Looking for teachers / educators in Virginia

I live in Virginia but teach in Maryland, so I don’t know that many educators who live in Virginia.  Thus I am seeking help.   I am supporting Jim Webb for the Democratic nomination for the U.S. Senate against George Allen.   I have done some work on education policy, and have done some blogging in support of Jim.   Now I am doing some outreach.

If you are an educator of any sort who lives in Virginia and might be willing to help the Webb campaign, I would greatly appreciate it if you contact me.  I suggest you do so offline by emailing me at   kber at earthlink dot net   although I will also be glad to gather information from comments that might be posted here.  I would also appreciate your passing this request on to others.

In case you didn’t know, most of Chuck Robb’s former senior staffers have just endorsed Jim Webb.  This campaign is now on a roll.

We really would like your assistance.  Please give me your name, your location, and if you could some idea of the contacts you might be able to make (are you a union rep or official?) and what previous political experience you have.

It does not matter if you have any experience, or if you have considered yourself a Republican in the past.  First, any registered voter can participate in the Democrat primary on June 13.  Second, we want all the help we can get, both to maximize the size of our primary victory, and to build momentum towards a win in November.

If you want some imformation on the Webb campaign, you can go to the official campaign website    and you can get more information about the campaign at the  raisingkaine website

I look forward to hearing from many of you, and from as many of your friends as you can persuade to assist us.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Author: teacherken

active kossack. former dean supporter. hs teacher metro dc late 50's quaker married with four cats