage and beckoned each to come in and shower her with presents.
I hope that your sleeping has warded off any potential migraines. Are you stressed about your upcoming apt?
My day has been one you would be proud of! I went out to get groceries and a few quick errands, but otherwise I’ve been sorta napping on the couch watching movies all day!
Sounds downright comfy … 🙂 My kitty hates visitors as well, and he hides under the bed covers — makes a big lump in the bed, so it’s not like he’s really hidden.
Giddy (the malamutt) sleeps on the dogs beds, the rug, or outside. Hopeful (the hound) sleeps in his chair or on a dog bed. They’re both in the 70-80 range — no way I’m sharing a bed with them.
Tornado warnings all around the area – so of course I’m out on the porch waiting and watching. The planes are trying to go around the weather and consequently are zooming in low over our house.
Another good reason not to throw your kitty litter down the hill, SN.
In all seriousness, though: I do hope everything’s ok there & will continue that way.
Just fyi: a number of tornadoes have made their way through our valley. Despite the fact that my trailer sits an average of 4′ above ground & has no anchors, we’ve always been perfectly ok.
Just a reminder that a tornado in itself is nothing to worry about.
Lol about the kitty litter! But no one in this town has a basement. We figured out that a closet under the main staircase would be the best place, but with all four of us, two cats and a birdcage it might get a little cramped.
Growing up in the midwest a puny little tornado don’t scare me none!
Good to hear it!
I think fear is what holds the greatest potential for harm in dicey situations.
I s’pose an action plan is always worthwhile, though. I was invited to my landlord to take cover in his basement should tornado(e)s threaten — the one that gathers a foot of water if a cloud says ‘boo’.
I decided we’d just ride out whatever came. If we wind up in Oz, so be it.
Some plan, eh?
Happy Mother’s Day to you, btw! Hope you’re feeling a bit better.
Around here, tornadoes seem to head straight for trailers.
We’ve had them all around us but they never seem to head uphill (for which I am grateful). We have experienced 100 mph straight-line winds and that was scary enough for me to not want to every get anywhere near a tornado.
I agree — a tornado’s an impressive thing.
During our last little series both resident kitties refused to come in; I took my ‘worry key’ from them.
God forbid we should stay unprotected when a plane flies overhead — but a tornado? Let’s party!
On the other hand, not long ago a tornado passed through not far from here. One young man, having gone into his grandparents’ trailer to tend to them, woke up later to find himself in a field some miles away. The trailer was nowhere to be found.
The grandparents were ok, as it turns out — they’d left.
All basically well here, Andi; I’m in the process of ‘thinning’ my mounds of crap in prep for relocation, as well as gathering building stuff. Thanks for asking.
It seems you’re doing ok too, no?
That shouldn’t be too hard. What little you get is sweet.
Incredibly wet weather was predicted for our region all weekend long. Didn’t happen, though — just morning clouds, a little wind, then clearing & sun both yesterday & today.
This isn’t at all good for the drought conditions, which are already pretty bad. The reservoirs are inredibly low — they’re usually not this low ’til midsummer or later.
It’s been nice for spending time outdoors & sailing onto rooftops, though.
Fire is the only thing that I worry living out here but we’ve never had any extended drought so it’s never been a real worry. I hope you get your replenishing rains soon.
Actually, I’m feeling good. Apparently it rained non-stop here for the last few days, but it was sunny where I was (not very warm, but sunny). And today I spent some quality time today with mom despite the clouds and rain.
I’m glad you had the chance to enjoy time with your mom, maryb.
I haven’t seen mine in over two years & I do miss seeing her — especially as our differences no longer horrify me.
at the behest of our tireless Damnit Janet.
Janet I told my Mom about your idea/request. We have a pink candle in the house. My Mom told me to get the candle and put it on the coffee table in front of the couch (her usual spot). You’ve got one 80 y.o. woman and a past middle aged man thinking of ya’ll today.
Hope everyone is having a great day, Mother or not. What are you planning on doing today.
I am not sure yet about my day, one daughter is coming over around noon and waiting to hear from other children about their plans. My birthday is also this week so I will have two celebrations. Always this bonanza on Mother’s day week. I have long wanted to change birthdate to a month like say April, when there are no other family celebrations. Can’t figure out how to manage that however.
Well a big special Happy Mother’s Day to all the mother’s who read this.
I have the Mother’s Day-birthday bonanza this week too…my birthday’s on Tuesday. When’s yours, diane?
Mine is on Wed. fellow Taurus, Happy Birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you too! 🙂
Dine I didn’t get to say hi to you or CG today and I wish you both all the joy the day can bring.
Happy Mother’s Day to All!!!!!
A special hug for all you {{{{{{{{{{{{Froggie Bottom Mommies}}}}}}}}}}}}}!!!
One of my Mother’s Day presents was this great article on Al Gore and his new film An Inconvenient Truth on the front page of todays LAT Calendar section.
Please read and then email this article to all your friends asking them to email it to all their friends.
Let’s put it on top of the list of “Most Emailed Stories” on LAT’s front page!
MM Happy Mothers Day and as always you are in my thoughts.
Thanks {{{{{{{{{{FM}}}}}}}}}}}}}!
Hope you’re having a mellow day with lots of slacking off and napping involved!
wishes to everyone — gotta skedaddle to church (spouse is greeter today), then off to brunch with the in-laws. Afterwards, come home, catch a quickie nap then head off to see the Sharks playoff game.
Second Mother’s Day without my mom…but mom-in-law is a more than worthy backup pitcher. 🙂
Running off — back for a bit in the afternoon… 🙂
Link to larger version
I will let you know that Mothers have a special meaning for me. My Mom is my best friend. She raised two boys on her own and always showed us love without ever speaking ill of my father who left her for the 3rd and final time when she was pregnant with me.
She worked full time and sometimes had extra jobs to make ends meet. She still always had time for my brother and me and even when she was mad at us you could still tell she loved us. On a limited income she still provided a loving home. We never went hungry, we had clothes that were as nice as anyone else’s and we were allowed to try anything that caught our fancy. I did not realize we were poor till I was 18. My older brother was a sports nut and into scouts and all that. She never complained about expenses and made sure he was able to attend anything that was associated with sports or scouting. She even found someone to take him hunting when he expressed an interest.
With me, she had a different challenge. I was into art, music, and theatre. She never complained in anyway and found ways to get me tickets to plays, concerts, and other events. She encouraged me in my pursuit of theatre and never missed a play or concerts I was in except once when she was in the hospital for surgery. She also never tried to force me into the sports or scout stuff.
Mom never seemed to mind all the hours spent driving us to swim meets, church, choir practice or any of the other many activities in our lives. She would take time off work to be a chaperone at school functions. She spent many hours talking with us about the news and what we were seeing. She taught me not to judge people by stereo types. She always said “Don’t judge people by their color, church, or what they do for a living. Get to know them as a person and if they are a jerk, then they are a jerk but being a jerk has nothing to do with anything else.”
When I came out to my Mom, her only comment was “I have known since you were 13, you are my son and I love you.” Now don’t think this was the end of any talks. We had future talks and some of them very difficult as we worked out a new phase in our relationship. The end result is she is still my best friend and I can talk to her abut anything. She even marched with me in the first official North Carolina Pride Parade back in the 80’s.
I celebrate my Mother on Mothers Day, but I also celebrate the fact that I have the World’s Greatest Mom every day of my life. She is my Hero, Best Friend, and Confidant. I know I would not be here if it were not for the Love she has always shown. I have been blessed to have a loving & caring Mom.
That’s really beautiful rf! I hope your Mom reads this! 🙂
LOL She doesn’t have a computer but this something I tell her all the time.
Print it out and give her a copy! I know if it was me I would want to see this…. 🙂
What a great tribute refinish, I would like to think that my children would write such as you have. I hope you will print this out and give to your mother.
Mom get’s long and very mushy letters and cards from me all the time saying this and much more. She knows she is loved beyond belief by both my brother and I. I always tell my friends with kids to be you child’s parent and a friend and when they get past that stage where they think you are a total moron they will come to cherish you more than any other friend.
Refinish you are a good son, and it sounds like you have a most excellent mother.
as I say I am blessed. I spoke with her this am for over an hour.
Happy Mothers Day to all! Just returned from taking my mom home after feeding her full of french toast at our house. She will be blissfully napping this afternoon.
The flowers look lovely everyone, here’s one from me
these are lobelia and geranium(sp) growing in a strawberry pot.
but wotthehell — the sun just came out 15 minutes ago for the first time in 5 days. According to the radar, I’ve got about 15 minutes more to enjoy it (in fact I can already see it’s about to cloud over).
I love how you post these pix so we can see too! Is your company gone?
I think that’s one of the really fun things about digital photography — being able to take a picture for its momentary utility and get that use out of it with minimal fuss and no cost.
Yep — the dogs are gradually recovering from the shock of so many extra fingers.
What is the significance of fingers? – more fingers to lick?
I have a Mother’s Day migraine and cramps to go with it, just to remind me of my womanliness and permanently altered anatomy from the joys of natural childbirth. So apropos for today.
And the Indians are slumping.
Many more fingers to do scratching.
I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. I hope you got to enjoy some of the day, anyway.
I showed my mom our conversation about child slaves and she said with every ounce of innocence her 84-year-old face could muster, “Did I say that?” and that laughed (wickedly, I thought).
You reminded me I haven’t called my mother yet. I guess I should, but she always sounds so grumpy that I find myself in a hurry to hang up. I thought old women were supposed to be sweet.
It’s been my experience the direct opposite is true.
I think they have figured out that they don’t have to nice anymore because there’s really nothing that anyone can threaten them with so they can do what they want.
That’s basically what my 99 y.o. aunt said.
Back early — actually had the spouse bring me home from church then sent him out to brunch on his own. Found out he was hiding something very important from me…don’t feel like talking much now, but please keep some good thoughts for me the next few days (may be in and out as schedule permits)…
You’ve got all the good thoughts I can possibly muster.
Anyone around?
Nope, no one.
OK, see ya.
How is/was your day?
It’s been so-so, so far. My Mom didn’t feel well enough to go to my sister’s house, so everyone came over here. She sat on the couch and acted like her royal personage and beckoned each to come in and shower her with presents.
I’ve pretty much been in my room sleeping.
I’m sorry Olivia, I forgot to ask, how’s your day going?
I hope that your sleeping has warded off any potential migraines. Are you stressed about your upcoming apt?
My day has been one you would be proud of! I went out to get groceries and a few quick errands, but otherwise I’ve been sorta napping on the couch watching movies all day!
I don’t know if it was or not. Actually I’m just looking forward to it now, just to get it over with.
I’m proud of ya. Such untapped potential. 🙂
… and I hope it works FM, I really do.
Thanks Olivia.
Is everybody gone now so you can get busy and think about napping?
Just about. The last leave tomorrow.
I’ve been doing some extreme slacking today, so I don’t think it has cut into my schedule to much.
George wouldn’t be George unless he was barking.
Not so bad today though. I think its mostly because I’ve been asleep in my room though.
… while you’re napping?
He wouldn’t be any other place. Both he and Cat try to crowd me off the bed when my nephew is here.
Sounds downright comfy … 🙂 My kitty hates visitors as well, and he hides under the bed covers — makes a big lump in the bed, so it’s not like he’s really hidden.
Well at least Cat is on the bed and not behind the TV this time. 🙂
I think I’m going to have to lie down for a while longer, so I’ll see ya’ll later.
Only when your nephew is there? Sniff assumes that whatever portion of the bed he leaves for me is the portion I deserve so STFU.
Sniff’s a big dog, isn’t he? And what the other two — where do they sleep. Not in the bed?
He just thinks big.
Giddy (the malamutt) sleeps on the dogs beds, the rug, or outside. Hopeful (the hound) sleeps in his chair or on a dog bed. They’re both in the 70-80 range — no way I’m sharing a bed with them.
Some pics of my day, lilies are from daughter Jessica, Mums are from daughter Shanna…
You look very content surrounded by flowers.
You look wonderful!
Looks like you’ve had a truly beautiful day, Diane. It shows!
Tornado warnings all around the area – so of course I’m out on the porch waiting and watching. The planes are trying to go around the weather and consequently are zooming in low over our house.
Still out on the porch. Where do basementless southerners go during a tornado?
Great sky. I think watching storms come is hypnotic.
I love to sit on the porch or in the yard and watch storms as they come in. I am hoping my next place ahs a proch so I can watch storms again.
That was a wonderful tribute you paid your mom up there. It was really touching!
Thank you!!!! It was all from the heart. I could go on for hours about that wonderful woman.
Iirc, they go to their neighbors’ basements.
Another good reason not to throw your kitty litter down the hill, SN.
In all seriousness, though: I do hope everything’s ok there & will continue that way.
Just fyi: a number of tornadoes have made their way through our valley. Despite the fact that my trailer sits an average of 4′ above ground & has no anchors, we’ve always been perfectly ok.
Just a reminder that a tornado in itself is nothing to worry about.
Lol about the kitty litter! But no one in this town has a basement. We figured out that a closet under the main staircase would be the best place, but with all four of us, two cats and a birdcage it might get a little cramped.
Growing up in the midwest a puny little tornado don’t scare me none!
Yeah but back home you had a basement with a big ole furnace to hide behind.
Good to hear it!
I think fear is what holds the greatest potential for harm in dicey situations.
I s’pose an action plan is always worthwhile, though. I was invited to my landlord to take cover in his basement should tornado(e)s threaten — the one that gathers a foot of water if a cloud says ‘boo’.
I decided we’d just ride out whatever came. If we wind up in Oz, so be it.
Some plan, eh?
Happy Mother’s Day to you, btw! Hope you’re feeling a bit better.
How ya’ doing?
Around here, tornadoes seem to head straight for trailers.
We’ve had them all around us but they never seem to head uphill (for which I am grateful). We have experienced 100 mph straight-line winds and that was scary enough for me to not want to every get anywhere near a tornado.
I agree — a tornado’s an impressive thing.
During our last little series both resident kitties refused to come in; I took my ‘worry key’ from them.
God forbid we should stay unprotected when a plane flies overhead — but a tornado? Let’s party!
On the other hand, not long ago a tornado passed through not far from here. One young man, having gone into his grandparents’ trailer to tend to them, woke up later to find himself in a field some miles away. The trailer was nowhere to be found.
The grandparents were ok, as it turns out — they’d left.
All basically well here, Andi; I’m in the process of ‘thinning’ my mounds of crap in prep for relocation, as well as gathering building stuff. Thanks for asking.
It seems you’re doing ok too, no?
Doing fine. Trying to be satisfied with my 35 minutes of bluish sky.
That shouldn’t be too hard. What little you get is sweet.
Incredibly wet weather was predicted for our region all weekend long. Didn’t happen, though — just morning clouds, a little wind, then clearing & sun both yesterday & today.
This isn’t at all good for the drought conditions, which are already pretty bad. The reservoirs are inredibly low — they’re usually not this low ’til midsummer or later.
It’s been nice for spending time outdoors & sailing onto rooftops, though.
How long has the drought been going on? Are you at a heightened threat of forest fires?
There’s been no drought officially declared, but I figured we’d be in for it ’cause we had no snow.
Our valley experienced a few brush fires last month. More than we generally have all year. They were both quickly handled by the VFDs.
Sorry — I’m incredibly sloppy tonight.
I meant to say that we recently experienced 2 brush fires on the same day within a few miles of here. They were both quickly handled etc.
Fire is the only thing that I worry living out here but we’ve never had any extended drought so it’s never been a real worry. I hope you get your replenishing rains soon.
Glad you haven’t had fire worries. Generally, we don’t either.
I doubt that we’ll make up for our shortfall any time soon. On a purely selfish level, I hope we don’t. Talk about a damper ..
Anybody here? Or is everyone taking a post-mother’s day celebration snooze?
So how’s being a gung-ho team member feel?
yes! absolutely! gung-ho! That’s me.
Actually, I’m feeling good. Apparently it rained non-stop here for the last few days, but it was sunny where I was (not very warm, but sunny). And today I spent some quality time today with mom despite the clouds and rain.
Have you had any break in the clouds?
I’m glad you had the chance to enjoy time with your mom, maryb.
I haven’t seen mine in over two years & I do miss seeing her — especially as our differences no longer horrify me.
Glad you had a nice M’Day. Jealous of your sunshine.
Cloud break: 35 minutes, documented upthread.
Hey there, maryb! Good to see you.
No snoozin’ here (yet); no celebration to speak of, aside of my mama cat’s jubilant roof antics.
Not directly related to Mother’s Day, I don’t think.
WW !
It seems like it’s been ages since we’ve been in the cafe together. Great to see you.
Good to see you too! I’ve been popping in and out and it’s been a slow day here.
Greetings, Olivia!
I’m guessing it’s been a bit of a slow day all ’round — though not for me, as I ran about like a loon all day.
Now I get to slow down a bit.
I can’t see posted photos right now, for some reason. Quel bummer!
This happens occasionally. Then it changes.
So you’ve got the weary but satisfied feeling of a good day’s work done … or you’re tired and achy! 🙂
Oh, I did practically nothin’ today — & yes, I’m tired & achy (it’s that time of moon).
Ergo, I’m on the nod & ready to crash.
I’m sure I’ll see you again soon, bad weather permitting. ‘Night!
Good to see you back.
It’s good to be back.
for a lounge. Be right back.