(Cross-posted at My Left Wing)
Here it is.
The OTHER shoe.
Governor Napolitano’s office and a spokesman for the Arizona National Guard says the state’s response was in early planning stages but that current plans call for using volunteers.
Scares me to DEATH.
Read on to find out why.
#1-Now you tell me.
What kinds of people are gong to volunteer for this duty?
I’ll tell you.
Latterday White Supremacists.
“I got nuthin’ agin’ Mexicans. Why…some a’ my best DINNERS have been Mexican!!! Them people sure can sing an’ dance an’ cook.”
“An’ RUN?”
“LOOKIT ’em go!!!”
“Them little suckers kin flat out FLY!!!”
BET on it.
#2-Think of the precedent this sets.
Riots in the cities?
Over ANYTHING? (And there are plenty of “anythings” just WAITING to set some riots off. It’ll only take one.)
Guess who’s coming to dinner, Mama?
#3-“Oh. You don’t WANT to volunteer for race duty?”
“That’s OK, Guardsman Hernandez….all the soldiers in IRAQ aren’t volunteers.”
“Just got rid of some MORE malcontents and mud people, General. Maybe they’ll get shot. And even if they don’t… them know-nothing Democratic votes kin be MUCH more easily disappeared when they ain’t around.”
Danger everywhere this week.
REAL danger.
Bet on it.
Weren’t the Waffen S.S. “volunteers”? Who had proven their loyalty by following racist orders?
And speaking of unconstitutional…as many of us are these days…whatever happened to that old saw about not using U.S. troops within the borders of the country?
I suppose they will parse it something like this. “Oh. They’re NOT within the borders. They are just tiptoeing along the line.”
Wanna talk threat?
I got yer threat, right HERE!!!
Think about it.
Badly trained anti-Mexican volunteers with automatic weapons strung out along thousands of miles of border. Accompanied no doubt by Halliburton/Blackwell’s best “private contractors”.
We have ALL seen what happens to anything this government plans.
Katrina with weapons and air support.
Eventually…Fallujah con frijoles.
We have the makings of our very own 21st Century Kent State right here.
With one BIG difference.
The victims will not be middle class white college kids and the media are even more cowed now than they were then.
Result…like the endless coverage of missing white teenagers while non-white people go missing every day (and dead, too) without so much as a ripple on the surface of the media pond, there will be the same kind of silence as that which is muting the horror going on in Iraq for the American people.
The Silence of the Shams.
And watch the DemRats fold on THIS one.
This is serious, people.
BushCo will use the fuss stirred up by this to create one of their famous new realities.
And off we will go again into yet ANOTHER side of the NeoCon 3D mirror.
Into the deep end, this time.
But this is important!!!
Read it.
Get on your representatives.
Write letters and emails.
Hayden, NSA, and now this, all in one week?
The putsch is ON.
BET on it.