We are going to have to take over the
Democratic Party from within. I don’t agree with people that think the party is dead or worthless. I look around at what we are doing here in Philadelphia, I look at the momentum still steaming along from the Dean campaign and the meet-ups, I look at how much influence the blogosphere has obtained…and I have to conclude that the Democratic Party is being revitalized. But, we are dealing with some serious obstacles. Our biggest obstacle is the influence of the Clintonistas, the DLC, and
Dems with major ties to the military-industrial complex and other big anti-regulatory corporations. We can see this in the loathesome Adam
Nagourney’s latest piece, Hey Democrats, Why Win?
Look at these condescending idiots:
“The most politically advantageous thing for the Democrats is to pick up 11, 12 seats in the House and 3 or 4 seats in the Senate but let the Republicans continue to be responsible for government,” said Tony Coelho, a former House Democratic whip. “We are heading into this period of tremendous deficit, plus all the scandals, plus all the programs that have been cut. This way, they get blamed for everything.”
But the worry among some Democrats is that a thin majority breeds not compromise but inaction, and that could turn off voters just as much as single-party rule has. Republicans, on the other hand, would get a welcome reprieve, said Martin Frost, a former House member from Texas who has led the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
“They don’t have to worry about passing anything,” Mr. Frost said, “and it gives them freedom to be critics. There’s a certain liberating aspect of being in the minority in the short term, but I don’t recommend it in the long term.”
Another worry is whether some Democrats would use their power in what could be perceived as payback against Republicans. Party leaders like Nancy Pelosi, the House minority leader, have talked of investigations into allegations of malfeasance across all parts of the Bush administration.
Some Democrats argue that such investigations are long overdue in order to expose and correct a pattern of abuses by the administration. But others differ.
“Revenge — that’s what we have to avoid,” said Joe Andrews, a former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, adding that it’s dangerous to talk “about what are you going to do to the guys you beat, as opposed to what are you going to do for the people.”
“If the first thing that happens is a series of investigations, or committee restructurings, it will clearly sour people on the party and make it more difficult to win in 2008,” he said. “As a practical matter would Democrats be able to restrain themselves?”
Bob Kerrey, the former Democratic senator from Nebraska who is president of the New School, put it another way.
“It’s going to be very difficult to lead, because the loudest voices in both parties will be those that feel the strongest about their certitude,” he said. “That’s going to be the left: Impeach him! Investigate him!”
It’s okay to say these things if you are retired. I doubt Chuck Schumer and Rahm Emanuel would be imprudent enough to make these kinds of statements. But I don’t doubt that they feel the same way. They want to win, but they don’t want to win if it means the angry left will force them to hold hearings and investigations that will create a giant mess and (somehow) jeopardize the Dems chances of winning the Presidency in 2008.
They like to call us the ‘loud left’ or the ‘looney left’ or ‘the radical fringe’ or the ‘Michael Moore wing of the party’. It is total bullshit. We are progressives that want accountable government, with oversight, with rule of law (yes, in proportion). We want serious reforms to root out the corruption in Washington and to give the people more of a say in what kind of laws and policies and priorities are passed and pursued by our elected officials.
And we are not going to get it so long as we let Rahm Emanuel and Chuck Schumer pick our candidates, shut down primaries, and pay for it all with corporate and other monied interests’ money. We just can’t tolerate this after 2006.
We need a party within a party. We need progressive Democrats to run in local, state, Congressional, and even some Senatorial primaries, and we need to create a small donor base that is independent of the DSCC, DSCC, and the DNC. We need our own media and campaign consultants. I’ll be pushing this idea at Yearly Kos. Because we can’t tolerate the attitude of the old guard. Now that the people have a voice, they need the tools to take their fair share of power.
Yep, the old crowd want to win. That’s it. They don’t want to stand for anything. They don’t want to be accountable. They will always have excuses as to why it is not expedient at any given moment to stand for anything.
Unfortunately, we have to battle and win against them before we can fight the larger battles. Your ideas about how to prevail have a lot of merit.
Me Too
available in blue.
Oh Fine…..just drag me all over the net and back 😉
Nothing is ever won through appeasment….so call me loud, radical, call me a democrat..not appease-a-crat. Any Pres. Clinton is still hanging out with W’s family a bit to much for my comfort.
is wrong with an investigation? The spouse said it best in the car this morning — “We need an investigation before impeachment.” Conducting an investigation could bring about two results: (1) reveal the exact nature and details of the “high crimes and misdemeanors” that the Bush Crime Family has committed, and (2) demonstrate to the American people that no one is above “the law”.
When most people think about impeachment, they think Clinton and blow jobs…by conducting a thorough investigation, the Democrats can show what impeachment was really put in place for — it’s not a act to be taken lightly, but rather the act of last resort when all other remedies have fallen by the wayside.
But that’s not for the Party Elite like Pelosi (you know, I really used to like her till she went mainstream) and others — they’d rather see the Republicans stew in their own juice so they can take a resounding victory in 2008 or 2012 or some year in the future…and they don’t give a damn if people die because of lack of health care coverage or are killed in the deserts of Iraq/Iran/Syria or die from a botched abortion or drown in the sewers of the Gulf Coast. As long as they’ve got their power and privlege, they can’t be bothered with Real Life issues…they’ll assign a staffer to that one of these days…
I’ve had a shitty day so far…and thinking about “politics as usual” is making it worse. Where’s Chris with the panda pics when I need them???
I read this article earlier today. It has to be the most twisted logic I’ve ever seen. I don’t like Emmanuel or Schumer that much, but I’ll say one thing – they are definitely not quitters, nor are they happy to be in the minority.
Adam Nagourney is a tool.
He’s an idiot, too, but perhaps not too much–he got some actual “Democrats” to respond to this idiotic drivel.
So the next time you read a hit-piece on Howard Dean or anyone else trying to make a change in the party, you will know where to look first.
Of course we need to heal the party. Regarding Mr. Nagourney, it’s just too infuriating and painful to work my way through all his corrupt words, though it is instructive to read the quotes carefully he gets from the usual suspects (Bob Kerrey, Martin Frost, Cohelo) if only to remind ourselves of the challenges we face. “Condescending idiots” is an apt description.
Take over and take over now!
In the 15th congressional district of the Lehigh Valley there is a last minute Green-Demo, Greta Browne, who will voice the anti war pro civil rights perspective that used to be what the Democratic party was about.
Browne just announced last week so this is an impossible task for the Tuesday election but my conversations with her shows that she is interested even sympathetic and willing to learn about the drug policy reform issues that are important to me. (If the Dem.s retake the House drug policy reformer John Conyers will chair the House Judiciary Committee.)
There is a significant opportunity for an under the wire political play here for the progressive Browne. The Democrat, Charles Dertinger, came late and was forcibly drafted by the Party. He has not campaigned at all. The Republican incumbent, Charlie Dent, is splitting Dertinger’s potential vote by mounting a cross-over write-in directed at conservative Democrats in the district. He’s just screwing with the system, which he loves to do. But this leaves the left and real moderates wide open for the clear anti war alternative, Greta Browne.
SEE: 3-D Write-in’s @ PA-15th Congressional District
Greta Browne; Alternative to Charlie Dent
Greta Browne vs. the 2-Charlie horse race
“Ad Nags” has been a pathetic media gasbag for a long time now so it’s only natural that he’d facilitate the propagation of the Dem leadership’s political cowardice and non-strategy.
I have such contempt for the political and media classes now that I’m no longer able to debate in good faith any strategy or philosophical perspective with an eye towards the rehabbing of the Dem party.
I don’t want to burst anyone else’s bubble who may be more enthusiasticaly pursuing such “change the party from within” remedies, so I’ll refrain from commenting in future diaries that deal with such plotting and planning at least until such time as I might be able to believe there’s a genuine possibility that such resurrection is possible.
Amen. I am working to get people involved across the nation to take the party back and kick the Repugnant Lites out!!!!
Talking about the Clintons and obstruction of progressive ideals, is it only me, or are there others that get both sick and very worried with this new found buddy-buddy crap between Bush I and Bill Clinton. One of them has caved in to the dark side, and we all know that the Bush clan never gives in! Talk about a credibility crisis in today’s political atmosphere!
A party within the party?– OK- here I go– If I have access to the net, I visit your blog daily (and probably 2 or 3 times a day! Thus, I followed your openning post and was somewhat comfortable – Until “a party within a party”! Sorry but un- effing belivable!It would be a gop orgasm. Don’t believe for one second that that idea won’t bring an extra helping of ” Oh my god!”
Sure I would love to see us all get behind the present Democratic party but thede “leaders” are a joke; a disgrace; a horror!; you pick! No party within a party- nope, zip, zero!
We have to start new! Sure it is going to take a ton of effort and time and energy but support this party? Not a chance.
Taking an Adam Nagourney piece seriously is like taking a Rush Limbaugh piece seriously. Adam Nagourney is irrelevant. And he only talks to those people in DC who he can spin against the Democratic Party.
As for Coelho, Frost, Andrews, and Bob Kerrey, they need to learn that talk has consequences. And this is not the time to blab candid assessments to the likes of Adam Nagourney.
Folks like Adam Nagourney are trying to build cynicism and defeatism into folks like us. They want us to desert the Democratic Party at the very moment that a whole lot of new representatives can reform it. They are scared SL that the 50-state strategy will work and will take down the Washington establishment, including them.
Pay them no mind. Work hard and get new folks elected in places that no one thought Democrats could win.
Every time a stupid piece like Nagourney’s come out, send Howard Dean another twenty bucks. It is going to build presence in counties of states that has not been there in thirty years.
one serious flaw in waiting even longer for victory:
the political reality does not pause and then unroll as we would predict it. giving bushco 2 years longer to wreck our 2008 chances because we don’t even trust ourselves with SUCCESS is a double-dose of doublethinking self-doubt.
moreover, i fail to imagine any especially shiny democrat-phoenix rising from some still deeper pile of bushco. stop the crap and win all we can as soon as possible– and as often.
Much Is Expected.
When we give them a majority, we will expect them to do the job we elected them to do.
They know that, and that’s why they’d rather not.
I really can’t hack reading people like Adam Nagourney and Maureen Dowd or David Brouder anymore at all.
You’re right about the party needing sweeping progressive change, but I’m not sure that is something that is going to come from within the party, as much as society.
The net is revolutionary (let’s see what Clinton, Schumer and Emmanuel do on net neutrality.)
James Weinstein, the founding editor and publisher of In These Times magazine said that a third party won’t succeed in organizing progressive change in America. It has to come from within the Democratic party. It will come. The progressive movement is going to sweep all the corporatist GOPlites out of leadership, unless they have a “conversion experience.”