Gotta get ready to run to the bank and find out why electronic transfers have taken 3 DAMN DAYS!!! Gotta then go to the home inspection and pay $350 of money that may or may not be in the bank yet.
Had a huge fight with my mother yesterday. Last week she fell and couldn’t get up. Laid there for 8 hours till she finally was able to get the phone to her and call 911. She still hasn’t gone to the doctors. I TRY to understand that she has “shut in mentality” but now I’ve got to keep our chats to a low minimum as her constant criticism is getting to be too damn much. I get in to the trouble when I think i have a mother who I can turn to for advice or support…
Sharks loss after a classless booing of the Canadian anthem by some assholes at the shark tank. Completely embarrassed. I’m not sure there is even an American player on our team. Most of the hotties are Canadian.
I don’t even sing the damn anthem of ours. I think it should be “Jeremiah was a bullfrog” 🙂
That’s awful about your mom, DJ. Does she live someplace where someone could check on her everyday and alert you and/or police if something is wrong? My mother lives in a building mostly with other elderly people, and they have an agreement on their floor that if someone doesn’t pick up their newspaper from the hallway by a certain time someone will check on them.
No. She lives in a VERY NICE low income apartment. My brother pays for most of her bills and a cleaning lady that comes in once a week.
We have tried over and over to have my mom keep “regular hours” meaning she doesn’t sleep all day and then listen to her “Art Bell” all night long. I can’t call her at 10 at night to talk. If you call her at noon she’s not awake and it’s hard to talk to her. My mom needs to focus on getting healthy. We simply can’t do it for her or check up on her as then we are the “bad guys”. There’s alot to this…. that can’t be all explained here… suffice to say – I’m watching my mother slowly die. She won’t go to the doctor and then AGAIN we’ll be faced with ER, hopsital bills. She HATED us for putting her hin a after-srugery nursing home after her last near death ER crisis.
Think “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape”. That’s my fucking life.
I have only shared with Cabingirl my dad’s latest. I love him….he has his good stuff too but one must sort through everything. I do my best to not be too hard on him too because he did survive one hell of a brain injury ordeal, but I can’t “tell him anything”. His latest is that he was buying used gambling machines and reconditioning them and selling them. He doesn’t need money. He makes enough to keep himself just fine but he gets bored these days so I guess he wants to make more money but don’t you think that maybe you should check out the state and local gambling laws before you start selling gambling machines. The Colorado State Attorney General stormed his house, confiscated his machines, he goes to court May 22nd….I really can’t ever get the facts out of him on anything, he slants everything he tells me these days the way he wants it to be and they are violating his rights. All that I can say is that I’m not in Colorado to have to post his bond and I won’t be sitting in the court room trying to figure out what the hell to do about Dad this month. Fuck It……I’m going to Laura Bush it and go caress some books or something.
Oh cripes Tracy – So sorry to hear that. Parents… they become little kids in a way.
My mom thinks that you bending over backwards and dropping everything, inlcuding your own kids and responsibilities, is a sign of love. I just wish she’d choose to start to try to be healthier. Bad habits die hard. But hers are killing her.
I could hear in my father’s voice that he wanted me to drop my whole life too and rush to his rescue but I don’t know if there is any rescue to be had in this instance.
I was thinking about you this past weekend, wondering how your march went and all.. sounds like it turned into one big stressmobile w/your mom. Suffice to say, parents that age are so hard to deal with sometimes, because they will take no advice and can be so damn stubborn. (I know… but nothing as bad as yours.)
Anyway, can’t stay long here, since I’m at work, but wanted to express my long distance support and sympathies.
Btw, heard about that hockey booing from Cali last night… that’s just disgusting! At least we know none of Sharks fan friends had anything to do with that!
You’ve got my sympathy DJ. I’m currently my mother’s guardian ad litem for her divorce, because she’s completely wigged about it. Not my idea of a fun.
Holy cripes Kelly…eat your Wheaties and pack a lunch! I would never walk on that fire my child for fear of being roasted alive and having my parents feast on me when I’m done! Families are such loving things where I come from. I think it’s all the German descendants who married all the Dixiecrats in my family tree!
Went through similar stuff (lack of support) with my mom — now that she’s got the eternal viewpoint, she knows now why her kids were reluctant to call. 🙁 At least she had no hesitation going to the doctor when necessary…she just never told anyone when she did. Cancel that — she never told me; I always heard about it after the fact.
Question: if green thumb is for growing things and brown thumb is for killing them, what color do I get for not even bothering to try to grow anything to kill?
Felt kind of yucky all weekend, allergies are winning but have follow up appointment on Wednesday so I’ll probably get the Advair. Thank God for all this stuff we have now, I guess I would be living on steroids here in the South without it. Husband sleeping since he did 24 hours on duty. Kids at school. Typed too much yesterday….typing is all goofy today.
Some Minister on CNN is upset about the Da Vinci Code because it is “historic fiction” and it could confuse people. Gee, and most likely lots of the Bible isn’t a sort of historical fiction? Sometimes don’t you just want to grab an ice pick and insert it in your ear and then remember that it is less destructive to just change the channel or just shut the fucking thing off for that matter?
I listen to the community radio nowadays. News makes me wanna puke.
Oh and about allergies, my dear friend momagainstthedraft/Mrs. Ski she saw a show about how the pollen has gotten’ worse due to global warming. that pre-historic pollens are now arising due to the rains in areas like death valley. There’s GRASS in death valley now.
Be well. My little guy has bad allergies and now we are all seemingly getting the eye itchies.
It’s funny how upset the churches are about the DaVinci code. I listen to the sermon from a local megachurch online every week and they had an entire SERIES debunking it and calling it heresy. They are worried about something, no doubt about it.
I emailed the pastor and said basically, what gives?, why are you so worried about a work of fiction?…isn’t your faith strong enough?
He wrote back “May our lord and savior Jesus Christ bless you.” What a pussy, wouldn’t even answer me.
about people whose faith is so weak that a movie could shake it up…
I’m not going to see “DaVinci”, but not because of Christianity — I’m not going because the book sucked; I couldn’t even make it through the first chapter.
Doesn’t matter to me one way or another if Jesus was married…but could you imagine the pressure on the descendents? “Okay, dude, we’ve got you down for the wine for Saturday’s party…” lol
Hey there Cali… didn’t get to say hi earlier… you crack me up there!
I have no intention to see that movie either… not because I hated the book (I didn’t even want to bother with it, given the subject), nor religious reasons (ha ha ha, that’s a good one!) but because I categorically refuse see anything with Tom Hanks in it! His movies are banned in our house, due to smarminess and over-estimated “talent” he supposedly has. hehe
One of Dr.Mc’s students gave her an “energy” drink. She was loath to drink it because she wasn’t sure it was gluten free, so I’m playing guinea pig. Should interesting. It has a warning label saying it shouldn’t be drunk by people with caffiene sensitivity.
Today tea: Iron Silk Puerh, Puerhs are black teas that have been aged. They’re supposed to be medicinal.
Sounds like playing guinea pig could be a bit dicey… I’m really suspicious of those things, since they seem to be a concoction of caffeine and all sorts of other stimulant stuff. One or two cups of coffee in the morning do it for me. I think most kids just use those for extended drinking binges, if I have heard right…
To me they sound like the 2000s equivalent of those “vitamin drinks” that were popular in the mid-90s… on which, one of my former students got himself so whacked out that a group of his friends had to sit up with him all night talking him down.
Didn’t mean to give you a lecture here today, so just consider this a friendly Happy Monday! Hope all is going well with the writing.
Oh yeah. I’m actually with you on the dicey part. I’d never buy one of the things, but I’ve been vaguely curious for ages, and it’s early enough in the day that it should all be metabolized by the time I need to try to get to sleep. I have a very high metabolism and a fair amount of chemical resistance, so I’m not too worried. I consider it a sort of low key throwback to my adrenaline junkie days, and so an interesting experiment. BTW, no major effects yet. I don’t feel a need to go out and climb things, which would be a first sign of over-stimulation.
Writing is going well. I crossed the 60,000 words line last week which means I’ve only got about 29,000 left to go. It’s a huge psychological breakthrough. I can do 29,000 words standing on my head in a bucket if I have too. They wouldn’t be great words, and it wouldn’t be any fun, but it’s doable, so I feel almost like I can coast from here on out.
Ehh, a short night, but restful, even though I woke up earlier than my alarm. Enough to get me through the day here, though I may be fading fast when the late night lounge comes around tonight… Unless I take one of those FM-prescribed naps after work! Actually, planning on watering the newly planted plants and getting some house cleaning done. No garden work for me today, just water and admiration. Maybe a few pics if there is enough sun (mostly overcast here today.)
Hope all is going well in your bit of cube-landia today… still envy you that great view of the lake!
Well we’re not at that point just yet! But in terms of what I can feasibly get done after work at night, that’s about all I’ll be able to muster up doing, lol. Admiration will be in another month or so… When do you get planting in earnest? Still having to wait out those cold nights?
Oh, and oooops about me thinking that was a lake… ya gotta call me out on those little idiocies when they happen!
… the general wisdom passed down around here, is to wait until after May24 long w/e. Then you’re pretty safe. But all the garden centres have their stock in now, and the early perennials are coming up — new surprises every day. We’ve still got tulips poking up — real sleepyheads those guys are LOL. I’m going to start my indoor seeds this week.
I hear you on the not enough time! I could be out there from 6am to 9pm and never be finished. Just the rosebush deadheading alone IVG! I have bushels of spent blooms every single day! I inherited the garden from a retired couple who spent every possible moment of daylight out there. It will be impossible for me to keep the garden as good as they did, and it makes me sort of nervous to think about …
And don’t worry about the river/lake thing. It’s good to be able to know something you don’t for a change, lol! 😉
Ah, so the Victoria Day holiday is your start time? For me, my drop dead date to get veggies in (peppers and tomatoes) is Memorial Day weekend, the following week from your start! I also always try to have all new perennials/annuals in by then too, and finish planting the summer seeds such as zinnias, balsam, cosmos and 4 o’clocks…
What a difference a few degrees of latitude make eh? 🙂
seem to be various combinations of caffeine and sugar; sure, you get “energy” but I’d hate to be around for the crash. And how many of those kids slugging down energy drinks are going to wind up with Type 2 diabetes somewhere down the road? 🙁
There always seems to be folks who try to beat the body’s natural instincts so they can pack as much as possible into 24 hours. Back in my day, it was No-Doz and Vivarin caffeine pills. I know better now…the body needs sleep, not drugs…
is sans sugar. It’s got like eight calories. And frankly, after about twenty minutes since I finished it, still no amazing rush of energy. Not sure what the point is.
Recovering (physically and emotionally) from last night. Assholic actions are definitely making the rounds in the media — I’m sure that the bastards who booed “O Canada” will put the entire arena of Sharks fans firmly in Keith Olbermann’s “Worst Persons in the World” tonight. Spouse and I are pretty much without voice — I actually might get some peace and quiet today. 🙂
Was going to go out and get some self time, but I woke up too late plus it’s going to be a hot one today…definitely a no-cook night; soup and salad at Sweet Tomatoes.
How you feeling today? Was sorry to read about your migraine on your B last night… hope it’s all gone and you’re ready to face another yard work filled week of adventure! Don’t forget your Indiana Jones hat…
Thanks IVG, but it was a mini one so nothing too bad.
No yard work today. It’s play time with my 3 y.o. great nephew until they leave today. He’s with his grandmother now, but I expect him back at anytime to want to play with Gorg and me.
I have to admit, I haven’t watched Barney in awhile. Still don’t like it. 🙂
If I do I’m sure I’ll sleep until it’s time for Gorg and me to get up again and then I’ll feel bad and worn out.
A correct nap is something to one should take with no anticipation of being woken up. Once you do wake up, you have the luxury of laying there in the half sleep/awake state and think how much more comfortable could it get.
I figure it’s no need to ruin a perfectly good nap. 🙂
So you’ve got an exciting RL eh? IVG and I just hang out in our yards LOL, although he did go to that exciting texas restaurant the other night … (hehe if you’re lurking IVG!)
the type of bag I wanted wasn’t on sale…and, taking your profound advice, I may just start using the XT exclusively; ergo, the old bags are OK…and the only hoods they had were all the wrong size. Yer basic waste of time…but I saved some $’s.
I thought it was more nag-like. Or maybe profoundly nagging. Or something. 🙂 Sorry you didn’t find what you’re looking for, but if it means you’ll make the switch then it may be a good thing!
Hag…you’re much too young to be a hag, I mean who’d even insinuate such a thing? I mean, damn, you’re canadian, fer chrissakes!……Nag? You said “nag’………o…………..nevermind…:{)
I wasn’t lurking, I was working until just now, lol. Good thing your birthday was last month and no one will drag you to that awful place. I hope to never have to relive that ambience again. The friends, yes, that place, NO.
Yo dada… you were out carousing last night, eh? And we thought you were just drowning your sorrows about the AVs loss still…. hehe.
My little sneak away from work is now ended. Probably won’t make it to happy hour today. Hopefully I’ll make it to the FBL later. Hope MaryB will be back!
Good morning all.
I don’t think I want to know 🙂
Beautiful flower, Second Nature!!!
Gotta get ready to run to the bank and find out why electronic transfers have taken 3 DAMN DAYS!!! Gotta then go to the home inspection and pay $350 of money that may or may not be in the bank yet.
Had a huge fight with my mother yesterday. Last week she fell and couldn’t get up. Laid there for 8 hours till she finally was able to get the phone to her and call 911. She still hasn’t gone to the doctors. I TRY to understand that she has “shut in mentality” but now I’ve got to keep our chats to a low minimum as her constant criticism is getting to be too damn much. I get in to the trouble when I think i have a mother who I can turn to for advice or support…
Sharks loss after a classless booing of the Canadian anthem by some assholes at the shark tank. Completely embarrassed. I’m not sure there is even an American player on our team. Most of the hotties are Canadian.
I don’t even sing the damn anthem of ours. I think it should be “Jeremiah was a bullfrog” 🙂
93 in Oregon????? WTF?????
That’s awful about your mom, DJ. Does she live someplace where someone could check on her everyday and alert you and/or police if something is wrong? My mother lives in a building mostly with other elderly people, and they have an agreement on their floor that if someone doesn’t pick up their newspaper from the hallway by a certain time someone will check on them.
No. She lives in a VERY NICE low income apartment. My brother pays for most of her bills and a cleaning lady that comes in once a week.
We have tried over and over to have my mom keep “regular hours” meaning she doesn’t sleep all day and then listen to her “Art Bell” all night long. I can’t call her at 10 at night to talk. If you call her at noon she’s not awake and it’s hard to talk to her. My mom needs to focus on getting healthy. We simply can’t do it for her or check up on her as then we are the “bad guys”. There’s alot to this…. that can’t be all explained here… suffice to say – I’m watching my mother slowly die. She won’t go to the doctor and then AGAIN we’ll be faced with ER, hopsital bills. She HATED us for putting her hin a after-srugery nursing home after her last near death ER crisis.
Think “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape”. That’s my fucking life.
I have only shared with Cabingirl my dad’s latest. I love him….he has his good stuff too but one must sort through everything. I do my best to not be too hard on him too because he did survive one hell of a brain injury ordeal, but I can’t “tell him anything”. His latest is that he was buying used gambling machines and reconditioning them and selling them. He doesn’t need money. He makes enough to keep himself just fine but he gets bored these days so I guess he wants to make more money but don’t you think that maybe you should check out the state and local gambling laws before you start selling gambling machines. The Colorado State Attorney General stormed his house, confiscated his machines, he goes to court May 22nd….I really can’t ever get the facts out of him on anything, he slants everything he tells me these days the way he wants it to be and they are violating his rights. All that I can say is that I’m not in Colorado to have to post his bond and I won’t be sitting in the court room trying to figure out what the hell to do about Dad this month. Fuck It……I’m going to Laura Bush it and go caress some books or something.
Oh cripes Tracy – So sorry to hear that. Parents… they become little kids in a way.
My mom thinks that you bending over backwards and dropping everything, inlcuding your own kids and responsibilities, is a sign of love. I just wish she’d choose to start to try to be healthier. Bad habits die hard. But hers are killing her.
I could hear in my father’s voice that he wanted me to drop my whole life too and rush to his rescue but I don’t know if there is any rescue to be had in this instance.
I was thinking about you this past weekend, wondering how your march went and all.. sounds like it turned into one big stressmobile w/your mom. Suffice to say, parents that age are so hard to deal with sometimes, because they will take no advice and can be so damn stubborn. (I know… but nothing as bad as yours.)
Anyway, can’t stay long here, since I’m at work, but wanted to express my long distance support and sympathies.
Btw, heard about that hockey booing from Cali last night… that’s just disgusting! At least we know none of Sharks fan friends had anything to do with that!
Take care DJ and hang in there!
You’ve got my sympathy DJ. I’m currently my mother’s guardian ad litem for her divorce, because she’s completely wigged about it. Not my idea of a fun.
Holy cripes Kelly…eat your Wheaties and pack a lunch! I would never walk on that fire my child for fear of being roasted alive and having my parents feast on me when I’m done! Families are such loving things where I come from. I think it’s all the German descendants who married all the Dixiecrats in my family tree!
Oh yeah, if I got along well with my step-dad this would be nightmarish beyond belief. As it is, it’s just at the edge of my ability to tolerate.
Went through similar stuff (lack of support) with my mom — now that she’s got the eternal viewpoint, she knows now why her kids were reluctant to call. 🙁 At least she had no hesitation going to the doctor when necessary…she just never told anyone when she did. Cancel that — she never told me; I always heard about it after the fact.
Yeah, I still miss her… sigh
Question: if green thumb is for growing things and brown thumb is for killing them, what color do I get for not even bothering to try to grow anything to kill?
For your sake, I hope it isn’t a pretty, magenta-pink thumb 🙂
Hey there Andi…. yours would be beige my dear, since it’s reputedly neutral. 🙂
Felt kind of yucky all weekend, allergies are winning but have follow up appointment on Wednesday so I’ll probably get the Advair. Thank God for all this stuff we have now, I guess I would be living on steroids here in the South without it. Husband sleeping since he did 24 hours on duty. Kids at school. Typed too much yesterday….typing is all goofy today.
Some Minister on CNN is upset about the Da Vinci Code because it is “historic fiction” and it could confuse people. Gee, and most likely lots of the Bible isn’t a sort of historical fiction? Sometimes don’t you just want to grab an ice pick and insert it in your ear and then remember that it is less destructive to just change the channel or just shut the fucking thing off for that matter?
Confusing??? Like the Bible isn’t OMFG! LOL
I listen to the community radio nowadays. News makes me wanna puke.
Oh and about allergies, my dear friend momagainstthedraft/Mrs. Ski she saw a show about how the pollen has gotten’ worse due to global warming. that pre-historic pollens are now arising due to the rains in areas like death valley. There’s GRASS in death valley now.
Be well. My little guy has bad allergies and now we are all seemingly getting the eye itchies.
It’s funny how upset the churches are about the DaVinci code. I listen to the sermon from a local megachurch online every week and they had an entire SERIES debunking it and calling it heresy. They are worried about something, no doubt about it.
I emailed the pastor and said basically, what gives?, why are you so worried about a work of fiction?…isn’t your faith strong enough?
He wrote back “May our lord and savior Jesus Christ bless you.” What a pussy, wouldn’t even answer me.
Your last sentences made me blow out my cereal in a fit of laughter.
Damn you!!!! LOL 🙂 (((Second))))
Well, that’s a first! 🙂
about people whose faith is so weak that a movie could shake it up…
I’m not going to see “DaVinci”, but not because of Christianity — I’m not going because the book sucked; I couldn’t even make it through the first chapter.
Doesn’t matter to me one way or another if Jesus was married…but could you imagine the pressure on the descendents? “Okay, dude, we’ve got you down for the wine for Saturday’s party…” lol
Hey there Cali… didn’t get to say hi earlier… you crack me up there!
I have no intention to see that movie either… not because I hated the book (I didn’t even want to bother with it, given the subject), nor religious reasons (ha ha ha, that’s a good one!) but because I categorically refuse see anything with Tom Hanks in it! His movies are banned in our house, due to smarminess and over-estimated “talent” he supposedly has. hehe
LOL…while I agree with you about Tom Hanks, I want to go see it just to annoy the Christians.
One of Dr.Mc’s students gave her an “energy” drink. She was loath to drink it because she wasn’t sure it was gluten free, so I’m playing guinea pig. Should interesting. It has a warning label saying it shouldn’t be drunk by people with caffiene sensitivity.
Today tea: Iron Silk Puerh, Puerhs are black teas that have been aged. They’re supposed to be medicinal.
Howdy KMc!
Sounds like playing guinea pig could be a bit dicey… I’m really suspicious of those things, since they seem to be a concoction of caffeine and all sorts of other stimulant stuff. One or two cups of coffee in the morning do it for me. I think most kids just use those for extended drinking binges, if I have heard right…
To me they sound like the 2000s equivalent of those “vitamin drinks” that were popular in the mid-90s… on which, one of my former students got himself so whacked out that a group of his friends had to sit up with him all night talking him down.
Didn’t mean to give you a lecture here today, so just consider this a friendly Happy Monday! Hope all is going well with the writing.
Oh yeah. I’m actually with you on the dicey part. I’d never buy one of the things, but I’ve been vaguely curious for ages, and it’s early enough in the day that it should all be metabolized by the time I need to try to get to sleep. I have a very high metabolism and a fair amount of chemical resistance, so I’m not too worried. I consider it a sort of low key throwback to my adrenaline junkie days, and so an interesting experiment. BTW, no major effects yet. I don’t feel a need to go out and climb things, which would be a first sign of over-stimulation.
Writing is going well. I crossed the 60,000 words line last week which means I’ve only got about 29,000 left to go. It’s a huge psychological breakthrough. I can do 29,000 words standing on my head in a bucket if I have too. They wouldn’t be great words, and it wouldn’t be any fun, but it’s doable, so I feel almost like I can coast from here on out.
Glad to hear that Kelly.
Yeah! What the Choco Goddess and FM said!!!
Did you get a good night’s sleep last night? LOL
Ehh, a short night, but restful, even though I woke up earlier than my alarm. Enough to get me through the day here, though I may be fading fast when the late night lounge comes around tonight… Unless I take one of those FM-prescribed naps after work! Actually, planning on watering the newly planted plants and getting some house cleaning done. No garden work for me today, just water and admiration. Maybe a few pics if there is enough sun (mostly overcast here today.)
Hope all is going well in your bit of cube-landia today… still envy you that great view of the lake!
It’s nice when it gets to that point where you can stand around watering and admiring … All that hard work pays off in a lovely view.
The view is very downcast from last night’s pic — rain, rain, rain. (And it’s the Ottawa River — btwn Ottawa Ontario and Gatineau Quebec.)
Well we’re not at that point just yet! But in terms of what I can feasibly get done after work at night, that’s about all I’ll be able to muster up doing, lol. Admiration will be in another month or so… When do you get planting in earnest? Still having to wait out those cold nights?
Oh, and oooops about me thinking that was a lake… ya gotta call me out on those little idiocies when they happen!
… the general wisdom passed down around here, is to wait until after May24 long w/e. Then you’re pretty safe. But all the garden centres have their stock in now, and the early perennials are coming up — new surprises every day. We’ve still got tulips poking up — real sleepyheads those guys are LOL. I’m going to start my indoor seeds this week.
I hear you on the not enough time! I could be out there from 6am to 9pm and never be finished. Just the rosebush deadheading alone IVG! I have bushels of spent blooms every single day! I inherited the garden from a retired couple who spent every possible moment of daylight out there. It will be impossible for me to keep the garden as good as they did, and it makes me sort of nervous to think about …
And don’t worry about the river/lake thing. It’s good to be able to know something you don’t for a change, lol! 😉
Ah, so the Victoria Day holiday is your start time? For me, my drop dead date to get veggies in (peppers and tomatoes) is Memorial Day weekend, the following week from your start! I also always try to have all new perennials/annuals in by then too, and finish planting the summer seeds such as zinnias, balsam, cosmos and 4 o’clocks…
What a difference a few degrees of latitude make eh? 🙂
… can you pop into dada and NDD’s time warp thingie and come up here and give me a hand? I can wait an extra week or so, LOL.
That’s great news Kelly!
seem to be various combinations of caffeine and sugar; sure, you get “energy” but I’d hate to be around for the crash. And how many of those kids slugging down energy drinks are going to wind up with Type 2 diabetes somewhere down the road? 🙁
There always seems to be folks who try to beat the body’s natural instincts so they can pack as much as possible into 24 hours. Back in my day, it was No-Doz and Vivarin caffeine pills. I know better now…the body needs sleep, not drugs…
is sans sugar. It’s got like eight calories. And frankly, after about twenty minutes since I finished it, still no amazing rush of energy. Not sure what the point is.
Started seeing any colors yet? 🙂
But blue taste really lovely 😉 Like freedom.
My niece and nephew (from different sisters) also had their proms on Saturday.
I’m so glad my nephew got to go and have fun. His two aides went with him and they all bad a blast.
That’s wonderful SN.
What a great pic…
Recovering (physically and emotionally) from last night. Assholic actions are definitely making the rounds in the media — I’m sure that the bastards who booed “O Canada” will put the entire arena of Sharks fans firmly in Keith Olbermann’s “Worst Persons in the World” tonight. Spouse and I are pretty much without voice — I actually might get some peace and quiet today. 🙂
Was going to go out and get some self time, but I woke up too late plus it’s going to be a hot one today…definitely a no-cook night; soup and salad at Sweet Tomatoes.
Okay, time to get up and get stirring eventually…
Nice shot. Ditto the one’s from the other night. Prom goers always look so spiffy.
Hello SN, MT, DJ, Andi, Kelly, and IVG. I think I got everybody.
How you feeling today? Was sorry to read about your migraine on your B last night… hope it’s all gone and you’re ready to face another yard work filled week of adventure! Don’t forget your Indiana Jones hat…
Thanks IVG, but it was a mini one so nothing too bad.
No yard work today. It’s play time with my 3 y.o. great nephew until they leave today. He’s with his grandmother now, but I expect him back at anytime to want to play with Gorg and me.
I have to admit, I haven’t watched Barney in awhile. Still don’t like it. 🙂
Migraine, eee! I get them rarely, but often enough to really sympathize with the hard core sufferers. Hope you’re feeling much better today.
I’m fine Kelly and thanks. Just a small one this time.
I’m just glad to hear you’re past the point in your writing.
Splash. hi pond.
Hi TimmeTogether.
Its not as bad as dada’s belly flops makes it. 🙂
Sorry TimeTogether. I over typed a little with your name.
Hi TimeTogether! Nice first diary.
I just link a lot and try to make a whole greater than parts.
Hello TimeTogether!
Hi Olivia! Thanks.
clik image for more info
Butts Giraud’s World Bellyflop and Cannonball Diving Championships Winnig Dive.
That looks like a winner, alright…
Hi CG. How’re you so far today?
Not too bad, especially now that the pain from my food allergy is going away. How are you?
Been better. Sorry about the food allergy thing. I hope that goes away soon.
I am missing a lot today. I just saw your B’day is on Tues. Happy Happy B’day CG.
Hiya d.
Jus puttin’ out the fire.
Went back and looked at your office view pic…tasty. Only way to improve on that would be if ya worked at home…:{)
Did I miss something here. Office view pic?
How’s it going FM? Nephew still tagging along w/ you and George?
That’s your view. Zowie.
My Nephew – nope his grandmother took him to the park and he’s all tired out now and ready for a nap.
Nap, oh glorious beautiful nap, how I would love to have one.
You can take one for me while you’re at it! 🙂
See I used the Subject Line. Hah.
If I do I’m sure I’ll sleep until it’s time for Gorg and me to get up again and then I’ll feel bad and worn out.
A correct nap is something to one should take with no anticipation of being woken up. Once you do wake up, you have the luxury of laying there in the half sleep/awake state and think how much more comfortable could it get.
I figure it’s no need to ruin a perfectly good nap. 🙂
I thought it was all free-form, based-on-the-moment stuff.
Even slackdom has certain rules to be preformed correctly.
Of course I’m usually to lazy to even follow those rules.
… are some really nasty, hairy spiders! (Which the birds have all eaten today … blech!)
Ya, IVG and I missed you last night. I guess you needed your beauty sleep. 😉
Was out until quite late…and yeah, I need all the ‘beauty sleep‘ I can get…:{)
My window is like a buffet line for the birds.
So you’ve got an exciting RL eh? IVG and I just hang out in our yards LOL, although he did go to that exciting texas restaurant the other night … (hehe if you’re lurking IVG!)
… did you get your camera stuff?
the type of bag I wanted wasn’t on sale…and, taking your profound advice, I may just start using the XT exclusively; ergo, the old bags are OK…and the only hoods they had were all the wrong size. Yer basic waste of time…but I saved some $’s.
You mean I’m not gonna be able to sing Dada’s got a brand new bag? awww, you foiled my evil joke before I got to play it, hehe.
it’s the thought that counts…:{)
Thx… glad you got the obtuse reference without having to Google it… hehehehe… A 6 pack of Panama Red be upon ye, o sage o the Rockies! Ciao for now.
Hehehe… smart one, you are! 🙂
I thought it was more nag-like. Or maybe profoundly nagging. Or something. 🙂 Sorry you didn’t find what you’re looking for, but if it means you’ll make the switch then it may be a good thing!
Hag…you’re much too young to be a hag, I mean who’d even insinuate such a thing? I mean, damn, you’re canadian, fer chrissakes!……Nag? You said “nag’………o…………..nevermind…:{)
…crazy man. 🙂 And what’s the deal with being cdn? Can’t be a hag if you’re cdn? what’s up w/ that?
You could be some kinda impositer or somethin’…Cdn’s, based on my experience, are sweet, sensitve, intellegent kinda folks…you sure you’re O? :{)
You’re gonna make me cry … :*(
And maybe you’ve been meeting the wrong kind of cdns — the fake ones … hmmm?
Cocktails are on me.
It won’t work. I don’t drink cocktails. 🙂
I wasn’t lurking, I was working until just now, lol. Good thing your birthday was last month and no one will drag you to that awful place. I hope to never have to relive that ambience again. The friends, yes, that place, NO.
Yo dada… you were out carousing last night, eh? And we thought you were just drowning your sorrows about the AVs loss still…. hehe.
Well I knew it. Time to get back to doing stuff.
See ya’ll later.
My little sneak away from work is now ended. Probably won’t make it to happy hour today. Hopefully I’ll make it to the FBL later. Hope MaryB will be back!
See ya all later…
Here I am, probably just in time to see a new cafe open . . .